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Michael L Brown shares Why Evangelical Christians Should Not Support Donald #TrumpJohn Kissinger [12/01/2015 8:04 AM]Not too sure if I mostly disagree or mostly agree or does it even matter? https:/
Nelson Banuchi Gary Micheal Epping I am still confused HOW to take Brown’s politically inclined pentecostalism? May need to post more on this later Ricky Grimsley has also posted some confusing snap shots back in the day…
Old news and Rabbit Brown has changed his mind….he supports Trump now.
I hadn’t seen the snapshots. I don’t know this Brothers reason. But I don’t see how anyone could find reasons not to vote for him, with the other side has stripped our country of freedom. Almost dictator ship. They believe in everything but God. And they are going to see how it will be if it goes to the other side. Vote to kill babies while in the mother womb , and I don’t like to write the words on Facebook. But anyway same sex couples is fine in their book. Just what bright Judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah. But it seems some won’t be satisfied until they vote for this garbage. All I heard that , in the last turn. Was I’m borrowing so many trillion more. A very short time. So many more trillion, I guess to run our debt up when they had so many million. Any anything less than that was crumbs to them.I would like to know what about Trump would be so much worse.
not really Jerome Herrick Weymouth Read his new book and see
I support Trump and will continue to do so..TRUMP 2020
No, Then his new book is deceiving.
Jerome did you read in it that he is NAR? Nathan Ridgeway
He isn’t mine either. There isn’t but one. And I believe He’s Coming soon.
Are we on a NAR witch hunt now?
I have teachings on Masons. I’ve got their tapes. They say Masons are a cult. I wish you could hear these teachings. By the John Ankerberg show. I use to listen to him a lot. But haven’t seen him in a long time. He and one other man. Did a long teaching on the Masons. I know unless the Church Of God has changed its teachings. They teach against belonging to secret lodges. They bring our Scriptures on the teaching.
Who should they support?
For the record, Louise Cummings, and without getting into an argument or even a discussion with you (such would be fruitless,I can see).let me just tell u and others here that while u “Don’t see how anyone could find reasons not to vote for” Con Man Don…
….I have HUNDREDS of reasons.
I find in unfathomable that you don’t see “any”. And sad. Jesus said we should love God with all MIND. I don’t see any evidence of u even trying to do that.
lol. I suppose voting for the commie left works.
Gary Micheal dont you thin it’s a pretty bad flip?
Bottom line – Brown flipped the pancake and is now go-pro-Trump with his book: Donald Trump is Not My Savior ($13 on Amazon
therefore we ask HOW to interpret this sudden politiCostalism
Sorry , I just thought it was someone who didn’t like Trump. I didn’t know he was a Godly man writing Spiritual things.
I flipped the pancake too on Trump. Partly because he is a fighter and is actually doing something as President rather than just jawboning.. Also, the alternate choice for president helped change my views too. What’s the big deal on Dr. Brown changing his mind? It is kind of like someone studying the endtimes, and changing his or her views from pretrib to post trib.
Gary Micheal Epping and what about the people who will try to go through the Tribulation? Will Dr. Brown flip the pancake on the leader then too? Nelson Banuchi Will he write a book about him too or has it already done that ? And let’s see WHO recommends the book – IHOP’s MIKE BICKLE who also flipped his faith and turned to supporting NAR’s kingdom-now dominion liberation theology Ted Cruz #soLong
I find it hard to believe one who is a believer would support socialism, abortion, and gay rights.
And I think GOP is very well moving toward socialism of a certain pre-WW2 type that has various modern expressions
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