Matters of the Heart :: By Rick Segoine

Matters of the Heart :: By Rick Segoine

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Angels stand guard over the hearts of believers. The thoughts of the wicked are manipulated by demons.

The wise find ways to mend broken hearts. The wicked are in search of more hearts to break.

A warm heart needs protection. An unprotected heart may become hardened in a wicked world.

In a world where wickedness becomes the status quo, many hearts will turn cold.

When a heart grows cold, it becomes hardened. When a heart becomes hardened, wickedness has prevailed.

There is much love in a warm heart. In a heart of stone, there is no love.

A heart without love is a heart without joy. Where there is no joy, there is mostly sadness.

A heart without love becomes fruitless, or worse, a vessel for wickedness.

Better to die of sadness than to become a vessel for wickedness.

For those that turn to Him, Jesus has the power to transform the heart.

Wickedness has the power to harden the heart. Jesus has the power to mend, heal, transform, and even create a new heart.

If we love God with all of our hearts, wickedness has no room at all to enter.

If the warmth of God’s love fills your heart, coldness is melted away long before it can freeze.

If the softness of God’s compassion resides in the heart, hardness is unable to set in.

In his hunt for hearts to harden, Satan has declared open season on the unprotected ones.

To reject God’s protection of the heart is like going into battle with no armor and no weapon.

In the battle for the hearts of men, the Armor of God is all of the protection needed. Retreat is not even an option.

March straight ahead behind the Shield of Faith. God will clear a path, guard the flanks, and protect the rear, all from above.

Protect your mind with the Helmet of Salvation. No doubts or evil thoughts, false teachings, nor deceptions of any kind will be permitted to penetrate.

The Belt of Truth will keep you centered, and the Breastplate of Righteousness will cover your heart. The Gospel of Peace will make you swift, and the Shield of Faith will clear your path. The Helmet of Salvation will guard your mind, and the Two-Edged Sword of the Spirit will set the captives free.

The Full Armor of God combined with praying in the Spirit is the Lord’s guarantee of victory.

When the Lord guarantees victory, there is no need to make provisions for retreat.

The Two-Edged Sword of Truth is the ultimate weapon. It is God’s Word and cannot be defeated, nor will it ever pass away.

The power of prayer is truly amazing, and our Heavenly Father loves to hear from us any time of the night or day.

The prayer-calling plan is the best that there is. Free and unlimited anytime minutes from anywhere on the planet.

Computer technology is really something. Whatever technology God uses (if it even can be called that} for hearing and answering the prayers of thousands or perhaps millions at the same time is far beyond human comprehension.

The Lord’s Prayer is very special. It covers all of our basic needs and was taught to us by God’s very own Son.

Though it may sound fantastic, the Armor of the Spirit and the Power of Prayer are as real as God’s Word. Tried, tested, and proven, the Bible is full of people, stories, accounts, and events bearing witness.

Deep inside the heart of God is the safest place to be in all of creation.

May the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit fill your tender heart this day and every day forward.

Rick Segoine


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