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29 Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, there is no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the gospel 30 who will not receive in this age a hundred times as much—homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, fields, all with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life
The tense of verse 29 is the present perfect tense. This means it is referring to the people which already left home, brothers, sisters, etc. for the sake of the gospel(following Jesus). It doesn’t seem to be talking about the future generations of people who will be Christians in the next 2,000+ years.
Verse 30 says that these people(who already had followed Jesus) will get in "this age" (implying the time they are living in) hundred times of rewards in terms of what they had already left.
I think it is fair and logical for us to NOT interpret these passages from our point of view (2,000 years later). These words were told to the disciples/people of the time of speaking.
If you imagine that you are there and listening to these words:
- Do you understand them as I described above?
- If you understand them as me, do you see the controversy of adding the persecutions to the list? What is the point of me receiving a hundred homes and brothers and sisters and children, if I will be persecuted and very probably killed?
Now from today’s point of view:
The passage literally says that everyone who did that will receive these rewards in their earthly lifetime, which we know for sure that didn’t happen because many Christians were persecuted and executed. Is it logical to conclude that these words were not true?
There are no contradictions in Scripture, only the lack of understanding in our finite minds.
Those who stand firm in their commitment to Jesus and in doing so lose family and friends, will gain many more friends like family in Christ.