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Tom Steele |

Everyone seeks the answer to the age old questions: How did we get here? & Why are we here? The Bible tells us that God created us and that His purpose in creating us was to take care of the Earth that He created. He then gives us instructions related to that purpose. He tells us in Genesis 1:26 that we are to be responsible for all creation. He tells us what we are supposed to eat and not eat (Genesis 1:29, Leviticus 11:1-31, Deuteronomy 14:3-21). He tells us not to create hybrids or Genetically Modified Organisms (Leviticus 19:19). He tells us to allow trees to mature before harvesting their fruit (Leviticus 19:24). He tells us to give our bodies a Sabbath rest every week (Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 20:8-11) and to give the land we farm a Sabbath rest on Shemitah years, every seventh year (Leviticus 25:8-11).
Unfortunately these laws and others like them have been deemed as religious, ceremonial, obsolete and legalistic… not by those who reject God… BUT… by His very own people who call His name! This misunderstanding of His Word and His purpose for our existence has systematically led to the demise and devolution of the very planet He created for us. By humanity’s disregard for His Laws we have destroyed our bodies with sickness and disease and devastated entire biological ecosystems by causing imbalances in the order of created things.
Determine to do your part in God’s plan and purpose for the earth. Commit to eat Biblically kosher. Commit to giving your body a Sabbath rest. Commit to Shemitah years. Commit to speak out against GMOs. Commit to follow all of God’s instructions regarding diet, agriculture, health and hygiene as found within the pages of His Word. If you believe that the Bible is God’s Word, that God created the Earth and all that resides in it, and that His Son was crucified to save you, then your first mission according to His Word in Genesis Chapter 1 is to take care of this planet.
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John Ruffle [10/23/2015 1:31 AM]
First word raises a massive question: “Everyone”. Really? ?
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