My only question is IF the bridge referred to in this prophecy is the actual bridge where it happened. It is obvious it did not fall down but is it at least the right bridge spoken of?
He prayed for London and London bridge. I know for a fact I didn’t. From what i heard they are rounding up alot of co-conspirators. I’m not familiar with the pastor’s ministry. But he did pray.
Is it accurate to say, “standing over a nation” would be gift of “special” faith” some objectors might say pride. And speaking to the “host” presumptuous???
SOURCE AND BRANCHES OF FALSE RELIGIONS Diagram: Catholic (Religious) I Masonic (Business Success) I Nimrod (Tammuz & Semiramus) Occult (Drugs, Sex, Power) I The…
Varnel Watson
Does anyone here make difference between London bridge and Tower Bridge of London, my fare lady?
Dan Irving
False Prophet – stay clear
Varnel Watson
Did he get this one right?
Dan Irving
Still watching; I recognize him from my research, though.
Dan Irving
Vague. But even if he were to accurately predict a thing; the direction would be false.
Varnel Watson
My only question is IF the bridge referred to in this prophecy is the actual bridge where it happened. It is obvious it did not fall down but is it at least the right bridge spoken of?
Street Preacherz
He prayed for London and London bridge. I know for a fact I didn’t. From what i heard they are rounding up alot of co-conspirators. I’m not familiar with the pastor’s ministry. But he did pray.
Street Preacherz
Is it accurate to say, “standing over a nation” would be gift of “special” faith” some objectors might say pride. And speaking to the “host” presumptuous???