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Living Life to the Fullest – Ray E Horton
Do you want to be fulfilled in life and have the joy of being useful to God’s Kingdom and people, and in the world around you? Every one of us can experience that – it’s what eternal life now is all about. If you’ve become discouraged, or strayed, come back home to the love of Jesus and His people. It is not hard. It is by His grace that you can live, and it is He who will strengthen you. Here are several keys to maintaining a rich relationship with the Lord and living life to the fullest:
Keys to Living Life to the Fullest:
1 Return to Your First Love:
One may already be Born Again, but a full consecration is so important to really experiencing victory in this life and the fulfilling of our destiny. Jesus can be trusted. He has provided all the grace you need. He accepts people as they are when they come to Him, and He makes them new creations, perfected in spirit. Then, there is a process in the transforming of your soul level (mind, will and emotions), renewing your mind in the Word of God to undue all the old baggage of wrong thinking and teaching we have experienced in life.
As we proceed in our lives in the Lord, remember there is no condemnation if we miss it. We simply repent, which means turn back, get back on the road, and go on. It is easy, with the busyness and pressures of life, to get away from our full commitment – the tug of the world is strong. That is why we do need to return to our first love and consecrate our lives once more. We do it by faith, choosing to fully trust Him and His love for us in every area of our lives. When we choose to trust, we can then relate. Jesus desires a restoration or establishment of an intimate relationship with Him in your life.
2 Commune with Him in prayer:
Allow Jesus to show you His love for you, listening for His voice. How do you know it is Him? By faith! If you are in prayer, with right motives, not pushing your own agenda, that thought that witnesses to your spirit does come through your mind, but you can be confident it is Him. Remember, though, for it to be Him, it will never contradict His Word, and the inward witness of the spirit is important.
Ask for His will to be done in Your life. That invitation is even more important than knowing His specific will for what you are to do. After all, His will is His Word. Trust that when you pray, He will perform His will for you, and if you need to know, He will show you what it is. He wants you whole, healed, and prosperous! Why? Because He loves you, and so that it is easier to live for Him and the Kingdom and not for yourself; and so you can have faith in His promises, that He is faithful to perform them. Remember, He is your source, more so than your own abilities. As you draw close to Him, He is able and desirous to live through you to touch the world around you.
3 Meditate on the Truths of the Word of God:
This is so important. When read with prayer and faith, it becomes a living Word to you. Do not just read it out of some false sense of duty. There is no life in that – it is just works of trying to gain the favor of God, who already has given you His favor. Yes, it is good to read through the whole Bible. It is all inspired, and it all ultimately points to Jesus. But focus on the New Testament for now and meditate on the truths of God’s Word. Read it in the context of who you know God to be – a good God who loves you, wants to build you up, and empower you to bear much fruit. As you read, watch revelation jump out at you. He wants to speak to you through His Word.
As He shows you the things of God, by the Spirit, write them down and meditate on them. It is good to keep a prayer journal. Even speak God’s Word to yourself out loud, since faith does come by hearing the Word. As you do, it will become more and more a part of you, saturating your heart. And the Word is also called the sword of the spirit. It is your offensive weapon against the lies of the enemy. You have been delegated spiritual authority. Be sure to use it in Jesus name. Your words even have power over situations. So, speak with His authority to calm the storm in your life, or the storm outside.
4 The Baptism in the Holy Spirit:
You have the Holy Spirit as a believer, but you need His power in your life. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit, as they experienced at Pentecost, is available to all Born Again believers, and makes a huge difference for encouragement and for reaching out to others.
If you have the Baptism operating in your life, do not take for granted and neglect your prayer language. Use it all the time. Using the wonderful gift of tongues builds you up and refreshes you in spirit as the Holy Spirit, who knows all things, prays through you. “Likewise, the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God” (Rom 8:26-27). It is also a powerful tool for intercession. It equips you for ministry to others and brings great joy.
5 We Need Fellowship:
Remember, we need one another. The enemy loves to try to pick off those who are not connected. And we all need the encouragement and motivation fellow believers can supply. It is good to stay connected with the family of God. Let the Lord plant you in a good church family if you aren’t already. If you can’t find one, pray and ask Him.
Home fellowships are a good addition as well. And we all need friends, fellow believers we can pour our hearts out to, and be listening posts for, providing encouragement and accountability, and partners in prayer. While one-on-one, face-to-face relationships are important, relationships through the telephone, correspondence and social media like Facebook can encourage our faith as well.
6 Pass it on!:
Sometimes when we are told we should witness, that sounds scary. Just love on people. Be nice to them. Let Christ shine through. Most people, when they see you care, will be open to what you have to say. Then, witnessing comes naturally. Pray for people in your heart before you pray with people, and let the Lord’s heart of compassion for the lost be your motivator. We are in the world, but not of the world. We are ambassadors for Christ and ministers of reconciliation. Yes, that’s you. And you will be effective for the Kingdom of God as you let this new life overflow.
This new life is indeed a life of great joy. You no longer must be subject to the wiles of this world. If you are stuck living the worldly way, because of disappointment, discouragement, lack of trust, failure, now is the time to return to Him, separate from what holds you back, and truly live. He will never fail you as you do.
If you know someone who needs this message, pass it on – your brother, Ray Horton.
Ray E Horton
“If you are stuck living the worldly way, because of disappointment, discouragement, lack of trust, failure, now is the time to return to Him, separate from what holds you back, and truly live.” Here’s how!
This is one of my messages that may be used as a useful tool to help many.
Varnel Watson
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