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A majority of Liberty students, faculty, and staff feel as we do. Donald Trump received a pitiful 90 votes from Liberty students in Virginia’s primary election, a colossal rejection of his campaign. Nevertheless, President Falwell eagerly uses his national platform to advocate for Donald Trump. While he occasionally clarifies that supporting Trump is not the official position of Liberty University, he knows it is his title of president of the largest Christian university in the world that gives him political credentials.
Associating any politician with Christianity is damaging to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But Donald Trump is not just any politician. He has made his name by maligning others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose.
A recently uncovered tape revealed his comments bragging about sexually assaulting women. Any faculty or staff member at Liberty would be terminated for such comments, and yet when Donald Trump makes them, President Falwell rushes eagerly to his defense – taking the name “Liberty University” with him. “We’re all sinners,” Falwell told the media, as if sexual assault is a shoulder-shrugging issue rather than an atrocity which plagues college campuses across America, including our own.
It is not enough to criticize these kinds of comments. We must make clear to the world that while everyone is a sinner and everyone can be forgiven, a man who constantly and proudly speaks evil does not deserve our support for the nation’s highest office.
Jesus tells a story in the Bible about a man who tries to remove a speck of dust from his brother’s eye, while he has a log stuck in his own. “You hypocrite,” Jesus says, “first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye.”
We Liberty students are often told to support Donald Trump because the other leading candidate is a bad option. Perhaps this is true. But the only candidate who is directly associated with Liberty University is Donald Trump.
Because our president has led the world to believe that Liberty University supports Donald Trump, we students must take it upon ourselves to make clear that Donald Trump is absolutely opposed to what we believe, and does not have our support.
We are not proclaiming our opposition to Donald Trump out of bitterness, but out of a desire to regain the integrity of our school. While our president Jerry Falwell Jr. tours the country championing the log in his eye, we want the world to know how many students oppose him. We don’t want to champion Donald Trump; we want only to be champions for Christ.
Charlie Robin
Stan Wayne Because our president has led the world to believe that Liberty University supports Donald Trump, we students must take it upon ourselves to make clear that Donald Trump is absolutely opposed to what we believe, and does not have our support.
Karen Lucas
I love it. I think the students may have gone a little over the top with the log in the eye thing but they made their stand and should have done so. Bravo to them.
Stan Wayne
No one thought Liberty is the same entity as its President
Stan Wayne
What confusion among believers !
Charlie Robin
Jimmy Humphrey students sometimes tend to do that
Jim Price
Right on students!
Mitch Clarke
I am so glad I did not go to Liberty, and I almost did. While I am not saying Trump is perfect, we are truly left with only 2 options, the other being Hillary.
I can honestly say neither are good choices, but I would rather nd up dead than vote for Hillary (and seeing all that seems to follow her around it is quite possible for that to happen). I do not trust a politician as far as I can toss them, but when my choices are reduced and I will not pick Hillary.
All her stances destroy the constitution, she changes her story and we all seem to forget all that Bill did in the white house, including smoking pot while in office while it was still illegal.
Karen Lucas
There is another conservative in the race and he is gaining ground extremely fast.
Stan Wayne
Truly ridiculous the precipice of population and cultural dissolution we are teetering over while twiddling thumbs
Varnel Watson
yeah, young people aint having this worldly mess no more
Stan Wayne
Try Dearborn or Detroit MI and look at the future
Barry Lee Weddle
These kids are foolish. They have no idea what would happen to Liberty University if Clinton is elected. It will not be good for any evangelical in America. She will retaliate!
Karen Lucas
I’d like to send these kids to Dearborn and Detroit to cover those cities with prayer and freshen them up. Again…so much assumption that the students will be voting for Clinton. What’s up with that?
Varnel Watson
Karen Lucas
Yeah. I’ve seen that too. Basically it says that if you don’t vote the Republican ticket, the country will go to Hell in a hand basket and it will all be your fault.
David Lewayne Porter
I doubt any of the candidates or parties will change that
David Lewayne Porter
Congress is growing in corruption as well as the judicial branch.
We better buckle up and hold on.
Varnel Watson
Give us an alternative please! Karen Lucas David Lewayne Porter
David Lewayne Porter
Troy Day
Satan, Or the first lieutenant demon.
Where is the choice in that?
Sometimes the only choice Christians have is to pray, stand, believe, and see God move for them and on their behalf.
Ricky Grimsley
If we were gonna preach a sermon how christians should vote and be involved in politics…..what scriptures would you use?
Varnel Watson
David Lewayne Porter Give us the alternative brother! Is Perry a good alternative?
David Lewayne Porter
Troy Day
Did you not read where I said “I would not back Perry”.
Besides he has not even expressed an interest in it.
Ricky Grimsley
Perhaps Perry is converting to NAR or maybe he is giving up pre-trib and decided we need to take “dominion now”? Lol
Varnel Watson
David Lewayne Porter Must have missed it – whats you reasoning behind it? Ricky Grimsley I had that impression too but if you watch the whole video he addresses that with we must occupy until Jesus comes back soon and soon may be 20yrs from now – most certainly not in 70 AD if that’s where you were getting to
Ricky Grimsley
I think that Perry has the same problem that my Mom has. She saw politics as black and white, good vs evil, or liberal vs conservative. Trump, if nothing else, has exposed that “left-right” paradigm is a fraud. I tried to explain the evils of the Bush family to my parents but they wouldnt listen, but now they sided Hillary so she sees and so should everyone else. I think that perry has realized that he was lied to alot by the republican “insiders” he knew. There were many times he would put out an alert or talk about how the bush family was good and it was false. I dont think Perry is a liar but i do think he was used, as are many other pastors of his stature, to sway the public.
Charlie Robin
First it was Liberty, next Regent – what’s next => ORU?
Varnel Watson
Stephen Mills
I’m proud of these students. May God raise up more Evangelicals to bring back integrity to our political support!
Thangsan Hisfootstep
An old letter in 2016.
Varnel Watson
Thangsan Hisfootstep that was JUST renewed in 2019 for 2020
Thangsan Hisfootstep
Troy Day What I wanna read on Pentecostal Theology group is primarily about Pentecostal spirituality and then about Christian theology but not about politics for sure.
Varnel Watson
Thangsan Hisfootstep as bro Micael Grenholm has argued time and again Pentecostal theology is namely social involvement and activism Always has been since JESUS stood before Pilate and Paul referred to the emperor
Stan Cooke
If you do not like Falwell or his endorsement of President Trump you can leave the university and attend another college. You are not a prisoner of soul, mind or body
Dr Stan Cooke
Varnel Watson
more and more ppl speaking OUT William DeArteaga
Varnel Watson
hey Jimmy Humphrey your ol president is calling you back to school – campus side too
Neil Steven Lawrence
It’s unfair to judge someone by their weaknesses only. We must look at the whole picture of that person. In the end it is their strengths and their victories that people usually remember. Winston Churchill had his problems too. Am I comparing Trump to Winston Churchill? “We will see.”
Varnel Watson
why did the FB arrested the Harvard professor?