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“Lay hands suddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other men’s sins: keep thyself pure.”
1 Timothy 5:22 (KJV)
“Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby SHARE RESPONSIBILITY for the SINS of OTHERS; keep yourself free from sin.”
– 1 Timothy 5:22 (NASB
Is the NASB a reasonable representation of the verse?
What does the laying on of hands here mean? I believe they are saying the same thing based on my studies, however the NASB may be easier to understand for some.
suddenly? can you do it gently and slowly then?
…no for the wicked.
I wonder if the watch word here is caution? To everything there is a season, a time, and a purpose under heaven…?
I like The Passion Translation (TPT) version: ” Don’t be hasty to ordain them with the laying on of hands, or you may end up sharing in their guilt should they fall. Keep yourself pure and holy with your standards high.”
The people of God needed as much wisdom then as we do now. Curious if you think we do otherwise today?
Thank you. I’ve always thought of this verse the way it reads in (NAS) and in context of ordination.
“..doctrine..of laying on of hands” Hebrews 6:2 (in part)
The reason I asked is today a brother in Christ asked for prayer, saying he sick. I put my hand on his shoulder to pray. He quoted the first part of 1 5:22 “lay hands suddenly on no man” im sure it was a simple misunderstanding. But I got to thinking about. Anyways that’s reason. Thank you for the feedback.
I would say that in context this is talking about ordination or installation of an office. If you ordain someone without examining the fruit you may become associated with their sin (or give the appearance of condoning it).
In my name you will cast out demons, speak in a new tongue, LAY HANDS ON THE SICK?Jesus didn’t say at what speed whether hastily or slowly) but he said” lay hands”
RichardAnna Boyce
1 Timothy 5:22 In that day they laid hands on men appointed to the office of elder. Whoever laid hands on an unworthy man bore responsibility for the future ministry, good or bad, of that man!
Christianity is like multi-level marketing, except not only for good. If people we disciple do well, this benefits us now and in the life to come. If they do badly, this hurts us now and at the
Here more than discipleship is in view. This is appointment to ministry. This would be like elders who add a member to their group, or churches that hire pastors.
Paul concludes v 22 with an abrupt and seemingly out of place exhortation: keep yourself pure. The connection seems to be that Timothy is to take great care to appoint the right kind of men to the role of elders. In other words, he is to appoint only pure men. And it is vitally important that he himself remain pure in this ministry, as in all aspects of ministry. Only pure men can make the wise decisions necessary to appoint pure men.
Varnel Watson
careful who you empower Charles Page