Marc Jackson |
Here you go Ricky Grimsley get you some good theology |
Ricky Grimsley |
Pretty sure I’ve heard it all. Till he figures out 2 Thessalonians 2….what’s the point. |
Marc Jackson |
Correction. Get you self some GREAT theology |
Ricky Grimsley |
None of that is even on topic. |
Scotty Searan |
I couldn’t understand Greek. While Paul and Titus taught the DAY OF THE LORD was at hand, meaning anytime as if they expected any moment for Jesus to come back.On the hand Paul taught that day of the Lord would not come till certain things happen….See More |
Ricky Grimsley |
Paul was a great scholar. He certainly knew that the Old Testament concept of the day of the lord was God’s judgement followed by a renewal. Paul also referred to the day of the lord as the rapture and also connected it to the arrival of antichrist |
Jeanette Elizondo |
AMEN !!! |
Rob Kenerly |
Marc Jackson |
Great truth here Ricky Grimsley Dont miss it |
Jim Price |
Stone has been preaching that Jesus would come in each of the last 30 years. Yet he raises money to build a camp and training center for young people on his facilities in North Cleveland. Is this a contradiction? |
Marc Jackson |
Jim Price you never said the name of your church? Wouldnt it be right to get as many young people to heaven as we can? |
Brianna Mae Lehman |
I’m might put more merit into this if the grammar was correct |
David Singh |
Rapture is a false doctrine! If the foundation is wrong the whole building will be wrong! |
Marc Jackson |
Why is rapture false doctrine David Singh It’s in the BIBLE |
David Singh |
So, when you are raptured our of here and go to heaven to live, would you be spirit or flesh? Remember God is a Spirit. And if you are spirit living in a mansion, guess what’s that called – a haunted house! |
Marc Jackson |
1 Corinthians 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. |
Jevan Little |
Then we who are alive, who are left, will be suddenly caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord.1 Thessalonians 4:17 NET |
Rob Kenerly |
“We” notice it implies some he wrote to would be alive at the time this took place. |
David Singh |
Troy, then what do you do about the 10 virgins? |
Daniel J Hesse |
It is the product of the early 1800’s created by a priest. |
Marc Jackson |
Daniel J Hesse That is of course incorrect. The Ancient Church Fathers Believed in Pre-Trib Rapture…/ |
Terry Wiles |
Paul was certainly a great scholar. But his education took him away from Christ. As a humble apostle the Spirit revealed to him the catching away as being distinct from and preceding the Day of the Lord. |
Marc Jackson |
Terry Wiles didnt have you anti education as one of the authors of Res 16 You should be aware that recently our AG has called for mandatory education for all set forth ministers…/ |
Terry Wiles |
Nothing wrong with education however the letter without the Spirit distorts vision… |
Marc Jackson |
Well you brought up education I believe Perry speaks from the Spirit |
Rob Kenerly |
Doesn’t he believe in a pretrib rapture? |
Terry Wiles |
Does Ricky Grimsley speak from the Soirit? |
Ricky Grimsley |
Perry bases most of his pre-trib belief in us being the bride of Christ which we aren’t. He avoids 2 Thessalonians 2 like the plagues and ignores 1850 years of church history. |
Terry Wiles |
Troy Day. Just as we expected. |
Varnel Watson
in a VBS near you? Link Hudson
Louise Cummings
I think we are very close.
Varnel Watson
Robert Franzen what you got on this here topic?
Robert Franzen
What do I have on this? As in my personal beliefs?
I have a “rapture statement” that I wrote several years ago I could share, but the biggest thing we should be pushing is a daily walk with Jesus Christ, in right standing with Him & whatever happens, we will have no worries, it will all pan out – this the pan theory;)
Take heed:
All the 1st century religious leaders missed & were mistaken on the 1st coming of Christ; it will be little different with the 2nd
Robert Franzen
Do you know what George Eldon Ladd teaches?
what Anthony A. Hoekema teaches?
These two, I believe have something & I’m somewhere between them (currently: but leaning more towards one until I finish studying the other at a deeper level)
Robert Franzen
If anyone truly desires to be educated (& not indoctrinated), this one book does a fantastic job on educating you on all 4 views & thereby making a more educated decision of the Scriptural evidence.
The Meaning of the Millennium: Four Views
Varnel Watson
there is actually now 5 views – you should revise
Robert Franzen
Troy Day there are more than 5 views: but this book throughly covers the main 4 that has been acceptable (not heretical) in the Church throughout its history
Robert Franzen
Troy Day – yes, now I remember – this is the site that kicked me off & was very argumentative with everything I said (concerning the unscriptural gap theory).
Very unprofessional but hey, most us Pentecostals are
Varnel Watson
Ladd is a classic Robert Franzen do you not too hold that the last day will be right before the day before the last day?
Robert Franzen
Troy Day please clarify, this question doesn’t make sense
Varnel Watson
it is as clear as it could clarify its clarity
Robert Franzen
Troy Day Ladd is a classic Robert Franzen do you not too hold that the last day will be right before the day before the last day?
Philip Williams
Last Days begin when pre-tribbers discover they aren’t spared the Great Tribulation.
Varnel Watson
hahaha at least we will be already rapture ready Alan Smith while Link Hudson will be just starting