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Alan N Carla Smith |

Thoughts on this prophecy?
Kim Clement Prophecy of Donald Trump from 2007
April 4, 2007- Redding, CA
This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace, if you wish, into the news media.Where time magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say. Newsweek, what I want then to say. The view, what I want to say.
“Trump shall become a trumpet. Trump shall become a trumpet. I will raise up the trump to become a trumpet and bill gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the church, says the lord.
For God said, I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York, who will once again stance and watch over this nation, says the spirit of God.
It shall come to pass that the man that I place in the highest office shall go in whispering my name. But God said, when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the spirit, for I shall fill him with my spirit when he goes into office and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land.
February 10, 2007- Scottsdale, AZ
There will be a praying president, not a religious one. For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will. God says, the one that is chosen shall go in and they shall say, “He has hot blood.”For the spirit of God says, yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way and the economy of this country shall change rapidly, says the lord of Hosts
Listen to the word of the Lord. God says, I will put at your helm for two terms a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts
I will put him in office and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and my power, says the lord of hosts.
Varnel Watson
Why did he not voice it in 2007 ?
Lennie Marx
Troy keep in mind that when DJT was at a holiness church the Pastor placed a prayer shawl on him! From that point on DJT took over the election and the presidency. Bottom line is this DJT was selected with the blessing of the L-rd which will continue throughout his presidency! Watch as see! Peace be!
Dan Irving
False prophets sometimes give accurate signs. (Deut. 13:1-3)
Barry Weddle
Are you saying Kim Clement was a false prophet? Shame on you for trying to throw shade on your brother in the Lord.
Varnel Watson
I like that part that “the economy of this country shall change rapidly, says the lord of Hosts”
Dan Irving
When the Health/Wealth fortune-tellers begin to get accurate, it is time to enter into the rock and to hide ourselves in the dust for the fear of the Lord,” (Is. 2:10) For it means wickedness will be advancing in the earth.
Varnel Watson
Aint that the truth right there. Question is why was this prophecy not publicized before Trump’s win? Electoral college meets tomorrow BTW Here’s What to Expect
Street Preacherz
I believe it was published. Of course he’s gone now. Amazing really how a man’s life work can be so easily capsulated. Makes you wonder what your epitaph will read? minez: he was 2¢ short of a dollar?
Dan Irving
One of Clement’s prophecies of Trump included the prediction that Bill Gates would be instrumental in financially backing some Trump/Christian issue (I don’t recall precisely what.) But, what is this we see?
Varnel Watson
They may. There was a one time secret meeting of rich republicans before GOP decided to back Trump finally. Zukkeburg was there for sure and all of them have long waited for some one to lighten their taxes so who else except a fellow rich man? Like through a needles eye said the Lord
And on the note of NAR theologians supporting Trump’s kingdom reading 1 Cor. 15:24 today where it says that first God will destroy every dominion before establishing the dominion of His Kingdom on earth. So any other dominion until that day, even NAR’s dominion shall count for nothing and be destroyed before Christ establishes His full dominion and the Kingdom of God on earth. Very, very interesting… Ricky Grimsley There can be no Kingdom of God without God physically present and risen
Street Preacherz
My dear friends if you are waiting for some external event to pray “hide me” you have missed an entire book in the Bible. “Keep as the Apple of thine eye, hide me under the shadow of thy wing!” It may be in your affections and appetites your heart has been drawn away.
Dan Irving
Street Preacherz Yes. But don’t miss the point.
Street Preacherz
The point is red meat. Also known as Skandalon…. It is unfortunate but some Pentecostals are long on the tooth. These things must be discussed. I am familiar with some things but offense and outrage and scandle doesn’t work well for me personally. I don’t like repentance to much. I do it but I avoid it if I can….
Dan Irving
Street Preacherz Red Meat? Skandalon? I’m unfamiliar with those terms.
Street Preacherz
Sorry… From the Greek. Skandalon: offense, Jesus offends. But from the Greek root word for the trigger or trap, or Scandal. So in common use, outrage and scandal becomes the diet of gossipers and talk radio. But many use it to draw crowds. People love the stuff. But it is not a healthy diet. Sorry I this makes you angry. I mean no harm. We need each other. One good thing about persecution we font dismiss the brethren so easily. We need each other.
Dan Irving
Street Preacherz Not angry.
Street Preacherz
Thanks I think I got upset. I been thinking about this. There have been inexcusable excesses. But we need reconciliation to move forward we have so much work to do and the days are growing short. We need faith it’s in the Bible. We don’t need an American gospel. I don’t want to be offensive but I don’t know how else to say it. Charismatics think Pentecostals are ignorant. Pentecostals think charismatics are stupid. Is it possible to forgive and forget and work together for the cause of Christ. I’m praying as are millions of others for a third awakening in this country. I honestly thought it would be last spring. Maybe this spring? But we must preach Christ and him crucified. I’m willing to give my life for this. Preaching the streets of Milwaukee is not easy and sometimes dangerous. But it must happen. We can do this and God will help us!!! So forgive me sorry. Im here to learn and mistakes are part of that. You know delete is next…after Levin. He’s actually not on tonight LOL
Dan Irving
Street Preacherz I appreciate those words. It seems you have the ministry of an evangelist. I might wish I was so gifted, but I am not. To some it is given to bring in the harvest, to others it is given to warn and to instruct, and to try them who say they are apostles but are not; even for the sake of those brought in through evangelism.
Street Preacherz
Understood. I see crosses. Can’t help it. Were you suggesting the this prophecy was psychic and from an unholy spirit? I’m not familiar with this person.
Dan Irving
Street Preacherz Here is a video I produced on the subject. The portion dealing with this particular “prophet” begins at about 51:20. It will give you an idea of what Troy is speaking of.
Street Preacherz
A simple yes or no? I am familiar with the Bible and various teachings on these subjects. Yes or no?
Dan Irving
Yes. It is a false message, with false prophecy, and they follow false spirits.
Street Preacherz
Stand fast.
Street Preacherz
Time for “unshackled” goodnight.
Jim Price
Some of that prophecy included Bill Gates; it will be interesting to see how this plays out. ” I will raise up .. Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the church, says the lord.” My dad and many of his generation looked to the rich for their redemption and even now there is this undercurrent that says; maybe the rich will share it with us? Jesus warned us that our troubles stemmed from the rich. In due time we shall see if we know where to look.
Street Preacherz
Blessingz: grace and peace. Thank you for the trust and intimacy. My dad loved Billy Graham and Cliff Barrows. I still listen to cliff Barrows new Testament on cassette. I on Luke for the twentieth time LOL
Varnel Watson
Henry Volk As of 4:20 p.m. Eastern time, voting had ended in at least 43 states, with 259 votes for Donald J. Trump and 15 for Hillary Clinton. Mr. Trump needs 270 votes for his Election Day victory to become official.
Street Preacherz
Wisconsin electoral college just in, all 10 for Trump. With 100 protesters saying we’re going to war we’re all going to die. 1.4 million votes for Trump in Wisconsin. May God help us!!!
Varnel Watson
It’s all over
Daniel J Hesse
Sorry, it was meant for 2008, not 2016. A little late for the races. Original word went forth in the first week of May 1989. Trump was expressed by the Holy Spirit. Try again.
Varnel Watson
You are correct. Does 2008 count for 2016? Alan N Carla Smith
Barry Weddle
We have not seen all of this prophecy fulfilled yet, but I believe it will come to pass. Thank God, one thing we know already is that President-elect, Donald J. Trump will be an advocate for evangelical Christians in America. We haven’t had in the last nine presidents during my life time.
Street Preacherz
I’m biting on any today. lol