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Nancy Rogers |

Just as it was in the day of Noah so shall it be when the son of man comes again
Anil Wadhwani
I have a study explaining the Noah passage. It is at the end if this study:
The rapture takes study. Because the key is Daniels 70th week in the future. Around the late 1700’s and early 1800’s, some very devout believers were given words of knowledge the end times required Israel to be regathered. About the same time Satan influenced false prophets to create groups that taught they were Israel. A lot of hatred towards Israel and also the pretrib rapture in these days comes from those groups. The key to studying the end times is the world is headed for Daniels 70th week. Study is required because distinctions need to be made with many passages and Daniels 70th week clarifies it all.
There is the last Trump with the next Feast for the church and no man knows the day or the hour and then the 7th trumpet on the last day of Daniels 70th week. Rev 11 15. On that day all 7 bowl judgments will destroy the wicked.
There is the fullness of the gentiles and then the end of the times of the gentiles on the very last day of Daniels 70th week as given with Luke 21 24-28 and Rev 11 2 at the 3rd temple.
There is the last day of the church age in John 6 39 and the very last day of Daniels 70th week when the people of Daniel will be delivered Daniel 12 1-7.
There is the day the dead in Christ will be resurrected. No man knows the day or the hour. Then there is the resurrection of Old Testament saints on the very last day of Daniels 70th week and also the wicked that pierced the Lord. Mark 14 62 and Daniel 12 1-7. The date will be immediately after the tribulation and the date will be known years before the event.
There is a day the bridegroom is going to the wedding and the righteous are taken. And then a day the bridegroom is coming from the wedding and the wicked are taken.
There is a day no man will know the watch for the pretrib rapture. No man will know if it will be in the evening time or the midnight watch or when the rooster crows or at dawn Mark 13 35. And then there is the day given to Israel at the 2nd coming when Israel will know their Messiah will appear at evening time and the Messiah, coming with all the saints, will know the day. Zech 14 6-9.
There is a day the unrighteous will be left behind and the door will be shut. There is no eternal destruction on that day. The ones left behind are only told to depart from the Lord. Then there is a day the unrighteous will be taken to hell and their dead bodies will be left for the fowls. Where the dead bodies are, there the vultures will be gathered. The unrighteous are told to depart into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
There is a day the ones left behind will be judged with the hypocrites. And then there will be a day the unrighteous will be judged with unbelievers.
There is a day Noah got into the ark and was found righteous in that generation. The wicked did not know till later when the judgments started they would be destroyed. Genesis 7 1 and Genesis 7 4. Then there was a day after it had been raining for many days Noah got into the ark and God sealed the door of the ark. On that day all the wicked were destroyed. There is a day Lot left Sodom. On that day all the wicked were destroyed. The Lord will be revealed to the world on the very last day of Daniels 70th week immediately after the tribulation. The entire world will see the Lord that created the entire universe. The entire world will mourn when the Lord is revealed with angels in flaming fire ready to take vengeance on the wicked. On that day the 7th trumpet will sound. Rev 11 5. The powers of heaven will be shaken. On that day living waters will flow from Jerusalem. On that day the Lord will reign over all nations. Zech 14.6-9.
Nancy Rogers
Yes I know our church did a bible study on it
Mal Kop Praise
So this picture is a flood ?
Paul Bortolazzo
Jesus exhorts us to watch for the events that warn us His coming is near.
Nancy Rogers
Yes he’s coming is very near
Loveday Fulton
Yes Jesus is coming soon
Bernard Sayson
Judith Dong
Donna Singleton
K Paxz K Nukulasi
Amy Smith
Barbara Harbor
Manasseh Hussaini
let the wise hear and take action! it is only a fool that will hear of war and fail to find way out! may the lord interprete his words into our heart.
Mark E. Smith
Maryjane Decker
Why have you put your face blown up soooo big?
Nancy Rogers
Maryjane Decker because I took the selfie by myself and I’m not very good at taking my own pictures that has nothing to do with the coming of the Lord and people needing to get right but that’s why the picture is blown up so bad cuz I took it myself and nobody was here to take it for me is that alright
It's Inside You
People too busy with buying and selling, planting and building, marrying and giving in marriage to be concerned with the things of the Lord. When you look at how materialistic and distracted the majority of the world is today, it’s not too hard to see how this would be the case.
Alfred Wesa
lustful desire is really killing the youths today
Athena Robertson
Yes ma’am. King Jesus is coming soon. Biblical Prophecy is speeding up as the birth pains increase…
Fascinating to watch.
See you in the clouds ♥️
Paula Alires
Paula Alires
Family members are turning against each other,I speak from experience
Richard Suarez
What Christ says is that the wicked will be removed