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“John Wesley died on Wednesday, March 2, 1791, in his eighty-eighth year. The day before his funeral his body was laid in City Road Chapel, and ten thousand persons passed through the building to take a last look upon his face. The poet Rogers was one of the number, and was wont to speak of the peace and beauty of the face, on which there lingered a heavenly smile.”[24]
Augustine St., On Grace and Free Will, Waxkeep Publishing (December 27,2012)
Collins J Kenneth, The Theology of John Wesley: Holy Love and the Shape of Grace Abingdon Press (October 1, 2010)
Collins J. Kenneth & Vickers E. Jason, The Sermons of John Wesley: A Collection for the Christian Journey, Abingdon Press (August 20, 2013)
Dodd Thomas & Green Richard, Biography of John Wesley, 4-in-1 Collection (Illustrated)-John Wesley Evangelist, John Wesley the Methodist, Kindle eBook, (Oct 15, 2012)
González, Justo L. A History of Christian Thought Vol. 3: From Protestant Reformation to the Twentieth Century. 2nd rev. ed. Nashville: Abingdon, 1987
Howard A Snyder, The radical Wesley: The Patterns and Practices of a Movement Maker, Seedbed (May 19, 2014)
Maddox L. Randy and Vickers E. Jason, The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley, Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (November 13, 2009)
Picirilli Robert, Grace Fatih Free Will: Contrasting Views of Salvation: Calvinism & Arminianism, Randall House (April 1, 2002)
Steinmetz David, Taking the Long View: Christian Theology in Historical Perspective (Oxford University Press, USA (September 7, 2011)
Thorsen Don, Calvin vs. Wesley: Bringing belief in Line with Practice Abingdon Press (October 15, 2013)
Walls L. Jerry & Dongell R. Joseph, Why I Am Not a Calvinist, InterVarsity Press (April, 1 2004)
Walton H. John, Genesis (The NIV Application Commentary) Zondervan (January 4, 2011),
Wesley, “Predestination Calmly Considered, “49, Works (Jackson)
Wesley, J. (1999). Sermons, on several occasions. Sermon 59, Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
Wright Steve, The Descent To Compassion, Amazon Digital Services, Inc. (March 18, 2012)
Perspective (Oxford University Press, USA (September 7, 2011), Kindle Loc: 2769 of 3945
[2]. Steinmetz David, Taking the Long View: Christian Theology in Historical Perspective (Oxford University Press, USA (September 7, 2011), Kindle Loc: 2764 of 3945
[3]. Walton H. John, Genesis (The NIV Application Commentary) Zondervan (January 4, 2011), Kindle Electronic Edition Location 15870 of 17021
[4]. Maddox L. Randy and Vickers E. Jason, The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley, Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (November 13, 2009) Loc: 2342 of 10296
[5]. Thorsen Don, Calvin vs. Wesley: Bringing belief in Line with Practice Abingdon Press (October 15, 2013), Kindle Electronic Edition Location 196 of 3827
[6] Walls L. Jerry & Dongell R. Joseph, Why I Am Not a Calvinist, InterVarsity Press (April, 1 2004) Loc: 104 of 3399
Varnel Watson
Peter Christian Per your post that “Free Will is a LIE” you have been challenged to respond under this post and defend your position.
Varnel Watson
The Bible is explicit on this Joe Absher Anyone who listens to Wesley can see it. @Peter Christian is dead wrong on his non-free will assessment as are most Calvinists and all hyper Calvinists. Adam and Eve had free will before the fall – only natural ALL men are created equal with free will. Now then how Terry Wiles will explain free will and HSB without entire sanctification is entirely a mystery
Joe Absher
I’m still recovering from the last one. “Ever met anyone that got saved without their own will? You have now.” – our brother from another mother.
Varnel Watson
Wesley was a theological genius – no doubt about it but I am yet to meet a person saved without his/her free will action
Joe Absher
I think I understand but even coming into agreement with God and yielding to grace involves the will. I don’t think anybody ever got saved in their sleep
Joe Absher
Is this statement from the paper problematic?
Wesley’s understanding of free will was not founded in the acceptance or belief that man was born with a free will that was inborn or a nature free will. Rather, he held that God, in light of original sin, graced humanity with a measure of free will in order that humanity would have a choice
Varnel Watson
There was a great paper on free will by bro Steve Wright which I cant find here anymore
Joe Absher
Another paper you mean?
Varnel Watson
I guess this was the one I was looking for though Steve Wright may have part 2 too