Welcome to public life…
I was just explaining to a lady on the corner who lost her mother God knows. And yes it hurts. But he will take that pain and help you. Yes we prayed and asked God to forgive her that blasphemy and drinking and give her strength. She got sober. She wanted to kiss me. What are going to do?
You either know in and of yourself that you are faithful to God or you don’t. No cover story, no time line will ever convince anybody. But God knows. That’s what matters.
Early Pentecostalism (1906 – 1958) by J.D. King Beginnings “God does great things that cannot be explained, and awesome deeds that cannot be counted.” (Job 9:10)…
Varnel Watson
lots to explain in Texas Ricky Grimsley Street Preacherz
Street Preacherz
Welcome to public life…
I was just explaining to a lady on the corner who lost her mother God knows. And yes it hurts. But he will take that pain and help you. Yes we prayed and asked God to forgive her that blasphemy and drinking and give her strength. She got sober. She wanted to kiss me. What are going to do?
You either know in and of yourself that you are faithful to God or you don’t. No cover story, no time line will ever convince anybody. But God knows. That’s what matters.
James Reynolds
GOD will judge him