The Tribulation days. Probley the middle part. When the anti Christ comes on the scene. Or will be on stage. But the middle part he will break covenant with Israel.
at least we know its not Trump lol , I really haven’t heard him say much about Israel and how he is going to give protection to the most Holy place on Earth, the Anti-Christ will come to play when we least expect it.
Please read The whole article Just released Under the Smoky Veil of Wildfires Hybrid Techno-Witchcraft is Unleashed by Celeste Solum January 04, 2020 We…
Louise Cummings
The Tribulation days. Probley the middle part. When the anti Christ comes on the scene. Or will be on stage. But the middle part he will break covenant with Israel.
Louise Cummings
I hadn’t looked it up yet. But from what I have studied. It sounds like that will be about right.
Richard A Hodges Jr.
at least we know its not Trump lol , I really haven’t heard him say much about Israel and how he is going to give protection to the most Holy place on Earth, the Anti-Christ will come to play when we least expect it.
Charles Page
Better than sounding the Clinton
Varnel Watson
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