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Natural circumstances such as yelling too much at a sports game can put a strain on our vocal cords. Physical sickness such as a cold with a nagging cough can irritate our throat and make it difficult for us to talk. Physical infirmities that cause chronic coughing can wear on our vocal cords, and of course, we can lose our voice when we are attacked with a case of laryngitis. There are natural happenings that can impact our voice, however spiritually there are demonic attacks which can also come against our voice.
Jezebel is a master manipulator and operates closely with a spirit of witchcraft. Jezebel comes to silence the voice of the prophetic. She is used to being in control, has a spirit of pride and wants all the attention on her and the message she wants to be released. How can Jezebel silence you? Praying and talking against you, the anointing on your life and the words you have to speak out, release curses into the spiritual atmosphere.
There is power in the words we speak, which applies to both Christians and the evil powers of witchcraft—operating against Christians through false prophets, Satanists, witches and warlocks.
Have you ever been ready to give a sermon or witness to a person and all of a sudden you are straining to get out the words and feel as if you are losing your voice? We can strain our vocal cords in worship and in times of intense prayer. What about the times we just came out of prayer and worship and we were fine, and then we go to speak and give the message and all of a sudden we are straining to speak? These are attacks of the Jezebel spirit and witchcraft activities against the body of Christ.
Attacks against the prophetic words you have to speak come from two sources:
Jezebel spirits – These are people in our churches, friends, leaders and controlling people who don’t want what you say to go forth because they want control, to be hear, or think what they have to say is more important. People in this category want to control which parts of the gospel to send forth and which parts they’d rather not talk about. These people talk, gossip and slander, and those words go up and out into the spiritual atmosphere and create demonic assignments and curses we must combat through prayer. I have experienced this several times when preaching. Be careful; sheep come in wolves’ clothing (Matt. 7:15). Now that my team proactively prays against these in advance, I don’t lose my voice anymore.
Witchcraft spirits – These are people operating through demonic spirits to send forth assignments to hinder your ministry, preaching, prayer life and teaching. These people gather to pray against you in witchcraft covens and circles. They sit in your meetings and pretend to receive the Word, but they are there to pray against you and try to stop God’s voice from speaking through you. I experienced this recently while ministering in Trinidad. I was getting ready to preach, and all of a sudden my voice went out, and I hadn’t even started. There was a witch in the meeting whom they caught on video as she was actively practicing witchcraft. I got up and took authority over the witchcraft, bound and restricted the activity, and commanded my vocal cords to function properly and continued with the meeting.
Whether people are Christians praying soulish prayers against you through jealousy, competition and pride or an actual witchcraft spirit through the demonic realm, both types of these activities come forth in conjunction with a python spirit. A python spirit in the spiritual is in correlation with a python snake in the physical. Python snakes kill its prey by constricting. Constricting is putting pressure on something to make it tighter and narrow. We lose our voice because our vocal cords get inflamed or swollen. Having our vocal cords inflamed or swollen makes a narrow passage between them, and then our vocal cords don’t vibrate as easy, which inhibits us from talking and speaking fluently.
You can feel witchcraft in a region by spiritual darkness or heaviness in the atmosphere. Witchcraft can also be identified in a region by a squeezing or tightening in your throat. As you travel through the region, bind and restrict the witchcraft and python spirits from attacking or attaching to you.
We are victorious over Jezebel and witchcraft activities, but we need to know how these evil spirits operate so we can be effectively praying against them and the attacks they plague Christians with, attempting to silence the voice of the prophetic whether in meetings, prayer, worship or evangelism. The demonic forces don’t want the prophetic voice to go forth because we have something to impart, establish and speak out. Therefore, pray in advance, be educated how the powers of darkness operate, combat the attacks and speak out anyway. You have something important to release to the world.
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher wants to silence it Link Hudson Isara It dont say to wrestle with this spirit but to RUN-aint no shame
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Sure to RUN aint shame. It is war strategy.You cant re group under enemy fire, you got to RUN FIRST and re group..
Elijah did, do was David ..
Jezebel is not afraid of men nor God..she is a ” god” in her own eyes.
Any normal man or woman would have shuddered at the news that Elijah had slaughtered Jezebel and all Baal prophets(400 plus 450)single handedly.
But to Jezebe?Because she was used to drinking blood the news was NO BREAKING NEWS
Joe Absher
Sadly a man will take his woman and his supper over the things of God sometimes. Herod loved to hear the preacher. He went to church. Gave to building fund too. But in the end he killed John Baptist over a few drinks and a pretty girl. And whats called honor and respect.
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Joe it was not Herod who killed John the Baptist but his wife Herodia whom.he took from his brother.
Jezebel killed Naboth using Ahab’s signature: here Herodia kills John the Baptist using Herod..
Manipulator that she is ..
Kill her…
Joe Absher
I think I understand God’s judgment and wrath against evil and wickedness but its important to remember something’s are better in the hands of God. Im thinking of that great verse, Vengeance is mine says the Lord I will repay. We don’t always know and we aren’t always right. It might be time to look at that old adage. “First do no harm.”
Could be in the madness and violence we harm the very ones we love the most. Personally I’d “pump the brakes” on the “killing” language.
God bless you, give you good health, strength, courage and wisdom.
Varnel Watson
run Isara Mo run – aint no shame
Isara Mo
Troy Day
A true soldier doesn’t run away from battles he only runs away to re position himself…
Elijah ran away from the assignment temporarily because he was suffocating from the task, he was fatigued and surely no soldier can fight when fatigued. I think he was also on a fast which needed divine intervention to break that is why an angel had to come with a special meal to feed him(my views not Biblical).
Then he had to run for forty days days and night(no modern day athlete can do that) to the Mount of God…then a brief one on one with the Commander in Chief had him back on as usual…
A motor vehicle needs to be serviced after a run of certain kilometres or miles, equally a true soldier needs an occasional service to refresh himself…running away being part of the game.
No shame…..
Joe Absher
“A good run is better than a bad stand”
– Mr Johnson (a Vietnam vet)
Problem is we don’t have the good sense to run sometimes. And only after the twists and turns and outcome of battle do we see the gracious hand of God keeping us.
Never forget the morning I was to leave for a mission trip. I woke up and looked at the ceiling. There were huge gouges and slices and holes of axes and swords. As I sleep peacefully in my bed that last night there was a fight. Just over head in the unseen realm there was violence. The great Jehovah God, Jehovah Sabaoth the Lord of Host’s is a deliverer a fortress a mighty man of war. Fight fight fight but know its God that grants victory salvation and deliverance.
Varnel Watson
you got to have one first Link Hudson
Isara Mo
Troy Day ?
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher an emptied gun is better than an empty gun ~another vet still living
Joe Absher
“First the broom then the rifle ”
– yours truly
Varnel Watson
a prophetic voice that is …
Isara Mo
Troy Day called a ” prophetess” so she has a voice also..
It is a battle of voices
AJ Gambhir
How does it work?
Varnel Watson
ask Link Hudson he seems to be an expert