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Amazingly there are witches in the church! Some people claim Christ but actually behave more like a witch. Find out the difference. Rev. Neil Steven Lawrence preaching on “A Higher Place.”
I know of course that actual dedicated witches attend churches and try to distract the plans and bring down people. The video teaching was not really focusing on that, but I was emphasizing that some people who call themselves Christians and think that they actually are, still have the same attitude as witches.
Generally speaking, Africa has a culture that was founded in witchcraft and has adopted Christianity and is slowly being transformed by the gospel. (In historical terms it is actually quickly being transformed – only 150 years)
They say, “in Africa Christianity is a mile wide and an inch deep.”
Africa is now the largest Christian continent (in total population) in the world.
America was founded on Christian principles and has flowered as the greatest example of Christian influenced culture and governmental principles in the history of the world – without a doubt!
But now in this post modern times it is rapidly sliding downward to adopt ideologies and worship which can only be characterized as “inspired by witchcraft!” Sadly it appears that this slide may take less than 150 years – in my opinion it will end with the rapture!
Jesus’ Power Over Demons Today
Ten years ago this month, my team Eagles’ Wings Gospel Team and I were preaching a series of Crusades down at the coast of Kenya (which is filled with Muslims).
One evening as I was praying for people at the altar in a place where our Regional Overseer (Benea Alukwe) has his church (Likoni), there were about 30 people in the altar wanting prayer from me after I preached the Word. All of a sudden, a woman hit the ground and started rolling around. I jumped down off the stage with my interpreter and began to lay hands on the woman, rebuking the demon(s) that were troubling her.
Now, keep in mind, that whole area of Kenya speaks Swahili and their own mother tongue (tribal) language. English is only learned as a subject in school.
As I began to bind the demons, funny enough, many of the needy people in the altar turned their attention toward the woman and also began to pray against the demons! The demon(s) in the woman were speaking in English (in a Swahili area) – saying, “I am not gonna go! I am not going!” Etc. I knew right away that the evil spirit(s) were speaking to me because they were using English. They were trying to intimidate me. I did not shrink back but continued to pray for the woman. We all prayed for some minutes. She calmed down and sat up.
Then the church elders and area pastors took her over to the side of the stage and continued to pray for her while we closed out the meeting. (Sometimes it’s important to get demon-troubled people out of the way because the spirits want to disrupt the meeting.)
Afterwards, she gave her testimony. She had been hearing voices for sometime, and when our Crusade was proclaiming the Gospel and praising the Lord at such a high volume, the whole area of Likoni was hearing—including her. She came to the meeting and got delivered. She became a long-term member of the Likoni Church of God!! The power of Jesus’ name has manifest throughout the ages, for Jesus is the Truth of the Ages!
Here are the sermon notes for my message in the video (it’s not word for word:
Christian Witches
Give Examples of Western Witchcraft > the belief in Christ brought the people out of their witchcraft mind & replaced it with eternal values.
I. Summary of Witchcraft:
A.White Magic:
1. Medicine Men / Herbalist > bad when it invokes spirits
2. Magician > playing tricks & using deception
3. Fortuneteller / Tarot Card Reader / Diviner > to see the future
B. Black magic:
4. Witchdoctor
5. Sorcerer
6. Satanist
C. Foundation of Witchcraft:
1. Based on jealousy, fear, hatred, superstition, fear of death, idolatry, false understanding of God
2. Practiced mostly on family members and close acquaintances
3. Mostly has power over those who believe in it
4. Approaches spiritual & physical world w/ attitude of “giving to get.” (white goat, black chicken). *****
5. Remember Simon the sorcerer in the book of Acts when he saw the spirit move on the people he approached the Apostles to buy that spiritual power from them. Peter rebuked him for this attitude. *****
6. A person who believes & practices witchcraft is proud & does not want to give the control to God, but wants to control their own reality.
7. A person who has a witchcraft mind hides their true motives and cannot risk being transparent for fear they will be harmed by others.
II. We have Witches in the Church
* A. their mind has not been renewed & their culture & thinking is still on the level of Witchcraft.
* B. the main reason people don’t tithe is because of greediness based in witchcraft > “if she tithes and he tithes and they tithe – the pastor will have more than us.”
III. 3 Scriptural Examples:
A. Cain & Abel – Worshipping without being concerned about your relationship with God & other people is a form of witchcraft.
Cain did not worship like God told him to worship; he brought vegetables instead of the blood of an animal.
Gen. 4:5-7 “So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Then the Lord said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.”
The proper attitude is:
Romans 12:9 “Honor one another above yourselves.”
Romans 12:15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn.”
John 11:47-48 “Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting of the Sanhedrin. “What are we accomplishing?” they asked. “Here is this man performing many miraculous signs. If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and then the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”
Ecclesiastes 8:10 “Then too, I saw the wicked buried—those who used to come and go from the holy place and receive praises in the city where they did this. This too is meaningless.”
It doesn’t matter what others are doing – or not doing > what matters is: “are you doing God’s will?”
I John 4:20 says, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.”
B. Saul & David –Christian witches abuse power. They try to worship while being more concerned about what men think & want than what God thinks & wants. > This is a form of witchcraft.
1. Saul tried to use worship for his own gain and lost his kingdom.
a. He was impatient & unwilling to wait upon the Lord & his servant, Samuel.
b. He was afraid of what his men would think instead of what God thinks.
c. When the Spirit of the Lord had been removed from him he was desperate to hear from the Lord, so he consulted a medium to try and hear from Samuel (who had already died). This was forbidden in the Law & an obvious deception.
– Christian witches are willing to be deceived because they don’t believe what God says about the afterlife & about spiritual things.
d. Illustration:
Ugali to babu. This is self deception.
1. But Jesus said to the thief on the cross, “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”
2. Paul taught, “it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgement.”
3. David worshiped the Lord with his whole heart throughout his life time.
a. As he danced before the Lord he was not worried about his own dignity.
b. As he sacrificed to the Lord after the plague stopped, he was unwilling to sacrifice something that cost him nothing (II Sam. 24:24)
c. The attitude David had is opposite of the attitude of XN Witches!
C. “In My name . . .” John 14:12-14; 16:24 – does not involve manipulation but instead involves all that is in Jesus’ name > His name is His will. Claiming His name is prayer in accordance with all that He is > His being
– XN Witches use the name of Jesus like a magic formula!
D. “You will do greater things than I have done.” John 14:12b
– XN Witches can never feel comfortable giving power to someone lower than them!
E. “All power has been given to Me . . . . therefore go.” (Mat. 28:18-20)
– XN Witches forget that Jesus has all power —therefore it is ridiculous to try and hoard power.
F. “You will receive power to be My witnesses (martyria)” Acts 1:8 – this is not power for powers’ sake but power to die so Jesus can be seen.
-XN Witches refuse to die to themselves – in the Kingdom this is the true path to greatness.
Saul try to make himself great and lost his kingdom; David trusted in the Lord and the Lord made him great.
C. Judas & John – XN Witches worship without realizing God is before them > this is a form of Witchcraft.
The Bible says we are the temple of God.
The Bible says, “we are seated with Christ in God, in heavenly places.”
* XN Witches don’t “practice the presence of God” as a guiding principle in life.
* God lived for 3 years in front of Judas, yet he did not realize the presence of God!
1. Judas: Don’t feel sorry for Judas; there are many Judases among us today!
Judas lacked a true love for Jesus. “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend.” (John 15:13)
2. John is called the beloved disciple, not because Jesus loved him more than He loved the other disciples, but because John loved Jesus more than the other disciples loved Jesus.
a. I John 4:18-21 “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us. 20 If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 21 And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.”
Christian Witches claim a relationship with Christ Jesus but they have not:
1. fully surrendered
2. realized the true nature of worship
3. learned how to prefer the truth and be honest before God
4. feared God more than man
5. practiced God’s presence
6. allow love to be the guiding principle in their lifec
RT Robert Cox Yes, there are demon possessed ppl that claim Christianity – sermon notes by Neil Steven Lawrence witha video and all
Troy Day great message!

Neil Steven Lawrence indeed NOT too sure why William Lance Huget Christopher Lockhart Link Hudson do not agree with Jezebel
Troy Day ahain I ask where does the Bible call what Cain did witchcraft?
If Saul knew how to do witchcraft, what did he go to the witch of Endor for?
Link Hudson you actually make less and less sense Neil Steven Lawrence has presented an excellent exposition from his missionary experience
Troy Day huh?
Troy Day Witches coming up with a Cain themed cult 500 or 1000 years ago does not prove that Cain, who lived 5000+ years ago was into witchcraft.
Link Hudson not really the point – as long as they claim Cain as theirs
It doesn’t make Cain a witch.
Link Hudson
“Rebellion is as witchcraft”
Neil Steven Lawrence Notice ‘as’.
not sure what that’s supposed to translate in the Hebrew. I’m looking it up.
Jezebel spirit was just another man thought up teaching which captivated and thrilled the bored religious audience. Sadly, the thought of evil gives people a feeling of being Spiritual when they should have a relationship with the living Jesus living in them. The bible never states a Jezebel doctrine, but so many just proof text it. Sadly, more people are/were enthused with that then simple teachings of the words of our Lord. Amusements and thrills and chills and of course a new category to label those we don’t like instead of an attempt to restore them.
John Mushenhouse I don’t mean to be contrarian without a purpose but, though I can see the point, the moving of the Holy Spirit, and the power of God is not necessarily boring either. 
Neil Steven Lawrence no it isn’t but those misinterpretation of scripture to get emotion out of others is boring to me. Show me the Jezebel spirit laid out in the bible. There is no mention of that teaching. Yes there was an evil queen, but that whole teaching is just to get people’s attention and basically entertainment. Teach on what Jesus is and you will never find anything more exciting. I am so bored with people using the bible for what they want it to say and not learning how to actually study it to learn what the Spirit has said. We really miss out on God’s riches and glory when we take one partial scripture and run away from it with our imagina6tions and so often give false interpretations. Sad very sad.. Teach verse by verse and the excitement is beyond compare as we are learning what the Spirit wants us to learn.
John Mushenhouse
I agree that many preachers are guilty of extending the metaphors found in Scripture beyond their usefulness or truthfulness. Taking the objects lessons, found in Scripture and twisting them to fit their model is not proper interpretation nor exegesis.  I myself have never taught or preached. Anything about the “Jezebel spirit“ and I have been gone from the United States most of the time when preachers seem to be talking about it. Most of the time I’ve seen something like it mentioned is on Facebook.
I would say she is a powerful negative example found in Scripture that we can apply to today. Her level of rebellion and idolatry and demonic worship and direct opposition to Yahweh and his prophet are quite remarkable. 
Her brazen opposition and downright attack against the things of the genuine God, all while at the same time, appearing to be spiritual, it is, I believe where the application can be made. As queen of the northern kingdom, she should have been a leader of the Jewish people toward the genuine God. 
In truth, there are plenty of people like her today operating in churches. 
Neil Steven Lawrence just eisegesis – stop it – you are really trying to make something the bible doesn’t. You need to learn proper exegetical practices if you care as what you are doing is trying to write doctrines on what you like . You just can’t do that. I was hoping that we as Pentecostals, had gotten far away from that. It is like we love our imaginations and storytelling to stir others up more than the word of God as it was written and not cherry picked. Using your shoddy hermeneutics mean we can make any doctrine that we prefer. Just find some out of context passages and apply them to fit our needs. We need to repent from that and actually learn 2 Tim2:15 — that rightly dividing is an old english tailor’s term. It means rightly cutting along the pattern we were given. We used to call your tale telling made to fit your agenda stories “One eye Joe” stories. Neil it just doesn’t fool too many today. Now it is time to give up the stories you heard and liked and actually study the bible verse by verse as the Spirit intended for His purpose and not today’s need to entertain preacher. Enough already
John Mushenhouse Neil Steven Lawrence Brett Dobbs one can suspect Link Hudson Christopher Lockhart William Lance Huget dont believe this as well BUT then again they have not been really in missions either – so learn this on the web ?
Troy Day how do you know what missions I have done and what my local church is like. I planted a church for 5 years. Why the slander?
William Lance Huget tell us – I can tell too – No slander at all
Troy Day you stereotyped me without knowledge
William Lance Huget not really AND planted a church is not really the missional work we discuss in this post by Neil Steven Lawrence but we WILL take your comments on the topic to the fullest of your knowledge
Where does he get that worshipping without being concerned about your relationship with God or other people is witchcraft? Where does the Bible call what Cain or Saul were doing witchcraft?
Not every bad thing is ‘witchcraft’. If we use words so loosely we can slander people. If your mama steals a pen from the bank that doesn’t give us the right to call her a whore.
And it isn’t right to accuse people of idolatry or witchcraft for committing other sins.
Link Hudson I don’t bother to read their click bait. These evangelists will say anything in an attempt to get numbers or folks down to the altar for any reason whatsoever. It doesn’t even have to do with a holy walk with the Lord.
John Mushenhouse I don’t see how that is related to the article.
Link Hudson it is my opinion of the sheer nonsense and absolute horrid teaching.
John Mushenhouse you think he preaches that to get an altar call?
Link Hudson yeah I mean to whatever degree accuracy and truthfulness matter…
Like yeah it’s obviously very bad but just call it what it is.
John Mushenhouse not certain he speaks in tongues
Jamie Brown not certain he speaks in tongues either
Link Hudson to get a reaction – He didn’t preach it as an example of 2 Tim 2:15 — it is preached often for people to marvel at the preacher and feel like they have been entertained and thrilled — the spirit of !!!!!!!!!!!! Time to teach onthe Holy Spirit and His teachings
Link Hudson
the context of those two examples fits perfectly with the issues behind witchcraft. In the case of Cain, he was supposed to be worshiping God, but he did not worship, according to the steps that God had laid out – using vegetables instead of flesh. So he was practicing his style of worship in the same manner that carries the perversion of witchcraft.
In the case of Saul, he was literally killing the people of God in the name of God, thinking he was doing God a favor. This is her which is behave they think they are exhibiting spiritual power, when they are actually using demonic power – in some cases not realizing their error.
In the same way people who are worshiping in error are actually operating according to the precepts of witchcraft, instead of in spirit and truth, as the Father seeks. They are Christians in name only but in behavior, they are like witches thus the title: “Christian Witches“.  
Neil Steven Lawrence Huh? Where do you get the idea that worshipping God the wrong way is witchcraft? Why would you think witches worship God? Paul says that they that sacrifice to idols sacrifice to demons and not to God. So why would witchcraft be worshipping God… wrongly.
Saul was killing people– murder and witchcraft is not the same thing.
Where do you get these definitions of ‘witchcraft’? Charismatic preachers? It doesn’t fit the vernacular use of the word or anything I can find in the Bible.
Link Hudson
people who worship idols think they are worshiping God…
In the same way people who do false spiritual things like witchcraft think they’re using a valid means to gain spiritual power. 
The end result of idol worship is the same as witchcraft… Delusion in eternal and spiritual matters. 
Saul’s  behavior is not much different than the Muslim suicide bombers of today. They think they’re protecting gods reputation; but an omnipotent god does not need any protection!
Whether you are a witch, and you  perform human sacrifice secretly or you are Saul and you kill Christians who are the body of Christ, the end result is the same – demons using human beings to “kill steal and destroy.“
Neil Steven Lawrence there are a lot of sins with more or less the same result. But does that mean that all sinners are witches? If you steal a pen does that mean you are a witch? What if you neglected to give to the poor? Are you a witch? If you slander someone by calling them a witch when they stole a pen, does slandering make you a witch?
Link Hudson
Jesus, speaking to the religious leaders of that day:
“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44. 
He was clearly calling the top, religious leaders of his day children of the devil, followers of the devil, devil worshipers.
The only thing that separates a Yahweh worshiper and a devil worshiper is following. God’s will OR following your own will. 
A reporter asked the infamous English Satanist, Alister Crowley: “in Christianity. The golden rule, is do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. What is the golden rule of Satanism?
Crowley answered: “the golden rule of Satanism is, do thy own will.“
TRUTH is churches are full with backslidden believers and many of them get demonized by compromising with sin #ThatSimple Philip Williams going to mass is too
Troy Day I suppose going to a drinking party to watch a football game is more Godly?
Philip Williams do you go to RCC mass,
Link Hudson i did in Poland when the Roman Catholic Church of Poland conducted a mass in honor of me being there.
This is the church overseen by Pope John Paul XXIII when he was Archbishop of Poland.
We were on Polish national television, both Roman Catholic and secular. They are currently documenting our Noah’s Ark project.
Link Hudson the Roman Catholic Church of Poland conducted a mass in honor of Philip Williams being there and he converted to their mess
Troy Day no, i have never been a Catholic and never will be, though i have many brothers and sisters working within that false religion and in the many other false religions like the so-called Assemblies of God.
Philip Williams just like Link Hudson never was cog/pentecostal/missionary/theologian When you sum up your life story you just cant be everything like John Mushenhouse
Troy Day right, i was literally born in my home church, the Jerusalem above which may not be your mother.
Link Hudson just speaking on what you have stated for a reason
Philip Williams you are making assumptions.
Link Hudson ??
Philip Williams once allusiveness of life dictates ones allusiveness theology ~zePope
Link Hudson where do you get jezebel NOT in the BIBLE 4 Philip Williams is RCC
Does the passage below (Hebrews 6:4-6) mean a Christian can fall away and “lose their salvation”? Let’s assume for a moment that it does. What that also means, then, is that once a Christian loses their salvation, they can’t get it back since this passage says “it is impossible… to the restore them again to repentance”. If this passage means a Christian can lose their salvation, then it also means we get one chance to receive Christ and stay with Him. If this passage means a Christian can lose their salvation, then it also means if we walk away from the faith, we can’t come back home to the Lord as the man did in the parabel of the Prodigal Son did. Again, the passage states it is “impossible” to restore such people to repentance. I know of no one who believes this or teaches this. I have never heard a preacher say to the congregation “If you’re here today and you have fallen away from Christ, too bad. There’s nothing God can do for you anymore. You’re irrevecobly hopelessly doomed.” What this passage more likely refers to are people have been exposed to and participated in the things of the faith, yet whole heartedly rejected them never truly embracing Christ.
“For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt.”
(Hebrews 6:4-6, ESV)
Troy Day that interpretation has a Bapticostal feel to it. Just sayin. It sounds like what Baptists say about backsluders…never truly saved.
Link Hudson most baptists dont really belive a Christian can fall away and “lose their salvation
Troy Day just ‘never really saved to begin with.’
Link Hudson there is NO such thing AS
just ‘never really saved to begin with.’
if a man believes and confesses is sufficient
the saved VS not really saved is a calvinist concept
and it ends up involving personal works
Duane L Burgess Philip Williams Kyle Williams
13 Bible Verses about Guarding Yourself..
1 Peter 5:8
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
1 John 5:21
Little children, guard yourselves from idols.
Proverbs 4:23
Watch over your heart with all diligence,
For from it flow the springs of life.
1 Timothy 4:16
Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you.
Psalm 39:1
For the choir director, for Jeduthun. A Psalm of David.
I said, “I will guard my ways
That I may not sin with my tongue;
I will guard my mouth as with a muzzle
While the wicked are in my presence.”
2 John 1:8
Watch yourselves, that you do not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward.
Ephesians 6:11
Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.
1 Corinthians 16:13
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
2 Timothy 4:15
Be on guard against him yourself, for he vigorously opposed our teaching.
Deuteronomy 4:9
“Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons.
Ecclesiastes 5:1
Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil.
1 Timothy 6:20
O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you, avoiding worldly and empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called “knowledge”—
James 4:7
Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
ONLY eunuchs serve Jezebel !!! | Pentecostal Theology
[…] JEZEBEL spirit and CHRISTIAN WITCHES in the church […]