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Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | Whatever! This man has zero Jesus inside of him!!! He’s Satans spawn!!! |
Terry Wiles | Probably there were many early believers who said that about Saul. lol about how chapped believers get when someone possibly becomes a believer. |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | Maybe so? However, if anyone can show me one ounce, of the moral character of Jesus, in this man, I will sit proudly and eat my crow. |
John E. Ruffle | I think you need to repent of that very un Christ-like comment Rebecca. |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | That’s not un-Christ like. The only folks Jesus ever condemned, were hypocrites and religious zealot-holier than thou types. I think he falls into the 1st catagory, quite well. |
Karen Lucas | How convenient… |
Charles Page | This is a political maneuver on the part of James Dobson, he has accept Jesus in proxy for Trump. I am still voting for Trump and glad it is not Dobson running for president. |
Karen Lucas | I will not be voting for him and I do not understand why evangelicals keep trying to convince themselves and others that Trump is a christian. Republican does not equal christian….clearly. If you are for his policies and comfortable with his character or lack thereof, vote for him. Because of my faith, I am not comfortable with his policies or the fruit of his “character.” So, I do not know what I will do or who I will vote for if anyone. But I’m not voting the party line. In fact I checked out of that business all together this week and changed my voter registration to unaffiliated. Glad to have my name free of party line association. |
Charles Page | Trump is Presbyterian and they believe God saves the elect of God. By their faith Trump is born again (I believe that as well and I’m not presby) He may not act Christian yet by his faith he believes he is born again. It would be sad if only those who truly act Christian were born again. |
Opal Moore Myers | The bible says,”Judge not lest you be judged”. |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | Things that come to my mind….if the righteous scarcely are saved, where do the sinner and tge ungodly appear? …there are those who have a form of godliness, but deny the power thereof…..they will say but Lord, I’ve done this, that, blah blah blah, and God will say “depart from me I never knew you”. Obviously everyone who claims to be born again, ain’t….and everybody ain’t in tune with holiness. If they were, why would hell enlarge its borders every hour? Donakd Trump is no Christian, or any representation of Jesus, by character. Sorry….but no. |
Karen Lucas | Who’s judging, Opal Moore Myers? I admit i have my doubts but what i am saying is that people are judging whether he’s a christian or not and trying to base a vote off that. Why? We are voting for a president, not a pastor. I’m just suggesting that perhaps Christians should look at as candidate’s policy and character within the framework of their own convictions, instead of trying to figure out his salvation for him. |
Terry Wiles | Karen Lucas I fully agree. I support Trumps policy and reject the democratic platform |
Steve Webb | So will your vote go for a lying, narcissistic woman that is suspected of murderous activity, that fully supports abortion, and has jeopardized our nations security? Or has set rapists free? Or laughed about our men dying on foreign soil? I suppose you like the line, “What difference does it make…” Go ahead and elect her and your rights and freedoms will erode… |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | Quite frankly, neitger are fit for office. It is ridiculous, however, for anyone to try and equate Trumps character, to anything remotely similar to someone who is Christian. That is, in fact, what this thread is about. Correct? The whole idea is rooted in delirium. |
Karen Lucas | Who are you talking to, Steven Webb? |
Steve Webb | Karen Lucas that would be a question directed to you, since you’re the only one implying support for Killary. |
Karen Lucas | I guess you didn’t read my earlier statement, then. |
Steve Webb | Karen Lucas a non-vote, or vote for a third party candidate is a defacto vote for Killary. I read your statement. |
Karen Lucas | Wow, Steve Webb. What exactly are you trying to convince me of with the way you talk to me and about other people? Your approach to discussion and the way you handle yourself when you disagree with someone is a prime example of why I am not impressed by Trump or his supporters and why I am saddened by the image of Christianity that they are portraying to the world. That is the main reason why I will not take part in helping to elect him and you are only convincing me further that I am making the right decision about that. |
Robert Borders | The more I read your posts the more I am impressed with you. I mean this sincerely. |
Steve Webb | Karen Lucas that is the beauty of America…you have that right. |
Steve Webb | Karen Lucas and to add to this…in case you’ve missed all the slanted news coverage, the only violence at political rallies are physical attacks on Trump supporters. Repeatedly, every rally, hired by those running on the opposite ticket. Everything I stated is fact. I’m curious exactly which of Trump’s policies you’re opposed to…strengthening our freedoms? Our economy? Keeping terrorists out of our nation? Or is it the fact that he isn’t politically correct, but instead calls things as they are? |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | This article really isn’t about who is voting for who, nor either candidates positions…its about Trump being (cringe) a Christian. Somehow, that whole topic has faded to the back. |
Karen Lucas | Steve Webb, sorry it has taken me a while. I have intentionally avoided as much election news coverage as possible since day one. I always do. However, I do read articles on items of interest and have read quite a bit that would be very contradictory to what you are saying. So, I would want to see some facts on what you are saying about who is being hurt and harassed at the rallies. I have a co-worker who attended a Trump rally with her husband and they ended up leaving terrified. They just thought it would be fun to go see him since he was in town but once they were there, they started hearing so many disturbing comments and sensing so much anger and racism in the room that they ended up feeling very unsafe because of their own race. They are both hispanics who have been in the U.S. since childhood. Another man attended and his description of what he witnessed in the parking lot before ever making it into the rally was disturbing enough for me… What bothers me most is that Trump seems to not only condone but encourage this type of behavior and thinking from his supporters. I definitely don’t want that in a president. Regarding policies…honestly I think most of it is essentially rhetoric that is designed to get a rise of support out of a select group of people but when all the talk is stripped down from it, it’s pretty unrealistic. He has a few good ideas here and there like any politician will have but that is not enough for me. I simply do not have confidence in him as a leader and the way that he talks about other human beings in such derogatory, dismissive ways is a major turn-off for me. I am more of a bridge builder than a wall builder and that desire in me evolves directly from my faith. I am more the type of person who wants to give people the benefit of the doubt, not shut them out. I do not think it is wise to be driven to decision making by fear. I believe America was built on the idea of diversity and inclusivity. Sure, we should strengthen our borders and people should not come in illegally but honestly, have you ever had to work with anyone who is trying to become a citizen of this country. I have. It is ridiculous how complicated and astronomically expensive and time consuming it is. This is what needs to change and then maybe border issues wouldn’t be so much of an issue. It only took me working with a young girl one time to stop and realize, “No wonder people try to circumvent this processI It’s terribly confusing and hard and probably next to literally impossible for the average low-income person to pay for. I hope that helps. |
Charles Page | Karen Lucas the anger and violence erupts from the Trump protesters at the rallies. |
Karen Lucas | You mean the attendees are angry that someone is protesting, right? Yeah. I know – But, so what? If a protestor needs to be ushered out, that’s what security is for. It isn’t necessary for the crowd to threaten them bodily harm. Freedom of speech is part of what makes America so great. |
Charles Page | That will be a part of what will make America great. Freedom of speech. We have lost it! |
Karen Lucas | Charles Page, you know, I think that we are in a time when we are just going to have to stand our ground and not be afraid to say what we think with civility and honesty and transparency. Only we can allow ourselves to be bullied into silence. We have both the extreme left and the extreme right who are not shy about saying what they think and the temptation these days is to place people into only one of those two categories and then put up our walls or our fists. We assume so much instead of learning to both speak and listen to each other carefully. We need to relearn the art of conversation and what we can do here is model it. |
Robert Borders | Life is like a pendulum especially when it comes to change. This is true in culture and in the Church. I have friends on both the far left and the far right. God is in control and as we live out our Christian walk with patience we will see God bring things back into balance. This is a trying time but also an exciting time to be alive. |
Karen Lucas | I agree Robert Borders! I am excited about what God is doing with his church. Shifting and sifting is good….painful and stressful sometimes and definitely trying but GOOD! I can’t wait to see the finished product. He is such a good father. |
Mary Ellen Nissley | Deep breath… |
Jason Stillwell | Warning signs |
John Costanzo | Because Clinton is the bigest lier ever |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | In this election, there is no one person, who is the lesser of two evils. We are doomed, either way! |
Joan Lauret Jackson | Praise God, the Bible said that Jesus says whoever will, Jesus washes away our sin |
Renee Ang | Hmmmm let’s see…..Trump or Hillary? I’ll be voting for Trump over Hillary. Anyone who votes for Hillary has zero morals or decency. There, I said it. |
Charles Page | that calls for repentance! |
Karen Lucas | But Angie, the same could really be said of Trump too. Why do we have to vilify one and make a saint of the other? Furthermore, why do we have to vilify and say such horrible things about someone who chooses to vote for one over the other? |
Charles PageC | my sister who is now with Jesus was a staunch democrat and voted for Clinton |
Karen Lucas | There are christian values and non Christian values represented on both sides of the isle. |
Charles Page | Karen Lucas why do values have to be christian aren’t values values? All Americans don’t hold to Christianity. Haven’t we addressed this in Pentecostalism? Are Pentecostals a sect of Christianity or is it Christianity? Pentecostalism didn’t start in 1900s it goes back to 1st century |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | Again, I don’t care for either candidate, but will someone please, show me ONE characteristic, of Donald Trump, that is even slightly Christ-like, or with any decency or morality? He is evil, full of hate and variance, pert near every work of the flesh, stated in the bible, can be counted in his character. People keep giving me sidewinding answers, without any real examples. |
Charles PageC | Pert near? |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | Close, but not quite. lol |
Charles Page | We say “might near” |
Karen Lucas | Yes. Charles, values are values. And we are agreed on your point that not all Americans are Christian. I was responding to your comment about your deceased sister who you pointed out to be a Christian and a Bill Clinton supporter and trying to stick with discussion about politics and faith. That’s why I said what I did about Christian values being both present and lacking on both sides of the isle. |
Charles Page | I was attempting to say it like my sister would have said |
Renee Ang | Hillary is a proven liar, supports gun control, and supports the murder of unborn babies. That’s why I say what I do about Hillary supporters. A true Christian would never support that madness. |
Mary Ellen Nissley | If you are willing to do some research with an open mind, you will find those same things are true about Trump. |
Micael Grenholm | As Mary says, Trump is a liar and supports abortion, and as for gun control Christians shouldn’t use violence and weapons but love our enemies and turn the other cheek. |
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent | Gun control? That is more important than loving thy neighbor? Trump is a racist hate monger, hating his brothers without a cause! Abortion: yes its evil, but before it was legal, women were ahoving dirty clothes hangers up thier ‘selves’, and manyending both thier lives and the babies. Women are going to find a way if they’re determined to terminate pregnancy. A true Christian would not stand for either one of them, but sadly Hilary is the lesser of two evils. A real Christian wouldn’t uphold someone who got on national TV bragging about the size of his manhood. BUT the BIBLE says that the LOVE of GOD will hide a multitude of sins, too bad TRUMP has no love for anyone but himself. |
Steve Webb | Rebecca Nelson-Innocent wow…just wow…where the shame lies is in the divisiveness caused by two non-Christians in a Christian community. Killary or Trump neither one exhibit many fruits of the Spirit, but at least Trump wasn’t asleep while men dies for our country, and then laugh about it at a hearing… |
Steve Webb | Rebecca Nelson-Innocent and by the way…your liberal, self-centered hate is not well disguised… |
Ruth Brigantti | Allow God to strategically work. At the end it will work out for good. |
Marc Jackson | Should Pentecostals PRAY for TRUMP to become our president?…/ |
John E. Ruffle | Surely no one here in their right mind would vote for Clinton? |
Rico Hero | As Canadians, we have no say in the election.But my wife cant stand Trump and if our son spoke to women as Trump, we would be devastated.Perhaps the “blacks” ,Hispanics, and women that apparently love Trump so much will vote him in. |
Renee Ang | Wow! You defend legalized murder because people will “use dirty clothes hangers” anyway? S.M.H. Your logic is ridiculous. And as far as the gun control comment, I won’t be a victim. Whoever breaks into my home with ill intent will be met with deadly force. I will protect my family. |
Nelson Banuchi | Fooled me…apparently, he may have done it to get eternal life, once he got it, he must’ve reverted back to his ol’ self…it’s the art of the deal. |
Marc Jackson | Good report Pastor Terry Very credible indeed |
Dan Irving | Paula White? People need to know some of the history. Dangerous stuff. |
Edward Hardee | Here is the typical response for some who hear the name trump:…/college-students-oppose… |
Varnel Watson
YES they all claim salvation of some sort right?
Nelson Banuchi
1 John 3:4-10
Varnel Watson
The Church is asking: Would a saved man separate children from their parents?
RT @Rebecca Nelson-Innocent Whatever! This man has zero Jesus inside of him!!! He’s Satans spawn!!!
RT Terry Wiles Probably there were many early believers who said that about Saul. lol about how chapped believers get when someone possibly becomes a believer.
RT Karen Lucas How convenient…
RT Daniel Rushing Christian, if you’re more concerned with protecting the President’s reputation than you are with protecting brown babies in cages, you’ve lost your first love.
Nelson Banuchi
Saved people do a lot of stupid things. God as the final judge, on the premise that salvation can be forfeit (not “lost”), determines when and on what condition to remove his saving Spirit of grace.
While I will not say absolutely he is not saved (since that can only be revealed for certainty at the end of life here), I do think it is safe to say that he does not demonstrate that he is saved, and not only because he sought (and, imo, still seeks) to separate children from parents, using them as hostages for his political agenda.
Varnel Watson
Thomas Raasveld
Do not believe the liberal media. President Trump does not separate families. When anyone commits a crime and is arrested there children are taken into custody as well, and placed into care. (Which is the current law) Also President Trump has asked to meet with Congress to come up with ideas to help with this situation. Presidents don’t make law. Congress refuses a sit down, and liberals will no cooperate to come up with a solution.
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi
Thank God, for the next 21 days he won’t, although the EO says nothing about reuniting the 2300 now separated.
Varnel Watson
I wonder IF ALL the guys in the group from this AM would flip on their comments too? Ira Huth Timothy K. Wiebe Scotty Searan Jan Dixon Sykes
Timothy K. Wiebe
Troy Day
Varnel Watson
Timothy K. Wiebe I cant speak for the liberal “Christians” but we the conservative Christians spoke loudly back then on these issues. Where were you then? Why didnt you speak up then ?
Timothy K. Wiebe
Troy Day so funny I forgot to laugh
Varnel Watson
Mocking the Truth?
Timothy K. Wiebe
Troy Day yes you are
Varnel Watson
confused you seem
Jan Dixon Sykes
So now the kids get to stay in jail with their parents. Oops, you were expecting catch & release?
Varnel Watson
Cruel cruel comments by hateful hearts This is not the Spirit of Christ Joseph Kidwell
Scotty Searan
Troy Day There’s two things happening.
Melanie Trump has been black mailed by the Democrats because earlier in the day President Trump said an executive order would not work.
Congress needs to pass legislation that will pass in the Senate
Timothy K. Wiebe
Where’s the outcry against Fonda?
Nelson Banuchi
Scotty Searan An EO won’t work… not the kind of EO he signed, which imo is a ruse. Besides, he doesn’t need an EO or Congress to stop the separation and restore families already separated. All he has to do is pick up the phone and command Sessions to make everything right… period.
That’s not to say we need Congress to reform immigration; it does mean Trump can stop the child abuse and return children back to their parents.
If you note, the EO says nothing about the over 2300 kids now separated and after 21 days, Trump can go back to his cruelty by again separating migrant families at the border.
This EO is a ruse to get his opponents off his back and make him look like a guy with a heart (even the Tin Man without a heart has more heart than Trump).
Scotty Searan
Nelson Banuchi Jeff Sessions does not have the right to go against a law
Only President Trump or a federal judge has the power to refuse to enforce the law
Nelson Banuchi
You’re not reading my comments.
1. Separating families, as Trump is doing, is not law; it’s his policy (apparently, something rather hard for Trump supporters to acknowledge or understand).
2. I said nothing about Sessions.
3. I did say all Trump really had to do is call to put a stop to separating families and reunite the ones separated.
Timothy K. Wiebe
Troy Day do you see Trump as helping at all to clean up some of the Washington elite corruption?
Scotty Searan
Nelson Banuchi one more time, since it appears you are from Missouri and have to be show.. It takes more than a phone call
There must be a memorandum or executive order. You give out written orders, not verbal orders. That is the way of the political and business world
The United States Supreme Court made a ruling in 1997 when Bill Clinton was President that required separation of children from parents
I also section 12 detailing the procedure
Check this Link out I have shown you the proof but you won’t accept it.
Scotty Searan
Timothy K. Wiebe The two things President Trump can do is clean out his Cabinet and political advisors.
The next thing he can is campaign against the incumbents
Timothy K. Wiebe
Scotty Searan I’m talking about what he’s already done
Varnel Watson
I like what Jed Smock said:
Not only is Trump the talk of America; he is the conversation of the nations. Trump must also be the talk of Heaven. Even the Almighty may be surprised by some of Trump’s moves.
Gregg McMahan
Timothy K. Wiebe Fonda isn’t president
Varnel Watson
Joseph Kidwell Nelson Banuchi Scotty Searan how about that guy? Bob Buckland
Nelson Banuchi
Who’s he? (That’s a pic of Sessions, no?)
Varnel Watson
Jeff Sessions Accused of Immigrant Child Abuse by 600 Members of His Own Church
More than 600 United Methodists, including members of the clergy, are accusing Sessions of violating a specific statute of the sect’s Book of Discipline. Most notably, the charges include allegations of child abuse for his handling of kids who are brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents as well as racism.
Nelson Banuchi
Good for them!
Varnel Watson
Jeffry Woolston was quick to call it fake news but boy was he wrong again To date, some 2,000 children, at least 100 of them under the age of 4, have been separated from their parents and detained at the border, some shuffled off to temporary foster families, others kept in warehouse-like facilities. There, they are stuck in cages
Robert Erwine
Trump is of his father Satan and there is no truth in him !
Timothy K. Wiebe
Obama is of his father Satan and there is no truth in him !
Varnel Watson
History will never let Donald Trump escape the shame of separating parents and children at the border
Timothy K. Wiebe
Trump is the cause of ALL the worlds problems
Varnel Watson
our America is better than Trump’s cruel immigration policies
Timothy K. Wiebe
Troy Day you’re full of hate, admit it
Varnel Watson
because I challenge you to open your church for the children and you hid in it? Some principles you;ve got
Timothy K. Wiebe
Troy Day I flew to Nicaragua, went to the US Embassy, fought for visas, brought them to the US, gave them jobs, got them a car and a house. How about you?
Varnel Watson
Good for you I follow the President
Timothy K. Wiebe
Troy Day no you dont
Robert Erwine
all these men are nothing compared to the beast , Satan’s very own man rather than subcontractors , who is unto like the beast ? who !?
Varnel Watson
Our Bible’s not big on tearing up families
Thangsan Hisfootstep
We are not in that position to judge. Should ask ourselves instead.
Nelson Banuchi
The Bible tells us, at the least, what makes for one who is saved and one who is not, telling us not to be deceived by those who claim to be saved and demonstrate they are not. So, we are placed in a position, not to determine someone’s future eternal state but, clearly, at the very least, their present saving state as they demonstrate it.
Looking to ourselves goes without saying. But if we are habitually following God’s word on a daily with a consistent attitude of repentance, there is no need to examine ourselves, at least, on a constant or daily basis.
Varnel Watson
We are not but Judge Says Yes To Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration Family Separation Policy A federal judge in California is allowing a lawsuit against the Trump administration’s practice of separating migrant families at the border to proceed.
Andrea Elena Castro, daughter of Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-Texas, holds a U.S. flag during a Rally For Our Children event on May 31 to protest the “zero tolerance” immigration policy that has led to the separation of families.
Jose Antonio Rivera
Children were being separated in the previous administration’s.
The parents and Mexico are to blame. The USA is simply holding those kids while they are placed in the proper place. The parents many times have to face the law and pay for their crimes. The children are victims. It is trumps fault.
Their parents are to blame. And for Mexico.
Go Trump.
You will prevail.
Many of us praying daily for you.
The righteous shall prevail in Jesus name. Amen.
Varnel Watson
Rivera – last name? Where are you from? Did your family came to this country completely legally? Thanks!
Joseph Kidwell
This fall, we will cripple him and elect a Democratic Party Congress.
Jose Antonio Rivera
Troy Day.
My family was here BEFORE yours. Yes, legally I came.
Army War veteran.
Was ready to lay down my life with the best x the godly principles of this country.
Varnel Watson
Joe Absher knows my testimony No need to elaborate. If you dont mean the civil war, I would not be too quick to judge
Jose Antonio Rivera
It is NOT Trumps fault, I meant
Varnel Watson
Google Col. William Troy Day
29th Regiment, Illinois Infantry
Varnel Watson
Which is NOT Trump’s plan? Separating the children at first OR signing and order for none separation? It cant be both Separating Families at the Border Was Always Part of the Plan
Varnel Watson
YES OBAMA did it too Nelson Banuchi Joseph Kidwell when would liberal Christians figure it out. It’s just another Obama in the White House
Varnel Watson
Scotty Searan your 2 observations this AM are right on target I will respond to you later but this is bad very very bad
Dems just figured out putting pressure on Melania (and not even personally but via her speaker(s)) they can control POTUS – This is very very bad IMPO From here now on MEMBERS OF TRUMP’S EVANGELICAL BOARD SHOULD QUIT cause they aint doing jack – Perry, Perry can you hear us? Daniel J Hesse
Scotty Searan
They have found the weakness in his, and yes, Most husbands would do there dead level best to protect the wife.
If they don’t use it this year, then 2020 the DEMOCRATS will let the cat out of the bag.
But to think that Melinia would join with Laura Bush, when their families wouldn’t support President Trump?
Varnel Watson
Scotty Searan I don’t know when it was, but it has not been long,” Dobson told Godfactor’s Michael Anthony in an exclusive interview. “I believe he really made a commitment, but he’s a baby Christian. ”
Bob Wizenhut
I couldn’t find the article but frankly, I don’t think most Evangelicals care if President Trump is saved.
I’ve never asked if my doctor is saved, nor my mechanic, nor the coach of FC Cincinnati. As a Christian I do care that:
– The President is working to pull Black America out of poverty
– The President is keeping his promises at a record rate, including recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
– The President is returning our country to the rule of law
– The President implements policies that protect Christians, protect the unborn
– The President says what he mean and means what he says when honesty is impossible to find in politics.
Nelson Banuchi
Obviously, they didn’t; they voted for him & still support him.
Varnel Watson
why not Bob
Robert Erwine
returning our country to the rule of law ? what does that mean in conservative speak ?
Nelson Banuchi
Robert Erwine Not sure what conservatives think by the term “rule of law.”
Can it be a return to theocratic rule? Don’t think so. First, America was never nor intended to be a theocracy; second, America is ruled in such a way as to avoid theocratic rule; and, thirdly, no country can claim genuine theocratic rule by the God of Israel.
So, the only thing I can think of, at least, what Trump thinks the “rule of law” means and what some conservatives might like for it to be, is authoritarian or despotic rule.
Varnel Watson
I like what Dr. Bowers posted about this
“America did not invent human rights. In a very real sense human rights invented America.”
“Human rights is the soul of our foreign policy, because human rights is the very soul of our sense of nationhood.”
—— President Jimmy Carter
Bob Wizenhut
Robert Erwine – returning to the rule of law would mean following the Constitution, not going around laws just because you don’t like them, rejecting the previous administration’s use of the FBI, IRS, Dept of Justice and Intelligence agencies to go after political enemies.
Hugh Lowrie
Amen Bob. The rule of law is very important for Christians that follow Scripture. I’d expect 87% of White Evangelicals to vote for President Trump in 2020.
Varnel Watson
Christians are of grace, not of law
Robert Erwine
the right isn’ t about the Constitution no matter how much lip service they give it .
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – Christians are about extending grace but the Creator God is a God of order. You won’t find support for lawlessness anywhere in the Bible. Just because Christians are about extending grace doesn’t mean they should ignore murder, rape, theft, corruption or even vigilantes that ignore the law for personal or partisan gain.
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut quick example BLM ~ “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil- God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer { Joe Absher }
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – actively turning away from murder, rape, theft or ignoring the law for personal/partisan gain is immoral, unacceptable and not supported by Scripture. Don’t equate lawlessness with being silent about evil. There is no equivalence.
Robert Erwine
hey Bob what about what the bible says in Numbers 5:11-21 , Hosea 13:16 , 1 sam . 15:3 . Gen 7:21 . ? just off the top of my head
Varnel Watson
Bob I simply juxtaposed lawlessness with grace
Bob Wizenhut
Robert Erwine – are you suggesting that because God destroyed man for sinning that it then justifies man to continue sinning? Or to live a lawless life? Explain that logic a little more fully?
Nelson Banuchi
Bob Wizenhut “returning to the rule of law would mean following the Constitution, not going around laws just because you don’t like them, rejecting the previous administration’s use of the FBI, IRS, Dept of Justice and Intelligence agencies to go after political enemies.”
You forgot to mention that the “rule of law,” as Trump and his supporters define it, include abusing children.
Hugh Lowrie
Nelson – I thought we were talking about why Christians support President Trump? Why are you bringing up President Obama and his abuse of children?
Robert Erwine
no , it justifies God ‘playing god ‘ and believers making excuses for it , not following any logic what so ever . does’t work out ? kill ’em all . drown them , slaughter even the innocent babies .
Joe Absher
They hung bonnhoefer out of spite two weeks before the war was over. You ain’t pulling me in on that one.
Varnel Watson
Rf. waitin’ on the latter rain
waitin’ on the latter rain
cant you hear the holy huracan
I ma wait mo on the latter rain
Varnel Watson
I like what Derek Vreeland said
From today’s daily office lectionary reading: Jesus said, “but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6) #FamilesBelongTogether ?
Neil Steven Lawrence
What if they are one of the “little ones” who do not believe in Jesus?
Robert Erwine
you could literal be a child rapist but if you are pro-life and pro-Zionist , you will get elected in the GOP
Timothy K. Wiebe
Robert Erwine
no lies , you could say the most insane things ever and get elected -as long as you don’t detract from those two issues . you got it made
Varnel Watson
Robert Erwine are you asserting the AL case?
Robert Erwine
^ didnt even know about that one , but thanks for adding
Varnel Watson
you didnt?
been under a rock?
Robert Erwine
standing on top of THE Rock actaully
Varnel Watson
so was Roy Moore upholding the 10 commandments (at least some of them)
Robert Erwine
like ted nugget at an all girls middle school
Jan Dixon Sykes
Christians voted for Roy Moore because they did not believe he was a pedo. They thought it was a smear campaign. They thought he had dated a couple 18 year olds a couple times back when he was 32, but did not have sex with them. I think the age of consent back then was 16. I had aunts in AR back then who were getting married around age 17 to grown men.
Joseph Kidwell
White Christians voted for him. Thank God for the black Church!
Gregg McMahan
That is correct Robert Erwine
Varnel Watson
Tom Steele From Here To The Border, Trump Policy Outrages Jews Rabbis in Southwest say people are ‘up in arms’ about zero-tolerance approach.
Varnel Watson
Robert Erwine Timothy K. Wiebe I liked what Dr. Larry Martin said
I am surprised at how much animus and vitriol the immigration debate has stirred. If you are in favor of enforcing our border laws you are not just wrong–you are a hater, you have no compassion and you are not a Christian.
Jan Dixon Sykes
You like that someone judged people’s hearts & determined they “had no compassion”? Wow! Not that they are mistaken, or misinformed, but are “not a Christian”? We are allowed to judge THINGS, but not the state of people’s hearts! “Judge not that ye be not judged.” Jesus
Terry Wiles
There certainly is a lot of hate spewing out of professing Christians.
Varnel Watson
I have been watching and listening and pondering and it seems to me that the church of the future is a charismatic church. It’s not a charismatic church in the way that’s too commonly understood because of abuse, where spiritual gifts become tools of manipulation, where unhealthy emotions drive worship, where political personalities and agendas are at the center of what more and more seems to become a country’s regime cult to personality
Jo Ann Wilson-Wheeler
Who are we to judge? I will say when he was first campaigning in (Detroit MI I think) and was prayed with him there was a powerful anointing and I felt it!!
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut We judge a tree by its fruits I like what
Kenneth Tanner said:
There are no alien children; every child I’ve ever met is a human child. There are no illegal children; it’s not against the law to be a child. They are just children, little ones who belong to him. Call them alien or illegal, they are the precious ones Jesus invites to his side. For me, the ongoing crisis at our southern border is not about the President or the Congress or the Courts. The crisis is about the character of the American nation.
This is not about partisan politics. It’s about human beings and how we value or devalue them….
Jan Dixon Sykes
If children have value go fix their country so they have a decent place to live. Get their leaders saved so their country will be righteous & safe.
Hugh Lowrie
OK, I get it. President Obama put children in cages and treated them like animals. But President Trump hasn’t done this. And he has worked to find a way to not separate children from their parents while Congress works on a solution. What does the sins of past Presidents have to do with whether President Trump is saved or not? And why should we even care if President Trump is saved if the fruits are God honoring?
Terry Wiles
Sounds good until it’s tied to Republican and/or Democrat political bias.
Varnel Watson
Terry Wiles <= is on fire BUT I may need to refuel.
Gas prices are slowly climbing??
Trump trying to make America walk again
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – why should Christians care if President Trump is saved or not, or if Romney is Morman, or what faith President Obama was? What was the purpose of your post? As I said, Christians will follow leaders who’s actions are consistent with what Christians are called to fight for. King Jehu got the devote followers of God to support him not because he proved he had repented and had a changed heart but because he proved his zeal through action.
James P Bowers
Some facts: Since 2014, hundreds of thousands of children and families have fled to the United States because of rampant violence and gang activity in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. U.S. laws provide asylum or refugee status to qualified applicants, but the Trump administration says smugglers and bad actors are exploiting these same laws to gain entry. Nielsen says the government has detected hundreds of cases of fraud among migrants traveling with children who are not their own. Trump says he wants to close what he describes as “loopholes” in these humanitarian-relief laws.
The Central American refugee crisis developed during President Barack Obama’s administration and continues under Trump. The two administrations have taken different approaches. Obama prioritized the deportation of dangerous people. Once he took office, Trump issued an executive order rolling back much of the Obama-era framework.
Obama’s guidelines prioritized the deportation of gang members, those who posed a national security risk and those who had committed felonies. Trump’s January 2017 executive order does not include a priority list for deportations and refers only to “criminal offenses,” which is broad enough to encompass serious felonies as well as misdemeanors.Then, in April 2018, Attorney General Jeff Sessions rolled out the zero-tolerance policy.
When families or individuals are apprehended by the Border Patrol, they’re taken into DHS custody. Under the zero-tolerance policy, DHS officials refer any adult “believed to have committed any crime, including illegal entry,” to the Justice Department for prosecution. If they’re convicted, they’re usually sentenced to time served. The next step would be deportation proceedings.
Illegal entry is a misdemeanor for first-time offenders and a conviction is grounds for deportation. Because of Trump’s executive order, DHS can deport people for misdemeanors more easily, because the government no longer prioritizes the removal of dangerous criminals, gang members or national-security threats. (A DHS fact sheet says, “Any individual processed for removal, including those who are criminally prosecuted for illegal entry, may seek asylum or other protection available under law.”)
Families essentially are put on two different tracks. One track ends with deportation. The other doesn’t.
After a holding period, DHS transfers children to the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) in the Department of Health and Human Services. They spend an average 51 days at an ORR shelter before they’re placed with a sponsor in the United States, according to HHS. The government is required to place these children with family members whenever possible, even if those family members might be undocumented immigrants. “Approximately 85 percent of sponsors are parents” who were already in the country “or close family members,” according to HHS. Some children have no relatives available, and in those cases the government may keep them in shelters for longer periods of time while suitable sponsors are identified and vetted.
Adding it all up, this means the Trump administration is operating a system in which immigrant families that are apprehended at the border get split up, because children go into a process in which they eventually get placed with sponsors in the country while their parents are prosecuted and potentially deported.This is a question of Trump and his Cabinet choosing to enforce some laws over others. The legal landscape did not change between the time the Trump administration released nearly 100,000 immigrants during its first 15 months and the time the zero-tolerance policy took effect in April 2018.
What changed was the administration’s handling of these cases. Undocumented immigrant families seeking asylum previously were released and went into the civil court system, but now the parents are being detained and sent to criminal courts while their kids are resettled in the United States as though they were unaccompanied minors (Washington Post, June 19, 2018).
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley I wonder if any of the liberal preachers preached some kinda message yesterday about how trump is pharaoh and he needs to let his people go. Timothy K. Wiebe
Timothy K. Wiebe
Today’s visit w the children in Texas impacted @flotus greatly. If media would spend their time & energy on her actions & efforts to help kids – rather than speculate & focus on her wardrobe – we could get so much accomplished on behalf of children. #SheCares #ItsJustAJacket
Joseph Kidwell
Trump is a hypocrite! On one hand he screams about the “rule of law” and on the other hand, he wants to eliminate the courts.#AspiringDictator
Varnel Watson
tagged Joseph Kidwell you are IT
Ricky Grimsley
I’m sure God appreciates humor and satire. He knows the intents of the heart.
Nelson Banuchi
I placed the pic on my FB page…
Ira Huth
Troy Day why didn’t you post my whole comment and just part of it on this thread???
Since you didn’t hear it is my entire comment.
Ira Huth, it’s accurate. “You shall know the truth & the truth shall set you free.”. There is something liberating about truth. I grant you, Ira Huth, if this pictured Hillary on abortion or Obama on the LGBTQ agenda, you would have had no problem with it, and rightly so. If we are going to be a prophetic people, we have to be willing to call out both sides when they violate the values of the Kingdom of God.
Joseph Kidwell yes you are right there would be some that would post something similar if it was Hillary ect. and I’m sure there has been some in the past. But that is not me as well as the majority of others and does not make it right. In addition it is not portraying the image of Christ, the Fruit of the Holy Spirit, the Church of God, the Assembly of God, Pentecostal’s and the Body of Christ in general. We are to love our enemies, we are to love the sinner, but hate the sin.
Very, very distasteful and shameful!!!!!!
Ira Huth
I agree Pastor Terry Wiles as well as many others that there is a lot of hate spewing out of professing Christians.
It’s sad and a shame for the Kingdom, the Body of Christ. And very sad for the ones who are spewing hatred for one day we all will have to stand before the King and Kings.
Varnel Watson
Ira Huth Joseph Kidwell Not sure if Terry Wiles meant what you are saying but he can speak for himself – If I may paraphrase Daniel Rushing here just a bit
One can be as holy as one wants and could be
but when you stand in approving of separating children from parents
you are no better than any abortionists and socialistsS
Such person has lost his/her first love
and the Spirit of God is not in them
Timothy K. Wiebe
Tell that to the angel Moms.
Timothy K. Wiebe
I don’t see you defending them in any way
Varnel Watson
Timothy K. Wiebe the point is not mine to defend. Daniel Rowe can speak for himself, though what he said was pretty clear with no need for further elaboration
Timothy K. Wiebe
Talk about angel moms, enough said
Varnel Watson
Talking about loosing your first love, enough said
Timothy K. Wiebe
Anyone who doesn’t care about little kids being burned alive, isn’t really saved
Varnel Watson
@Timothy K. Wiebe more kids are killed by drunk drivers. Should we kick them out of the country too?
Varnel Watson
Taking Children from Their Parents Is a Form of State Terror called in the 1930 social fascism Google IT
Jerome T Morris
No one is taking children from anyone.
Their parents are breaking the law.
Let’s place the blame where it belongs, on the parents…
Varnel Watson
The president just signed an order saying otherwise. Dont know about all the liberal Christians in this group but I agree with the President on this one
Terry Wiles
Happens every day in our judicial systems.
Varnel Watson
Kids being caged for the sins of their parents? Naah – dont think so. What ever happened to democracy and freedom for all
Jerome T Morris
The plan of salvation is found in the book of acts chapter 2 verse 38.
If President trump obeyed acts 2:38.. then he is saved..
Daniel Rushing
You will know them by the fruit that they bear, not the prayers that they pray. In fact, Jesus said to be particularly wary of those who feel justified by the latter and not the former.
Varnel Watson
When did he do that Jerome T Morris Haven heard a word about Trump being baptized? Is is possible to backslide once saved?
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day Trump flipped on the issue of children because of the optics – which were quickly turning against him and therefore the bigger agenda he has. The number of children that were incarcerated apart from their parents during Obama was much higher than the few thousand children currently separated under this Administration.
Anyway in most cases it’s a temporary separation – much shorter than American prisoners and their families. But the libs and godless people have hyped the situation because they are desperate to find something to undermine the success of a man they hate. They also hate Christians, moral people, societal standards and norms, and American exceptionalism.
If you have read any books or watched any summary documentaries by Dinesh Desousa explaining the ideology of Obama and the left then you would know what I think is the truth. Plainly said: Obama has an anti-colonial ideology and he is and “Alynskyite“ – who use communist and mob strong arm tactics to get what they want. Simply put: create chaos and then step in and take control. If you want proof: and look at the chaos now which is a result of a collapsed Democrat party that Obama created; look at Occupy Wall Street; look at the protests against Freddy Gray and Michael Brown (Ferguson) incidents. Look at the “Arab Spring” chaos causeds by Obama’s intentional policies.
Generally speaking anything that brings America down Obama was for and worked toward.
Proof of that is Trump’s unleashing of the American potential by simply removing some of the Obama nonsense.
By the way, Hillary Clinton wrote her masters thesis on Saul Alynskey.
Varnel Watson
Well, either way, he is the president and we need to follow him as nation right? I follow him in his decision to issue the order and stop separating children from parents
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day yes I agree with what he’s trying to do and I pray for him and the country that it will have one more chance at revival and righteousness. Though Trump is not a “pastor” and his level of Christian faith is questionable, he definitely has a lot of common sense about what needs to be done for the sake of the nation.
Varnel Watson
I think it was a good decision. Much better than the prior one. Of course, IMO it was all done as political game to be able to say – see how much we need the wall. Joseph Kidwell
Joseph Kidwell
Neil Steven Lawrence, what was godless was ripping these children from their mothers.
Joseph Kidwell
Neil Steven Lawrence, he has no common sense. A good example are the tarriffs that he has slapped on other countries which are resulting in tarriffs being slapped on us. Harley-Davidson is now going to have to lay off American workers and increase production oversea. Soybean farmers are being hit hard as a high percentage of soybeans go to China and now soybean prices are dropping like a rock and the farmers are stuck with the crops. The same for hogs, bourbon etc. The ironic thing is that all but one of the affected states voted for Trump. This is just one example of many that I can list tht the man really is a moron.
Neil Steven Lawrence
Joseph Kidwell the tariffs these countries already have on USA goods is punitive and unrealized by most people. If Trumps doing anything wrong, it is that he’s not communicating well enough how badly we are already being ripped off!
When someone is cutting your throat don’t be so foolish as to complain that your rescuer wants to trim their nails!
Varnel Watson
Punitive? You are not talking about the price of gas that sky rocked after the breaking of the Iranian deal?
Joseph Kidwell
Neil Steven Lawrence, that is not true. The retaliatory tariffs are going to damage our economy. Tariffs have never worked and in a global economy are even more harmful. We are going to lose jobs, especially if Trump follows through on automobiles.
Varnel Watson
Harley is already out
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day we pay $4.50 per gallon in Kenya just across the sea from the Middle East. What does your “skyrocket” price look like?
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day that’s good… Let the Chinese copy Harley and make their own version… If they haven’t already done it!
Varnel Watson
They have It is now called Har-Lee
Varnel Watson
They find it difficult to submit to authority. Hyper-spiritual people are usually full of pride and believe they are more gifted than pastors or other spiritual leaders. Therefore they find it impossible to receive instruction or correction from anyone. They become renegades, and they separate themselves from the body of Christ, which only puts them in a spiritually vulnerable position.
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley George Orwell was right: “The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Ricky Grimsley
1984 should be required reading even in seminary
Varnel Watson
are you sure it isnt?
Ricky Grimsley
Yeah I’m pretty sure Lee doesn’t make them read 1984
Varnel Watson
As I read the Bible I don’t see where anyone gets a free pass to continue living their life in the same manner as before conversion. I expect to see evidence of the fruits of the Spirit whether the person is a President or a ditch digger. A new creation is just that, a NEW creation. Old things are passed away, giving way to the new Ricky Grimsley Joseph Kidwell Scotty Searan
Jerome T Morris
Troy Day. You don’t change instantly into a perfect saint upon becoming a Christian..
The old man wants to come out. You have to learn to keep the old person under submission…
That takes time reading and hearing the word..
Varnel Watson
You are right We need to take under consideration that he is an old man
Jerome T Morris
Troy Day , young or old. Our new life starts the day we follow Acts 2:38..
Miguel Alvarez
He is the Antichrist
Jerome T Morris
No he ain’t.. every since I can remember people have claimed presidents and others being The antichrist..
They all been wrong..
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley tried to tell ya
Neil Steven Lawrence
List the reasons why.
Gregg McMahan
Miguel AlvarezAlvarez, I think that you could be right.
Lyn Wilson
I have no idea what Trump’s personal religious experiences or beliefs are like. I do know that he has acted in a way deeply respectful of Christians while he has been president. Let’s contrast that to Barrack Obama, who gave the infamous “Bitter clinger” remark, and Hillary Clinton, who said “deeply held religious beliefs need to be changed”. Night and day, in my opinion.
I don’t think Trump was even a conservative for much of his life. He did support HRC in an election. But, he certainly has governed like a conservative as president, apart from the tariff thing.
Varnel Watson
Lyn Wilson none of them ever claimed supernatural salvation in mid-election and afterwords. Did not dare to declare and feared our conservative evangelical anger. Our conservative evangelical values are now mocked and dragged through the mud as both Dobson and Paula White gave statements of supernatural salvific conversion. Where is the FRUIT? Joseph Kidwell
Lyn Wilson
I don’t listen to Dobson or Paula White. If they know Trump personally, maybe they know he accepted Jesus, but I doubt it. Conservative evangelical values are always going to be mocked by the Left. The only way that would ever stop, is for us to abandon our beliefs in the divine and reduce Christianity to a wealth redistribution philosophy.
I cringe when I see religious leaders mix in politics. The stuff Pat Robertson has said over the years is enough for me.
Varnel Watson
Just reminding of what they said That’s all
Varnel Watson
Jan Dixon Sykes if the people that brought testimony of salvific experience are not reliable; if there has never been a personal confession of being saved; if the fruit is not there => OP rests Joseph Kidwell Not sure what else could be added to the truth
Pete Fiske
Troy Day, a president’s spiritual condition isn’t necessarily the stuff of what’s going to make him a good president. I think Trump has certainly been being drawn in by the Holy Spirit, and his actions have shown a tender heart toward biblical Christianity on several fronts, most notably protecting Christians being persecuted in the third world. I have yet to see any evidence that Barack Hussein Obama was a Christian.
Neil Steven Lawrence
An accurate observation. I saw something blip across the news… Something about the Trump administration removing Muslim and homosexual things out of the White House… I don’t know what but I’m sure it was nasty. Anybody who lights up the White House in rainbow colors intentionally, does not have the Holy Spirit but a different spirit.
With Trump the whole experience is unexpectedly refreshing. No doubt his vice president has an impact on him along with the Holy Spirit. Think about all the prayers he is now receiving that he never received before.
The Obamanation was the most demonically inspired president we have ever had. Also, the most idealogically driven president we’ve ever had.
Here are the homosexual staff members of the Obamanation WH proudly taking a photo together.
Kelly Crites
I dont know. I heard that he repeated the sinner’s prayer, which does nothing unless he truly repents and believes the gospel. I hope he is though. I know he isn’t always surrounded by the best biblical teachers, but hopefully someone has proclaimed the gospel to him and God has changed his heart.
Michael Mcdonald
Michael Mcdonald
He admitted he doesn’t believe in asking God for forgiveness .. it’s documented in an interview
Michael Mcdonald
Of course his supporters will cover their eyes and ears and yell fake news
Varnel Watson
about what? Michael Mcdonald his true salvation ?
Toby Lee Fricks
Don’t know, that’s not for me to decide, but I Love the job he’s doing as President.
Link Hudson
Where are the voices claiming that he is saved? He has some respect for traditional Christianity, has some political objectives many US Christians believe in (appointing judges with sense and outlawing abortion) and seems bolder tgan mist politicians about accomplishing these objectives.
Steve Maxwell
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson Steve Maxwell BOTH of yalls memory is too SHORT for your tongues ./or fingers I know Link lats about 2 weeks without a reminder but Steve is more of a new mexico NON memorum Anyhow I will ask both @Bob Wizenhut and Nelson Banuchi to remind the group when James Dobson made a big stink in the media about some secret prayer with Paula when Trump confessed and was saved
then Charles Page properly commented
This is a political maneuver on the part of James Dobson, he has accept Jesus in proxy for Trump. I am still voting for Trump and glad it is not Dobson running for president.
and we have to agree Now that Paula is an apostle she still claims the salvific experience under her belt she has an office at the White House. It seems she is a trusted staff member and influence with Trump family
Link Hudson
2 weeks? I have no idea what youare talking about because I do not read everything on this forum. I have taken to unfollowing threads on this forum if you tag me and it is not of particular interest to me. If you read it that does not mean I read it
I have heard or read rumors of Trump repeating a prayer. Did not see details. If God transforms him I would hope we can witness the fruit.
I still do not remember any evangelical leaders saying to vote for him because he was saved.
Nelson Banuchi
To the question whether Trump is saved, I can only go by, among other divinely inspired Scriptural texts, 1 John 3:7-7,10.
Varnel Watson
Charles Page are you telling us you voted Hillary ?
Varnel Watson
it was fake news again
Shane Vanmeter
The Rebecca lady sounds nasty. She doesnt even stand against abortion.
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
If you listen to those ???Christian’s??? Who think that the Democratic party is one 1000% God ordained, anointed, and appointed say NO! Trump is of the devil!
John Crilly
Jerome Herrick Weymouth Do you guys(south of the border)think when we stand before God ,He will ask you are you Republican or Democrat …..this is what it sounds like to the rest of the world…..
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
John Crilly
This north of the boarder boy from Los Angeles thinks that President Trump is the one who God put in the Whitehouse. As I read in Daniel… God puts who He wants to lead the USA or any country for His Purposes regardless of what party he’s from.
John Crilly
Jerome Herrick Weymouth 1Sam:8:4-22 interesting story….God gave them what they wanted…..not what He wanted……verse8….be careful not to claim things in God’s name….just a thought…..
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Going to stick with Danel’s account because that for King Saul and the knuckleheads who desired a king, and not to live under Gods rule. Daniel said to the King, God rules and deceides who will be the king and thaen the King became a wild beast, He the soverign God and He says whose going to be the King, the President, or the prime minister
Chris Westerman
Trump is the modern day Cyrus. Anointed by God to do what he is doing. Christians should be very thankful for this President and how he is fighting for our religious freedom.
Varnel Watson
Jerome Herrick Weymouth you think GOD is a republican? Then why is His kingdom a monarchy?
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Troy Day again God puts in office according to his purposes!
Varnel Watson
hey William DeArteaga Ray E Horton Ed Brewer Nelson Banuchi so Obama or any one else was muslim or heathen but Trump found found a way to shut down churches for weeks if not months at the time and is still saved? James P Bowers
Joe Collins
Troy Day He shut down buildings not the church. The church yesterday reached more people than we ever did in the building. Hopefully the church will learn from all of this and be more evangelistic on social media. With that being said we are to be concerned about his salvation but for the right reason. If we think he is not we should be praying that he gives his life to the Lord and that the Lord put the right people in his life to share the true gospel to him. We should never use the idea of him not being saved against him or for a reason to slander or hate him.
Ray E Horton
Doubt that reflects on his salvation, and doubt that his desire was to shut down churches.
Mitchell Effie Catron
Our governor beat him to it
Varnel Watson
KY was first
Varnel Watson
intent and morals are important of course BUT the fact of the matter remains – churches are closed today #over
Joe Collins
Troy Day with knowing that people have gotten it from church activities and even a couple of pastors got it, would you have shut in person church gatherings down? Because remember he did not shut the church down it just forced us to think outside the box and I saw yesterday that the church reached more people than we did at our buildings.
Ivan John D. Sopko
We are all saved through the power of the Blood of the Lamb. Anyone can throw that salvation away, but it is indeed God’s decision to judge. Not mine.
Varnel Watson
does this mean Trump is saved or not?
Joe Collins
Troy Day Do you spend as much time praying for his salvation as you do trying to prove that he is not saved?
Do you spend as much time praying that God gives him wisdom as you coming across that you don’t like him?
Ivan John D. Sopko
I don’t dislike him,I am happy he is our President. We pray for him each Sunday. His salvation is between God and the President himself. Only God knows what is in President Trump’s heart. I am not trying to prove he is not saved, why would I?
Daniel J Hesse
God knows the heart…
Lula Jones
He use a donky..Why not trump.
Varnel Watson
did he save that donkey for eternity?
Lula Jones
We have a lot around today Donkey I prefere something elsse.
Satheesh Pillai
Yes He did
Varnel Watson
he did close all churches in America?
Joe Collins
Satheesh Pillai The church is people he closed in person gatherings and I am glad that he did because close to us we have a church secretary that got it and is not expected to live we see a couple of pastors got it as well. People’s safety is more important than us coming together in the same building. I see God is using this to teach the church how to use online tools to reach people. I think when all of this is over many of the churches will have grown.
Mark Lloyd
It is possible for a man to be one who is not saved, but to play one who is, on TV.
Varnel Watson
oh no he didnt Nelson Banuchi James P Bowers
Jesse James Sullivan
He doesn’t study the WORD. He said he doesn’t believe GOD has anything to do with Covid-19.
If I shut up the sky, so that there is no rain; or if I order locusts to devour the land; or if I send an epidemic of sickness among my people; then, if my people, who bear my name, will humble themselves, pray, seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear from heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears will pay attention to the prayer made in this place.
Divrei-HamYamim Bet (2 Ch) 7:13-15 CJB
TimnJanay Richards
Romans 10:13
Whosoever Calls up on the name of the Lord shall be saved
Chris Norris
It isn’t mine or your job to figure that out. It is our job to love and pray for him, and everyone else around us for that matter. How about we leave the judgement of whether he is saved in the hands of God where it belongs.
Col Rtd Ben Laguina
Does it matter?
Varnel Watson
matters to many – does it matter to you?
Col Rtd Ben Laguina
Troy Day it should, but i also know that King Cyrus, in the Bible, was a Pagan, yet God used him, GREATLY, to restore the Israelites after the Babylonian exile. It would be nice if we could know for sure that Trump is a Christian. However, what matters is that he’s a tool in God’s hand.
Varnel Watson
Col Rtd Ben Laguina but we know King Cyrus, in the Bible is dead right?
Col Rtd Ben Laguina
Troy Day I’m standing here with Neil Steven Lawrence, and he says maybe he’s come back to life.
Varnel Watson
Col Rtd Ben Laguina but not until the 25th right
Anthony Christchild
Joe Collins
If we would stop fussing and arguing about all of this and focus on reaching people on social media we may learn something that the Lord is trying to teach us and we may reach more people.
Varnel Watson
we reached you on social media didnt we
Joe Collins
Troy Day you are not even seeing the point. The church has lost its focus. Are we more concerned about our dislike for Trump or praying he get saved?
Varnel Watson
Joe Collins I was under the impression he was already saved?
Joe Collins
Troy Day I don’t know that he is and never said that he is. From your post I don’t think you believe he is. If he is he does not always act like it, I guess for that matter many of us on Facebook don’t always act like it either.
Varnel Watson
Joe Collins Pittsburgh Mosques and liquor stores are open.
However 99.9% of the churches are closed
Joe Collins
The mosques may have some law suites coming there way if someone contracts it there.
Joe Collins
I’m glad our church are using more wisdom the than the mosques
Jared Cheshire
And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
Mark 16:17-18
If you’re afraid to practice that, it’s not wisdom, the unbelief.
Varnel Watson
Jared Cheshire they will follow just some nowadays
Jared Cheshire
Troy Day agreed!
Jared Cheshire
I preached how about if the signs aren’t following, are you truly a believer, and really upset some of the old guard at my last Church. LOL
Darol Britt
If he has confessed Jesus Christ as his savior, with his mouth before others, and he has, then…yes…he is saved
Varnel Watson
did he need to repent too? RichardAnna Boyce
RichardAnna Boyce
IF Trump has believed in Jesus to give him Eternal Life, then he is saved eternally. BUT he appears to be a Nicodemus believer, hiding his belief, a Jesus denier.. IF he is a believer there is no sign of him repenting, as a believer, and earning rewards in the Millennium. The first (looking after themselves) shall be LAST in the Millennium. The church can never be closed down, as it is 2 or more believers gathered together. It is being strengthened as the focus is being taken off denominations and leaders; empowering believers to have more intimate personal fellowship with Jesus.
Varnel Watson
whats the difference with the demons who also believe
RichardAnna Boyce
they dont believe in Jesus to give them Eternal Life.
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce because they havent repented from their sins
RichardAnna Boyce
Gospel of John, only book in Bible detailing how unbelievers receive Eternal Life. 100 times mentions BELIEVE ONLY, but NEVER mentions repentance as a condition of first believing to receive eternal life.
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.
Acts 3:19
RichardAnna Boyce
Troy Day Acts 3:19 Repentance for Jews is to PREPARE them to believe in Jesus as their Saviour to receive Eternal Life; not a CONDITION to believe; as these Jews were not believers yet.
RichardAnna Boyce
Acts 3:17-20
3:17. Peter now prepared a path for an appeal to repentance by affirming “I know that you did it in ignorance, as did also your rulers.” The whole statement may reflect the Lord Jesus’ own words from the cross (Luke 23:34). The people (at least about three thousand of them) had responded favorably on Pentecost. Now how would their leaders respond?
3:18. Consistent with his sermon on the Day of Pentecost, Peter points out the divine design as revealed in the prophetic proclamation—“the mouth of all His prophets” (cf. Acts 2:22-24). The Father fulfilled what He had foretold through all His OT spokesmen. The nation should heed Peter’s appeal as God’s authoritative spokesman.
3:19. The Apostle Peter again spoke to them from the perspective of Israel as God’s special people—and in the context of their recent rejection of the Messiah in Jerusalem. Despite their grievous sin, God the Father had both allowed them to live and granted them an opportune time to respond to the message: “Repent therefore and be converted.”
3:20. Peter assures them of a complementary consequence that would result from their repentance—the Father would “send Jesus Christ”—Jesus would return to establish His Messianic reign in Israel.
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce cant be saved without confessing and cant confess without true repentance OR you are a catholic, which you may be one after all without repentance You can twist Acts as much as you want but still says REPENT
RichardAnna Boyce
Troy Day has just declared that Gospel of John is not part of the Bible!!!!!!!!!
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce nope Not declared any of that Actually I cited BIBLE verses of repentance which you are unwilling to accept
Seems you about as saved as the man in the picture above if you attack a brother in such a low ways
Zach Blood
He’s got *something looking out for him
John George
#Really #saved ?
Let each one of us take our own inventory & thank God for His saving Grace.
Varnel Watson
Could one believe to be saved but not really saved? Danny Kircharr
Danny Kircharr
Troy Day short answer is YES; long answer is YEEEEESSSSSSSS
Danny Kircharr
Troy Day as you know My friend, a tree is known by its fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree can henceforth not bear good fruit
Paul Joy Moravec
Danny Kircharr However if you are evaluating the fruit through the eyes of the media then you have no idea whether it’s good or bad. It’s what they want you to believe..
No person knows the heart of another person, that’s why God is the judge.
Thomas Vernholm
Paul Joy Moravec we should actually have discernment. Is this person walking with Christ (language, deeds, interests
dislikes, but also what is not said)
Is it in accordance with the Bible and the Holy Spirit within us.
Is there conformity.
We need to have discernment when it comes to an insider but not an outsider.
With Trump, I have sometimes thought he was born again. Other times not but that God is working on him because what he does is for the Kingdom in some way.
Personally I am very pro Him and have always been…
David Boekeloo
Paul Joy Moravec I don’t need the media to tell me anything. I just watch him and make my own evaluations. Whether he’s saved is not for me to say, but whether he is a positive example is another question entirely.
Paul Joy Moravec
David Boekeloo Here’s the first President in years who is pro-life, supports Christianity, prayer in schools, recognizes Israel, etc. Whether he is a born again Christian I don’t know, but is God using him and working through him… absolutely!
Rob Erto
Paul Joy Moravec he certainly went down the conservative christian talking point list and started checking. See little indication of fruit in his life and his association with Paula White speaks volumes to me.
Derek Grant
Rob Erto Paula white is a false Profit. He she exposed her.
We all who are Believers should.
Rob Erto
Derek Grant I couldnt understand your response very well, but if you’re saying we should expose Paula White as a fraud… absolutely. We should also demand that if our president is going to present as a Conservative Christian that he renounce all false teachings and teachers.
Derek Grant
Rob Erto don’t worry in due time all false teaches will be exposed.
How is it that we have the right to demand that if he’s going to be President that renounce all false teaches and teachings.
He the President of the United states of America and job is to lead the country and do Gods will.
The way he’s going after liberal media, planned parenthood, and liberal Judegs. That’s God will to me.
Rob Erto
Derek Grant God used pharaoh to do his will as well. Trump is accomplishing some things on my punch list. I’ll give him that. I’ll probably vote for him in contrast to other options… with my nose firmly held. We as Christians can do much, much better.
Derek Grant
Rob Erto I’m glad you said we because I wouldn’t want to be left out.
Being conformed into the image of christ is not for the weak.
God bless you my brother keep fighting the fight.
Rob Erto
Derek Grant you too
Danny Kircharr
Rob Erto someone gets it!! What a man says holds no weight or shouldn’t. What a man does now…THAT actually means something. Even Satan KNOWS what GODs word says
Rob Erto
Danny Kircharr truth
Paul Joy Moravec
Rob Erto I’m curious to hear what you think about Biblical David? I understand he was quite a ladies man….. but God sure seemed to appreciate him and did some amazing things though him.
That “speaks volumes to me”.
Brad Alger
I never thought he was ever saved
Robert Cox
Fruit? Taking God’s name in vain, speaking horribly of people?
If he’s saved, the rest of us have nothing to worry about.
Mike Henderson
Robert Cox I’m a mechanic by trade in the heat of the moment I have pinched a finger and taken the lords name in vain, thank God he is a loving father who sent his son to save me through his grace and not my works so I may go to heaven. If you believe this disqualifys Trump from being saved or a Christian, maybe take stock of any sin you may have committed and focus heavily on that because by your logic your salvation is in jeopardy.
Varnel Watson
Mike Henderson hopefully when you pinch your finger you dont get some star service too
Robert Cox
Mike Henderson
I was a mechanic the majority of my working life. I worried when I got saved and started attending church that I would slip but I didn’t. You know why? The same reason I used to cuss like a sailor but would NOT cuss in front of my parents. You can absolutely NOT cuss and I’m really tired of trumpers making excuses for every little thing he does. He could skin baby kittens on TV and ppl like you would make an excuse for it. He didn’t just cuss; he broke a Commandment! Even when I cussed I never said GD or used Jesus Christ as a cuss word.
Trumpers kill me. You can excuse him all you want. He’s a self centered, egotistical liar that’s getting rich off the presidency along with his entire family and elite cronies. It’s too bad the evangelical community has been so deceived.
And typically, trying to throw the subject back on me is a liberal Sal Alinski trick. This isn’t about me, but if it was I would tell you that I at least repent when I sin. Trump has stated that he’s never repented. How is he saved without ever repenting? What kind of excuse have you idolizers got for that?
Robert Cox
And BTW he was speaking to thousands of ppl live. Are you seriously saying he just “slipped?”
What a joke! Lol.
Robert Cox
Y’all can want him saved (as I do) as much as you want but if he hasn’t repented and bowed to Jesus as Lord, I guarantee you he’s not saved.
Robert Cox
And yes, we are supposed to judge those who say they’re in the kingdom. Look it up.
Mike Henderson
Robert Cox wow you can tell you are a liberal, your emotions obviously control you. Looks like I may have triggered you. So with that being said how can you support the liberal party that wants to remove God from society, murder babies, and promotes homosexuality and pedophilia? All this is against scripture so why do you defend it so hard?
Varnel Watson
Mike Henderson I wouldnt go that far Actually Bob is a good ol soutehrn conservative like many out there
Mike Henderson
Mike Henderson
Troy Day fooled me, when he started uncalled for name calling and bashing our president with misguided logic I pegged him as a liberal….I still think he is.
Robert Cox
Mike Henderson
Well, you’re a fool then, jaded by your love for trump, an unrepentant sinner.
It’s ok. You’re certainly not the only one deceived by that son of satan.
Robert Cox
And I never called you any names, unlike the ones you just called me. Liberal democrat? Ahahaha. If only you knew how laughable that is.
I’ve never voted for a democrat. Not even one that was a democrat all his life then swapped over to republican.
You got played!
Mike Henderson
Robert Cox trumpers? Yeah didn’t name call got ya, don’t forget to ask forgiveness for that lie seeing as you just broke your sinless streak, and no you are still a liberal, anyone who is run that hard off of emotion and not logic is typically a liberal.
Robert Cox
Mike Henderson
Trumper is an insult to you? Really! Ok, maybe I should’ve called you a deplorable bc y’all seem to wear that badge proudly!
Robert Cox
Not a liberal and never claimed to be sinless. Try to keep up! I know trump loves the uneducated! He said so……
I’m just surprised you’re not typing all in CAPS and cussing me out right now. Like your hero would be. And most deplorables do any time you say anything not praising trump.
Did you know trump is a lifelong liberal? Did you know he donated to Pelosi, Shummer and the Clinton Foundation? Did you know his daughter and the Clintons daughter are BFF? Did you know Soros forgave a loan for trump? Did you know trump has been to Soros’s house?
Yeah. I’m the liberal. Lol.
Mike Henderson
Robert you meant it as a derogatory term trying to pretend like you didn’t is just another lie….you just keep digging yourself deeper.
Robert Cox
And it’s hilarious that you chose to comment on my comment about how you can’t control your emotions and you cuss whenever you “pinch your finger”
You liberal. Lol
Robert Cox
Robert Cox
Robert Cox
^^^real tweets from the tweeter in chief…..
Mike Henderson
Robert Cox and never forget he’s still your president, get ready to cry again in November.
Michael Connolly
Mark Niblett
not for anyone to judge
Michelle Williams
No one can say for sure. But he tells people to pray to whatevet God they have for help. If you’re saved I don’t think you could believe there are other God’s that could help. He has also said he has no reason to repent he’s never done anything he needs forgiveness for. We can’t know for a fact but we can see that there is alot lacking if he is saved. Repentance is key
Rob Erto
Michelle Williams the nothing to repent for put me over the edge with him. God can change him for sure… see both indication he has yet.
James Pedreschi
Only God knows
Varnel Watson
yap fruit before yapping
Larry Dale Steele
Matthew 12:34
Ericc Pannonee
I would say he is, however what business is it of ours? Worry about your OWN salvation and sort it out with much fear and trembling.
Varnel Watson
there has been public claims to the fact and we are examining those claims There has been real political move to swing the vote based on such public claims We The People have the right to KNOW lest we remain ignorant to the issue
Kevin L. Adair
As much as I would personally like to see all people in heaven, it is still up to that person… has been said that we will be surprised at who is there …..
Robert Cox
Kevin L. Adair
The Bible doesn’t say that.
Kevin L. Adair
Robert Cox true…..but not everything about heaven is written down……
Rob Erto
Not my place to decide. Doubtful. The saved wouldnt likely be associated with Paula White.
Robert Cox
Folks, we are SUPPOSED to judge those who say they’re in the kingdom. How about a quick read of 1 Cor 5?
Varnel Watson
Mike Henderson wouldnt you say lots of the current policies pushed are pretty communistic Like closed borders, no immigration or free travel, close markets and VAT tax; open govt surveillance of personal space and communication; mandatory vaccination Das Kapital all over again if you ask me but lets see elections 2020 first
Franky Rivera
Mike Pence and Ben Carson have said Trump has asked Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. Only God knows the heart.
Derris Lenon Jr.
Franky Rivera Only God knows, but he clearly said that he will not ask Jesus/God for forgiveness. Repentance is essential….
Franky Rivera
Derris Lenon Jr.
Varnel Watson
I frankly do not trust CP for information on this Now where did Pence said it too?
Derris Lenon Jr.
Franky Rivera Good
Franky Rivera
Troy Day
Glenn Vitko
As been said already.. Only Jesus (and Trump) truly knows.. I hope he is saved..
Jono Rosie
How amazing would it be for a sitting president to become born again and especially if he were to share that with the world
Aaron Paul Carruth
I hope so and I think God our Father is working on him. Only He knows his heart and desires.
Sheila Anne
I pray he is.
Glen Hutchinson
That is between him and God.
Varnel Watson
and us the Church – the community of GOD
Harry Jones
I sure hope he’s saved?
Bobby Gonzalez
Who knows.
Peter Grapsas
You know.. One of you can try running as president, cop all the crap he’s gone thru, and then on top, ask stupid moronic questions like that. Hey.. Get a life.. Maybe it’s best get on your knees and try blessing this man instead of throwing stones at him.
Peter Grapsas
There you go..
Billy Fortenberry
Never heard of a Pentecostal with solid theology so I say ignore .
Varnel Watson
are you ignoring the November elections too?
Billy Fortenberry
Troy Day there are plenty of solid Christians that are involved with the Trump campaign. I can’t think of one solid pastor that would vote Democrat. I don’t believe a Bible believing Christian can vote for a pro choice president any how .
Brent Roberts
Billy Fortenberry haven’t known many Pentecostals then.
David Huckabay Jr
We’ve had sitting presidents before who were true born again Christians. One was a minister. President Garfield was a minister of the Gospel and while president he preached sermons in the church that met in the US Capitol.
Varnel Watson
was Garfield also a mason? I forget what was the deal
David Huckabay Jr
Troy Day
I don’t think so, not sure. I understand from a book about the masons by David Barton that the masons back in the 18th and 19th century were very different than it is now. If I remember right, the masons nearly stopped existing by the late 19th century, but then someone revived it adding pagan stuff to it.
Cody Ashton Hitchen
He doesn’t surround himself with good shepherds of the faith
Varnel Watson
how would you know that exactly?
William Clark
Is he saved? Don’t know. Do I think he’s doing the best he can under some of the most devastating and demanding circumstances in any modern presidency? Absolutely.
Varnel Watson
so what exactly are you saying Bill?
Derris Lenon Jr.
Only God knows, but he clearly said that he will not ask Jesus/God for forgiveness. Repentance is essential….
Emmanuel Scott
Derris Lenon Jr. Asking for forgiveness and repentance are two different things.
Grace Williams
The word “repent” in the Bible Greek is not asking for forgiveness – it means to change direction.
Varnel Watson
that is TRUE he had nothing to repent of
Derris Lenon Jr.
Emmanuel Scott At the same time, 1 John 1:9 does indicate that somehow forgiveness is dependent on our confessing our sins to God.
Varnel Watson
Derris Lenon Jr. and all this done within the Community of believers ie. the Church not on some remote spiritual island
Derris Lenon Jr.
Troy Day curious question…. Are you okay with someone saying that they refuse to confess their sins to God and ask for forgiveness? Lol
I’m a trump voter, but he’s human just like the rest of us he’s not a god ? he’s not perfect….
Emmanuel Scott
Derris Lenon Jr. That scripture says for us to confess our sins and and He is faithful to forgive us. We confess and he forgives. We don’t have to ask for forgiveness because it’s implied by our confession. But they are still two different things.
Emmanuel Scott
Derris Lenon Jr. God would rather someone confess their wrongs than just ask for forgiveness. Can’t ask for forgiveness if you don’t identify the wrong you want to be forgiven for.
Derris Lenon Jr.
Emmanuel Scott He said he wouldn’t do that either lol, I can send you the interview…
Emmanuel Scott
Derris Lenon Jr. Well in that case… lol. But let’s keep praying for the guy.
Derris Lenon Jr.
Emmanuel Scott Yes. I hope he gets saved.
Freddy Jocksand Diaz
Only God knows. Who are we to ask this?
Thembinkosi Mkhonto
Freddy Jocksand Diaz we are Christians who are worried about the life of another person
Are you saved?
Varnel Watson
we are the Church that preaches the Gospel of Salvation AND evangelical voters who have the right to know
Freddy Jocksand Diaz
Troy Day I am saved by the blood of Jesus.
Varnel Watson
Freddy Jocksand Diaz good to know NOW stay that way
Faithful Ryan Alfonso
Pray..that he will be.
Emmanuel Scott
Don’t know but he is chosen by God. Pray for him (1 Tim 2:1-2).
Samson Sip
Emmanuel Scott initially I thought u saying he is elected to be saved. Hahahahhaha
Emmanuel Scott
Samson Sip ????
Emmanuel Scott
Samson Sip then again he might just be. Only God knows. We are just to be obedient. We will find out for sure in heaven lol.
Stephen McCulloch
Emmanuel Scott
1 Tim 2:1-2 would equally apply to Obama, whoever is the next president, King George III in 1776 and Emperor Nero.
Emmanuel Scott
Stephen McCulloch ok? I agree. I’m a little confused on why that needed to be said. Care to elaborate?
Stephen McCulloch
Emmanuel Scott
It seems to me that Christians are inconsistent. They pray for Trump but not for Obama.
Emmanuel Scott
Stephen McCulloch well those Christians who dont are in error.
Duane L Burgess
No evidence of being born from above. But God puts everyone in the White House. Looks like Trump is there, if nothing else, at least to position Israel in the End Times.
Grace Williams
IF he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour, then he’s saved. But I don’t know his testimony, so I don’t know. But God does. It isn’t about how BAD he is, or others are. Gospel is about how BAD we ALL WERE and ARE (in the flesh) yet Christ died for us.
Franky Rivera
As Christians we need to stop shoving Trumps sins in his face and pray that he is saved just like any other president. I see Christians bring up his past sins while having a log in their eye. The same measurement a Christian wants to judge Trump’s sins are the same measurement God will judge you for your sins.
Varnel Watson
we are shoving none Simply asking about his soul No judgment or condemnation but love and care
Garrett StClair
If you’re using pentacostal theology for a reputable source about salvation I’d double check your theology
Varnel Watson
didnt a Pentecostal minister led Trump to salvation How would your theology lead President to salvation differently?
Steven Chakarovski
No way
Fernando Herrera
Steven Chakarovski God much??? How do you know???
Steven Chakarovski
Fernando Herrera “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits”.
Fernando Herrera
Steven Chakarovski So is Trump a false prophet now? Wow, I thought I have heard it all!
Wamulunji Wabukhonyi
Peter Grapsas Is there a way I can get this, please?
Alan Parsons
No is the short answer
Steve Bagnall
His actions & words don’t constitute someone who is saved that’s between him & God
Varnel Watson
well you are maybe right there too
Steve Bagnall
Not my words but…
A person’s actions need to be examined to see if they’re consistent with his profession. 1 John 2:4 says, “If you say you know him and do not keep his Commandments, the truth is not in you and you are a liar.” So, if someone professes to be a Christian and yet behaves in a manner contrary to that profession, then we would naturally doubt his salvation.
Steve Bagnall
Having said that, we can’t see someone’s heart. Only God can
Chris Arevalo
The way he used to behave kind of makes it hard to believe that he is. It’s not as if he converted after he took presidency. He was a self-professed Christian when he bragged about groping women and grabbing them by their private area. But I’m just glad that he cleaned his act, now supporting Christian morals. Whether that is a strategy to gain support from conservatives, whether he is saved or not, I really don’t know.
If his policies would prevent America from devolving into an immoral country, then he will always have my vote. I’m just surprised how some Christians puts him on a pedestal and pretends how holy Trump is as though he’s some sort of prophet or savior.
Varnel Watson
what about the way he behaves now?
Stephen McCulloch
Chris Arevalo
Which Christian morals are Donald Trump supporting? Please be as specific as you can.
Chris Arevalo
Stephen McCulloch the sanctity of life of an unborn child for one
Varnel Watson
Chris Arevalo will children be injected with new covid-19 vaccines full with aluminum?
Chris Arevalo
Troy Day never liked his personality. He’s still rude in my opinion. For being a Christian, I believe he surrounds himself with glass Christianity.
Varnel Watson
Chris Arevalo TRUE and true I actually liked Trump a LOT Yes he is ALL you say but also a lot of fun too And asked him if he will be running back in 2009 However the claim of salvation bothers me based on what I’ve seen And I am not sure how to put 2 and 2 on this one
Stephen McCulloch
Chris Arevalo
That’s one. Has this one solitary issue becoming the definition of Christianity?
Chris Arevalo
Stephen McCulloch never said it did
Chris Arevalo
Troy Day sorry I don’t like clicking links I don’t recognize. What does it say?
Stephen McCulloch
Chris Arevalo
Other than his support for the anti abortion cause, can you identify the Christian morals he supports?
Chris Arevalo
Stephen McCulloch his support on traditional marriage.
Is this really something very odd to hear? I don’t know why that is very surprising. I never said he defines Christianity, nor did I say he defines the totality of christian morals. but the concept of biblical family is important – crucial even – and abandoning it is to force the decline of the whole society; even worse than what we are now.
Does he have Christianity correct? not at all! I think he’s idea of Christianity is based on prosperity gospel. He’s a narcissist who is in love of himself and think he doesn’t need forgiveness.
The fact is, I would vote for him because I believe in the family, not because I like his personality. like I said in my initial post, I don’t know why people puts him on a pedestal and treats him like a prophet.
anyone who promotes same-sex marriage and killing of babies shouldn’t stand in that office. Whether that president is a christian, a muslim, jewish – it doesn’t matter to me. If he stands there and and enforces morals the same as my own, then I would vote for him. I prefer a person who is in the same faith as me, but that’s just me. it’s not as if that’s what qualifies one for the presidency.
José Miguel Ramos
Peter Grapsas I mean you hear him say this but you also hear him say “why do I need to ask for forgiveness, I don’t ask for forgiveness I try make myself and better person”
Like I wouldn’t say he’s saved but God is using him.
Temesgen Adonai
he says I didn’t ask forgiveness to God
Larry SMith
Troy Day..are you really saved?
Varnel Watson
I am Thank you for asking me Hope it was with care and not passive aggressive ways Are you? I must ask since you live in sin city too
John Tupou
Well our PM in NZ, loved by many for her affection and blah blah blah during COVID quietly passed the abortion law under the radar….so Trump isnt that bad
Sherin Linda
John Tupou abortion is not the only thing that defines sin or being saved/not saved
Varnel Watson
you do not that to be true or not
John Tupou
Sherin Linda where do I say that?
Varnel Watson
John Tupou well you are pointing it out in your example so it leads that way But neither of us know that PM or POTUS well enough and what other laws they are fixing to sign under c19
Sherin Linda
John Tupou just because trump didn’t pass a law in favor of abortion does not mean he “isn’t that bad”.. If his other polices are causing deaths then it is “that bad”
John Tupou
Troy Day just pointing out that POTUS isn’t that bad given our PM is saying “stay home, save lives” but then passes law allowing full term abortions…or are you okay with that?
Varnel Watson
John Tupou what about churches shutting down in the US and not reopening As well as new vaccine laws passing?
John Tupou
Sherin Linda what other laws has he passed similar to millions of babies killed in the womb?
Sherin Linda
John Tupou you will argue for unborn babies but ignore the fact that millions of migrants , the deaths of those in the US due to delayed response are not on him?
Sherin Linda
Also did he not shift to pro-life just for the votes? Also, wasn’t he dodgey in interviews about whether he had asked his varrious sexual partners for abortion ?
Sherin Linda
John Tupou and this ‘millions of unborn’ retoric is an excuse to forward the cause of the white evangelical leaders whose mission has so far strayed from spreading the gospel to one of be in cahouts with the political powers of the State. Just because something came from the pulpit doesn’t mean it came from God. Y’all cry for the millions of unborn babies while driving the living into the same sin-cycles due to your hard heartedness
Sherin Linda
The church is a place for sinners to come and taste the love of God and turn to him from thier sins. In your mission of “condemning sin” and trying to elect faborable leaders into power and enabling laws to support your causes through them dont turn them away at the door
John Tupou
Troy Day our churches aren’t open yet either and neither has any other place gathering more than 20.
John Tupou
Sherin Linda what are you talking about? Millions of migrants dead from his delayed response to what?
John Tupou
Sherin Linda he shifted to pro-life for the votes? Is th at written somewhere? Forgive me if it is facts but can you show me?
John Tupou
Sherin Linda driving the living into the same sin-cycles? How on earth does that explain away what the New Zealand PM passed into law? By the way, she’s alive and kicking and the ‘rhetoric’ are being killed. Who’s hard hearted?
John Tupou
Sherin Linda so you don’t think we should elect Christian leaders? You are okay with baby murderers? My whole point was that Trump isn’t as bad as say, Jacinda Ardern or Kim Jong Un or any number other leaders out there. Is Trump perfect? Nope.
Sherin Linda
You keep believing what you want. I dont think church and state ought to mix. Christians from “christian nations” have lost your direction a long time back. If you think advancing the gospel is by electing poeple, by manipulating politcal works through donations and such and getting laws enacted, I have nothing to argue with you. Laws will not bring people to Christ.. Saving unborn babies is important cool.. Try saving the mother and the child through compassion and servitude of the First Chruch
Maybe you won’t need to look at imperfect world leaders and will get to focus on Christ for once
John Tupou
Sherin Linda I agree with everything you’ve said above. My post was that in comparison to other world leaders, Trump ain’t that bad. You do love a bit of a misguided rant however lol…
And some of your comments above seem a little angry and not very Christian…so you probably wouldn’t make a good leader ??
Karl Ernst Von Buddenbrock
He once said in an interview he didn’t think he needed forgiveness. Right there – a clue. That’s core to conversion.
Varnel Watson
that is true but has this changed or not
Lalhmangaih Zuala
If you are using pentecostal theology for the criteria…hmmm first you need to be baptise.
Pentecostal never believe born again outside their church
Varnel Watson
none of this is actually true and IF Trump was saved was not without the ministry of Pentecostals
Chris Westerman
Is Trump a great President and chosen by God to give our country a reprieve of 8 years to repent? Absolutely –YES!!
Varnel Watson
NO – you are speculating again
Chris Westerman
Trump is our Cyrus and our Jehu. No president has been more “pro-life” than Donald Trump. He has defended the church against the liberal attack and seeks counsel from Christian leaders on a regular basis. He believes in prayer.
Varnel Watson
Chris Westerman There is actually no proof of any of that Speculation at best and perhaps false prophecy As usual you are just speculating without any proof or point
Chris Westerman
Troy Day You believe God created the universe without any proof.
Akumtosh Mackintosh Jamir
What actually is the problem that some has with Trump his salvation?
Datan Yendor
Are republicans and democrats really saved? ???
Chris Westerman
Only Republicans.?
John Allen
Chris Westerman really
Ian Hartley
Judge a Tree by its fruit. He used to be like I was, a Sinner, hopefully he is now Born from above like I am, a Sinner saved by Grace. Only God knows! His actions speak louder than a lot of other Politicians who do a dong and dance about being a Christian to gain votes.
Sherin Linda
Ian Hartley we are talking about Trump and his fruits. And if you strip away all the clout he gets by pandering to the Christian Faith communtiy, what fruits do you see? Do you see compassion, humility, any signs of someone born again? Let political leanings not cloud your judgement here
Larry Litke
Not for me to judge , between him and God. He’s the only one that even comes close to representing Christ like morality
So is he a Christian? I don’t no, I do think he was placed there by God
Varnel Watson
representing Christ like morality? do explain
Larry Litke
Maybe wrong wording . He’s for life, not for gay marriages, getting prayer back in school,
Etc. he is the closest thing we have that’s representing those things
Aaron Vgp
That was in the lead up to the 2016 election.
I think when we vote for our leaders we should vote firstly on policy. What you think of them personally is secondary.
Varnel Watson
Robert Cox Neil Steven Lawrence I remember So he may actually have
Lawrence Brady
??? ?????!
Thomas W. Peck
His salvation is between God and himself. Our concern should be his discipleship, his conforming to Christ, and we should help and encourage this because he professes Christ. Unfortunately, many Christian leaders have turned a blind eye to the multiple times he has not honored God and have not held him accountable for his actions.
Varnel Watson
actually salvation as in the NT Bible is also between the Church the community of believers the called ones No one is called and saved alone but as part of God’s larger plan for the Church I wouldnt say blind eye for all evangelicals
Chris Westerman
Are you privy to his conversations with Christian leaders? Are all his discussions with Christian leaders known to us?
Thomas W. Peck
Troy Day Didnt’ say all, said Christian leaders who would not accept his behavior in someone allow this because Mr. Trump is president. That sends the clear message that their moral stances mean little compared to the political gain, and this reflects not only on the body, but on God.
Thomas W. Peck
Chris Westerman No, but where, if ever, has Mr. Trump shown any sign of repentance for his poor behavior. Instead, he diverts or excuses, publicly. Criticize him and you are his enemy.
Lata Manuel
Everyone one is sinner from the time he is born at some time person relises that and gets saved . He must saved some time now or before. It’s between him and God.
Akumtosh Mackintosh Jamir
Why actually are we judging Trump here did he did bad as a president was Obama better?
Varnel Watson
Every time I think I have reached the depths of the self-centered individualism and anarchist militarism of many Americans, many Christians, I read another post from a pastor, seminary graduate, or lay Christian that just boggles my mind. I read about “my rights,” “my choice,” “my freedom,” “the Second Amendment,” “my religious liberty,” “Socialism,” and all manner of crazy conspiracy theories with the same worn out paranoid narrative plot, “they are coming to get us!” How did we come to have such an immature, ill-informed, suspicious, biblically, historically, and culturally ignorant science denying and expertise poopooing generation of White “conservative” Christians and so on and so on
David Butler
Troy Day The people commenting here in praise of him are scaring the crap out of me
David Butler
lol I’m amused that this is even a question. This guy has zero religion
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
David Butler being saved is not about religion, it’s about a relationship.
Rob Erto
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou how about this guy has zero fruit then?
David Butler
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou He has no ‘relationship’
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
David Butler how do you know?
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
Rob Erto what fruit are you looking for?
Rob Erto
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
Pick one and apply it to Trump
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
Rob Erto if you think those things are lacking in him, then pray that he increases in them.
Rob Erto
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou you’re right. I should and I will. God can certainly change him if he chooses.
David Butler
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou //how do you know?//
Patterns of behavior.
look, I get it, you guys will welcome anyone as long as they further your political agendas. I was around back when Obama was president, and the same people who are so eager to welcome Trump as a fellow believer were the same people who categorically rejected Obama as a practicing Christian. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
David Butler I never once witnessed 0bama give praise to God or have anything positive to say about Christianity. I did witness him call us clingers and I witnessed him mock God’s word. Hardly how a practicing Christian would behave.
David Butler
///I never once witnessed 0bama give praise to God or have anything positive to say about Christianity.//
He went to church services fairly regularly during his tenure. THIS sort of hypocrisy from you and others like you is exactly what I’m talking about.
Meanwhile, Trump never attends services, never did, and only goes to anything religious if he has to. He’s openly mocking you with his false courting of your religious organizations, and using you for political gains only.
Hey listen, it’s okay, I know you hate Obama because he’s black.And the only good Christians are white rich ones.Even the ones that pretend to be.
Billy Shannon
Many people are very religious. And many religious people will Unfortunately go to a lost eternity
David Butler
Yes, I get it. Because he’s white and rich and helping out religious special interests, he’s a good Christian, but if he’s black and religious and doesn’t specifically aid religious political goals, he’s obviously going to hell.
Kim Fanning
David Butler Wow, quick to judge another’s heart, when the only access to him you have is through media. Do you know anything about his private moments? Because if you are looking at fruits, how do yours look after this comment.? Gal 5:22
Love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? Self-control? Gentleness? Faithfulness?
David Butler
///Wow, quick to judge another’s heart, when the only access to him you have is through media. Do you know anything about his private moments?///
Yeah, his ‘private moments’ involve things like him calling up a guy’s wife, putting her on speakerphone, and then bringing in the husband to have a short meeting, and then revealing the man’s infidelity to his wife with her listening in the background.
The guy is a snake. Everyone knows this. He is exactly what his ‘media’ (Twitter) and other statements say he is. The guy is on camera more than enough that there is no secretly super decent guy lurking off camera.
He’s a racist misogynistic rapist pig and a tax cheat with one foot outside of a jail cell, with the only thing saving him from prison is the office he holds which provides certain immunities from prosecution.
Enough of this nonsense.
David Butler
///Love? Joy? Peace? Patience? Kindness? Goodness? Self-control? Gentleness? Faithfulness?///
Qualities he doesn’t possess in any amount
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
David Butler welp there it is, the race card. I didn’t care much for 0bama’s white half either. I prayed for 0bama and had high hopes that he might continue in the likeness of Rev MLK, but he continued in the likeness of Rev Wright instead.
Why do you hate president Trump so much? Is it because you believe all the negativity in the media? Is it because he made his money as a business man in the private sector? Unlike the grifter politicians who get rich fleecing us tax payers and are never held accountable. Is it because he’s popular?
The man threw his hat in the ring and defeated what was supposed to be the best both parties had to offer. I was a huge anti Trumper during the primaries. I wanted Ted Cruz to win and I contemplated voting for Johnson. But in the booth I voted for Trump and I have no regrets.
David Butler
///Why do you hate president Trump so much? Is it because you believe all the negativity in the media? ///
The ‘media’? You say that like this guy has no control over what he says in his own press appearances.
David Butler
///Is it because he made his money as a business man in the private sector?//
He inherited all of his wealth and lost it twice, getting bailed out most recently by Russian oligarch money
David Butler
///Unlike the grifter politicians who get rich fleecing us tax payers and are never held accountable.///
Yes, like Richard Burr and Kelly Loeffler who are walking without consequence.
David Butler
///Is it because he’s popular?///
He has the worst approval ratings of any president in modern history
David Butler
///The man threw his hat in the ring and defeated what was supposed to be the best both parties had to offer.//
The Russians literally hacked his political opponents emails and there were a number of efforts to aid his campaign through election fraud.
David Butler
/// But in the booth I voted for Trump and I have no regrets.//
Yes, that’s the problem. You should.
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
David Butler thanks for the chuckles.
David Butler
I’m glad to see that you had no rebuttals.
David Butler
It’s quite frankly amusing how many people are giving Trump all the rope they’ve got but are the same people willing to label Obama a godless traitor for wearing a tan suit
Varnel Watson
well true but aside of that – is Trump saved?
David Butler
Troy Day Neverminding the idiocy of religion, to even ask the question about a man who isn’t even religious is amusing also
Varnel Watson
David Butler hm well He says the Bible is special to him; says a lot about prayer Spiritual leaders say a lot about him being saved SO we THE Church must stak
David Butler
Troy Day LoL
David Casey Hamilton
The only thing I can say is he isn’t an enemy of Christianity. Is he saved? I have no idea. That’s between him and God. However, if his religious advisors are any indicator, I would say probably not since they proclaim a false gospel. Just me…
Rob Erto
David Casey Hamilton yeah. Paula White was strike #547 for me
Brian Eden
We have zero way of knowing this.
Rob Erto
Brian Eden fruits
Brian Eden
Rob Erto
Fruits, as determined by other humans, is a tough one to decipher. None of us personally know the president enough to truly know the persons heart.
Rob Erto
Brian Eden biblical fruit is an outward sign seen by all.
Rob Erto
Brian Eden Matthew 7:15-20 (KJV) Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [16] Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17] Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18] A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [19] Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. [20] Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Rob Erto
We will know them by their fruit
Brian Eden
Rob Erto
Some would claim to see that fruit, some would not. A president, any president, is in a role that is legally forced to have a measure of barrier between religious belief and the actual job. It is also highly partisan. Nearly every single action by a president can be viewed by one side as a fruit, and by the other side as the opposite. Good luck deciphering all that. I will leave that to GOD. I certainly have concerns with some of what I have heard from him on the subject in the past. I have zero clue, as do you, of any change of heart in the meantime.
Rob Erto
Brian Eden did you read the passage in matthew I just posted? That’s a warning of what to look for. God was not the intended audience.
Brian Eden
Rob Erto
Yes I did read it. Did you read my comment. Some folks will claim they see that fruit, some will claim otherwise.
Rob Erto
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
Rob Erto
Do you see one that fits?
Brian Eden
Rob Erto
I see aspects that lean both ways. I will no more believe that a president who promotes prayer in school, is 100% right with GOD, that I will believe that a president who promotes immigration control, is 100% wrong with GOD. That is above my pay grade. Especially in a role that had a forced separation between the job and religious belief.
Eddie Krause
.Day are you saved and how???
Jake Knickerbocker
I say no because I saw an interview where he stated that he has never had to repent. Umm sir that’s the first step.
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
Jake Knickerbocker that’s a pretty old interview, and he said when he messes up he looks to make things right and change direction. Which is the definition of repent. People close to him say more recently that he has accepted Jesus.
Rob Erto
Jake Knickerbocker yeah… dead giveaway
Rob Erto
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou your jesus or paula whites version?
Jake Knickerbocker
Rob Erto you will know them by their fruits. I’m not really seeing much fruit.
Rob Erto
Jake Knickerbocker I see none from where I sit. My expectations for a “Christian” head of state are much higher than what i see from Trump. No one is perfect but this guy is a blatant fraud. The only thing that saves him with me are some if his policy positions and the lack of alternatives within the democratic party. Definitely not a fan of godless socialism.
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
Rob Erto there is only one Jesus.
Toni Armstrong
We are not to judge we leave that to the one who knows the hearts of all men
Rob Erto
Toni Armstrong we will know them by their fruits
Toni Armstrong
Rob Erto
Yes that is true
Randall Grosvenor
Herb Van Schoick
He won the election, that makes him the president, not your pastor, people.
Varnel Watson
thats actually QUITE irrelevant to what I am asking David Butler The question was IS Trump saved? not if he is the president or the pastor of the nation or Cyrus The Great
Cyrus Emelander
Troy Day sorry why am I tagged in this ?
Varnel Watson
Cyrus Emelander my bad auto tagging Let me remove it so you wount be bothered again #sorry except if you think you are Cyrus The Great I will leave it
Cyrus Emelander
Troy Day thanks
Varnel Watson
naah Cyrus Emelander Ted Cruz is straight NAR and Pence is who knows what
Cyrus Emelander
Troy Day I mean at least they are men of Character
But yea I have problems with most religious Politicians
Herb Van Schoick
Troy Day maybe your question is not relevant? People voted him in to lead the country, not because they think he is a Christian.
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
It’s not our place to judge president Trump’s walk with Jesus, it’s our place to pray for him.
Rob Erto
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou we live in a Republic. I’ll be judging him with my vote and front and center will be my religion.
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
Rob Erto good for you.
Victoria Grea
Are you?
Deon Kriel
Ask him when you see him..
Varnel Watson
ha that’s funny right there now I actually have but that was over a decade ago and who knows since then
Deon Kriel
Troy Day Why do you think he is not saved ?.
Varnel Watson
Deon Kriel fruit? confession? behavior? etc.
Rob Erto
Troy Day you could keep going
Varnel Watson
Rob Erto well just to name a few…
Varnel Watson
With Biden’s obvious mental decline evident in every single public appearance I think we have a plan forming.
 I think the plan is to try to get him elected by avoiding as much public personal appearances as possible and certainly they will prevent him from debating Trump in a live debate. And they will try to get a strong black woman to be his vice president pick. I think the strategy now is to get him elected and then have the VP step up within the first year as he declines mentally and either voluntarily steps down or they have to use the 25th amendment and declare him unfit.
Then the VP becomes president and that is the goal all along. However I don’t think he has a chance of winning.
Ken Ledwell Jr.
Troy Day, this was my hope four years ago lol. Not that Trump suffers from any mental illness, but I thought that he would do something stupid enough to have to step down from office. I’d much rather have Pence as President.
Cyrus Emelander
Honestly no ideas
The Bible says we can judge a tree by its fruits Matthew ch7
James ch2 says we can tell If someone is saved by their work
Idk Trump is a mixed bag because of being a celebrity and now a politician
Mine of his personal sins are known by the public
Which makes its easy to say no he’s not saved
But if our own personal sin was given that kind of publicity
Many people would say the same about us
It’s between him and Go
I do think some of the Religious people that have influence over him are questionable teachers
My biggest scare though is if people draw the conclusion that Christianity means you have to vote for Trump
I think personal think Trump has done some harm in the Republican Party and I hope it doesn’t translate over to Christianity
Rob Erto
Cyrus Emelander it’s already doing harm to christianity. Previously reasonable Christian’s everywhere are parroting him like hes the next christ. Conservative paranoia and conspiracy theories are through the roof. Hes been horrible for the republican party. But what is the alternative… godless socialism. We’re screwed.
Rob Erto
Cyrus Emelander but I do agree about him being in the spotlight to an extent. He certainly doesnt do much to help himself, though.
Cyrus Emelander
Rob Erto yea I know
Stuck between a rock and hard place for sure
I wish Mike Pence or Ted Cruz were President
Loel Passe
Rob Erto tommyrot
Rob Erto
Cyrus Emelander agreed. I like Rand Paul myself, but I’d take either of them over Trump tomorrow.
Rob Erto
Loel Passe care to explain or just a driveby?
Loel Passe
Rob Erto it’s about policy, platform, positions, issues and results. We did not elect a “pastor in chief” but a political outsider to shake up corrupt DC and speaking of results, in just 3 years he was the most successful President in 54 years with more than 450 accomplishments already (including the lowest unemployment for all groups in history) and it’s simply not open for any dispute (either historically, statistically or analytically!). He has not been a disaster for the Republicans or the Country! In fact, if anyone else was at at the helm in a global crisis like this we would already have 450,000 dead. Just the fact that he’s supported pro LIFE and put 2 more conservative Justices on the Supreme Court makes him better than any abortion loving liberals.
Rob Erto
Loel Passe your purely secular expectations of the president are fine. In fact, I share your opinion to a degree. I’ll likely vote for him for lack of a better candidate. The issue we’re debating is his status as a Christian. I say emphatically no. I think Christians should demand more of someone that supposedly represents them… or simply acknowledge that they are voting on secular grounds instead of making excuses for him and trying to fit him into a mold that he has no place in. He has been horrible for the republican party on several different levels. I can expound if you want. Hes still better than any democrat candidate, although I’d throw many Republicans ahead of him.
Loel Passe
Rob Erto if you’re going to keep looking for and even “reaching under the blood” to bring out “sins” he did 15 years ago instead of his spectacular RESULTS, I’m not down with that. We have all fallen short, but how do you know the level of his faith or if he is even a believer! Do you just follow propaganda ur fake news? It is God who judges the thoughts and intents of the heart and motives. I do know that “a just (equal and fair) weight is the Lord’s delight and an unjust weight (unequally applied and fair) is an abomination unto the Lord”.
Proverbs 11:1
I think as an imperfect Christian yourself you should recognize the sovereignty of the Lord in having him there, acknowledge his many awesome accomplishments and start speaking better of him as you also pray for him. God bless.
Rob Erto
Loel Passe 15 years ago? When did he hire paula white as his political advisor? When did he say he had nothing to repent for? When has he shown any fruits worthy of a christian in the last year, quarter, month, week or day? love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control… pick one.
If results are all you’re worried about… satan gets some pretty consistent results. It may be what you look for in a secular president, but the bible lays out what to look for in a christian. Back to the original post…
Rob Erto
Loel Passe I certainly acknowledge the lord’s divine hand in everything. After all, God used pharoah too.
Loel Passe
Rob Erto you are so wrong judging him and assuming things, when there is a log in your own eye. He is the President and frankly, the best one in 40 years! Who cares who his 14 spiritual advisers are including Robert Jeffries and Franklin Graham? When running for President as a candidate 4 years ago, someone asked him if he has anything to repent of and he said “no, I don’t think so”.
If he’s already confessed to God of his sins (which you have no way of knowing about) why should he say he has anything still to repent of? Do you? His fruits of defending LIFE, supporting Israel, protecting religious rights, getting seniors their insulin for $40 (by executive order yesterday), helping Veterans, autístic children, etc etc etc blows away any fruits you may have and you and I both know you (and me too), do not have all those fruits of the Spirit manifested in our lives yet! Honesty, what a concept!
But your hatred of this man is more than obvious.
If you were going to have major surgery to save your life you would not interrogate the surgeon to see if he was a Jew or an atheist or if he cusses – your only concern would be if could get the job done right and Save your life! You are trying to apply standards to him that NO PRESIDENT could meet and in fact, the 6 previous ones were far more secular and sinful than Trump! What do we look for in a President should be what we ask concerning the office, but what do we look for in a Christian. You’re trying to play football in a baseball diamond and as Jesus said, you will he judged by the same standard you are judging Mr Trump.
Rodney Horton
I’m a Pentecostal Christian.
I’ve tried to open links to this site a couple times, with no luck (my gigs are maxed so I’m slow)
But if they want to delve into politics AND try to know the heart of another man, they’re not worth my bandwidth
Varnel Watson
#Strange but you can open a heavy FB with no problem? Here is the excerpt with the first few comments
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent Whatever! This man has zero Jesus inside of him!!! He’s Satans spawn!!!
Terry Wiles Probably there were many early believers who said that about Saul. lol about how chapped believers get when someone possibly becomes a believer.
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent Maybe so? However, if anyone can show me one ounce, of the moral character of Jesus, in this man, I will sit proudly and eat my crow.
John E. Ruffle I think you need to repent of that very un Christ-like comment Rebecca.
Rebecca Nelson-Innocent That’s not un-Christ like. The only folks Jesus ever condemned, were hypocrites and religious zealot-holier than thou types. I think he falls into the 1st catagory, quite well.
Karen Lucas How convenient…
Charles Page This is a political maneuver on the part of James Dobson, he has accept Jesus in proxy for Trump. I am still voting for Trump and glad it is not Dobson running for president.
Karen Lucas I will not be voting for him and I do not understand why evangelicals keep trying to convince themselves and others that Trump is a christian. Republican does not equal christian….clearly. If you are for his policies and comfortable with his character or lack thereof, vote for him. Because of my faith, I am not comfortable with his policies or the fruit of his “character.” So, I do not know what I will do or who I will vote for if anyone. But I’m not voting the party line. In fact I checked out of that business all together this week and changed my voter registration to unaffiliated. Glad to have my name free of party line association.
Rodney Horton
Troy Day alot of FB is already there to open. Often times images or gifs won’t load.
Since i haven’t ever been able to open the site, i have no cookies.
But her opening exclamation point laden remarks is all I needed to see.
She can’t claim to know those things
Nikki Sheppick
Who art thou to judge? “First, judge (discern) your self.” What alternative are you provided with? This man is being led to stand up for believers …. in many ways, …. so then, rather than work against him, uphold his efforts to protect Jesus-believers and those things that believers find important – such as getting rid of abortion – with your prayers and with your votes, for in looking at the the other …. what choice are you being given/allowed by God?
Emeka Anselem Okeke
Go to the white house and ask him
Rob Erto
Emeka Anselem Okeke what good would asking a narcissist a question about themselves do?
Sanika Mazzitelli
This is such a pointless article. Sorry. God has used many flawed people throughout history. Are you going to blame Abraham for being a pagan before he accepted God? Moses for doubting God? Peter for denying Jesus 3 times? Elijah for wanting to die? King David for murder and committing adultery? King Solomon for having many wives? Saul for persecuting Christians before becoming Paul? Everyone has a past. Look at what he’s doing for his country, the morals and freedoms he is NOW standing for. Troy Day stop wasting people’s time with this nonsense.
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli yeah. He used pharoah.
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli most of us agreeing with the article arent basing our thoughts on his past. We’re basing them on his present. He at least outwardly in public produces none of the fruits listed in the bible, he hired a heretic as his spiritual advisor, he has never had anything to repent for… what more do you need?
Sanika Mazzitelli
Rob Erto Very true. But I will take a blunt perosn who speaks the truth about his country, than any smooth talking democrat who does not care about their nation. I can tell you I would rather a president who is Pro Life and supports churches opening and who will take a stand against a Communist regime, rather than a government who does not. His own personal relationship with God isn’t our business. God is using him, yes, but whether he’s saved or not, in the end, WILL NOT affect anyone here. I do see some fruits in him. But certainly none from the other side. I will also support any party who supports Israel
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli so, from a purely secular perspective… hes better than the other trash candidates. Agreed.
Sanika Mazzitelli
Rob Erto I can agree with that. But can I ask, would you have someone better in mind? After all, God did choose him, whether he’s saved or not, God is using him. Why are people so concerned about whether he’s saved or not? Either way, we should pray for our leadership, as I do believe someone like Trump has more of a chance of slipping, than Pence, for example. Whether we have a saved President or not, does not really matter when God has an ultimate plan
Sanika Mazzitelli
Rob Erto for his sake, I hope he truly is saved.
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli I like rand paul myself
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli I cant speak for others. The reason I’m concerned is because its changing the hearts of Christian’s. You just admired him for something that is the opposite of christian fruit yourself. You like him because hes blunt.
Rob Erto
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
Sanika Mazzitelli
Rob Erto out of mere curiosity, do you think he will be able to get certain jobs done like Trump? Withstand the criticism from the left? Not bow down to China? Simply a question, no attack intended
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli hes demeans people, he lacks humility, hes the opposite of what we’re supposed to stand for as Christian’s and we’re holding him up as some kind of paragon of Christian virtue. It’s called brainwashing. My problem isnt with Trump. He is exactly who hes always been. My problem is with Christian’s that accept his behavior and make excuses for him. At best hes a secular solution to a secular problem. Hes just a strong arm crook sent in to deal with other crooks. He can drain the swamp because he embodies the swamp.
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli can you rephrase your question?
Sanika Mazzitelli
Rob Erto one day he will be held accountable for that, for sure.
Rob Erto
Sanika Mazzitelli oh, ok. I reread your statement and I see you were talking about rand paul. Yes. I think Rand has proven he has the courage to stand up for the truth even against his own party for many years. If you remember, he was the one that outed the whistleblower during the impeachment hearings. Risky move that could have backfired. Hes also is the one that publicly exposed all of the democrats in the latest cover up related to michael flynn. He and his father have been the lone voice for many years speaking out against republican warhawks and speaking up for financial conservatives when even the republican party for the last couple of decades have been spending like democrats. He also treats others with respect and dignity while he does it. I think he would be respected far more than Trump.
Christine Farrar
We can’t see into the mans heart but I don’t see is any resemblance of Jesus. Pray for him.
Rob Erto
Christine Farrar agreed
Nelson Rhyno
It was Franklyn Graham that led President Trump to Jesus in the Oval Office .
David Casey Hamilton
Which could be a problem…
William Mc Sr.
god said all liars will have their place in the firey furnace; he continues to deny thinfs he says. by the way you can lead ahorse to the water but you can not make it drink.
Beverly G Tatum
Has he claimed that he is saved?
Nelson Rhyno
Daniel 2:21 He controls the course of human events ; he removes kings and sets up other kings .He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars . There are literally hundreds of verses in The Bible that states very clearly God decides who is President , Prime Minister or King . We are to pray that they will have the intelligence , humility and courage to follow Gods Plans to lead their country not mans whims .
Sandy Robinson
Not our judgement to make!
Dakota Ann
This ! ?
Mark Wilson
He has definitely done more for cause of Christianity than any president in the last 30 years.
Philippians 1:18
But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice,
Sanika Mazzitelli
Mark Wilson Amen!
Lyn Zee
It’s not for us to know. But here’s some pretty cool Christian history on the man and his family:
Nelson Rhyno
As scripture states pray for our leaders 1 Tim 2:1-2 . Mathew 7:3 to 5 And you better make sure you take care of the sin in your own life before you keep mentioning sin in the Presidents life republican or Democrat or independent . He who is without sin let them cast the first stone Jesus said . And they all dropped their stones and went away . Remember God knows what’s in your heart , minds and thoughts . So who’s going to cast the first stone towards President Trump ?Who among you have no sin in your life and are totally sinless before God who ?
Traci-Josh Kehl
If he was David in the Bible…and did the things David did. People would say no. But God said he is a man after my own heart. Let God decide that.
Shelley Warnica
Traci-Josh Kehl But David also repented and admitted he was wrong. He asked God for forgiveness.
Traci-Josh Kehl
Shelley Warnica But was it immediate…the answer is no. Truth is most people commenting are probably far worse off than the President. But it’s easy to judge, it’s easy to play God. I say let God judge and pray for him. Nothing more nothing less.
Traci-Josh Kehl
Take away your God they said, pull him off that tree.
If there is no God then I am god and everyone bows to me.
(In other words stop questioning Gods ways with men’s minds) ?
Mike Cresswell
Do you need to ask the question ?
Shawn McComas
I would vote for an atheist politician who is protecting religious rights over a religious politician who is undermining religious freedoms.
In other words, I don’t care if Trump is a Christian or Obama is Muslim.
I care that Obama was Antichristian. I care that Trump supports Christians.
Jereme McAlpin
Trump claims to be a Christian but openly claims that he’s never repented for anything. So, I’m not going to say here is not a Christian but I don’t understand how a person can hold to 2 opposing views.
Cheryl Potter
Jereme McAlpin You can have religion and not salvation. And we all know there are many good hearted and right thinking people who are not saved.
Jereme McAlpin
Very true
Elai Kumar
Best things to do is to pray for them or him to know ,and to seek God..
Keri Hutson
Is he saved? Only God knows what is truly in his heart. Trump has to answer to God just like the rest of us. I pray for the man. I am taught to uphold him because he is in authority. God placed him there, there is a reason for it. He stands up for Christians, he is pro life. I support him and will vote for him again this year. And I will continue to pray for him and this country.
Susan Moore
Only God know the answer to this question. WE DO NOT KNOW!
Jo Jo
We need to pray for our leaders!
Stephen Burke
Judge not said the Lord less ye also be judged! Whether he has or hasn’t is between him and the Lord.
David Casey Hamilton
Such a misused passage…
Stephen Burke
So obviously you feel in this case you are the judge whether your president is a Christian or not I wonder, who gave you that power for this judgement . I would be careful my friend.
Shelley Warnica
Stephen Burke taken out of context. Read the verses before and after.
Stephen Burke
Sorry new to this!
Erik von Holstein-Rathlou
I’d be casting pearls before swine.
Tracy Pavlik
Can’t know, that’s God’s place but I’m skeptical.
Paula White “spiritual advisor”? ???
Donald Trump’s Presidency and False Prophecy
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I am SO staying out of this one TerryandNita Wiles Joseph D. Absher I will let yall sort it out with Rasiah Thomas Isara Mo William DeArteaga
I’m staying out of this one also.
I am glad to see other people coming to this point
God has to judge him and why should we comment on him about salvation. Whether he is saved or not, he has to be saved till his life ends as we have to for final salvation.
Rasiah Thomas OK?
The blind will say “Yes” but with me I am.absolutely sure he has no relationship whatso ever with Jesus because his pride is too big for any “god” to indwell him..
how do you mean /
No evidence that Trump is born from above.
Also, he had some false teachers giving spiritual advice.
Duane L Burgess except his stating so
well… William DeArteaga Terry Wiles Joseph D. Absher
DISMANTLE THE DEEP STATE! Ricky Grimsley can he do it again?
the magic number now is 34 – will you still vote for him
Terry Wiles Robert Cox
This may be possible he might be saved during his younger days, and God only knows. Once he relies on his wealth, it is implied that he is not yet turned back.
Says he is I’m not judge any up or down.
Troy Day
is this still a TRUE prophecy William DeArteaga our mutual friend Philip Williams believes America in prophecy but it is NOT – BTW saw an article GOP is not a party no more and reminded me of your article on GOP
Philip Williams
Troy Day I believe the church led by Jesus is in prophecy. This church fled to the New World wilderness as John saw in his Revelation. Were there no prophecy of Christ’s Church, prophecy has no importance.
As to the beast that rules the whole world today, that is also in prophecy.
This is hardly Christian nationalism. It is just faithful Christianity. We must stay above politics and nationalism if we are to be God’s holy priesthood.
William DeArteaga
He is rather Satan’s Manchurian candidate
Troy Day
just testing the NEWS
Troy Day
Is TRUMP really SAVED? Terry Wiles @followers Link Hudson
Troy Day
what do you think NOW Terry Wiles @followers Philip Williams William DeArteaga Junior Beasley Ricky Grimsley Link Hudson