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We are in the midst of a historic moment for our country.
From the moment that Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court, every news broadcast in America has been filled with questions about who his replacement will be.
Two thousand years ago, the world deserved condemnation, judgment and everlasting destruction, but instead, God gave them—and us—a Savior.
Paul spoke to this when he wrote the book of Romans and penned these words that came right from the heart of God our Father. “Who is he who condemns? [does the work of a judge]? It is Christ who died, yes, who is risen, who is also at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us” (Rom. 8:34).
History demonstrates that God often uses opposing concepts to highlight His magnificent love and power.
- When a nation wanted a king, our God gave us a servant.
- When people wanted a warrior, instead God gave us His child.
- Humanity wanted a champion, but God gave us the cross.
- We want titles, and God gives a testimony.
Does our society—in a nation that boasts multiple superstar judges, like Judge Judy, Judge Wapner and Judge Joe Brown, to name a few recognizable figures—really need more judgment than there already is, or do we just need more of the Spirit of the Savior? After all, it’s easy to judge, but it’s better to love.
Varnel Watson
Joseph Kidwell surprised this post has not picked up just yet Scotty Searan What is he trying to do? reverse the gay marriage decision Terry Wiles
Varnel Watson
I think there is much of spiritual significance Terry Wiles but will he reverse the bathroom issue and Target?
Varnel Watson
Scotty Searan will he reverse the gay marriage law?
Varnel Watson
Not to get political Joe Absher but will this lift the ban on the gay conversion practice?
Varnel Watson
so many questions Joseph Kidwell so few answers
Joe Absher
Mr Day I hope you will forgve me but I don’t think they will be overturning roe v. wade or immorality any time soon. Not adultery or pharmikia or hate or racism or unforgiveness. Not murder in the first degree not even negligent homicide. I do pray God will raise up some daniels. But our only hope is the promise of God to turn the hearts of the father’s to the children and the hearts of the children to the father’s. May God have mercy on us and help us.
Varnel Watson
Roe v. Wade is a 1973 landmark decision I am talking about recent judicial changes that Trump promised to reverse
Joe Absher
Varnel Watson
Donald Phillips I think President Trump’s visit to Europe was prophetic one. They called him the Trump Tornado and the Little Horn Joseph Kidwell Link Hudson Scotty Searan Ricky Grimsley
Terry Wiles
There is a little horn but many other candidates that are in front of Trump.
Joe Absher
Have you had one picture of the president that has not demonized him? What’s with cold war Soviet red background?
Joseph Kidwell
Trump sucking up to Putin.
Ricky Grimsley
Trump really stunk it up this time. He needs to get a clue. Big ole blunder this time. He could have told Putin privately what he thought. The saying he misspoke made look him weak.
Joseph Kidwell
He is weak, but even more concerning is the fact that Putin obviously has something on him.
Ricky Grimsley
Lol he has something on them all. Surely you don’t believe Hillary was innocent either.
Joseph Kidwell
Smh…why whenever someone points out Trump’s behavior, do his followers never fail to bring up Hillary or Obama? Because that’s what their leader does! Well, Hiilary did not sell out America @ Helsinki! At Helsinki, before the world, it was revealed that the emperor has no clothes.
Ricky Grimsley
Lol are you retarded? She should 1/3 of our uranium to Russia.
Varnel Watson
Major failure in the Putin meeting. Allowed Russia to dominate again
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley if I am, at least I’m not a Trumptard. One can’t be any dumber than that.?
Donald Phillips
Obama’s picture is found in the dictionary under the word coward.
OTOH, Trump imposed strong sanctions on Russian organizations and individuals tied to malicious cyber-attacks against the U.S. These sanctions are part of a broader effort to address ongoing nefarious attacks emanating from Russia. Last year, President Trump signed legislation imposing punitive sanctions on Russia for belligerent activities including human rights abuses, and evasion of existing sanctions. Throughout 2017, President Trump worked to punish Russia for its belligerent behavior in Ukraine. BARAK OBAMA NEVER DID THIS
President Trump sanctioned more than three dozen organizations and individuals involved in the Russian incursion into Ukraine. Trump approved the largest sale of lethal defense weapons to Ukrainian forces in years in a move widely praised by U.S. and Ukrainian officials.
In response to Russia’s retaliation over U.S. sanctions, the Trump administration ordered Russia to close its consulate in San Francisco and two diplomatic annexes in New York and Washington. The Trump administration has condemned Russian leaders for violations of human rights, and strongly condemned Russia for an attempted assassination in the U.K., calling the action an “assault on U.K. sovereignty” and a “clear violation” of international law. President Trump has taken concrete actions to bolster the NATO alliance against Russian influence.
The Trump administration has increased training and drills with U.S. NATO partners. In 2018, the Department of Defense plans to increase European Deterrence Initiative spending by $1.4 billion dollars.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said European members and Canada, amid pressure from President Trump, spent 5% more on defense last year compared to 2016.
Varnel Watson
Trump just backed Russia in the investigation
What news are you watching?
Joseph Kidwell
Anything that Trump has done has been forced on him by Congress.
Varnel Watson
I dont know about that Joseph Kidwell Muller is still at work Will there be any judgment to reverse? Scotty Searan
Scotty Searan
No President has ever been perfect.
This immigration crises initially goes back to Ronald Reagan for not enforcing the law on illegals and giving amnesty
It is all about cheap labor. On both sides. Democrats and Republicans
The politicians are in it only for themselves in the long run
We have a city administrator get a $35,000 per year raise from $115,000 to $150,000. That’s a 30.4% raise.
Social Security recipients went two years with out a raise, and when they got one it was 2%. And it was taken with insurance hikes.
They say the avg. SS recipient makes $1200 per month
I am above average $2,000 thankful that i had a better paying job through the years.
I know these politicians in my city have no effect on SS but they all have the same mindset.
When they are dishing out they act like there pockets are shallow, but when the are bringing it in they have deep pockets.
Scotty Searan
Gene Brown
I think absolutley!!!!
Varnel Watson
but how? Gene Brown Bob Wizenhut Joseph Kidwell
Gene Brown
Our lord God can use anything or anyone he chooses!
Varnel Watson
like what in this context?
Gene Brown
Troy Day God can use Donald trump to change the direction of this country from self destruction in liberalism, and back to the guidelines of or forefathers!
Varnel Watson
He can but will He ?
Gene Brown
Troy Day do you believe in God? if so, why would you doubt?
Varnel Watson
Jesus did not believe in men
Gene Brown
Jesus believed in mankind enough to give his life for you, me, and everyone else. do you believe?
Varnel Watson
We all believe! What’s yor point per OP?
Gene Brown
Jesus does believe in mankind.
Varnel Watson
Gene Brown Bob Wizenhut not much Christian response on this issue What are we hoping for here? Judgment overturns?
Gene Brown
We can’t overturn judgement. would love to see the churches growing, and prospering. I know end times are coming.
Bob Wizenhut
Is this a historic moment for our country? Yes. Do most Christians realize that? Yes. I think most Christians are just hoping for a return to the rule of law that will help preserve our union for an additional decade or two before judgment comes.
Varnel Watson
Helsinki was more of a historic moment for Russia
Back to you Bob
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – sorry, haven’t been following Helsinki so much. What made it so historic for Russia? There is no denying that the number of judges being appointed by President Trump already makes him the most impactfull President in a generation. And there is a strong chance he will get a third Supreme Court placement before his 2nd term is up.
Gene Brown
Praise God!!
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut perhaps you should revisit Helsinki then?
George Washington made 11 appointments to the court
Franklin Roosevelt made 9
Scotty Searan
George Washington the first President so it stands to reason he would be the Father of the initial Supreme Court.
Franklin Roosevelt also tried to put limits on how long the SS Justices should serve.
He also wanted to have more than 9 Justices. Both measures failed
Franklin Roosevelt New Deal and it’s progressiveness nature has proven detrimental to this country in the long run, leading up to the entitlement nature of our country. Also making it appear that the federal government has the answer.
Varnel Watson
All were good masons Scotty Searan
Scotty Searan
Troy Day I do have a problem with a person being a Mason.
My sons are both Mason’s. With which I am displeased.
Varnel Watson
It’s a bad situation in the South – deeply spiritual
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – OK, maybe I misspoke. President Trump’s judicial appointments make him the most impactfull President in 2 generations. And what is so striking is that President Trump has done it in 22 months where had 16 years. We’ve not seen anything like this in recent history. I know what you are going to say. You are going to say, “it’s not the man but God’s hand working through the man”. OK, Troy, I’ll agree with you on that one. Gene Brown
Hugh Lowrie
What is wrong, anyway, with President Trump being tough on Russia?
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut Helsinki was a major fail. How can we be sure the justice pick was not? Hugh did you follow Helsinki? – Trump was soft on Russia. Major fail. Trump claimed Russia has no fault WHILE ALL major US agencies have proved the opposite. Joseph Kidwell when would Christians wake up from the delusion? Or is this just the way of the little horn? Ricky Grimsley
Ricky Grimsley
Russia isn’t the little horn
Varnel Watson
You know who I meant Ricky Grimsley It wasnt Russia either Joseph Kidwell Jimmy Humphrey @robert erwin Bob Wizenhut VP Pence visit to Lee University has unleashed an unseen storm of tornadoes over the area Who;s planing to go?
Joseph Kidwell
If I lived closer, I would join the protestors.
Ricky Grimsley
Joseph Kidwell which one?
Varnel Watson
Little Horn?
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – how was Helsinki a major fail. Trump has been harder on Russia than Obama ever was. And remember, Trump doesn’t negotiate in public with his enemies. Would you be happier if President Trump was doing things the lead to war instead of paving the way for peace. Many Christians applaud will applaud the new approach if it has better results than what the previous administration had.
Varnel Watson
Hugh how was it not? Even Fox admitted it to be so
Bob Wizenhut
Trump’s Critics Are Wrong, And Trump Had A Point
After all the selective leaking to frame the Trump administration for obstruction, after a U.S. presidential campaign was spied on by the opposing Party’s administration, after years of botched or politicized intelligence assessments, after years of arming bad guys around the world, and after multiple revelations of spying on Journalists, Congress, and American citizens — of course it is appropriate to doubt the U.S. intelligence agencies.
Yes, Russia meddled in our election. But the degree to which Russia interfered — and favored Trump — matters. This affects the Mueller investigation, the amount of power we give the intelligence community to combat this interference, and U.S. foreign policy with the world’s other preeminent nuclear power. And the degree to which Russia interfered is still open for debate.
Increased tensions between the world’s two great nuclear powers isn’t something to be taken lightly. But why are many elected officials — especially Democrats — so against Trump sitting down for a chat with Putin? America needs Russian cooperation on North Korean sanctions, in just one example. And why do so many of our unelected officials and talking-heads, including those in the intelligence community, seem to have a problem with Trump trying to have better relations with Russia? Maybe there are budgets, think-tank positions, and even weapons-programs reliant on Russia being seen as a Cold War-era enemy.
Here’s A Prediction
Trump’s approval rating, after taking a slight hit, will rise after this summit. The more the Democrats howl about impeachment, the greater Republicans’ chances will be in the midterm elections (consider how Democrats led by Bill Clinton went from being projected to lose 20+ House seats to gaining seats in the late 1990s).
Varnel Watson
Bob Hugh Gene Brown pls get facts straight
Hugh Lowrie
What specific fact do you dispute?
Varnel Watson
Helsinki was a bummer for us and good for Russia
The whole popularity /productivity context is a hoax
Share of Americans who say _____ has done the best job as U.S. president during their lifetime:
Obama 44%
Clinton 33%
Reagan 32%
Trump 19%
George W. Bush 14%
Kennedy 12%
Hugh Lowrie
Why was Helsinki a bummer for us and good for Russia? How can you say that when the negotiations weren’t public? Or are you saying that the perception is that it was a bummer for us?
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie At the start of the week, President Donald Trump appeared to side with President Vladimir Putin against his own intelligence community over their assessment that Russia had interfered in the 2016 election.
That day, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats issued a statement saying the intelligence community stood by its original conclusions. A number of Republicans who had been supportive of the president – and some commentators on FOX News – vocally expressed their concerns.
The next day, President Trump made an awkward retraction of his original claim in front of the cameras
The day after that retraction, Aspen Security Forum opened with the FBI director on stage and the aftershocks of Helsinki still being felt.
“My view has not changed, which is that Russia attempted to interfere with the last election and that it continues to engage in malign influence operations to this day,” said Christopher Wray.
The FBI was involved in a huge range of activities around the country, he said, but acknowledged that the Washington political drama was what people were focused on.
Hugh Lowrie
The facts are that Trump is being much harder on Russia that Obama was. And I have no problem with our President being a bit skeptical of an intelligence community that swore that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and have been abusing their power trying to run President Trump out of office. When President Trump drains the swamp, and I expect he will, it will establish him in a category of greatness equal to Lincoln & Washington.
Varnel Watson
Sorry. This is exactly what the facts are not
Hugh Lowrie
Hugh Lowrie
Varnel Watson
Hugh Lowrie I am surprised how disinformed you are with all the fake news out there. Even FoxNews which shows mainly bias admitted failure of international diplomacy standards in Helsinki
Hugh Lowrie
What, specifically, was the failure? What is this big thing i’ve missed?
Varnel Watson
How many times do I need to repeat it? re-Read
Hugh Lowrie
Is it because he is skeptical of our intelligence agencies. I think most Americans now realize they are corrupt and certainly not trust worthy.
Varnel Watson
Not sure what you are asking Hugh. This OP is about the justice who was appointed and what to expect
Hugh Lowrie
you said, “Helsinki was more of a historic moment for Russia
Back to you Bob” but maybe in fact, Helsinki was a non-event except to the media.
Varnel Watson
Not me The BBC article and the Fox segments.
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – I still don’t understand your obsession with Helsinki. It has nothing to do with this article or theology.
Hugh Lowrie
Troy Day – You are what is known as a low information voter. When the national media gets excited about something and they all repeat the same sound bite, including FoxNews, you think there must be a problem. But the only thing we can know for sure, when all the media are saying the same thing, is that there is group think or there is someone orchestrating their stories. Like I said, we don’t know a thing about what was negotiated all we have is the media interpretations of the press conference. And I can also tell you that average Americans no long accept the press talking points like they once did. Average Americans realize that China is the bigger enemy and that we could use Russia’s help. The is no benefit gained by being rude to Putin in a press conference.
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – I’m not going to take the time to listen to the PR event from Helsinki since, like I’ve said, it wasn’t really a news worthy event. But I am curious what you think about the fact that NBC claims that the President’s poll numbers inched up last week after Helsinki. Is it because Americans approve of how the President is handling Russia or is it merely a backlash against the media claiming that the President is committing treason?
Varnel Watson
@bob check BBC, DW and other sources that ARE American allies and have every interest in America winning. Even Foxnews admitted defeat though Hugh remains faithful to the brain wash A basic level of international diplomacy and understanding how EU works is basic must 101 before someone dives into interpreting recent political events BUT this is not what this OP is all about
NEW Justice was appointed
What can we expect from this move?
What was the end goal of the appointment
– reversal of gay marriages ?
– ban on the uni bath room issue?
– allowing ministering to homosexuals purposing conversion?
Would you please comment per OP?
Donald Phillips
I aint no prophet and I aint prophesying nothing but I pray that the new Supreme Court reverses the abortion decrees of the previous courts, that it does away with special rights for sexual perversions and that this causes revival in our land because it will either be a riot or a revival. I am praying for revival.
Varnel Watson
Donald I appreciate your remark and your pretty name. Everyone is free to think and elaborate on their thinking However, when ppl are brained washed you cant show em jack It’s just the way it is. America has been getting brain washed for some time now. Some ppl in this thread just cant think for themselves anymore
IMHO more federal conservative justices need to be placed so the Christian church can put some pressure and bring the law back to God’s standards as prescribed in the Bible WILL this judge work toward that? Some countries in EU now say pedofiles are just born that way Joseph Kidwell Nelson Banuchi
Nelson Banuchi
I’ll go for more conservatives…
Joseph Kidwell
Revival is not the result of Supreme Court decisions or government action. The Bible says, “If My people which are called by My name……”
Varnel Watson
does IF MY ppl include the king too?
Joseph Kidwell
The King would need to be a child of God to be one of the Lord’s people. But I believe we can have revival, even if the King is evil.
Varnel Watson
Isiah ch 3 says children for kings
Scotty Searan
I just want the Supreme Court to go by the Constitution
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – What President wants is so basic I’m surprised it eludes you. President Trump wants to be known as the greatest President of all time. Not equal to Lincoln or Washington but flat out greatest. And to do that, the most important priority is being reelected.
Everything needs to be viewed through that lens if you want to understand President Trump. How does he get reelected? By remaining popular with his base and increasing his popularity with Evangelicals. So what are the most important things to his base and to Evangelicals?
The top thing for Evangelicals is judges. The top thing for his base in general is immigration. And important to both is keeping campaign promises. So while every other GOP President in recent history has walked away from campaign promises and become more moderate in their policies President Trump knows that this isn’t an option for him.
So it only makes sense that President Trump would choose a judge from the list he promised during the campaign. But why Kavanagh? If you want to be remembered as a great President you want a judge that is young and enduring but also the judge that is the smartest that will become the dominant judge over the next couple of decades. Judge Kavanagh isn’t yet on the court yet he has already written 9 opinion that were adopted as the opinion of the court. President Trump wants the judge that Evangelicals will call the greatest judge of our generation.
It’s as simple as that. It has nothing to do with abortion or marriage. Nothing.
Nelson Banuchi
Bob Wizenhut: “President Trump wants to be known as the greatest President of all time.”
Well, that’s been obvious since he entered the campaign for POTUS and I don’t think that fact has eluded anybody… and that is the main problem with this overtly and overly narcissistic President!
It’s really not his aim to MAGA but to MTGA.
At least, you admit he cares more about himself than he does the American people who are merely the means to his own ends, to hell with America.
You’re right, it’s not about abortion; never was. It’s not about what’s best for America; it never was.
And, you support him! Which would only betray your attitude also… to MTGA is your priority.
Well, at least, you admit it.
Gene Brown
Great post!
Varnel Watson
Great words but non toward OP
Varnel Watson
Nelson Banuchi the basic question of the OP is how this justice would contribute to the whole thing? One bird cannot bring spring but is certainly a step in the right direction. How many such steps do we need and when can we see actual results? Joseph Kidwell
Joseph Kidwell
I oppose this nomination for the following reasons. Kavanaugh believes that the Constitution literally makes the President above the law. He does not believe that a sitting President can be subject to civil suits or criminal indictment. He has virtually an authoritarian view of the power of the Executive Branch and does not seem to believe in balance of power with the other two branches of government. He has consistently ruled against workers and for business.
Ricky Grimsley
I hope Kavanaugh gets blocked and Amy Barrett gets the nod.
Joseph Kidwell
That’s not going to happen. He will be approved by the Senate.
Ricky Grimsley
Perhaps. God knows. Maybe I can have Barrett when Ginsburg moves on to her eternal punishment.
Varnel Watson
I bet it will too Trump gets whatever he wants Most ppl still believe him. What will it happen when they stop believing ?
Donald Phillips
I never believed in Trump, but I certainly voted for him because the alternative was to vote for the total annihilation of Christian freedom of thought. He is a sinful man, but at least he hasn’t had any of his political opponents murdered as far as we know. The Clintons seem to have a way of “outliving” those people that attempt to expose them.
Ricky Grimsley
I may have to repent but I question the Christianity or at least the sanity of anyone who voted for Hillary
Varnel Watson
Kavanaugh believes the President is above the law
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, par for the course for you. You totally disregard the Scriptures and elevate your extreme right-wing thinking. You don’t sit on the throne and I don’t answer to you. You did not save me, sanctify me or fill me with the Holy Ghost. You don’t have a heaven to welcome me to or a hell to send me to.
Ricky Grimsley
A vote for a democrat is a vote for abortion, socialism, and a raping of the constitution. Again I left two options. Maybe your you are saved but your eyes are blind to the point of insanity. Most politicians are probably evil but socialism is of the devil.
Joseph Kidwell
A vote for a conservative is a vote to take healthcare away from folk. It’s a vote to further enrich the top 3% @ the expense of everyone else. Republican greed is of the devi.
Ricky Grimsley
Those are all liberal lies they tell themselves to sleep at night.
Varnel Watson
What has been the Trump care healthcare plan so far Ricky Grimsley 0 to none
Ricky Grimsley
The best health care plan is get people jobs and let them take care of theirselves. Many people don’t have health care because they are greedy or because they are lazy.
Varnel Watson
Most dont because they cant afford it. Neither jobs nor freedom to chose is there no more
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, once again, you demonstrate your ignorance. 60% of people on Medicaid work. They just don’t have health coverage through their employer.#TypicalRightWingIgnorance
Joseph Kidwell
Because of right-wing ‘trickle down’ economics, the 3 richest Americans own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of Americans. Income disparity continues to grow and many who used to be middle class are now part of the working poor.#Facts
Ricky Grimsley
Lol I’m not ignorant at all. If your job doesn’t provide you what you need you switch jobs are you get two. I did it. Put my wife through college. It can be done. Who’s fault is it when you don’t eat?
Varnel Watson
There are not many such jobs Ricky Hence the health care crises in America today
Ricky Grimsley
Maybe you have to work two jobs. Maybe people have to have for faith. People need to prioritize and maybe be more healthy. Sure there are people that need help. It should people people that can work. Oh yeah….if there aren’t any jobs in your area……move. That’s the way all people and animals have survived since creation.
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, many work 2 jobs, but still are in poverty. I know because you are talking about some of my church members. Troy is right. You have no comprehension of the seriousness of this issue. You obviously believe that health care is a privilege. I believe that to be an immoral position and it’s amazing that a Christian who claims to be pro-life would hold such a view. You are not pro-life. You are just anti-abortion and for you, being pro-life stops when the child is delivered because you don’t give a rat’s backside if that child has what he needs to eat and drink or whether that child has access to health care. You despise the very people who received Jesus gladly as well as the children that Christ took time out to minister to.
Ricky Grimsley
Nonsense. Obvious I care about people. But continually giving out hand outs isn’t the answer. Universal health care would destroy our economy. Any idiot knows that. It was already severely impacted because of the stupid obama care.
Ricky Grimsley
Lol we can’t even keep the veterans in some decent healthcare and you want to spread that over the whole US. No thanks. Move to Canada. You are probably liberal enough to preach up there
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, the ACA was no handout! Requiring folk to buy health care is no different than requiring folk to have auto insurance. Universal health care has not destroyed Western Europe or Canada. I’ve heard the testimonies of lives who have been saved because of the ACA. But, your concern for folk’s lives stop when they are born. Your views have resulted in the countless deaths of many human beings. It’s hypocritical for you to claim to be pro-life.
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, no sir! I’m scriptural and truly pro-life. You have no concern for your fellow man and certainly don’t love your neighbor as yourself. You may have extreme right-wing views, but you are not right. You lack compassion, empathy and love. You certainly do not reflect the values of the Kingdom of God or the love of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Ricky Grimsley
It was unconstitutional
Ricky Grimsley
Yay free health care for all and free abortion in demand….sounds like the kingdom of God to me. Lol.
Varnel Watson
Free health care at least is very biblical The leaves of Tree of Life are free, right?
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, not according to the Supreme Court.
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, the ACA does not cover abortion.#RightWingIgnorance
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, health care is not free anywhere.#RightWingIgnorance
Donald Phillips
The ACA does not cover people that have jobs. The ACA does not cover our veterans. The ACA does not cover MY kids. The ACA is a huge weight on the middle class so freeloaders and foreigners can have free healthcare.
Joseph Kidwell
Donald Phillips, the ACA does not provide free health care except for those who are extremely poor who are covered by Medicaid expansion. You would prefer that they just die I guess. That is certainly pro-life, isn’t it?#RightWingHypocrisy
Bob Wizenhut
President Trump is already see results from Helsinki! Troy Day
Bob Wizenhut
Varnel Watson
List them for us pls
Bob Wizenhut
Polls show his approval ratings are up since Helsinki. Of course, we can talk about what he has gained for America as well.
Varnel Watson
You are quoting the liberal Gallup and CNBC now? According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll published on Sunday, almost a third of Republicans disapproved of Trump publicly expressing doubts about U.S. intelligence findings. By recent standards, that’s a significant defection from the pro-Trump line.
Jan Dixon Sykes
From what I was told, they talked about working together against jihadism. Is that not a good thing?
Varnel Watson
How can we comment about hearsay?
Jan Dixon Sykes
Well, you can refrain from bashing the meeting. That’s be a good start. As for our intelligence?
Varnel Watson
No bashing Just discussing the information made public and relating it to OP – thats all
Jan Dixon Sykes
There’s a difference between doubting our intelligence agencies when we are overseas and bashing AMERICA when we are overseas. Notice the word “America.”
Jan Dixon Sykes
Why did you delete my other memes. They were true, too.
Varnel Watson
??? as much as facebook allows I guess
Jan Dixon Sykes
FB keeps deleting them. Guess the NSA doesn’t like them.
Jan Dixon Sykes
Bob Wizenhut
Troy Day – polls show the since Helsinki, President Trump has a higher approval rating among the GOP than either Bush or Reagan. I’m starting to think you were right about there being significance in what happened at Helsinki. And the new polls were taken before the 4.1 GDP growth and Europe capitulating on trade. But I guess Helsinki played a role in that capitulation.
Jan Dixon Sykes
The more the MSM bashes Trump, the more I am certain he is doing exactly what I voted for him to do. Taking a wrecking ball to the latest version of the globalist’s Tower of Babel.
Bob Wizenhut
Jan Dixon Sykes – so you are OK with the President draining the swamp and cleaning up corruption in the FBI, IRS and intelligence agencies? You are OK with the President returning our country to law and order and following the Constitution?
Jan Dixon Sykes
Gee, let me think about it…. Well, maybe if he threw in lowering my taxes….
Bob Wizenhut
But what if it comes at a cost? Like also bringing free trade with Europe, peace with North Korea and record unemployment for Black America?
Jan Dixon Sykes
You mean like I haven’t evicted a single black man this whole year? (Anyone for that matter.) And I have to endure listening to them raving about the new FULL time job they just got? Now, that is a burden. But I guess I can bear it….
Bob Wizenhut
But Troy Day has a point. All of this comes at a huge cost. After Helsinki we’ll experience an improved relationship with Russia and have more of their cooperation on Syria & Iran. For war dogs, this is an unacceptable price to pay.
Jan Dixon Sykes
Ya know, I’m now convicted about being so selfish. Not having to pay the lawyer $450 for another eviction. Getting a tax cut. I really need to be grateful instead about all those soldiers getting raises and the vets who were stuck using UncleSamCare can now get vouchers to go to private doctors….
Jan Dixon Sykes
I have never read more judgmentalism from a pastor in my life. Joseph seems to know that Ricky doesn’t give a rat’s backside about children and despises people! Plus, Ricky lacks compassion, empathy, & love! Wow! …………. Joseph, we get to judge behaviors but not people. Going from I don’t like your decisions and behaviors is a long ways to judging people. You don’t get to assign motives. God know our hearts. Not you. You guys obviously disagree about solutions to problems—period. Shaming someone is a tactic of the devil, which is what you are using. “There is therefore now condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” So stop with the condemning words. JESUS said, “Judge not that ye be not judged.”
Ricky Grimsley
I don’t lack compassion. I just disagree in what the real issues are. People have to take responsibility for theirselves. Grow up people. You can judge all you want but liberalism and socialism is inconsistent with jesus
Joseph Kidwell
Jan Dixon Sykes, R yea but Ricky can question my Christian faith because I don’t believe that it is being consistently pro-life to allow folk to die simply because they are not well off enough to have decent health insurance? Jan Dixon Sykes, you and the rest of your Trump cult do not intimidate me. Quite frankly, I really don’t care what you think of me. Talk to the other cult members about their false accusations.
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, letting poor children go without needed health care and allowing people to die simply because they don’t have good health insurance is inconsistent with Jesus. Being a follower of Trump is inconsistent with Scripture.
Ricky Grimsley
Acts 23:5 KJVS
[5] Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people.
Jan Dixon Sykes
Joseph, if you don’t care what we think of you, then please know we care even less what you think of us, so you can spare yourself the effort of telling us your unwelcome opinion. ……. You come into this forum wearing your holier-than-thou garment, claiming to care more than us, being more righteous than us—while God just sees your righteousness as filthy rags. So spare us the virtue signaling, please. Can you not just present your solutions without throwing in shaming statements? ……. As for Ricky, is he a pastor, too? Pastors have to maintain higher standards of conduct than laymen. I’m a mere laymen & can debate a topic without calling a person name, such as “cult members.”
Ricky Grimsley
I’m not a pastor. But I’m not sure what higher standards you are talking about. I have to live the truth like everyone else. Stealing from people isn’t the answer. Universal healthcare is a fraud.
Jan Dixon Sykes
Joseph was claiming I had a double standard of not letting him get away with judging, when I didn’t include your name in the mix. You had questioned whether anyone who voted for Hillary was a Christian. But you had preferences it with humiliy—saying you might have to repent. Yes, James says, “Brethren, Be not many masters, knowing that we receive greater condemnation.” So yep, I‘m chiding Joseph more for judging than you, Ricky. Especially since you did not accuse him of lacking compassion, empathy, and love.
Ricky Grimsley
I’m sure Joseph has compassion. However, he is blind
Jan Dixon Sykes
Revelation 12 calls SATAN “the accuser of our brethren.” Anyone REALLY want to be in that camp?? Accusing any of us as not having enough compassion, empathy, or love!?! Having a mistaken solution is one thing, but not having compassion is a whole nother category.
Joseph Kidwell
Jan Dixon Sykes, LOL!
Joseph Kidwell
Ricky Grimsley, says the man who follows a blind man?#TrumpCult
Ricky Grimsley
I don’t “follow” trump. I do however celebrate the positive and don’t over blow the negative
Jan Dixon Sykes
Laugh my comment away all you want, Joseph. “Accusing the brethren” is reprehensible to me, which is why I keep bringing what you do up. You’re plenty smart enough to argue your case without stooping to character assassination.
Ricky Grimsley
Character assassination is all liberals have because their arguments are nonsense
Jan Dixon Sykes
Joseph, I am a senior citizen. Rather than using the tactic of entreating me, you use sneering me as a cult member. I see you went to CBC. I went to Evangel.
Joseph Kidwell
Jan Dixon SykesROTFLOL!!!#TrumpCult
Jan Dixon Sykes
See you’re still using scorn….
Varnel Watson
Bob Wizenhut this OP is not about Helsinki How do you feel your claims relate to the justice choice? Will same sex marriages be reverted?
Bob Wizenhut
I still fail to see why you turned the discussion on this OP into a discussion on Helsinki. That discussion clearly doesn’t relate to theology in any way but it was more of a statement on your willing to jump on the bandwagon of whatever the talking point of the day was with the press. We’ve already established that the Supreme Court pick has nothing to do with marriage or abortion.
Varnel Watson
Actually you turned it into Helsinki. I simply mentioned the timing of placing the justice in question and the Helsinki failure You use #strawman a lot Pls re-read