This is a question for all of us Terry Wiles The author of Revelation “calls for reform… but he does not treat his opposition in the churches as ‘outsiders.’ Jezebel, Balaamites, and others named pejoratively by the seer are recognized as members in the churches… John’s major challenges comes not from outside the church but from Christians who are open to living in the world.”
Troy Day It is true. Christians are to live in the world but not like the world. They are to model morals and standards of the Kingdom of Heaven. The King of Heaven has some stern things to say to the churches, to us, through the reporter of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
The church should think less about who to vote for and more about who to live like.
Jerome Dave Larson Who should you vote for? Republicans? Democrats? Libertarians? None of the above? Don’t vote a political party. Vote for the people who truly represent YOU, and would do the things most similar to you if you were in office. And if that means not voting for anyone, then don’t vote. There is no virtue in blindly voting or simply voting straight party ticket, nor holding your nose while you vote. Don’t vote rather than vote for the lesser of two evils, for that in itself is evil, and a true waste of a vote. Not voting can be the greatest vote of all. Candidates shouldn’t have your vote just because they have a pulse and wear a jersey you kinda like. Elected officials should EARN your vote, and if they don’t, then don’t give it to them. Your vote is sacred, treat it as such!
Troy Day since California is the left coast, we really don’t have a choice on who to send to office…but we do have propositions and vote on issues…
When I vote for republican/ independent it is my no-vote against the left/soscialist.
RT Ray E Horton
That would be terrible if Dems get the house, putting Nancy Pelosi once more second in line to the Presidency. Let’s do something about it and prove the polls wrong tomorrow. I believe Christians need to be responsible to vote for the party that exhibits the more godly policies. anti-abortion, etc.
127 The Spirit Baptism, Nineteenth Century Roots Roland Wessels* Pentecostals claim that there is a life transforming and empowering experience subsequent to conversion, called…
Varnel Watson
This is a question for all of us Terry Wiles The author of Revelation “calls for reform… but he does not treat his opposition in the churches as ‘outsiders.’ Jezebel, Balaamites, and others named pejoratively by the seer are recognized as members in the churches… John’s major challenges comes not from outside the church but from Christians who are open to living in the world.”
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Troy Day
I shouldn’t reply on a book that I haven’t read… right now I’m reading DeArtegea’s latest book on Kindle.
Terry Wiles
Troy Day It is true. Christians are to live in the world but not like the world. They are to model morals and standards of the Kingdom of Heaven. The King of Heaven has some stern things to say to the churches, to us, through the reporter of The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
The church should think less about who to vote for and more about who to live like.
Varnel Watson
Terry Wiles on a lighter note, do you know they stopped making Mars bars? This coinsides with the time when the church turned political IMO
Terry Wiles
Troy Day They don’t make Mars bars? That was my go to sugar hit.
Terry Wiles
I am not into politics in the church at all.
Varnel Watson
What politics? we are talking candy here
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Well I vote on issues (health and public transportion, which is important for Southern California) and for candidates that are NOT leftist/Socialist.
Varnel Watson
Jerome Dave Larson Who should you vote for? Republicans? Democrats? Libertarians? None of the above? Don’t vote a political party. Vote for the people who truly represent YOU, and would do the things most similar to you if you were in office. And if that means not voting for anyone, then don’t vote. There is no virtue in blindly voting or simply voting straight party ticket, nor holding your nose while you vote. Don’t vote rather than vote for the lesser of two evils, for that in itself is evil, and a true waste of a vote. Not voting can be the greatest vote of all. Candidates shouldn’t have your vote just because they have a pulse and wear a jersey you kinda like. Elected officials should EARN your vote, and if they don’t, then don’t give it to them. Your vote is sacred, treat it as such!
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Troy Day since California is the left coast, we really don’t have a choice on who to send to office…but we do have propositions and vote on issues…
When I vote for republican/ independent it is my no-vote against the left/soscialist.
Varnel Watson
RT Ray E Horton
That would be terrible if Dems get the house, putting Nancy Pelosi once more second in line to the Presidency. Let’s do something about it and prove the polls wrong tomorrow. I believe Christians need to be responsible to vote for the party that exhibits the more godly policies. anti-abortion, etc.