Is speaking in tongues required for salvation?

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Is speaking in tongues required for salvation?


  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Gregg Huestis Go!

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Gregg Huestis

    Not At All…Although It’s Great and I do.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Derrick Harmon

    Why would you not want something that God provides in the atonement?

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    I for one am all for it. So were most early Pentecostals

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Derrick Harmon

    I would argue that baptism in the Holy Spirit is necessary for salvation; however, does that mean you have to speak in tongues? That is a different story. Initial evidence is a sticky point for Pentecostals, but it happens to be a Pentecostal distinctive: so, take initial evidence away and you don’t have Pentecostal you have Charismatic.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Danny Lirette

    Derrick: You said, “take initial evidence away and you don’t have Pentecostal you have Charismatic.”

    Not true. I don’t believe it’s the initial physical evidence (though it can manifest the Baptism) and I’m not a Charismatic as Charismatics believe a whole slew of nonsense. Charismatics are not defined by that one distinctive alone.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Derrick Harmon You said, “take initial evidence away and you don’t have Pentecostal you have Charismatic.” And you are absolutely right. It is not our fault some Charismatics are abandoning their Pentecostal roots and the initial evidence

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Gregg Huestis

    Im 1000% for it but KNOW that it isn’t required for salvation…BUT that being said…life without the infilling & speaking in tongues is like driving a 4 cylinder Ferrari

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    I once drove a W12 engine Audi S8 with 2 cylinders skipping. Took it to the mechanic who said – big deal you’ve got 10 more working. Which reminds me early Pentecostals believed in this thing called FULLNESS in the SPIRIT and only then they could testify about being saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost. Nowadays ppl can hardly testify they are saved…

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Curt Stewart

    If any man has not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Gregg Huestis

    But one can be filled and bornagain but not speak in other tongues. Im not sure why that is but I KNOW it to be true…

    I know many who are saved but don’t have their prayer language…I don’t really understand how that happens but it does.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Michael Green

    If you love the Lord with all your heart mund and soul you would desire all that He has for you

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Gregg Huestis I will take a 4 cylinder Ferrari any day of the week because hey are classic and are being remade as we speak

  • Nope. Not at all.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Gerry Moore

    No it is not required. Only faith & works are (James 2:26). James 2:26) For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. ~KJV~

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Gregg Huestis

    I hear you…my point is that without the infilling and speaking in tongues ones Christian life is mostly powerless.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Dont be a mostly powerless Christian Get filled with the Holy Ghost

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Gregg Huestis

    I have been for over 38 years. Got saved and baptized in the Spirit all on the same night.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Diana Kay Miller Sheek

    You receive that AFTER you get save. The requirement for salvation is to believe that Jesus was born, is our Savior, died and rose again so we might have eternal life. Then you are baptized with water and the Holy Ghost which the evidence is speaking in other tongues. That is God’s language and the devil doesn’t know what you praying about when you speak to God.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    John E Ollis

    No, but is a wonderful privilege for EVERY believer to CONSTANTLY EXPERIENCE

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Hanny Setiawan

    2017..and the question is still the same. Don’t we have better questions?

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Varnel Watson

    Did you not received the Holy Ghost when you believed?

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Joshua A. Humphries

    Speaking in tongues is one manifestation of the Spirit. I’ve never spoken in tongues but I have been given words of knowledge and words of prophecy.

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Street Preacherz

    Sorry to say but not everybody that prays in tongues is Christian. Nor is everybody that raises their right and to God and swears loyalty to Christ saved. Sorry about that…

  • Reply December 3, 2017

    Robert Webster


  • Reply March 17, 2018

    Dan Irving

    What does the Bible say?

  • Reply March 17, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Depends who interperets it

  • Reply March 17, 2018

    Fernando Vega

    Being filled with the Holy Spirit is required,the result of being filled will be speaking in tongues. Covenant sign!!!!

  • Reply March 17, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    2 Corinthians 1:22 ► set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

  • Reply March 17, 2018

    Brody Pope

    Tongues aren’t necessary for salvation. They are required for the infilling of the Holy Ghost because they are the initial evidence of the baptism. We are saved by Grace through faith.

  • Reply March 17, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Ephesians 4:30 ► And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

  • Reply March 17, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Romans 8:14 ► For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

  • Reply March 17, 2018

    David Manuel

    Romans 8:26 King James Version (KJV)

    26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

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