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It seems clear that in at least some parables there is an analogical correspondence between some character in the parable and Jesus. For instance, in the parable of the tenants in Luke 20, most would interpret the character of the son in reference to Jesus.
In the parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37, two characters stand out as potential analogies to Jesus. The man attacked by robbers has clear parallels to Jesus as the one who suffers and who is rejected by the priests. But also the Samaritan seems to have analogy to Jesus in the gospel as the one who brings salvation and who bears the costs of the other.
Obviously the parable has meaning on the ethical level in relation to the “who is my neighbor” question. But does the parable also have an analogical meaning? And if so, does one of these characters fit better into that level of meaning?
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…” (Isaiah 5:20).
Apostasy; Doctrines of Demons
‘Mother Earth’ (Gaia false goddess) Religion of Global Warming aka Climate Change (also ruse for global governance). New York City Electric Garbage Trucks “Conked Out” Plowing Snow After Just Four Hours.
Geoengineering: Man Playing gods. Climate Startup’s Rogue Plan to Manipulate Weather is Horrifying Scientists. Make Sunsets says it’s launched weather balloons containing sulfur dioxide particles into the stratosphere in an attempt to manipulate the climate. Spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere directly puts humanity at risk by disrupting the ozone layer, potentially leading to acid rain and causing respiratory disease. Meanwhile, the White House is funding its own five-year research plan into geoengineering, a highly controversial proposal to reverse (so-called) climate change.
False religion of Hinduism: Christians flee into forest after Hindu mobs vandalize homes, churches for refusing to re-convert.
False religion of Islam: Hamas official Al-Zahar vowed “Palestine” will be liberated, and after “Battle of the Promise of the Hereafter,” there’ll be no Zionism or “treacherous Christianity.” Also see Christian Persecution in Africa Grew More Intense, Widespread in 2022, especially Somalia and Nigeria, where Islamist gangs wiped out entire villages, and Christian farmers were attacked by Fulani herdsmen.
In Italy, Muslim Mob Stopped Police from Shutting Down Illegal Mosque in December. A bailiff and police attempted to take back a garage used as a mosque after the property’s owner refused to renew the contract due to money owed. Italy’s deputy prime minister said, “If I illegally occupied a shop or an apartment for 1 ½ years, the public force would ask me to leave. It works like this in any civil country, Italian or foreign.” Similar scenes have been seen elsewhere in Europe. Examples: France in 2017; Muslims took to the streets to protest an attempt to remove them from a building they’d occupied and used as a mosque. A radical mosque in Marseilles ordered to close several times over the last five years simply ignored authorities.
Last Days of Lot Returned
Florida investigating Christmas drag show that ‘exposed children to sexually explicit activity.’
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s school health division released guide for schools to assess commitment to gay and transgender agenda.
Scottish Bill Would Allow 16-Year-Olds to Legally Change Their Gender Identity Against Parents’ Will.
Sweden urges caution on puberty blockers, transgender surgeries in updated health guidance.
And the Abortion Abomination
Biden Regime Trying to Force Christian Doctors to Kill Babies in Abortions. Fresh from a defeat in court over the administrative rule attempting to require Christian doctors and nurses to perform or promote abortions, now their attempting to repeal a pro-life rule that President Trump implemented in 2019 to ensure the conscience rights of such medical professions are respected.
Last Days Traitors
Your Government Hates You. One example of many: “[US Omnibus bill] contains billions in spending on ridiculous political pet projects” (see list in article). Your tax dollars at work. It’s also an ear-piercing signal that the end is nigh. If you work hard, pay your own way, believe in free speech and traditional values, and fear God – your government, the dirty cadre of elites and insiders – hates you.
National Guard informed troops last paycheck before Christmas would be late, as Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine.
WATCH: Biden Looked Dazed and Confused when signing so-called Inflation Reduction Bill handed to him in August. The bill that was passed says it all. Instead of reducing inflation, it actually raises taxes by $450 billion over the next decade; it also creates a $78.9 billion slush fund for the IRS. This is a determined effort to strangle middle-income earners even more. America is now run by a shadow government – bureaucrats pushing laws and regulations with the aim of destroying America from within.
And the Orwellian Surveillance Society
Democrats released several years of Trump’s tax returns on Friday. Republicans, who’ll take over the House next week, say Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent where in the future, no one will be safe from having their returns disclosed to the public.
Researcher Reveals Google Home Speakers Could’ve Been Hijacked and Turned into Wiretaps.
Roomba vacuum recorded a woman on the toilet. How did screenshots end up on Facebook?
Infrastructure of Antichrist: Living in The Age of Surveillance. “Smart” devices and other technologies watch every move we make. And smart devices listen to everything we say.
WEF To Accelerate Push for ‘Metaverse’ Surveillance Network at Davos 2023. It’s a lot more than an alleged 3D virtual reality space using avatars. For forces of technocratic tyranny, a Metaverse-adopting society can make it much easier for governments to track movement, behaviors, and activities of its citizens. WEF is the chief coalition builder for what amounts to the modern depopulation movement. They’ve partnered with Big Tech, central bankers, governmental and international organizations to facilitate their feudalistic vision, which involves deliberately rolling back human progress, innovation, and flourishing under the guise of saving the planet from a “climate emergency.”
And The Left’s Deceived Pawns
“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:12-13).
[Many/Most] Liberals Learned Nothing In 2022. Liberal left Washington Post is confident next year will be much happier, at least for Democrats. It published “15 Reasons You Should be Hopeful for 2023.” It should’ve been called “liberals have learned nothing in the Biden era.” More Americans are finally recognizing that this federal government is the most dangerous threat to their rights and liberties. But many appear to still be deceived, or else they don’t care because they think they’ll continue receiving free stuff, no strings attached. When they realize they’ve been had, it’ll be too late.
And the Deliberate Pitting of Nation (Ethnic) Against Nation (Ethnic)
Students Speak Out on Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-American Culture at Florida University. At the core of students’ struggle is the university’s glorification of CRT, a Marxist-derived ideology that substitutes race or gender for class struggle.
And the Deliberate Border Disorder
Gag Order: Biden Regime Bars Border Officials from Sharing Data on Migrant Crisis.
Arizona border patrol agents stopped over 1.2 million fentanyl pills and four pounds of fentanyl powder from entering the US on Wednesday.
Plague, Pestilence…
And more on the Drug Plague: California Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Legalize Magic Mushrooms, Other Psychedelics. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says hallucinogens “can cause users to see images, hear sounds, and feel sensations that seem real but don’t exist.” Effects of psychedelics generally begin within 20 to 90 minutes and can last up to 12 hours in some cases
After COVID, flu, and RSV, is a strep outbreak next? At least 94 people in the UK, including 24 children, have died from strep A complications. “… We’ve never seen a peak like this at this time of year…” said microbiologist Shiranee Sriskandan. France, Ireland, Netherlands, and Sweden have also observed strep A increases in the past few months. Dr. Andrew Pekosz, virologist, says it’s too soon to say if the US will see a “large strep A outbreak.” He warned it could be a problem if we see a rise in strep A at the same time we’re contending with kill-virus
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil…” (Isaiah 5:20).
Apostasy; Doctrines of Demons
‘Mother Earth’ (Gaia false goddess) Religion of Global Warming aka Climate Change (also ruse for global governance). New York City Electric Garbage Trucks “Conked Out” Plowing Snow After Just Four Hours.
Geoengineering: Man Playing gods. Climate Startup’s Rogue Plan to Manipulate Weather is Horrifying Scientists. Make Sunsets says it’s launched weather balloons containing sulfur dioxide particles into the stratosphere in an attempt to manipulate the climate. Spraying sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere directly puts humanity at risk by disrupting the ozone layer, potentially leading to acid rain and causing respiratory disease. Meanwhile, the White House is funding its own five-year research plan into geoengineering, a highly controversial proposal to reverse (so-called) climate change.
False religion of Hinduism: Christians flee into forest after Hindu mobs vandalize homes, churches for refusing to re-convert.
False religion of Islam: Hamas official Al-Zahar vowed “Palestine” will be liberated, and after “Battle of the Promise of the Hereafter,” there’ll be no Zionism or “treacherous Christianity.” Also see Christian Persecution in Africa Grew More Intense, Widespread in 2022, especially Somalia and Nigeria, where Islamist gangs wiped out entire villages, and Christian farmers were attacked by Fulani herdsmen.
In Italy, Muslim Mob Stopped Police from Shutting Down Illegal Mosque in December. A bailiff and police attempted to take back a garage used as a mosque after the property’s owner refused to renew the contract due to money owed. Italy’s deputy prime minister said, “If I illegally occupied a shop or an apartment for 1 ½ years, the public force would ask me to leave. It works like this in any civil country, Italian or foreign.” Similar scenes have been seen elsewhere in Europe. Examples: France in 2017; Muslims took to the streets to protest an attempt to remove them from a building they’d occupied and used as a mosque. A radical mosque in Marseilles ordered to close several times over the last five years simply ignored authorities.
Last Days of Lot Returned
Florida investigating Christmas drag show that ‘exposed children to sexually explicit activity.’
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s school health division released guide for schools to assess commitment to gay and transgender agenda.
Scottish Bill Would Allow 16-Year-Olds to Legally Change Their Gender Identity Against Parents’ Will.
Sweden urges caution on puberty blockers, transgender surgeries in updated health guidance.
And the Abortion Abomination
Biden Regime Trying to Force Christian Doctors to Kill Babies in Abortions. Fresh from a defeat in court over the administrative rule attempting to require Christian doctors and nurses to perform or promote abortions, now their attempting to repeal a pro-life rule that President Trump implemented in 2019 to ensure the conscience rights of such medical professions are respected.
Last Days Traitors
Your Government Hates You. One example of many: “[US Omnibus bill] contains billions in spending on ridiculous political pet projects” (see list in article). Your tax dollars at work. It’s also an ear-piercing signal that the end is nigh. If you work hard, pay your own way, believe in free speech and traditional values, and fear God – your government, the dirty cadre of elites and insiders – hates you.
National Guard informed troops last paycheck before Christmas would be late, as Biden regime sends billions to Ukraine.
WATCH: Biden Looked Dazed and Confused when signing so-called Inflation Reduction Bill handed to him in August. The bill that was passed says it all. Instead of reducing inflation, it actually raises taxes by $450 billion over the next decade; it also creates a $78.9 billion slush fund for the IRS. This is a determined effort to strangle middle-income earners even more. America is now run by a shadow government – bureaucrats pushing laws and regulations with the aim of destroying America from within.
And the Orwellian Surveillance Society
Democrats released several years of Trump’s tax returns on Friday. Republicans, who’ll take over the House next week, say Democrats are setting a dangerous precedent where in the future, no one will be safe from having their returns disclosed to the public.
Researcher Reveals Google Home Speakers Could’ve Been Hijacked and Turned into Wiretaps.
Roomba vacuum recorded a woman on the toilet. How did screenshots end up on Facebook?
Infrastructure of Antichrist: Living in The Age of Surveillance. “Smart” devices and other technologies watch every move we make. And smart devices listen to everything we say.
WEF To Accelerate Push for ‘Metaverse’ Surveillance Network at Davos 2023. It’s a lot more than an alleged 3D virtual reality space using avatars. For forces of technocratic tyranny, a Metaverse-adopting society can make it much easier for governments to track movement, behaviors, and activities of its citizens. WEF is the chief coalition builder for what amounts to the modern depopulation movement. They’ve partnered with Big Tech, central bankers, governmental and international organizations to facilitate their feudalistic vision, which involves deliberately rolling back human progress, innovation, and flourishing under the guise of saving the planet from a “climate emergency.”
And The Left’s Deceived Pawns
“Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:12-13).
[Many/Most] Liberals Learned Nothing In 2022. Liberal left Washington Post is confident next year will be much happier, at least for Democrats. It published “15 Reasons You Should be Hopeful for 2023.” It should’ve been called “liberals have learned nothing in the Biden era.” More Americans are finally recognizing that this federal government is the most dangerous threat to their rights and liberties. But many appear to still be deceived, or else they don’t care because they think they’ll continue receiving free stuff, no strings attached. When they realize they’ve been had, it’ll be too late.
And the Deliberate Pitting of Nation (Ethnic) Against Nation (Ethnic)
Students Speak Out on Anti-White, Anti-Christian, Anti-American Culture at Florida University. At the core of students’ struggle is the university’s glorification of CRT, a Marxist-derived ideology that substitutes race or gender for class struggle.
And the Deliberate Border Disorder
Gag Order: Biden Regime Bars Border Officials from Sharing Data on Migrant Crisis.
Arizona border patrol agents stopped over 1.2 million fentanyl pills and four pounds of fentanyl powder from entering the US on Wednesday.
Plague, Pestilence…
And more on the Drug Plague: California Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Legalize Magic Mushrooms, Other Psychedelics. The National Institute on Drug Abuse says hallucinogens “can cause users to see images, hear sounds, and feel sensations that seem real but don’t exist.” Effects of psychedelics generally begin within 20 to 90 minutes and can last up to 12 hours in some cases
After COVID, flu, and RSV, is a strep outbreak next? At least 94 people in the UK, including 24 children, have died from strep A complications. “… We’ve never seen a peak like this at this time of year…” said microbiologist Shiranee Sriskandan. France, Ireland, Netherlands, and Sweden have also observed strep A increases in the past few months. Dr. Andrew Pekosz, virologist, says it’s too soon to say if the US will see a “large strep A outbreak.” He warned it could be a problem if we see a rise in strep A at the same time we’re contending with kill-virus
who can tell what GOD can do? Brett Dobbs Philip Williams John Mushenhouse Duane L Burgess
well everybody – He just follows His will only.
or as my wife quoted – The effective, [k]fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. 17 Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. 18 And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit. James 5 – but while our prayers avail much – it is still God’s will and He often says no or delays, but best of all He often changes us in the midst of the problems. – Therefore we must have this mindset – not my will but yours
No, absolutely not.
He may well be the man the Samaritan rescued