seems like right down Link Hudson alley after his last post Now I have seen him talk about women in a video that is not on youtube no more or at least I cant find it – for now
Don’t we have enough controversy with pelegian claiming orthodoxy (by association). And implying Arminius is compatible with it too. Just seems so dishonest.
Troy Day I don’t recall ever taking any videos down from YouTube about men, women marriage or related subjects. I have been on YouTube since about 2006 or so, and I have a number of videos there. I do not think I have ever posted on contraception. I might have a video up that addresses or mentions abortion.
Joe Absher I have not discussed looking at another man’s crotch on here. You are the one who brought up that topic. I’ve written against men intentionally having babies with strangers that they have no intention to raise, even if it is through ‘artificial’ means.
I remember that too Link Hudson Do you have a secret private youtube channel or something? I know what I saw and it is just weird I cant find it in any archive no more
Many apologetics experts would label the Latter Rain/Third Wave/New Apostolic Reformation movement a cult. This is because NAR leaders elevate existential experiences above the…
Joe Absher
Varnel Watson
seems like right down Link Hudson alley after his last post Now I have seen him talk about women in a video that is not on youtube no more or at least I cant find it – for now
Joe Absher
I started to write that in. But you have to admit he is the only one posting about looking at another mans crotch and infertility.
Varnel Watson
are you talking about Link Hudson ?
Joe Absher
I love Link!
Varnel Watson
he denies any videos on such issue though I remember seeing at least one back in the day that is no more
Joe Absher
To answer the question I don’t know why anyone would use “contraception” if they’re married.
Joe Absher
Don’t we have enough controversy with pelegian claiming orthodoxy (by association). And implying Arminius is compatible with it too. Just seems so dishonest.
Link Hudson
Troy Day I don’t recall ever taking any videos down from YouTube about men, women marriage or related subjects. I have been on YouTube since about 2006 or so, and I have a number of videos there. I do not think I have ever posted on contraception. I might have a video up that addresses or mentions abortion.
Link Hudson
Joe Absher I have not discussed looking at another man’s crotch on here. You are the one who brought up that topic. I’ve written against men intentionally having babies with strangers that they have no intention to raise, even if it is through ‘artificial’ means.
Joe Absher
Yeah ya did and it was weird.
Varnel Watson
I remember that too Link Hudson Do you have a secret private youtube channel or something? I know what I saw and it is just weird I cant find it in any archive no more
Isara Mo
Is family planning legit?
Robert Erwine
your mom didn’t think so …
Link Hudson
You don’t know that. It is not 100%.
Robert Erwine
At camp funtime, your Indian name will be “broken condom “
Link Hudson
My wife and I were only really trying for one of our kids.
Varnel Watson
your mom called you Link short for Lincoln
Link Hudson
So she says. My dad says ge came up with that and that they called him Link in the army.
Varnel Watson
and we all thank God for it daily