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Scholars for years claimed that the United States wasn’t found in the Bible. What an interesting statement considering how powerful, rich, worldly, sinful yet Bible professing nation we are here in these later days! Especially so considering we are one of the lone heroes of Israel, even being the very nation that first recognized Israel back in 1948 which brought it to statehood! To think that the lone superpower in the world would not be mentioned at all….anywhere in the Bible simply sounds strange. China is mentioned, Russia, Iran, heck Ethiopia is mentioned and yet we are to believe God simply left the U.S. out? Let’s look a bit deeper at a possibility that the United States really was mentioned, in great detail as a matter of fact, although under a different name…MYSTERY BABYLON!
Consider what the Word of God says about Babylon in the last days:
Babylon will have nice houses and strongholds. (Isaiah 13:22)
Babylon proclaims its own greatness. (Isaiah 47:8)
Babylon is an aggressive nation, feared the world over. (Isaiah 18:2)
Babylon is a tall and smooth-skinned people, whose land is divided by many rivers. (Isaiah 18:2)
Babylon destroys its own land and people. (Isaiah 14:20)
Babylon has ascended to touch heaven, above the clouds. (Isaiah 14:13,14)
Babylon is full of magic and drugs and produces terror. (Isaiah 47:12)
Babylon is known as an oppressor and quickly conquers nations. (Isaiah 14:4,6)
Babylon’s enemies are on the opposite side of the world, an alliance of great nations. (Isaiah 13:5, Jer 50:9)
Babylon will be destroyed by many “arrows” that do not miss their target. (Jer 50:9)
Babylon pillages and steals Israel’s inheritance. (Jer 50:11)
Babylon people are fat. (Jer 50:11)
Babylon has great towers and walls. (Jer 50:15)
Babylon is filled with people from different lands. (Jer 50:16)
Babylon is called the “hammer of the whole Earth” (Jer 50:23)
Babylon is full of grain and bulls. (Jer 50:26,27)
Babylon is called “the arrogant one” (Jer 50:31,32)
Babylon is full of false prophets, soldiers, horses and chariots. (Jer 50:36,37)
Babylon is a land full of idols. (Jer 50:38)
Babylon was used by the Lord throughout the nations. (Jer 51:7)
Babylon could have been healed by the Lord. (Jer 51:9)
Babylon has many waters and rich in treasures. (Jer 51:13)
Babylon is filled with people from many nations. (Jer 51:44)
Babylon has reached the sky and space with its weapons. ( Jer 51:53)
Babylon is a land of officials, governors and officers. (Jer 51:57)
Babylon sends its goods and trades with the whole world. (Rev 18:11)
Babylon is full of musicians, tradesmen and farmers. (Rev 18:22)
Babylon lives luxuriously. (Rev 18:7)
Babylon has a major port city. (Rev 18:17-19)
Babylon has the wealthiest and greatest city the world has ever known. (Rev 18:18)
Babylon is represented by a woman. (Rev 17:1,18)
Babylon will have old Babylonian religious idols. (Jer 50:2)
Babylon’s sins pile up to heaven. (Rev 18:5)
So we have a fat, rich, sinful people made up of many nations that trade with the world, are musicians and craftsmen, sell their “chariots” throughout the world, whose land is full of grain, cattle, rivers, horses and sheep, have a supreme military that quickly conquers nations and have been to space.
Shame! Shame on you so called “pastors” who are blind to the truth and declare America is not in the Bible! Name another nation on the Earth that could fulfill all of these descriptions at one time other than America! America even has as its symbol the Pagan god of Isis, the Queen of Heaven, who the Romans called Juno, although you might know it as The Statue of Liberty. Auguste Bertholdi, the creator of the Statue of Liberty, was seeking a commission to construct a giant Isis statue holding a torch overlooking the Suez Canal but was denied. Later he went on to create his dream in the Statue of Liberty. Interestingly enough, and yes it is anecdotal evidence, but the only city in the entire world currently using the name “Babylon” is found in …New York! Yes, 45 miles due East of New York City you’ll run smack dab into Babylon, New York.
Now you might say, “oh, this person simply hates America.” Not so. I would bleed on the stripes to keep the flag red. I love my country dearly, however, one has to separate patriotism for one’s country and faithfulness to one’s religion when the two are not compatible. I love America as a parent does a child who has been sent to prison, regretfully, mournfully, in remembrance of what they were and what they could have been. America is not the same country it was in the 40’s and 50’s. How can you say that it is in light of abortion statistics, murder rates, divorce rates, homosexuality rates, the wars we spread across the globe, the way we promote violence and promiscuity in our films and the system of control and surveillance we impose on our own citizens?
Why can’t America simply turn from its sins and repent? Do you think we are on the path to becoming a more holy nation, one that reveres God’s word and seeks after his will collectively? Does America show high regard and promote Christian ideals and beliefs or instead do we celebrate delinquency? Simply turn on the TV for ten minutes and you will see what America believes in, a world of material wealth, of control, of satisfying every desire of your heart, simply put…America believes in sin.
How does God feel concerning this un-repentant attitude of self-professing “Christians”? First of all, consider the principle of judgment God uses concerning his own house:
Luke 12:47,48 “That servant who knows his master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what his master wants will be beaten with many blows. But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
1 Peter 4:17 For it is time for judgment to begin with the family of God; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?
God does not stand for hypocrites to make a mockery of his word. America puts “In God we Trust” on our money, we proclaim to be a Christian nation from our very outset. We have preachers and churches on every corner and the freedom to proclaim “Jesus is Lord” as if we were simply stating “the sun rose this morning”. We are the richest, most blessed nation in the world with food stacked to the ceilings. Yet we make war like it was a baseball game, we blast sex and adultery throughout the world through our movies and the internet, we boast of our achievements and how great and mighty we are as we beat ourselves on the chest and strut around in fine clothes and rush and beat our neighbors to buy the nicest TV. Oh yes, we also abort our babies by the millions and spend millions on drugs and alcohol and pornography and sex and sports, houses and stocks, boats and cars. But we show up every Sunday for Church, ready to hear the Lord’s message.
There have been 53 million abortions in America alone since 1973. There are roughly 3,400 per day performed now, and these are only the ones reported though clinics. This doesn’t count the over the counter pill abortions occurring daily in private homes across the country. And somehow we expect there to not be judgment to our nation?
Now do I believe that America is Mystery Babylon right now? Well, not exactly. Even though we are a wicked nation, there is still a great evangelical movement with millions of Bible believing Christians who don’t profess or support the country’s ways. There is also a little further, believe it or not, left to fall before it could be stamped “official”. Babylon becomes drunk on the blood of the saints at some point in its history. This has not yet happened in America where Christians are rounded up and killed for their testimony. Could it happen? Go research Fema Camp detention centers that have spread throughout the nation and get back to me and I’ll tell you with a resounded “yes” it absolutely can happen. The Germans never imagined they would be gathering up Jews onto train cars a few years before the holocaust, either. They were just following orders.
The most damning verse of all that describes this final Babylon nation is Jeremiah 51:9
“‘We would have healed Babylon, but she cannot be healed; let us leave her and each go to his own land, for her judgment reaches to the skies, it rises as high as the clouds.’
God forgive our nation.
Jason Conley
Ricky Grimsley
I dont see america in the bible unless we are mystery babylon. I don’t believe that. The places in the end times passages are pretty well mapped out in the bible and tribulation ,while certainly affecting the whole world is centered around israel and her surrounding enemies. Perhaps america is not mentioned because she isnt around in the end.
Louise Cummings
I think you could be right. At least I believe the Bible teaches The Church or Christians. Not domination but born again Christians will be gone before the great tribulations. But that’s another subject to be studied. But I believe The Bible brings that out. The Rapture.
Roger David
The pride of America won’t accept that it’s not the star of the end times. It has to keep looking for ways to inject itself in.
Louise Cummings
I believe it is. God doesn’t list every nation in the Bible. But America followed the same rules or Commandments the Lord Gave Moses to follow. They came to America to find freedom. And did find freedom. Even after the Holy Ghost was poured out on the day of Pentecost. It also was carried to the Gentile Nation. Because God sent Peter to Cornelius house and while he was preaching. The Holy Spirit fell on the Gentile house. And they began to Speak With Tongues. That’s why we know speaking in tongues is the Initial Evidence of the Holy Ghost. Because every where the Bible says anything about receiving the Holy Spirit or almost every place. It says they knew because they heard them speak with tongues as well as we. So America lives by their same Comments. Until some started worshipping other gods as the Jews started doing. They paid a big price for forsaking God. So will our Country unless we repent and put God back in our Country.
Louise Cummings
I think you could be right.
William Lance Huget
America is not part of biblical prophecy explicitly. Herbert W. Armstrong (WWCOG) was wrong (British Israelism, etc.).
Israel is the focus of Bible prophecy with surrounding nations having some prophetic role.
America and all countries will have some role or be affected by end times, but this does not mean they were prophesied.
Regina Vaughn
Regina Vaughn liked this on Facebook.
Varnel Watson
America is a part of biblical prophecies that refer to the whole world
Tim Renneberg
Jon Ray
Yeah, No. I dont think so
Ricky Grimsley
Americans want to believe all kinds of things about america that arent true. Supposedly, we gained our independence and yet all but one president was descendants of english royalty. Also america was named from amaruka (land of the plumed serpent)
Tim Renneberg
Americans do love conspiracy theories. Even if the the Royal descendants theory were true, it doesn’t really say anything about independence.
Ricky Grimsley
People don’t usually revolt if they have the illusion of freedom.
Ricky Grimsley
I guess next that its also a conspiracy that popular vote doesn’t actually decide the presidential race.
Tim Renneberg
I was the lone gunman on the grassy knoll… oh wait, I don’t own a gun and my biological parents hadn’t hit puberty yet at the time of JFK’s assassination
Ricky Grimsley
Why is it so foreign to some christians to believe that devil and people conspire together to rule the world?
Tim Renneberg
that’s a large leap to arrive at that conclusion from this brief interaction
Robert Erwine
No, it isnt .
Varnel Watson
isnt everyone?
Tom Steele
I think a few years back TBN came out with some Bible Codes that mentioned the United States ????
Varnel Watson
the name of the Bible Code guy is Michael Drosnin – it wasnt a TBN thing His first book came out over 20 yrs ago
Tom Steele
Yeah… I know, I was just joking around. TBN sure did jump on it though… they even made a movie that centered around the Bible codes.
Tim Dalton
The question should be – Is the truth of the bible found in most americans?
Tom Steele
I can help you with that… NO!
Tim Dalton
Tom Steele stating the obvious brother. That is why I wonder why so many spend so much time on the dramatic, the speculatory and the out dated, instead of obeying the great commission.
Varnel Watson
thats really not the question asked here
Tim Dalton
Just mu thoughts on the question which was asked.
Anthony Christchild
Thank you Tom Tim Dalton
Tim Dalton
I just wonder why little, if anything, is said when people chase multiple rabbits (social issues, theological speculations etc.). I really don’t wonder that you get a response when you bring up the neglect of taking the Gospel to the lost. They do say you talk about who or what you love. That speaks loudly and it is interesting to see the rationalization from those that have dismissed our Lord’s great commission. I guess I might be next.
Varnel Watson
Tim Dalton and I wonder why little is said about America?
Tim Dalton
America is temporary. A person is eternal and unless someone shares the good news of the gospel with him/her, they will spend that eternity in hell.
But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. James 1:15
A person is accountable before God for his/her own sin. While that sin may contribute to a Godless society, we all must answer for ourselves. The grace that leads to salvation is given to individuals. They are to bear fruit of that as salt to the world.
Too many people just want to make this word a better place, from which to go to hell from (j. Vernon McGee)