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Peter A Vandever |

In all my years in “ministry,” I have found that our values are extremely backwards. Doing ministry in the Church (discipleship, worship, etc) and the people are completely behind it. Do ministry outside the Church (evangelism) and no one will support it. Jesus thinks completely opposite.
John Kissinger [09/23/2015 9:09 AM]
would ALL your years be most your years or many of your years in the ministry?
Nick Schultz [09/23/2015 1:23 PM]
Isn’t proclaiming the gospel evangelism, even within the church?
Link Hudson [09/23/2015 3:59 PM]
This is a good topic to speak on in church or in a conference. It seems like a lot of people who do street ministry get no support from church. I know a man who used to street witness. His pastor wanted him to not do that one night and go help out with the ‘Fall Festival’ which resembled a Halloween celebration.
Christians need to be willing to help those who do street evangelism. I think a lot of the ‘evangelists’ who have it on their namecard are teachers, etc. who don’t have their own pulpits, while the real evangelists often don’t get recognized for being in that role. In Pentecostal churches, some ‘evangelists’ focus on getting believers healed or baptized with the Holy Ghost. Philip, the evangelist, went to where unbelievers were. He preached to crowds and also did one-on-one soul winning in the two little scenes we are shown of his ministry. These are both areas in which evangelists labor.
I wrote about the need for Christians being willing to open their homes for those who labor in the Gospel. This is something that needs to be taught in churches. Don’t just give money in the plate. Open your home. Give food, money, clothing, or whatever else to those actually doing evangelism.
Nick Schultz, usually the Greek words translated ‘preach’ in the New Testament are used in reference to proclaiming the Gospel to unbelievers. There are exceptions, like where the KJV takes a word elsewhere translated differently and translates it as ‘preach’ in Acts 20.
Charles Page [09/23/2015 4:41 PM]
God sent me into the streets in the front of big Memphis area Southern Baptist Churches and the para-church ministry “Love Worth Finding” I have had lots of experience with police – just like the first century apostles and disciples.
Jo Shartzer [09/23/2015 5:40 PM]
I can relate to this..someone I know has street ministry and gets no support..this person has even asked if they could use their outreach building and was declined… now how ironic is that? This person had to leave their church and jump out on faith to start street ministry and the so called pastors in that area led by one pastor who swore to stop it thus began rumors that are unfounded and also this person was banned off church property and for what reason but this the pastor who’s doing this has become envious of street ministry and this individual… I know this individual and that is me…
Charles Page [09/23/2015 5:48 PM]
one of the aspects of a street ministry is that it should be unfunded. Funds defile the ministry and the moment you receive a penny then you are bound to the giver and that ministry should belong to God. following Pauline theology. when you are devoid of funds you go to tent making.
Link Hudson [09/23/2015 5:49 PM]
Charles Page, but Paul said they that preach the Gospel should live of the Gospel. That sure looks like it fits better with a street preacher ministry than a pastoral ministry based on the context and what Paul was doing.
Charles Page [09/23/2015 9:51 PM]
I would certainly not want to be taught Christian values by a slave owner nor a slave owner loyalist. That racism permeates the southern baptist to this day.
John Kissinger [09/24/2015 6:46 AM]
Charles Page you’ve obviously never watched your children go to bed hungry while/because you were in the ministry … Alan N Carla Smith
Charles Page [09/24/2015 8:16 AM]
God has blessed me and I never remember putting my children to bed hungry.
John Kissinger [09/24/2015 8:29 AM]
it was a good time working for the CoG, wasn’t it?
Alan N Carla Smith [09/24/2015 9:13 AM]
Is Charles Page inferring that IF you put your children to bed hungry, that God hasn’t blessed that family? or that ministry? or that church? or… was that just a jab at the CoG?
Charles Page [09/24/2015 12:20 PM]
statement of fact, inferring nothing else, God has blessed us.
John Kissinger [09/24/2015 12:23 PM]
Charles it was a good when CoG took care of you, wasn’t it?
Charles Page [09/24/2015 12:25 PM]
Alan N Carla Smith [09/24/2015 12:26 PM]
aww… come on CP admit it!
John Kissinger [09/24/2015 12:32 PM]
bet you drove your big ol’ Road Master to camp meeting and loved it
Alan N Carla Smith [09/24/2015 1:58 PM]
Road Master nothing..probably flew his Cessna to multiple campmeetings
Charles Page [09/24/2015 4:14 PM]
I drove a new Mercedes!
Charles Page [09/24/2015 4:14 PM]
my second car was a Lada!
John Kissinger [09/24/2015 11:04 PM]
2 cars?- what a great time when CoG took care you…
Yadavally Yesudass [09/24/2015 11:13 PM]
Thank you for this thinking, I want to take my church to the streets and villages where there is no christianity. You can also join us, if you like..
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