If your salvation has not led you to change, is it true?

If your salvation has not led you to change, is it true?

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Christopher Noel Boggess | PentecostalTheology.com


If your salvation has not led you to change
Is it true


  • Definitely not. We should see the fruits of the spirit. But be aware, its not instant. It will take a while.

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Ify Divine Nsoha

    Change always happens. But God will change you gradually rather than instantly. The reason he does that is to keep you humble. I’m telling you just trust the Lord. He’s working in you so much, but you can’t KNOW because human beings are prone to get prideful. So just wait. What he’s doing within you will manifest itself in your life very soon.

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Jan Dixon Sykes

    *not LED you

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Stan Wayne

    The spelling and grammar here is appalling and needs salvation

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    Serious guys you can allways tell the true ones from the other ones

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    You know moses studdered the mighty men of God was not highly educated peter was just a fisherman look what he did

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Jan Dixon Sykes

    Christopher, I try to assume the best of people. That they appreciate help. If spelling and grammar are not your talent, don’t you want someone to come along side you to help you on it? Nobody said you were stupid or defective or inferior. Why imply those who help you are not the “true ones”?

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    But you guys said nothing on the topic just attacked the grammar what does that say about your motive

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    Jan Dixon Sykes

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    I believe if repentance is not preached the church will not change and we must change we are not saved by our works but is the fruit of it

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Jan Dixon Sykes

    Christopher. I am the one who first corrrected your spelling. It was NOT an attack. Had I made a meme misspelling a word, I would want someone to correct it. And the word you misspelled was a commonly misspelled one. So I really thought you and others who misspell it would think, “oh, so that’s how it’s spelled.” …….. I didn’t touch the missing comma, the “you” instead of “your,“ the capital “Is.” So my intent was NOT to mock you. Then Stan made a joke. Had someone made that joke about my meme, I would have laughed with him. Instead, you got defensive. But when you asserted you DID walk on water—then start with something simple like conjugating a plural verb with a plural subject “men…were.” ………….. And there was no useful reason to comment on the meme. My comment would have been too elementary for any discussion.

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

    What does this have to do with this subject what do you think of the subject

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Jeanette Elizondo


  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Jan Dixon Sykes

    What did “you can always tell the true ones from the other ones” have to do with the topic? That was character assassination. All I did was help you out on your spelling and you attacked my motive and character. ………. So what I think of your meme is that not attacking another person’s character is the first thing to work on after God saves us. That salvation is just getting rescued. It is just the starting point.

  • Reply December 19, 2017

    Christopher Noel Boggess

  • Reply September 6, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Melvin Harter its called entire sanctification Gene-Len Morris we;ve discussed it before Maybe you can shed some light for us?

  • Reply September 6, 2018

    Gene-Len Morris

    Just say the word and I’ll start a thread, because it appears that way to much is being discussed in this thread already.

  • Reply September 6, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    Salvation brings a changed life. You become a new creature in Christ. Old things pass away , and all things become new. If you find yourself slipping. It’s time to wake. Get back in the Christian path.I do believe God warns you if He sees you slipping. It possible we can let it slip and not think it’s a warning, until the Lord starts to pull the feathers from our nest. Like an Eagle does their babies when they want them to fly. When they sit on the thorns in the nest. They begin to flutter their wings until they can fly. When the Lord lets us sit on thorns for a while. We realize where we are. And we start getting back in His Will.

  • Reply September 6, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Well this is the thread now Gene-Len Morris

  • Reply September 6, 2018

    Scotty Searan

    Act 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
    Romans 12

    1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

    2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

  • Reply September 6, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    I say Amen to that. Great Scripture. If I have added in a Scripture that would seem to change the meaning of that. Or contradict that let me know. So I can explain.

    • Reply September 6, 2018

      Scotty Searan

      You were just fine.

    • Reply September 6, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      Thank you. I don’t want to mislead in the Word. I had rather know if I need to think over again what I have written.

    • Reply September 6, 2018

      Scotty Searan

      There are more scriptures out there concerning this subject

    • Reply September 6, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      You have always done good. I can’t remember anything that wasn’t good. That’s what discussion is anyway. Exchanging thoughts. You might think of something that I never thought of. So we learn from one another. But yours has been good.

  • Reply September 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    per your article Sam Vanderburg whats orthodox vie on entire sanctification

    • Reply September 7, 2018

      Sam Vanderburg

      A couple of quotes:
      1) Thus, we do not strictly distinguish between justification and sanctification, but understand them as two sides of the same process, or as St. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:11, “You were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified into the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
      2) we are declared righteous because we share in the life of Christ. He was justified by His resurrection from the dead, and we are justified through our participation in His death and resurrection by the Holy Spirit.

      However, as varied as the Orthodox writers can be on subjects in published journals, I do not take this as an official stance.

  • Reply September 7, 2018

    Robert Erwine

    its doesn’t mean they change for the better though

  • Reply September 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Sam Vanderburg I am somewhat aware of the eastern ortodox mysticism and their divianation process; however, I am interested in the conversation ONLY if we do not disregard Sola Fide. How could this be done?

  • Reply September 8, 2018

    Sam Vanderburg

    Umm..I have been there a long time and am also sola scripture. I am under the impression that we are on this page to discuss theology and therefore pursue understanding. I see much available in the early church fathers for understanding dogma. It is also goog to understand other thinking about theology so we better define our own. Scripture is set in stone, if you will. Our understanding is a growing process in which we try to organize as theology. That I can discuss within scripture and walk away while agreeing to disagree if necessary.

  • Reply September 8, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Sam are you still referring to the Orthodox article? I am not sure how to connect your post with the OP

  • Reply September 8, 2018

    Sam Vanderburg

    Was trying to stay on subject here. I hope I am not too confusing.

  • Reply September 9, 2018

    Robert Erwine

    Sola types lend to cultish behavior

    • Reply September 9, 2018

      Sam Vanderburg

      I got to agree with Martin Luther about by faith alone, sola fide. The older churches, namely Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, place as much emphasis on the word of the church meeting in a called assembly of bishops to be equal to Scripture. I disagree with them and ascribe to sola scriptura, only Scripture. I think we historically rely on that in all Protestant denominations even if many mainline churches practice otherwise now.

    • Reply September 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox are more cultish

    • Reply September 9, 2018

      Isaac Coverstone

      Troy Day except catholics don’t make much effort to control your life the way protestants do. At least in my experience.

    • Reply September 9, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Isaac – Catholics are like the Dark Side in Star Wars They cant control you if you dont have weaknesses

  • Reply September 9, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    palagianism is confusing – sola fide is clear Joe Absher

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