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Charles Kameta |

If someone draw a tattoo before he was a believer,and now he want to be a born again Christian…can God still accept that person???
Patience Zanzi Peter
Yes of course.
Grace Ramotlopi
God deals with the Spirit of man because that’s where the real person is . When someone say I am born again it is the Spirit that is recreated and is born again not the outside body. So tattoo or no tattoo your inside is saved
Bisola Olumo Okechukwu
Capital yes.
Ras Bayles
If He doesn’t then we are ALL screwed because we ALL have our own “tattoos”.
Daniel Paul
Billy Blazier
It’s not the unforgivable sin
Dana Owen
What about Tattoos after the fact?
Perla Lina
big yes. tattoo is not issue.important is the humble heart before God
Vanessa Renee Heilman
Yes absolutely he accepted me and I have 3 but wont get no more
Michael Townley
I think he also talked about scars/cuts in the body.. But how many can say they don’t have some type of scar?
Uche Uchey
Of course yes
Samuel Okafor
As long as somebody is still alive once he comes to God in sincerity he would be forgiven
Samuel Okafor
As long as somebody is still alive once he comes to God in sincerity he would be forgiven
Max Miles
nothing is impossible with God as long as you repent all heartly by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour ,God has already forgiven you its almost 2000yrs ago at Calvary just have to accept his forgiveness by his grace through faith and at the rapture we’ll have new bodies obviously those tattoos will be eradicated by the glory of God .I can image anyone that has tattoos at that time of the rapture who are born again to their surprise the’ll just see tattoos vanishing of their very eyes how exciting ….new bodies can’t wait…
Phil Lemek Snr
Yes. God will not reject anyone because of external tattoos. He considers the inner being of a person.
Elizabeth Rotenberg - Ashkewe
John Nwachukwu
In the time of ignorance ,God overlooks
Greg Jarboe
God doesn’t care about tattoos.
Jessy Coxson
Jesus Christ has tattoos all over His arms. So apparently He doesn’t care that much. But you should still honor and respect the body/temple God created for you, by loving yourself as He loves you; and foremost love Him FIRST above yourself! Be careful you do not self worship is what I mean. God bless!
(P.S. the picture is a recent pic of Jesus Christ in the flesh as He is now with one of His fans. Visit my FB page for more info about that if you’re interested.)
Terri Talmadge
Yes. It’s your heart that matters. Just repent for the tattoo
Arithee Padayachee
Brenda King
Absolutely if you still have the tattoo God loves you and your resurrected glorified body will have no tattoos I’m thinking….besides God says man looks on the outside but it’s what man brings out of himself that defiles him not what’s on the outside
Kenneth Eller
Well Ofcourse so. Don’t be foolish. Can God not forgive a stupid tattoo?
Jennifer Lewis
Absolutely I have false Gods tattooed on me so I will testify that god is merciful. I have gotten 1 tattoo since my rebirth only to make up for the rest
God could care less about that flesh you inhabit. He made and wants your soul back. God is merciful to the pure in heart
Maggie Joanne
If you ask Jesus into your heart and ask for forgiveness of sins you will be saved regardless of how many tattoos you have, its your heart he looks at, once saved you cannot lose your salvation either
Alicia M. Vermillion
Christ died for all your sins! Past, present and future sin is all forgiven!
Tony Crews
Don’t we get a new body
Mia Violette
Favored Lisa
Craig Theisen
Sure <3
Lorna Taitano
It is our “Inner” man of the heart that counts. Our flesh will die. and when Jesus comes we will get new bodies anyway. Although he doesn’t want us to abuse our bodies, He forgives because His blood covers all sin except rejection of His sacrifice.
Catie van der Walt
Sadly those who refuse the testimony of Christ according to His second covenant terms incur God’s wrath rather than His blessing in the Promise of Christ made in the Bosom for our destiny and eternal reward.. those who continue replacing faith with the light of their own aspiration are being prepared for the coming 7 years tribulation.
It’s not too late to enter into the spiritual ark of the second covenant in this short time of the second eight week.
Ir Noé Best Itanganeza
Believe only and others are nothing in front of GOD
Markus Ramchiary
If the tatoo have meaning then flog it. Better to go heaven without skin than go hell with beautiful tatoo. When you go Heaven you can say look Lord what I did for You.
Faith Lee
God looks at the heart of the person.
Mering Albas
Yes. Why not. The mark of the beast is done intentionally. What God looks at is the purity, sincerity of his heart to obey and love God and recognizing God as His savior, destination and declaration that you chose Him for eternity.
Lisa Pezant
Of course GOD, forgives you and loves you just the way you are!
Lawrence Lewis
So if you are saved…you need to ask Him about getting a tattoo..because men have two opinions…one says its right the other wrong…don’t do anything to displease the Lord…and don’t ask man……..ask God rather…
Ngbede Atabo
all are sinners & have come short of the glory of God, but we are made right true the blood of christ.& no condemnation in christ jesus. so he will.
Roby Duggan
Being “born again” has nothing to do with people who are desiring to be a Christian.
Marian Alexi Hayden
Of course
Rebecca Lynn Walker
Yes. Dont let the devil lie to you.
Karl Snyder
God excepts you just as you are when you come to Jesus Christ no matter what sin you have done if you repent and Trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and U are saved If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead he will be saved
Lize Bartsch
Anyone who repents and believes the Gospel can be saved!!
Patricia Grisham
Cheri Evans
I would also suggest that you do a study on this. It says for the dead and it was related to the worship of other gods and ownership
Mary Diamond
Yes, God is a forgiving God !
Catherine Stevens
Depends on the nature of the tattoo. If it is offensive see if it can be removed. Otherwise, don’t worry about it.
Michael Kirkpatrick
Yes your sins are forgiven but don’t continue getting tattoos because your body is the temple the Lord inhabits. If you continue getting tattoos you are defiling his temple. I wanted to get one when my son died but while I was considering it I got messages I believe from the Lord not to Mark my body.