HOW YOU DOIN’ IN THE SPIRIT on the 4th Year Anniversary of Pentecostal Theology

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“How you doin’ in the Spirit” A Pentecostal Group Update
The Pentecostal Theology facebook group and its website www. have been online exactly 11 months now. In this period, 5,00+ members joined in over 3,800 discussions and conversations online (with 1700+ more scheduled to release 3 times a day and over 6,400 drafts in the works). Several topics on user privacy (or secrecy) and the very Pentecostal state “in the Spirit” with many other active readers, have brought about this first order of business as early as 2016. is celebrating its 4th birthday

Pentecostal Theology aimed to break the closed borders among theologians on the internet across the globe. Fragmented conversations, closed groups, paid publications, secret membership societies and so on – none of these benefits fully the common theologian and practitioner of Pentecostal ministry. A global open discussion group does that with a new successful paradigm of doing ministry through the internet

  1. With 5,000+ members representing each walk of life
  2. Cultural and ethnical variety representing virtually every tongue on earth
  3. Dynamic connectivity and constant ever connectedness
  4. 7,000+ theological discussions in just 4 short years
  5. Close to 20,000+ comments strong and going
  6. Discussing virtually every facet of Pentecostal theology and ministry out there
  7. Implementing cutting edge news, updates and social technologies

Connecting Pentecostals theological dilemmas and social issues to find their theology proper solutions:

  • from the seminary doctor to the street preacher
  • from South Carolina to South Africa
  • from ultra hyper Charismatic to far-right conservative Pentecostal
  • from protecting the environment to entire sanctification

With all this in mind, today we are celebrating our 4th anniversary on the internet as a global open border community

Our goal: Make THEOLOGY Great Again

The REST is yet to come…

Thank YOU for being an active part of it

Celebrate with us: ADD YOUR FRIENDS to Pentecostal Theology TODAY

Click the hat to order now

On February 16, 2018 Pentecostal Theology will be celebrating 4 years on the internet under the slogan: MAKE THEOLOGY GREAT AGAIN


Facebook group:



FIRST theological discussion to go viral on the internet: ROLE of the HOLY SPIRIT in PENTECOSTAL HERMENEUTICS

3,300+ discussions on Pentecostal Theology on the internet since 2014


1. Join the Pentecostal group on Facebook:

2. Post your topic in the group

3. We will publish it automatically via


A good Bibliography in Pentecostal/Charismatic Theology

History Bartleman Frank Azusa Street (Bridge Publishing NJ. 1980) Dayton Donald. Theological Roots of Pentecostalism (Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody Mass, 1994)

The Largest and Most Complete Bibliography on the Pentecostal Charismatic Movement

Albrecht, Daniel E. Rites in the Spirit: A Ritual Approach to Pentecostal/Charismatic Spirituality. Journal of Pentecostal Theology Supplement Series 17. Sheffield, UK: Sheffield

Pentecostalism: Advanced Information

Pentecostalism is an evangelical charismatic reformation movement which usually traces its roots to an outbreak of tongue – speaking in Topeka, Kansas, in 1901

The gift of tongues in relation to prayer

Is there anyone here that can direct me to a good, theologically based with good Scripture references and exegesis of the texts

A Complete List of Theological Schools, Colleges and Seminaries for Pentecostal Students and Scholars

Complete List of Pentecostal Theological Schools, Colleges and Seminaries with their full addresses, contact information, social media profiles and average cost per credit hour


  • Reply February 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    AMEN Ricky Grimsley Joseph D. Absher

  • Reply February 16, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    My prayer for you is that you learn to worship God under an open sky. Abierto Cielo

  • Reply February 16, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    no deader-than-a-door-knob theology no more

  • Reply February 16, 2018

    Joseph D. Absher

    I still believe Samson caught 300 hundred foxes. Moses parted the red Sea with a rod and a word. Jesus is the Son of God and a lamb for sinners slain. God Almighty formed the man from the dust of the earth, breathed the breath of life and man became a living soul. That a man reaps what he sows and every heart will be exposed on that great day. Wisdom is for the asking, grace for the believing, and rejoicing for the souls that rests and trusts in Jesus Christ. And that Greek maybe for scholars but Righteousness is for those that hunger and thirst after God and walk in obedience to the gospel. I’m fine thanks for asking.
    How you doing in the Spirit.

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