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Matthew Kennedy |

How was Jesus’s death paying the price?
If the punishment for sin is eternal torture… Shouldn’t Jesus be getting tortured for eternity? If he was already a spiritual being… Didn’t he just get a physical temporary body and then go back to being a spiritual being again? Is that really taking the punishment of the world on his shoulders?
Larry Koester
Thats what tbe Bible says. Forsaken by God even. How can we even begin to understand with this means with our silly meat brains.
Greg Alexander
You should look into the Deity of Christ… like ALL the attributes
Harold Goldman
The payment due god for sins commited is death (separation from god) he did this once for all to settle the debt. And it’s not torture but torment. Have you ever been tormented by a decision you made?
Noah Mackenroth
God did NOT “need Jesus to die” . . . Jesus’s death was a voluntary act of love.
The symbolism was necessary for man’s benefit, not Gods.
Jeremy Dipietro
You aren’t serious right???
Jeremy Dipietro
I mean what is that like a feeler to see some opinions?????
William Tanksley Jr.
Yes, if you believe that Jesus bore the punishment we were due, and if you believe the punishment we’re due is to be tormented forever, then it seems you must admit that Christ didn’t bear our punishment. There are a couple ways out of this: one is to question whether eternal torment is what sinners owe, and the other is to question whether He bore our punishment.
Anselm considered this question back in 1100 or so. His answer is that Jesus was not bearing our punishment at all; instead, He was showing God infinite honor by bearing the wrath due to sinful humans. As the God-man, Christ could bear infinite wrath, while we cannot.
I think it’s clear that Christ bore the punishment we’re due, but that the punishment we’re due is to die.
Dan Andrews
…for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
Harold Goldman
Well if you commit a crime against the eternal the time served is eternal. It takes 1 second to shoot and kill someone is their sentence 1 second. Now concerning this thing call hell it’s called a lake of fire as well as outer darkness these are metaphors used to describe separation from god. The torment those will face is their decision not to enter into a relationship with god thru christs sacrifice. So God gives them what they want
Noah Johnson
Because he is God. Our mortal souls cannot bear the punishment in the course of time so it has to be eternal lest we be destroyed not having paid the debt. But since Christ is God, he was able to bear it fully in the matter of hours.
Jacob Ray Guffey
Propitiation, check it out. Or expiation if you wish.
Have you ever opened a bible? Flipped through a few pages? Especially the NT?
Harold Goldman
The debt that was owed god Jesus paid for so we wouldn’t have to be separated from God’s love and mercy. This gift is for whosoever wants it. To those who don’t god grants them their desires to be separated from him
Peni Biukoto
Good question. To know the answer, we go back to the beginning.
Genesis 1:26-28. God created man, male and female, to represent him in authority in the created earth.
Genesis 3:6. Man, male and female, gave their God given authority to the serpent, the deceiver, the devil. Revelation 12:9.
Man, male and female, transferred their loyalty from God to the serpent, by believing the serpent. They believed the lie and swallowed evil into their being.
Man now served the serpent as slave and under his power, through the evil now in man.
The serpent holds man as hostage. For God to destroy the serpent will also destroy man, due to the evil now resident in man.
God gave an offer to the serpent that the serpent could not refuse. God will send his word as a man in the flesh into the power of the serpent. The flesh is the delicacy food of the serpent (Genesis 3:14) and sin gives him control over the flesh. The ransom is the word in the flesh.
The word (co-creator, God) in the flesh to be slave to the serpent in exchange for freedom of man.
The word became flesh (John 1:1-4, 14). The serpent tried his best to make the son of God, Jesus Christ, commit a sin, so he, the serpent can enslave the son of God. Jesus Christ remained free of sin until death on the crucifixion. (Hebrews 4:15). At the crucifixion, God made him who knew no sin to be sin for all man (2 Corinthians 5:21). The serpent saw his opportunity and all demons rushed to feast on the sins of the flesh on the son of God hanging crucified on a tree and inhabit his dying body. (Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44; John 19:28).
Jesus Christ died. The devil miscalculated. The sins Jesus Christ (Joshua) wore did not belong to him but to man.Zechariah 3:1-10.
The serpent was left holding onto the garment of sins without the man, as the man of flesh with sin of the world was annihilated in the tomb and a new man of spirit resurrected on third day.
Mark 14:51-52.
Jesse Johnson
Psalm 147:5 KJV
Great is our Lord, and of great power: his understanding is infinite.
The effects of sin are eternal. Adam’s first sin is still affecting us today. Sin gradually corrupts individuals and societies to greater and greater degrees. It’s effects never end.
It was necessary for a man with infinite understanding to be able to comprehend sin’s eternal corruption and God’s eternal (infinite) wrath and judgement upon sin. Jesus is God, therefore his understanding was infinite. So he was able to understand and appreciate God’s eternal wrath and judgement within a limited time span.
Since a mortal person doesn’t have infinite understanding, we can’t comprehend God’s judgement during a limited time frame. It translates into a limited comprehension of God’s judgement throughout an eternal span of time.
Deborah Susan Jurgensen
Before Jesus, people made a blood sacrifice for their sins. Jesus ended that with His blood sacrifice
Luke Smith
Interesting how many arguments from ignorance atheists can come up with, yet believe they have some sort of authority, funny stuff.
Why don’t you try understanding what Original Sin is and if you say disobedience, you are already deceived!
Tracy Walls
Jesus told his disciples shortly before His arrest..dont fear man, they can only kill the body, fear God, He can kill your soul…. then in the garden His prayer asked His Father to take this cup(wrath) from Him, nevertheless not My will but Yours be done….. Jesus was fully aware of what was to happen to Him on the cross. We’re not given full details of those few hours. But obviously an infinite being took on an infinite amount of sins for an infinite amount of people in a finite amount of time that was sufficient for God the Father.
Andrew Westerhof
It was not the physical suffering on the cross that he endured for our sins but rather the reason he was there. Jesus experienced full knowledge of the guilt and shame of every sin ever to be committed before his Father as though those sins were his own while he was on the cross. That moment of unimaginable shame was worth an eternity of torment.
Alexandria Donaldson
Blood shed to cover sin, Was always Gods way to show His, Jesus attonement in the future, Propitiation.
Isaiah Paul
Good question
Angel Hutchings
No, the wages of sin is death. What comes later are the consequences. Jesus paid with pure blood the only payment that was acceptable before God. So that’s why we have to die to ourselves and put on Christ. He died in our place
Nick N Beth
The correct answer is not that Christ blood being shed is, was or could be acceptable to us…but…that it was the only alternative and that it was the only payment demanded by Almighty God to reconcile us.
Michael White
Let me know if this makes any sense.
Jesus, after he became human, never actually stopped being human once he took on flesh. Your actually under the impression that once Jesus rose again he took off the flesh and was only spirit but that is not what the Bible teaches happens to Jesus or us once we rise again. He always will be, forevermore, a Jewish Man.
I believe what you’re thinking is what was called Gnosticism in the early Church. Where they believed that Jesus was only taking things on spiritually, so therefore he never really suffered in the body. That was a false doctrine though. I believe if you read a commentary over Colossians you’ll find what I mean. Also Jesus took on the sin as a sacrifice for humanities sin, he himself never actually sinned so he couldn’t be tortured for eternity.
Plus for those who like logic and struggle with the idea of miracles, here’s something to chew on. Although God does not have to abide by the laws of science, and the resurrection itself certainly did not, the action of the cross that led up to the resurrection did. Jesus would scientifically have to have a physical body if he was ever going to save us (or reverse what happened) from our sins because of Newton’s 3rd law. It was the fact that we sinned in the garden becoming wicked, dead spiritually, and disconnected from God that we needed a holy MAN to do exactly what we couldn’t do, which is to live connected to God, be alive spiritually, and obey 100%. He had to be the great equalizer. (A good place to find this in the Bible is Romans 5). I bring up Newton’s 3rd law because there must be an equal and opposite reaction to put things back to normal. But as Romans 5 states how much more is the righteous act of one Man that abounds to many.
Hope that makes sense I’m just thinking out loud!!
Varnel WatsonEdwards
Jesus died for your sins? More accurately, Jesus had a rough weekend for your sins.
John Maya Sr.
It’s qualitative not quantitative. For He that is alone holy, righteous and infinite to suffer one moment in time, is equal, if not far greater than one who is unholy, unrighteous and finite to suffer for all eternity.
Kenny Wong
Punishing a man can save ants. You are not equal to God.
Randy Steinke
The Atonement is not the same thing as the punishment! It’s better then the punishment otherwise why would God do it? The Atonement ANSWERS TO THE SAME PURPOSE AS THE PUNISHMENT BUT IS NOT THE SAME THING.
Jason Gray Lurie
IT WAS SEPARATION FROM THE FATHER ……THAT IS HELL…he does not want us to be separated from the father ……. Jesus was a fraid of that not so much the cross….
Larry Koester
Atonement. Is make at one with God. Like the Seat of atonement on the Ark of the covenant. It was were the blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled to “hide” the accusation of guilt on the day of atonement.
Aaron B Lister
Well being that death, not eternal torcher, is the wages of sin..I would say that Jesus was right on track.
Death is the eternal punishment that awaits the ungodly.
Herb Van Schoick
Yes, what christ did paid the exact price for the salvation of all of his elect…that’s what it says in the book…
Patrick Boren
#1 the price is death. (Romans 6:23). #2 He is God who shed His own righteous blood for our unrighteous sins. #3 God the Father’s approval of His offering is in raising Him from the dead. All this was pre-planned as Revelation 13:8 says that Jesus was slain from the foundation of the world. Time is a restriction on nthis universe, not on God. It is not possible for a finite being to fully understand and know all there is to an infinite God.
Lukas Dohnal
I can see the point you trying to make and frankly I was thinking about this often. I was also thinking how is it, that one person is sufficient to pay for all people, all who believe I mean. That is answered in the Bible as the sin enter the world through one persons disobedience (Adam) it can also be taken away by one act of righteousness (Jesus) but this still doesn’t explain the point you making. I don’t understand it to be Honest. I only know that it was God who has been offended and it was His justice which has been violated, therefore He is also the one who has to measure out the punishment. It is reasonable what you suggesting and I personally don’t know. I just know that if I could understand everything about God I could be sure, without the doubt, that he was man made. I take it as it is by faith in the word in Bible “will not the judge of the All earth do right” ??
Barbara M Normandin
He was payment for OUR sins not His own.He was obedient to the Father to death for our redemption.
David Marmolejo
This is VERY simple. The wages of sin is death. Meaning that we were already spiritually dead, and separated from God. We are not innocent from sin as babies because we all inherit sin.
Yet, He loved us while we were still sinners, He takes our deserved punishment. But He gives us the choice to accept Him as our King and Savior. By repenting of our sins and accepting the gift of salvation. Which gives us eternal life and we can now have a relationship with God. The sins are forever forgiven and no longer are we known as sinners, but children of God.
But if we decline the gift of salvation, we a saying no thanks, I’ll pay for my own sins.
It’s eternal punishment because the sinner rejected Jesus as Lord and Savior in the earthly life, which is the only chance to make such a decision. The sinner can’t blame God for the punishment the sinner chose for Himself.
We don’t get to choose the punishment for our sin, He does, He is God and He is sovereign.
He isn’t punished for eternity because He is perfect and He never sinned. But the penalty was paid and forgiveness wipes it all away, forever.
The problem you might be having is that you were brought up in the church, but you never had a relationship with Jesus. Or maybe you believed the wrong gospel.
Aly Mili
The wages sin is death not eternal punishment ??. Great comment!
John Benson
Inbox me I explain to you !
Barbara M Normandin
#1 Jesus knew no sin so he did not deserve eternal punishment.#2.Although he knew no sin He was atonement for our sin#3 He was the only one worthy to be the sacrificial lamb of God.Without blood there is no remission of sin.#4 Thank God Jesus was obedient unto death to redeem us from what we deserve.He not only laid down His life for us who appreciate His sacrafice but for those that blaspheme Him call him names and would crucify Him once again if given the chance.Because of unconditional love for us all! Amazing love
Alimi Nig
Jesse Johnson
Because he was able to comprehend our sins as well as the entirety of God’s wrath upon him for our sins. The pain he experienced was infinitely more than nails, whips and thorns. You don’t understand his aversion to sin. None of us do. Then to have the sins of the world placed on his very soul. People blame God for everything that’s wrong in the world but overlook the fact that God paid the price for everything that went wrong.
To understand how the limited timeframe of Christ’s suffering compared to eternal suffering in hell, you have to compare infinity to eternity. God’s understanding is infinite. God’s wrath upon sin is infinite. This is demonstrated by eternal suffering in hell. Because a sinner with finite understanding is unable to comprehend God’s infinite wrath within a limited timeframe, the sinner suffers neverending punishment. Jesus, being God, possessed infinite understanding and therefore was able to comprehend God’s infinite wrath within a limited timeframe. That’s how he paid for our sins within a few hours.
All of the suffering in hell will never equal the hell that Jesus suffered on the cross.