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Are the end times near? Is the Rapture really just around the corner? Could Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson possibly be right? About 1 billion people among us believe, yes, absolutely.
And that means one thing: investment opportunities!
For those who are not as expertly versed in the Book of Revelation, Ellis Weiner and Barbara Davilman, authors of the bestselling Yiddish with Dick and Jane, helpfully offer both illumination and advice: What exactly is the Rapture, anyway? How is it different from the Tribulation? Who are the Antichrist, the Four Horsemen, and the 144,000 male virgins, and what do they want? And, most important, how can I make money during the 7 years of societal breakdown before Armaggedon?
Taking the familiar form of a how-to investment guide, How to Profit From the Coming Rapture instructs those readers who will certainly be left behind (Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, less ardent Protestants, and many more) on how to exploit the inevitable demise of the world in order to make a tidy profit. Sure, the rivers and seas will run with blood, locusts will swarm, mountains will move all over the place, and famine will strike. But for the five billion of us left behind, the post-Rapture world will be a time of even more unique investment opportunities.
John Mushenhouse Neil Steven Lawrence our good DTS friend Oscar Valdez asked me to show a book from my library – figured this one should do for him. It informs of the evil plan of all NAR post-tribbers to acquire our belongings once we are gone in the pre-trib rapture so they can survive the antiChrist without the TRUE church on earth. Are the end times near? Is the Rapture really just around the corner? Could Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson possibly be right? About 1 billion people among us believe, yes, absolutely.
And that means one thing: investment opportunities! I now understand the provision Gary Micheal Epping often speaks of…
Being a Christian and believing Jesus will return one day, I first was turned off by just the name of this book. That being said, I had to give this book 4 stars due to the fact the authors did their homework. I thought the book was pretty informative and the time line was spot on. The humor of what people could do to make money did make me snicker a few times because it was so far fetched. I know I will never have to use this book and if anyone finds this book after the rapture, I am sure they will be so terrified that money will be the last thing on their mind.
I found this book to be both hilarious and well researched from the standpoint of where these ideas come from. It is a great read for someone who wants to learn more about what all of the talk is about as well as someone who doesn’t mind a tongue-in-cheek review of a religious principle. To the credit of the authors … they are Jewish so the Rapture would not apply to them. Thus, this book is written from their perspective after this Biblical event would happen and how to deal with it if you aren’t in the narrow class of people who would go away with this event.
This book would have been the perfect accompaniment to all the hype inspired by Harold Camping’s Judgment Day billboards in and preceding May 2011; it would have fit right in with those wry websites promising to rescue the pets left behind by those raptured. But this book came out in 2008, and now the world is suffering from Apocalypse fatigue; as a consequence, this good book is likely never to get the audience it deserves. I can tell that many who’ve read this book are fundamentalist Christians who somehow don’t get the joke, and that’s a shame, because such gentle, respectful satire as is presented here deserves to be understood and appreciated. There were no belly laughs for me in this book, but there’s plenty to nod and chuckle at, particularly if the reader is, like me, someone who in childhood was scared by Jack T. Chick’s tales of the Antichrist, and who now has been introduced to, and freed by, reason and rationalism. There’s a great deal of meticulous research in this book that may be easy to overlook, and that’s yet another reminder to me that skeptics are likely to know more about the Bible (usually much more) than believers do. Yet satire though it is, it could not be more respectful in its tone; Christians, and their beliefs, are never ridiculed in these pages. How did the authors pull that off? I’m sure I couldn’t have. Christians who want to know what’s in the Book of Revelation should pick this book up; it’s much easier to read than John of Patmos’s long nightmare, and far more entertaining. Reading this book also might prompt these good folk to take a long, non-humorous look at their beliefs. This book is fantastically funny. I rarely laugh out loud when reading, but this one had me in stitches with its unique take on surviving the apocalypse.
How to Profit From the Coming Rapture is a straight faced parody of self financial establishment with ground rules that bring laughter in godly proportions under the worst of conditions.
The books is quite balanced and concise while also being direct about Religious articles and detailing of what to expect, how to best expect it and how to best make money off the years of true hell you will most likely be unable to escape. It especially helps if you have a base knowledge of Religion though that is more for the sake of the humor value, otherwise it is expressed in a more forward way that you, the reader, are aware of these themes but are given brief insights of understanding into them.
Whether you’re planning out the wills of your family and friends as ‘ quick term investment ‘ dabbling in the economic markets of godless products or plotting out liquid money by turning all your money into liquids, this book has it out for the reader’s throats.
Like most serious dead pan humor, this book takes itself very seriously and does not make a habit of breaking character. If you are not so much into finance self help and prep books, this may strike you as too on the nose and dull, however if you have a wicked side and know you’re not going where so many people rave as the number one place to be, pull back a chair and have some laughs. It’s the book the antichrist doesn’t want you to read. That’s saying something!
Don’t buy this book if you take such subjects so seriously that you can’t find anything about them amusing. Also don’t buy it for reading in public because you WILL be getting dirty looks from people who don’t care to be reminded that other people exist and can enjoy themselves.
One last warning: don’t read this while drinking anything, unless you want to have your beverage coming out of your nose. Don’t ask me how I know this.
SHOWS the true character of post-tribbbers John Mushenhouse Neil Steven Lawrence Michael Chauncey AS Philip Williams has often uttered the pope created pre-trib to scare ppl and take over their earthly possessions. Oh, well – we shall be gone!
Troy Day yes, by fire!
Philip Williams are you saying the sacrifice of Christ is not enough and you have to proof it by your own fire ??
Troy Day have you this baptism?
““I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and what constraint I am under until it is completed!” Luke 12:49-50
Philip Williams it is HOW the pope shall bring about his great reset to produce a great recess and to bring the antiChrist in him – itS all about control
they have figured it out Neil Steven Lawrence Michael Chauncey