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Lori Talbert |

How long will the Antichrist reign?
Rev 13:4 So they worshiped the dragon who gave authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?”
Rev 13:5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and HE WAS GIVEN AUTHORITY TO CONTINUE FOR FORTY-TWO MONTHS
42 months = 3.5 years!
Some will try to tell you the beast will only be here for 5 months… that is a LIE!
They will tell you God shortened the days… so let’s look at that:
Mar 13:20 And unless the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake, whom He chose, He shortened the days.
The word translated “days” is the Greek hemera, which literally means: the time space between dawn and dark, or the whole 24 hours
It does NOT mean the 3.5 years was shortened to a 5 month period!
Debbie Neil Thacker
I agree with you. We are told how long the ac lasts 3.5 years. When it says the time is shortened it only means if JESUS doesn’t come back when he does all flesh on earth would be destroyed.
Kay Crick
Antichrist will reign as “God” in Jerusalems temple for 3.5 yrs. The days will be shortened when asteroids hit the earth during the Tribulation. It will cause the days to be shortened to 16 hrs rather than 24 hrs.
William Davis
in prophecy 42 months at 30 days =1260 days or years as prophecy, see the Dark ages of history and read about
Catherine Stevens
Daniel 9:25-27. “…in the middle of the seven he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the Temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.”
Jacy Ann Freyn
The 1260 days of the Two Witnesses is the same 42 months that the Temple Mount is trampled while the Little Horn/Beast speaks against God and oppresses the saints (Rev 11:1-3=Dan 7:25=Rev 13:5). It is also the same 3½ years that the righteous “Woman” is protected in the wilderness (Rev 12:14). All these events relate to the tribulation when the Antichrist continues for “a time, (pair of) times, and half a time” as Daniel 7:25 says.
Let’s do a little math on the numbers above:
1260 days ÷ 3.5 years = 360 days per year
1260 days ÷ 42 months = 30 days per month
Given that a 360/30 calendar does not match our 365¼/29½ reality, it is very tempting to dismiss the great tribulation numbers above as not intended literally, but as convenient approximations. But if it means what it literally says, then what we have hidden in those numbers is an implied prediction of a coming change of the calendar through a shortening of the year by five days before the Great Tribulation begins. In other words, the earth’s orbiting time must decrease around 1% by the time the Antichrist takes power to shave five days off the year.
There is much historical evidence from ancient history that we were on a 360/30 calendar once before; (from which we get our 360 degrees of a circle). In fact, there are over a dozen ancient calendars with 360 day years or 30 day months before the 8th century BC. I have read that we got our present day calendars due to Mars and its previous orbit which brought it dangerously close to earth. In the last interaction with earth, it both modified earth’s orbit and its own so that it has the present “safe” orbit seen today. If you are as fascinated by these ideas as I am, you can read the Mars Earth Wars by Donald W. Patten online at:
People may not believe “Wormwood” is literal or see a catastrophe as necessary to explain the 360/30 calendar of the Bible, but the fact remains that Revelation (from the 6th seal through 4th trumpet) already literally describes and predicts a series of grave global catastrophes that include deep impacts and other evidence of a close flyby from a visiting body including a global earthquake and double eclipses.
If according to this prophecy something big is passing that close to send fragments on the earth (meteor shower, meteorite storm, asteroid in ocean) and to cause a great earthquake moving every mountain and island out of place and maybe also cause the eclipse of the sun/moon…it can also explain why the calendar is 360/30 once again according to Revelation’s description of the Tribulation period that follows immediately after the Wormwood catastrophes finish.
I don’t know if any of this is the reason the days will be shortened.
Who knows, it could even be for a reason as simple as Jesus returning during a sabbath year (the 7th year of a seven year period) and the fact that the Hebrew calendar year begins in the spring in March/April and it is said that Christ will return in the Fall on Yom Teruah (the Day of Trumpets, most likely in September/October). We may not know the exact year/month/day, but I do know that the 70th week is supposed to last for 7 years, (counting a one year period from Spring to Spring) but since he will be returning in the fall of the 7th year, this implies that He will cut short the 7th year by around 6/7 months. So it would be shortened from 7 years to something like 6 and half years instead.
I find it fascinating checking around about all these feasts and different probabilities. I guess it must show
Mike Brotherton
3.5 years up to the Abomination of Desolation then there will be a rebellion. No telling when he will officially be crowned king but he comes on the scene early in Daniels 70th week.
Michael Arrington
Five months. You can read about this in a KING JAMES VERSION HOLY BIBLE
Michael Keith Allison
GIVE UP THE KING JAMES ABOMINATION AND HERESY!! They left out half the Bible!!! Read the last chapter of Revelation!!!
Kathy J Dickerson
Mark 13:20
[20]And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, HE HATH SHORTENED THE DAYS.
** He plainly says that He has shortened the days! What JESUS says needs No translating!! He says what He means and He means what He says!!! NO INTERPRETATION NEEDED!!
Lori Talbert
No interpretation but when you don’t understand what is meant by “days” and create a false doctrine out of it, then it needs clarification. And as I already posted “days” means literally the time space between dawn and dark or the whole 24 hours … NOT a shortening of the period of time… it’s STILL 42 months… it’s not shortened to 5 months. The DAYS in that 42 month period are shortened. A simple search in Strongs Concordance can verify that for those who want truth.
Sedat Ugurlutoprak
Rule of Antıchrist in Rev 13 is different than great tribulation (there won’t be another) that God shortens for the sake of the elect
Emmanuel Owolabi
Please but some said Antichrist will rule for seven years is that true???
David Odom
First of all, scripture does not speak of “the Antichrist .”
The phrase only appears five times in the entire Bible and only in first and second John where it is clearly defined.
John also wrote Revelation. Therefore one would think that if John meant for there to be an Antichrist in Revelation he would have used the word Antichrist, since he is the only one who has ever used the word Antichrist.
And you have the gall to accuse me of eisegesis?
My earlier point stands. You don’t even know what the word means.
Varnel Watson
Lord have mercy Ray E Horton Nelson Banuchi FB has done it again Our platform has placed a nice standard title thumb picture to go with this purely theological post INSTEAD FB decides to replace it with this picture Its a matter of minutes that someone will take the bate
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Really! FB did that? Try replacing it with the original and see what happens.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton Click on the link See our auto generated thumb you are by now WELL familiar with Has nothing to do with this picture and the anti Christ
Joe Absher
Seems spell check got you too
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
JUST a QUESTION but wouldnt the antiChrist want to do exactly something like that to keep us from going to CHURCH on SUNDAY? Ray E Horton William DeArteaga Joe Absher
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Sure, which is why our President is the complete opposite, dealing with this so we don’t have to miss Sunday services. And, for those churches of little faith that cancel, this is a good time to focus on home groups. Just use good hygiene, and put aside the devil’s fear.
Varnel Watson
Surely Gary Micheal Epping has included this in the plot of his postrib book already
Varnel Watson
Luke 21:11 cautions us that there will be ‘pestilences in various places & fearful events’ in the final days. While we don’t know if the ‘pestilences’ Jesus mentions refers directly to COVID-19, is it a warning?
Most will admit it is definitely ‘fearful!’
Revelation 6:5-8 says that in the final days, the world will be rocked by subsequent famines & plagues.
In the U.S., (as of yesterday, Friday 3/13) the cases of Coronavirus in 47 states have crossed 1600 infections & the death toll has risen to over 40 with an even larger impact globally. Around the world, there are over 137,445 cases & over 5,000 deaths from the virus affecting over 118 countries.
The word pestilence comes from the Greek word “loymos” which means plague, a fatal epidemic disease.
There are many who believe that the pestilences that Jesus spoke about will be fulfilled in the first 3 1/2 years of the seven-year tribulation period that follows the rapture.
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day It seems to me that many of the things that Jesus lists in Matthew 24 for example are referring to things that have already happened throughout the world during the church age. For sure in the last days they are likely to increase and in the tribulation the severity will exponentially increase.
Is Wuhan 19 one of those pestilences?
Try crosschecking the word “pestilence” with verse 19 anywhere you can find it…?
The simple solution to this pestilence is to shut down all the liberal news media and the WHO Everything will be up and running by next week.
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence SO are you saying this is Tribulation OR just testing the church in such times
Neil Steven Lawrence
Troy Day Matthew 24:8 seems to say these kind of tribulations leading up to the end are merely, “birthpangs“.
The real deal will come after the rapture. If only 20% of the 2 billion Christians who profess on the earth are genuine Christians that means 400 million believers will go in the rapture plus all of the worlds babies who are innocent and have not reached the age of accountability“.
When that many people suddenly disappear the events of the GREAT Tribulation will begin.
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence INDEED such a small virus but how many thousands of churches it closed down globally even without the antiChrist
Varnel Watson
Neil Steven Lawrence nice picture of you Thanks