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Troy Day |

Who or What Is the Beast of Revelation?
The world is nearing the “end of all things.” The book of Revelation speaks of a terrifying, great “beast” to appear at the end of the age. The Bible identifies this beast and warns of his “mark”—while prophesying civilization-shattering events leading to Armageddon. Here is what will happen to governments and nations from now on!
So then, the following questions must be answered:
- Who or what is the beast of Revelation 13 and 17? Is it a man?—a church?—a government?—an empire?
- Who is the “WOMAN” of Revelation 17 who rides it?
- What is the “MARK of the beast”?
- What is the “IMAGE of the beast”?
- Who is the “FALSE PROPHET” often spoken of in conjunction with the beast?
- When will these things occur—how long must we wait to see these figures appear?
- How will world trends, conditions and events spawn the beast’s arrival?
- Why is it so important to correctly identify it, with all related prophecies?
- How will it affect YOU?
- AND this is HOW Dominion Theology is tied to various latter day heresies and why it will be the theology of the Woman who rides the Beast in Revelation chapter 17
Varnel Watson
Dan Irving We may be just getting ready to find out with the new Trump administration
Charles Page
Pentecostals are infested with dominion theology
Charles Page
Peter Wagner was a chief resource for ministry classes at Lee College
Varnel Watson
Same at Fuller, Regent, AGTS until ~2000 Nothing new under the sun
Charles Page
Fuller is a dominion factory
Varnel Watson
Rick Wadholm Jr informed the other day Regent was not Pentecostal so all professors their under the bus for the New Year 5777. Regent has long had its 700 Kingdom-now Dominion club
Rick Wadholm Jr
They are self-proclaimed as “Renewalist”.
Varnel Watson
This basically throws under the neo-Charismatic bus Vinson Synan Jon Ruthven Kimberly Ervin Alexander Amos Yong Antipas Harris etc.
Rick Wadholm Jr
I am speaking of the institution and not with regard to any particular professor (past or present).
Dan Irving
Troy Day The Left-Wing media (in their bias’) is D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-E to the point some might be actually listening to us conspiracy-theorists who offer warning regarding the association of various figures such as Trump/ Cruz/ Huckabee/ Perry/ Palin, etc. etc.) to charismatic & NAR Dominion heresists. (I’m not ready to say “heretics”) While watching the NBC Nightly News on my laptop a night (or two) ago, they were complaining about Paula White’s Dominism and involvement with Trump in such a way I almost wondered if they had seen my (Part 20) video.
Dan Irving
(They even challenged her Christian orthodoxy!)
Charles Page
The new administration (inaugural committee) was so desperate to find a female clergy they settled on Paula White, T. L. Lowery’s dominatrix (under his dominion)
Richard Gault
Are you Calvanists then?
Charles Page
I don’t know but I have a hunch Troy is a Calvanist!
Richard Gault
You sure like to bash believers who excersise their authority in Christ
Charles Page
Go easy on Troy, let him defend himself
Dan Irving
Richard Gault “Bash” is a harsh word for defense of the Gospel.
Varnel Watson
Ricky Grimsley Dan Irving
IF dominion theology is the Beast of Revelation
THEN, the following questions must be answered:
Who or what is the beast of Revelation 13 and 17? Is it a man?—a church?—a government?—an empire?
Who is the “WOMAN” of Revelation 17 who rides it?
What is the “MARK of the beast”?
What is the “IMAGE of the beast”?
Who is the “FALSE PROPHET” often spoken of in conjunction with the beast?
When will these things occur—how long must we wait to see these figures appear?
How will world trends, conditions and events spawn the beast’s arrival?
Why is it so important to correctly identify it, with all related prophecies?
How will it affect YOU?
AND this is HOW Dominion Theology is tied to various latter day heresies and why it will be the theology of the Woman who rides the Beast in Revelation chapter 17
Varnel Watson
Chad Macdonald Angel Ruiz EVEN Samuel Rodriguez now preaches DOMINION theology What’s going on here? Charles Page may be right about all this after all
Daniel J Hesse
Is it popular?
Varnel Watson
seems to be covering many neo Pentecostals Once only seen among Catholics back in the day Philip Williams
Eric Jones
Why should the Master take us out of the way if we are not supposed to afect the world in a positive practical manner?
Philip Williams
All very insightful comments and questions.
We have on the one hand, the escapist Pre-Trib rapture. The other pole is Dominion theology harkening back to post-millennialism which sees the church winning the world for Christ without his appearing.
The current popular Dominion theology is the 7 Mountain View popularized by Youth-for-Christ leader Bill Bright and Christ for the Nations leader Loran Cunningham and more recently by the Third Wave NAR group. Lance Wallnau is one of these. These teach that Christians should infiltrate the 7 mountains: marketplace, government, military, arts, professions, sports, entertainment if I remember them correctly.
In truth that is to join the world. The OP is correct to see these mountains as the 7 hills of Babylon in Revelation.
Philip Williams
The answer to Dominion theology certainly isn’t the escapist pre-trib rapture which turns believers into ten thousand little sects making us worthless to God and man.
Rather we need to work together separately from the world and Christ will shine upon us. Awaken on sleeper!