How does the Gospel of the kingdom set us free from the everlasting hatred?

How does the Gospel of the kingdom set us free from the everlasting hatred?

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  • Reply May 21, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    this is a good one for you Isara Mo – culture or no culture

    • Reply May 22, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      By deliverance and spiritual warfare not by a gospel of succumbing to human systems and ideologies and norms and traditional values ..
      By fhe way when we talk of the Gospel of the kingdom are we talking of Gospel of Grace…?
      The first one has in it a tone of warfare, the second one a tone of reconciliation…
      Gospel of the KINGDOM of GOD…
      Gospel of grace ?
      Everlasting hatred is not human in nature it is demonic…
      So we are not supposed to hold peace talks or peace conferences with the KINGDOM of DARKNESS…we must to rout it.

    • Reply May 22, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      Culture plays a great role in obstruction of the spread of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
      Because of culture we have all over the world hostile altars whereby Satan is worshipped and if you do a glimpse of global geographical (territorial) Kingdom of Go d ” colonies” you will see that most countries of the World are under Satanic kind of ” colonialism”..
      The spiritual Pax Britannica which we should have globally is not there that is why ” everlasting hatred is still there..”
      The Gospel of the Kingdom shouldn’t be used as a means to procure private jets but to free captives, deliver those in bondage ..
      Since the days of John the Baptist the Kingdom of God has been FORCEFULLY ADVANCING…
      Troy Day this verse has two war words..FORCE and ADVANCEMENT..
      If the KINGDOM of DARKNESS was a global hegemony 2000 years ago and a new KINGDOM , the KINGDOM OF GOD was ushered in, we should have seen a total turn around in global spiritual hegemony isnt it?
      Troy Day you always want to stir my bile why?
      You know that darkness still reigns …in most parts of the world inspite there being the Gospel of the Kingdom …of God.
      It is very possible the situation we have is because trainers are mishandling the war manual…teaching peacetime stuff during wartime time..
      Or it could be the soldiers are sleeping..
      Everlasting hatred can be stopped by the right teaching and practice of the War Manual..

  • Reply May 22, 2019

    Varnel Watson

    Witnessing to Oneness Pentecostals Cult-ure

    1. Have a clear understanding of your faith and the Bible. Know what you believe And why you believe it. Develop a sharp sense of discernment so that you can recognize unbiblcal teaching when you are faced with it.
    2. Acquire a basic knowledge of Oneness Pentecostals’ beliefs and practices. This article has presented a basic overview of Oneness doctrine. Study it and other resources that explain that movement’s errors.
    3. Seek to build a personal and respectful relationship with the Oneness Pentecostal. If you know someone who is a part of one of these groups, take time to befriend them. Pray that God may give you opportunities to share Christ and his liberating (from legalism) love with them.
    4. Focus the discussion on the essential elements of the Christian faith. Do not get sidetracked defending your denomination. The only real issues are who is God, who is Jesus, and what is the way of salvation. Everything else is secondary.
    5. Be prepared to cite (in context) and explain specific biblical passages supporting Christian doctrines, particularly the biblical basis for the Trinity, the historic understanding of the nature and work of Christ, and salvation by grace through faith.
    6. Share your personal testimony of God’s grace and your faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior.
    7. The Oneness Pentecostal may try to convince you that you need to speak in tongues, be baptized in Jesus’ name, and live according to their strict moral code. Be prepared to explain biblically why you do not believe these are necessary ingredients for salvation or eternal security.
    8. Present the basic plan of salvation and encourage the Oneness Pentecostal to receive Jesus Christ as his or her personal Lord and Savior.
    9. Pray and trust the Holy Spirit to lead you as you share.

    • Reply May 22, 2019

      Isara Mo

      Troy Day
      The answer is not compatible to the question unless of course tongue in cheek you meant sth behind the question..
      When you say how can we be FREE thought you were talking about the unsaved not the ” saved ones”
      Very unfortunately Troy I am not tied to ANY denominational or doctrinal affiliation or alliance, I don’t belong to any sect or religion…and it is a very sad thing cults exist within Christianity and it seems strange that one Christian needs to ” witness” to another Christian about Jesus…
      The cults are also busy “winning souls for Jesus” and from their perspective others are wrong and they are right..just as Pentecostals think Catholics are wrong and they are right and vice versa…so do cults.
      Witnessing to ONENESS PENTECOSTALS CULT….What a waste..
      Or do you think I’m a Oneness Pentecostal?
      If denominations and cults and sects were trade marks like Adidas and Puma you wouldn’t find ANY ON ME…
      Why waste time to witness to those who think they already have a “God”
      Current world population is estimated at 7;7 billion and out of this are 2:5 billion Christians (Oneness Pentecostals included).
      There are about 5 billions human souls out there who need Jesus..
      Go rather to the 5 billion….
      A lot of us have zeal for God but we don’t have knowledge…
      Paul says and I quote:
      //For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge.
      Romans 10:2 NIV//
      Troy day i have told you again and again I am not a theologian who has attended a Bible College.I have some rudimentary tools by which I use to easily travel the path…rudimentary like that of Peter and John who were unschooled.
      I find too much human teachings to be quiet a heavy load on my spirit so I’d rather have too much Bible reading which eases the load off my spirit..
      If today I begin to study how to witness to a Oneness, then I will have to learn how to witness to a Jehova Witness, the a Mormon, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhi, a Shinto, a mason…an Adventist.. etc etc.
      That is a tall.order for me…
      Or you want to say THIS is part of spiritual warfare?

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