How do people test themselves to see if they’re in the faith?

How do people test themselves to see if they’re in the faith?

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2 Corinthians 13:5-6 NASB

“Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test? But I trust that you will realize that we ourselves do not fail the test.”

How do we test ourselves to see if we’re in the faith? And how do we know if we’ve passed the test or not?


  • Reply February 19, 2023


    oh this is SO very simple Robert Cox Gary Micheal Epping Philip Williams Michael Chauncey Neil Steven Lawrence John Mushenhouse Brett Dobbs James Pinkerton Link Hudson JESUS shall test us ALL in the rapture. You dont pass the test, you get LEFT BEHIND

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      Paul said in in 2 cor 13:5 Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test! ——You know when the Lord lives in you.

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      believing in the pretrib rapture is not a condition of salvation.

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      Gary Micheal Epping We need to be careful right now about our discussion. Reason: Millions of souls hang in the balance of what “OBVIOUSLY” Jesus Messiah is doing (invisibly) in the hearts of the young and the old. This is serious Kingdom Work being done by the King of the Universe and the Owner of Planet Earth. Please, hold your thoughts in your head. A fool speaks all of this thoughts, but a wise man can keep a secret.

  • Reply February 19, 2023


    Is the Comforter present in your heart and life?

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      Philip Williams tell us all you need to know about /
      Oscar Valdez believes the Comforter will be taken away from your heart and life during the Tribulation

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      Troy Day he promised never to leave or forsake us.

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      Philip Williams true THATs why he would take us in the rapture BEFORE the Tribulation Michael Chauncey Neil Steven Lawrence

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      Troy Day Why are saying things a never said o believe?

    • Reply February 19, 2023


      Oscar Valdez ???

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