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IF You care about your New Testament, you will want to know what “make” it is, who translated it, and, above all, how accurate it is. The translator may diminish, but he cannot materially increase, the accuracy of the particular Greek New Testament from which he makes his translation. In the matter of accuracy, therefore, the primary question is, “How accurate a New Testament was it translated from?”
As a brief answer to this question seventeen translations are listed below, roughly in the order of their accuracy:
The American Translation Source Westcott and Hort
Date 1923 Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Translation Source Date
Twentieth Century
Westminster |
Westcott and Hort
Westcott and Hort |
1913-35 |
New York: F. H.
Revell Company London: Longmans, |
Green and Com | |||
pany | |||
American Revised Ver- | King James & | 1901 | New York: Thomas |
sion | Westcott and | Nelson and Sons | |
Hort | |||
English Revised Version | King James & | 1881 | London; Oxford |
Westcott and | University Press | ||
Hort | : | ||
Revised Standard Version | King James & | 1946 | New York: Thomas |
Westcott and | Nelson and Sons | ||
Hort | |||
Moffatt | Von Soden | 1913 | New York: Harper |
and Brothers | |||
Riverside (Ballantine) | Nestle (approx.) | 1923 | Boston: Houghton |
Mifflin Company
Philip Williams
Stop that Bart Erhman! ?
Varnel Watson
oh NO keeping the whole thing ON and going Philip Williams whats your personal trouble with such a great study?
Philip Williams
Troy Day ‘Misquoting Jesus’?
Varnel Watson
where exactly did you mean that ?
Philip Williams
Troy Day Bart’s famous book.
Varnel Watson
sure – what does it have to do with this here post? Do you judge a book by its author or its content?
Philip Williams
‘Do you judge a book by its author or its content?’
Both. We can’t truly understand a book apart from knowing it’s author.
Bart’s book is given credibility by the Wescott-Hort thesis.
Varnel Watson
I mean what is wrong with his translation theory? Wescott-Hort are the foundation for NA/UBS – is he not inline?
Philip Williams
Troy Day all of you have laid the foundation for Bart’s work in turning young folks from the faith. You are sneaking in the old liberal criticism into the evangelical world. Not just by the absurd claim that the Origen-inspired Alexandrian text is superior, but by quoting your opinions(!) as authoritative. You aren’t doing anything that different from the colored button (were they something else?) methodology of the Jesus Seminar, which essentially formalized your methodology.
Varnel Watson
but that puts you against 95% of Biblical scholarship Not sure where you went to school to but text criticism has been part of Biblical scholarship for centuries
Philip Williams
Troy Day I do text criticism. You do scholar sociology, basing your opinion on polling other opinions just like the Jesus Seminar.
Tracy Oaks
Bart Erhman is now an atheist isn’t he?
Philip Williams
Tracy Oaks agnostic.
Isara Mo
As long as the author is the Holy Spirit, then whatever translation I read is accurate.
But as long as the author is Troy Day or any other “professed theologian” the margin of error is 1000
Varnel Watson
author yes
what about who edited and printed it?
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Troy can a man.edit what God has spoken?
Varnel Watson
Philip Williams not sure about Bart – he changes every few years especially after I see him present on one subject at a conference or two My post was about
the 64 scriptures to determine accuracy in a New Testament
AND “Colwell’s apparatus of the Best New Testament”
Not sure how Bart, liberalism and other stuff you brought into the conversation it relevant at all BUT I am happy to post the 2 above if more clarification may be needed on your part
Philip Williams
Troy Day yeah. Send me links to those.
Varnel Watson
I will be happy to repost them At the same time no question about Bart and his stuff but his dissertation was spot on- that was back in my day almost. Colwell long before most of us was rather perceiving but I would not claim 100% accuracy or lack of error – great decades of dialogue that determined quite a bit about modern translations – just IMO