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The Holy and Power-Filled Words of The GREAT I AM vs. Hollow and Empty Ones of Fallen Mankind
Exodus 3:14 “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”
What is the meaning of I AM WHO I AM in Exodus 3:14? |
Before Abraham was I AM – John 8:58 I AM Statements of Jesus Christ ( (BTW, I love my new T-shirt from KJVPREPPER.COM)
Recently we had to have some work done at our house, and long story short, it was more or less a nightmare experience, to say the least, and without going into too much detail, the contractors we called out were basically scammers. What made the whole thing worse was that they claimed to be ethical, honest, and moral… (((uh, yeah, right)))! I am sure many have had similar experiences in recent years. Sadly, there are not very many out there that we can trust to be truly ethical, honest, and moral these days.
Thankfully, especially in these end times, we do have ONE whom we can turn to and TRUST in for reliability, honesty, support, morality, and truth, and that someone is the GREAT I AM, Abba Father God Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, who also through His Holy Spirit teaches us what He wants us to know from His Very Words, which are in the Holy Bible!
Psalm 12:6 “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.”
John 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”
Psalm 119:160 “Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth forever.”
Another thing that baffles me is how various church signs, certain Christian radio stations, and even posts from some Christians on social media tend to, more often than not, quote the words of men (Charles Spurgeon, C.S. Lewis, and whoever/whatever else). Unfortunately, and not often enough, in my opinion, do they quote or present to their friends Holy Scriptures (the very Words of God). Why? Instead, we often see the quotes from fellow (past or present) fallen, sinful, fallible, yet somehow overly glorified men. Why? Aren’t God’s Words exciting enough, profound enough, beautiful enough, or even good enough?
To be honest, I have seen so many Charles Spurgeon Quotes to the point that I often wonder, did he really say or write all of that? What? Did the ‘prince of preachers’ have nothing better to do than to sit around all day and make up a myriad of quotes? Seriously? And don’t even get me started on C.S. Lewis; the rabbit hole runs deep on that one. All one has to do is to ‘scratch the surface’ by diving into some research, and oftentimes one will find that these overly glorified men had ties to the occult, masonry, mysticism, and the new age! So, it behooves us to be very diligent and careful about who we choose to admire, and to look for godly wisdom and inspiration.
It also bothers me how churches use extra-biblical books for Bible study these days. Whatever happened to just reading straight from God’s Word and sharing studies and discussions on that? As for me and my household, the only books we have around here are multiple KJV Study Bibles. There are no other books that we feel the need to look to for inspiration, help, or wisdom as far as we are concerned. God’s Word has everything we need; He tells us what will happen before it even happens; He is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega. Seriously, why would we look anywhere else?
Speaking of the GREAT I AM and the fact that God chooses to call Himself by that Name, the Holy Spirit has shown me that fallen men tend to try to mock God by ascribing those words to themselves. For instance, throughout the 90s, we loved to watch the nighttime Martin Show; the comedy, comradery, and lightheartedness on there are unparalleled, especially in these bleak modern times. Recently though, the Holy Spirit showed me how the show’s theme song repeatedly echoes “I Am, I’m the man” over and over, which discernably is a ‘red flag.’ Just like the huge red flag in a certain ungodly rapper’s song lyrics from several years ago, which states, “I Am whatever you say I Am; if I wasn’t, then why would I say I Am, in the paper, the news every day I Am.”
Guess what, whoever came up with that song… God is not mocked!
Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Other Examples from Hellywood’s attempts at mocking God: (I Am Legend, I Am Mortal, I Am Cait, I Am Dragon, I Am Jazz, I Am Sam, I Am Vengeance, I Am Woman, I Am Wrath, and the list goes on).
Guess what? We are not infallible, inerrant, perfect, all-knowing, omnipresent, omniscient, the end or the beginning, or anything of that nature! Therefore, we are not anywhere near being anything like the GREAT I AM! Yes, we are made in His image, but we are created and fallen beings… not Deity! Newsflash, and contrary to popular and false new age teachings… we are NOT GOD! No, not even ‘little Elohims,’ like the false teachers preach… not even an inkling or even an iota!
The Holy and Power-Filled Words of The Great I AM are the only words we should look to for our source of love, power, wisdom, support, and divine inspiration… not to the Hollow and Empty Ones of Fallen Mankind!
‘Actions speak louder than words’ rings so true to me. Just like in the book of James, where he taught us how he showed his faith in God by his works. For he said that without works, faith is dead and how that Abraham was justified by works, for he believed in God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness. See how that by works a man is justified and not by faith only, for the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also (James Chapter 2)
Speaking of ‘dead works’… the words “I Love You” have become rather foreign, hollow, and empty to me in recent years, especially from those who have shown for the longest time no care, effort, or action behind them. Recently, I gently rebuked some family members for their lack of care and effort. Wanna know what their responses were? Their general responses were that they are somehow too old and busy to regularly keep in touch. Seriously? These people sit at home all day long, 90% of the time, and their excuse is that they don’t have time to ‘lift a finger’ to send a caring or even a non-caring email now and then? Seriously? So, when they had the audacity to end their messages with but “We love you,” it just made no sense to me and seemed like such foreign, dead, and hollow words!
Hence, ‘in the last days, the love of many will grow cold’ verse in the Bible. Just like I said earlier, God’s Word tells us what will happen before it happens, which has always been and always will be true!
Matthew 24:12 “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.”
Love is more than just saying the words, just like people who are ‘CINOs’ Christians In Name Only, meaning that just because they say they are a Christian doesn’t mean that they truly are one. Jesus even said that ‘we will know them by their fruit’ (action). When Jesus tells us He loves us in His Word, He also showed it by shedding His blood and dying for us and our sins to save us from eternal damnation. Now, that is something very powerful, action-filled, and profound that totally backs up His Holy and Power-Filled Words of “I Love You”!
Jeremiah 31:3 “The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.”
John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
Another example of ‘fallen mankind’s words’ is the strange quotes on certain organic healthcare products. Recently, in my quest to combat endocrine disruptors in search of less toxic healthcare products, I ordered several bars of soap, toothpaste, and chapsticks from a certain line, only to be mortified at all the new age, cryptic, and blasphemous writings (demoting Jesus from His Deity) and quotes all over the products! Needless to say, we took all the bars out of the wrappings and put them into Ziplock bags, and squeezed the toothpaste into other tubes just to get those ‘blasphemies and spells’ out of our house!
This is when we also found out that, apparently, the new age and occultists are somehow the ‘gatekeepers’ on the organic, pure, and clean ingredient health and beauty care products. One just needs to go into any natural grocery store, and you will see the mysticism, new age, occult, among other things, ‘having a monopoly’ on all this organic stuff. Well, what I have to say to all of that is God made everything, and the whole earth is His – the essential oils, herbs, and spices! So, as Christians, we should and can still use this stuff because, ultimately, everything belongs to the Lord. But if one has convictions about spells or such on products as we do, try to find alternative organic name-brand products that you can feel better about bringing into your home.
Psalm 24:1 “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”
Currently, lavender (relaxing sleep), peppermint (fragrance/mopping), frankincense and myrrh (skin and thyroid), holy basil (hormone balance), and tea tree (cleansing) essential oils are my go-to; also, ashwagandha and holy basil teas are what we drink to try and balance out our hormones. Unfortunately, everything in our world is pretty much toxic… and I do mean everything! We even got a new plant recently (named it Planty 2.0) to help clean the air inside our home. Ultimately, we just can’t wait until we are finally HOME with JESUS, away from all of the toxicity of this wretched world and in our glorified bodies!
Anyhow, in these last minutes and hours of the Grace Age, let us be vigilant to all of the deception that is out there waiting and vying for our attention! Pray for wisdom and discernment, and look only to the ‘Holy, Powerful, and Pure Words of the GREAT I AM’ and not to the hollow and empty ones of fallen mankind! And if we want to be pleasing to God, we need to put our faith into action and study His Word to show ourselves approved unto Him!
Hebrews 11:6 “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Until next time… Maranatha!
Sincerely & In Christ,
Candy Austin
(I have no Accolades….
I am just a Nobody,
Trying to tell Everybody,
All about Somebody,
Who can save Anybody!)
My Mission is to be ‘Salt and Light’ to a Lost and Dying world.
To be an Ambassador for Jesus Christ.
All for Him and His Glory!
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