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Moving from hermeneutics to homiletics with this great pre-weekend read:

Help, My Pastor Preaches too Long! #OurCOG

Have you ever sat through a movie that seemed like it wouldn’t end. Maybe it was a class where after a certain period of time it seemed like you checked out.

David M. Hinsen [02/20/2015 12:45 PM] I’ve personally been fascinated by this topic as of late. I usually preach anywhere from 27-40 minutes depending on the flow of service or the topic. I’m starting to learn how to keep the audience engaged and I actually get complaints if the sermon is too short which is opposite of what I typically see. I have found, although I haven’t used any of them, that there are lots of helps for pastors who are interested in strengthening their speaking ability. If I remember correctly, Maxwell has a program of sorts, but I’m sure a Google search would turn up some good results. There is nothing wrong with preaching through the Bible in terms of culture and setting etc., but people want personal application. What can you present to them Sunday morning that they won’t forget and that they can apply to their lives? Keep it interesting and fun!

David M. Hinsen [02/20/2015 12:50 PM] Also, with all the big terms and definitions I’ve been learning in the couple of theology classes I’ve taken interests me and I’m tempted to through around words and phrases that would leave people scratching their heads, so the question I ask myself is, “How can I incorporate the meaning of the term in an interesting way without confusing people and still allow the message to flow in a way that keeps people on the edge of their seat?” I don’t always know the answer, but it’s something I strive for.

Pentecostal Theology [02/20/2015 1:01 PM] Oh this one is easy. Just use the term “scintillating” – sky-n-till-eating, another masterful term rabbis use to disguise what they are telling us Rick Wadholm Jr #PENTECOSTAL

Marvin Elliott [02/20/2015 1:09 PM] B|

Charles Page [02/20/2015 1:27 PM] our sermons have to be friendly and comfortable for unregenerate sinners.

Pentecostal Theology [02/20/2015 1:39 PM] Just like John the Baptist’s were…

Michael Postlethwait [02/20/2015 1:46 PM] In fairness to Charles’ point: John is preaching to a nation that largely views itself as a godly nation. In fact, Jesus does seem to, to a point create a comfortable environment for acknowledged sinners as a way of reaching them.

Pentecostal Theology [02/20/2015 1:58 PM] Joel Osteen’s preaching is “friendly and comfortable for unregenerate sinners.” Hus, Luther, Wesley, Jonathan Edwards’s “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” not so much. But I agree there are times to make people comfortable. Back to the topic: One way to make people comfortable and show respect is not to preach too long. So how long is too long?


  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Michael Ellis Carter Jr. Terry Wiles 2 of your members sent us this

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Terry Wiles

      Lol. I don’t think so. They want to hear more.

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      since you are preaching once a year now 🙂

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Louise Cummings

    Our preacher preached good. About the time he needs to. We go past 12: Sometimes. But usually it great alter services that make it longer. I love good preaching. But I love good alter services too.

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    grandma Louise that’s because you ant heard Michael Ellis yet

    • ? ??? my church is usually happy when I get up and since I preach two locations they know I want be up to long ?most times

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      Joe Absher we got to visit that church and put things in perspectives

    • Troy Day you will be disappointed

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      not gonna be my first time

    • Reply June 7, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      How could I hear him. I see him on face book. But it doesn’t pick up a message.

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    The very notion of “preachers preaching too long” does not fit any Biblical paradigm in which the Church is entrusted to preach the Everlasting Gospel till the end of times. Even more so, the notion of a congregational approval/acceptance of the length of a sermon or if the Message of Life is relevant to a reprobate mind is simply extraneous to the Scripture.

  • Reply June 7, 2018

    Joe Absher

    I asked a minister friend to visit a new church years ago. Turns out they were having a “prophet.” He took 2 hours taking up the offering. No kidding. It was embarrassing. He hid it pretty good but I think he was a little mad. Got to watch these special speakers with their accommodations and wind.

  • Reply June 8, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    I;ve been in a service where the father of holy laughter did the same thing. Twice – yes, 4-5 hr service

  • Reply June 8, 2018

    Joe Absher

    I don’t know if I could do that.

  • Reply June 8, 2018

    Terry Wiles

    Ive been in services out of the country where I show up an hour late because I know the music will continue for an hour after I arrive.

    • Reply June 8, 2018

      Varnel Watson

      excuses; in Pentecostalism we call the music worship Michael Ellis Carter Jr.

    • Long worship, long preaching, long offerings, long altar call, and a bunch of people we are not sure why they are at the mic talking long sums it about up

    • Reply June 8, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I love good Worship

    • Reply June 8, 2018

      Terry Wiles

      Troy Day Not all of us do all of the time

    • Reply June 8, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      I know God gave us many responsibilities. Some joyful and some hard. But I will rejoice in all God gave us to do.

    • Reply June 8, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      What I’m saying is This is the Day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. I’ll have to look up where it is written later.

  • Reply June 8, 2018

    Robert Erwine

    people can sit through a two hour movie , why can’t they sit through a two hour service ?

    • Reply June 8, 2018

      Louise Cummings

      Amen. I rather be in Church than be at a movie. It has to be something outstanding for me to go to a movie. Like the Blood Moons.

  • Reply June 8, 2018

    Varnel Watson

    Ricky Grimsley I would sit through a 3-hour Perry sermon and still want more when its over

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