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Can we be praying for this once more in the Spirit-filled churches? They may all have great praise and worship, but my hunger for more is, I believe, from the Holy Spirit. True that we can’t generate it ourselves. It’s a God thing. But we can pray for it, believe for it, be open to it?
Yes, heavenly corporate worship in tongues has almost always been a part of true awakening and revival. If we would be open to letting this happen in our churches, the accompanying impact on people would bring revival to hearts, contributing to an environment for a great corporate awakening.
Please take the time to read my whole article below and the attached one. It is worth it. God is about to do something more. A new level of worship will be a part of it. Jump on board and pray and believe for it, especially pastors and worship leaders.
I wrote:
As I was praying this morning, I was reminded of the unbelievably, heavenly worship of corporate singing in the spirit, in tongues, that arose spontaneously in the Catholic Charismatic prayer and praise meetings of the 1970’s, where I have my spiritual roots.
A Wave of Singing in Tongues
Can we not have a spiritual atmosphere in our corporate worship for that amazing charismatic singing in tongues together, with its life transforming effect on people, to happen again?
Experiencing this brought a whole new transformation in my walk with the Lord. In late 1973, I was invited to a prayer meeting in a Catholic Church. As worship progressed, which brought me chills, a huge wave of singing in other tongues came forth, with amazing harmonies and gorgeous voices out of just ordinary people, gradually rising, sustained for a while then descending to a holy hush. My companion turned to me, white-faced and in awe: “God really is here.” That night I went forward and received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and life has never been the same, totally sold out and on fire for our Lord.
Where has this kind of worship gone? I have not experienced it in more recent years. It was totally a move of the Holy Spirit, completely supernatural, not something that man could generate. Can we not have a spiritual atmosphere in our corporate worship for that amazing charismatic singing in tongues together, with its life transforming effect on people, to happen again?
A Part of Every Revival
With these remembrances in mind, I’ve been researching, looking for YouTube recordings, but to no avail yet. Then I just stumbled on this article and discovered to my surprise, that singing in the spirit, heavenly choirs, etc., have been a part of every real revival.
It is as if the strings of a huge Aeolian harp have been set in motion by the wind of the Holy Spirit
This quote describes it well: “He describes the typical setting in a Pentecostal or Charismatic worship service, in which, while people are in the attitude and posture of worship, somebody might begin to utter musical sounds, ‘either with or without recognizable words. In a few moments many have joined their voices, with no particular effort to match each other in pitch or in word, though the overall effect will be harmonious. It is as if the strings of a huge Aeolian harp have been set in motion by the wind of the Holy Spirit. The strangely beautiful sound rises in volume, lasts for a longer or shorter period, and then gradually dies away.‘”
Here is the article by Richard M. Riss. It is really worth reading and will be eye-opening for many: