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From Ray E Horton’s notes
on Jeremy Gall’s message
God wants to move in our midst, but His way, not the ways of man.
- If God so loved the world – that’s all people,
- If it is His desire that all would be saved – and it is,
- If we can be confident of God saving a willing person when invited – which we can,
Then what possible Biblical reason can we have for not believing that He can and wants to pour out His Spirit in revival and sweep through our cities.
[This was the gist of a powerful message preached under the anointing tonight at Erie Christian Fellowship Church by evangelist/revivalist Jeremy Gall. This is based on my notes and impressions from the message – Ray.]
God wants revival
We don’t have to beg. It is what He already wants to do. It is a partnership. We cooperate with our faith and obedience, and He will move in power
It is a matter of faith; we pray and believe. We don’t have to beg. It is what He already wants to do. It is a partnership. We cooperate with our faith and obedience, and He will move in power. I believe that, and we all need to do our parts in prayer and obedience to bring it to pass.
Peter had faith and was filled with the Spirit and worked a miracle, and 3,000 were saved. The same happened in the revivals and great awakenings of the past. We wait for God, but He waits for us. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).
Jesus sent Peter back out after he had fished unsuccessfully all night. Peter obeyed against his better judgement, and the impossible happened: So many fish were caught their nets were breaking and the boats sinking. While this literally happened, it was also a prophetic message to us. Jesus told Peter, from now on you will be a fisher of men.
Anything anyone does for evangelism is good, but if we are doing it on our own, it won’t be very effective. We need to do it in the power of God, trusting Him to bring in the fish, and we’ll have powerful results. Peter did need to use nets and boats. There is a natural side. We are commissioned to go into all the world. But our faith is in the supernatural aspect. Nets and boats alone won’t do it. Our evangelistic programs won’t do it. It is Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, who will do it big time as we pray and believe.
Spiritual lethargy
If you have wondered why evangelism seems hard; why we hesitate to speak the Word to others, its probably because we’re trusting in our selves, and therefore fear rightly so that we won’t be accepted or successful. We forget that if we pray and trust the Lord for souls, it is His desire also, even more than ours. And then when we go out, He will bring it to pass. We can expect salvations, miracles and a big harvest.
People misunderstand God’s desire and wrongly think there is a special God-chosen time and place to move in this world. Its a lie from the enemy which causes spiritual lethargy. We are waiting and doing nothing, and God’s hands are tied. We wait for Him, while He is waiting for us, looking to and fro for anyone who will believe Him and act on His Word. He is looking for an opportunity to move in our midst.
Will you be a willing vessel? Will you believe the power He has put in you as a Spirit-filled, born again believer?
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