Troy Day … Jesus gave us “the power” to cast out demons but it’s the Holy Ghost of God that “casts” demons out through the anointing! The original Greek text and context is paramount to understanding. “Didymus”= “dynamite”= “power”!
Troy Day not yet but I’ve seen it numerous times and was one praying in the background. Funny thing is that everytime I’ve seen it happen, it was never in a traditional church service. In fact, each time was at an outside event.
Ray Priest. Peter P. Macinta That is the standard teaching repeated over and over but a look at the Greek “ἐξουσία” meaning authority, ability , power, power of choice, power of authority, power of government is used in Mark 6:7 And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits;– It is not dynamis (δύναμις) It is also used in Matt 10:1 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Mark 3:15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:—Luke 9:1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.—Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. — It occurs 103 times in the TR and in the verses concerning our having authority/power over demons.. dynamis is used in such verses as acts 1:8 meaning power as in great works miracles. There is a major difference between power as authority and power as ability to do mighty works. This is why we must obey 2 Tim 2:15 My friends dynamis is used 120 times in the NT. Therefore, get a concordance and see the difference. Better still test all that you hear (1 Thess 5:21) and go and buy Machen’s new testament Greek for beginners and start to learn Greek. Troy Day should we all learn koine greek.
Peter P. Macinta well you wouldn’t if you shared with him the theological difference instead of the meaning of twin. We need to do the important things as Mary did. I hope you can see this. We need to obey 2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. A few words that we need to define are longsuffering and teaching. Our Brother was in need.
John Mushenhouse Sir, you are not my manager. Only God is. I have other things to do today before a line of thunder storms hit. If God wanted me to address the issue I certainly would.. The only reason why I even came to this thread was because everyone was tagged.
Peter P. Macinta well if you wanted to help him instead of correcting him and showing your great Greek knowledge you would have shared the difference.– We are to encourage one another and not just show our knowledge. Now may the Lord richly bless you.
John Mushenhouse Evidently you do understand English. You are not my manager. Correcting IS helping. I do not follow anyone’s agenda. Now, that is your correction. You are not my God, and what you think I should or should not do does not matter.
First was at my first pastorate. Small church in a small community. Young lady came forward for prayer. As I approached her, her countenance changed and her voice became dark and deep. Her eyes rolled back and you immediately felt a demonic presence. I took authority in the name of Jesus, and commanded it to leave. She collapsed to the floor and got up free.
Second was about 10 years later. A woman in her 50’s visited on a Sunday evening. She also came forward for prayer. I immediately felt a demonic spirit. Her deliverance took some time- I’d say 30 minutes. I felt like she struggled with allowing us to get her the freedom she needed. She writhed a lot and the demon kept saying “No!” I found out later she was on drugs- possibly why there was the struggle.
Third one was about two months ago. I felt led to call for five people that needed freedom from something. Five came forward, and among them was a lady in her late 30’s to early 40’s. When I made eye contact with her, she began to heave, as if trying to vomit the demon spirit out. I was on the platform and she at floor level. I commanded the demon to leave, and she collapsed in the floor, still heaving. I had some Spirit filled ladies surround her and begin praying. Within a few minutes one of them looked at me and said, “she’s free!”
Troy Day I worked in ministry to people with addictions. A woman in our ministry began manifesting a demonic seizure lilies episode. I discerned it was not epilepsy but demonic. We commanded the spirit to go in Jesus name. Then she vomited. After a moment she became peaceful. She later told us she had never had seizures before. She went on to grow as a Christian free and strong in the Lord
Yes. my friend Chris called me. He was desperate for deliverance. For a long time I knew he needed it, and could feel it whenever I was with him helping him through rehab or trying to find a place for him to stay. Then it physically attacked him and he called me to pray over him, and I told him I would not lead him in deliverance unless he was willing to surrender his life to Jesus. And he did in that moment surrender his life to Jesus, accepting Him as his Savior and Lord of his life. So I walked him through the deliverance, repenting and coming out of agreement, renouncing and releasing himself from the hold of the demons, and casting them out in Jesus’ Name, commanding them out. Then led him through prayer asking for Holy Spirit to fill him.
He’s been in rehab since and I’ll visit him when I’m able.
Troy Day My son became psychotic due to use of adderall. I do not know if it was a demon or a damaged mind from the drug. I tried for about 1/2 hr to cast out the demon in the name of Jesus, but nothing happened. I read verses to him and commanded the demon to leave in the name of Jesus.
I was in Bible college and we are in a revival service one Sunday night and a woman came forward for prayer and when we went to pray with her, there was an instant manifestation of the demon within her. The woman began to speak profanity, and use Gods name in vain. I took authority over the demon and began to speak directly to the spirit. I bound the demonic spirit in the woman and began to speak to the woman. I told her the only way to deliverance was found in Jesus and I told her. SHE had to call upon Jesus. After a few moments of praying and binding Satan. The demon began to plead to stay, we cast the demon out in the name of Jesus and commanded him to go to a dry place. When the spirit left the woman, her entire countenance changed. She was completely changed and delivered.
Troy Day I am under a deliverance ministry , people from California where we reside currently contact us for deliverance , they come to our church or we come to them and we minister to them and we see many being set free , it is a beautiful thing to see people getting set free !!
Troy Day, to many people get caught up in the confusion of the outward manifestation. First, as a child of God we have authority over demonic entities. We should tell them to be quiet and be in innsubjection. We should stand in our authority, then when the individual is ready to rescend Satan’s stronghold on them, pray and declare deliverance in Jesus name.
Interesting, this week I plan to meet with an old friend, one of the late Derek Prince’s chief lieutenants who served as Prince’s pastor near the end of his life. Percy has Derek Prince’s gift of deliverance.
Troy Day I gave him a cold drink of water and then he became agitated when I told him that he could not stay there when no one else was there he cursed me and left, our deacons and I prayed that he would be delivered from the bondage to meth
During service one Sunday night in a small rural town in South Georgia, a man came in the door and started being rude and cussing. He had been drinking and so some of men started praying for him and he started acting really weird. We had the women and children leave and we continued to pray in the name of Jesus and the man’s face totally changed his eyes seemed to roll back in his head and he got sick . Started sweating and someone open the door and order the spirit out of the church in the name of Jesus. A cold chill was felt and then it was calm and the man was sober and had a totally different appearance. GOD did something in that man’s life from that point on. Nothing is impossible with GOD. BELIEVE THAT….
I was given authority by GOD himself to intercede and pray for my ex-father in-law who was dying the room and atmosphere was thick and heavy…I prayed Father and spoke his “NAME” Jesus and the atmosphere cleared up fast…I have plenty of demonic attacks more than I can count in my lifetime when I was returning back to GOD…before I actually received the Holy Ghost…in September 6 of 2020
David Graves makes a valid point: evil spirits need casting out of places sometimes, as well as people. Defilements and curses can come to patches of land as a result of things done there. Deuteronomy 7:26 is helpful here. The Holy Spirit can help us to discern the cause and deal with it in Jesus’ authority. I have been involved in this a good many times.
Yes thank you Jesus ! But watch out many hide in a church that has compromised the blood ! They will be stirred up when the presence of Jesus shows up in the worship ! False worship never enables the atmosphere of power of the real Holy Ghost !
False Doctrine never enables the conviction power to operate and convict !
Pentecost is not just Being Charismatic, true Pentecost is Missions with Christ like Character!
so sad – Post a scripture on how great Jesus is and few, if any comments. Ask about how spiritual we are and look. We must go beyond the man centered religion and look to Jesus – the author and finisher of our faith @everybody.
Not by myself. But I have while with others on a few occasions. But a demon has never manifested itself in a person in my presence when I was the only other person there.
My question got blocked on gotquestions but I really want to know where are Palestinians supposed to live? (please be open minded my question is just a question not a debate) I believe they are ishmaels decendents, they didn’t have a prom…
Troy Day yes
Troy Day last night!!
Troy Day the Holy Ghost has used me in such a manner. The power of casting out is all His. I add nothing to the equation.
Troy Day … Jesus gave us “the power” to cast out demons but it’s the Holy Ghost of God that “casts” demons out through the anointing! The original Greek text and context is paramount to understanding. “Didymus”= “dynamite”= “power”!
We’re just an open, willing, empowered Vessel God uses!
No, I have conducted and participated in a House Prayer along with a Pastor to cast away the demon.
Ray Priest I think you meant dunamis for power, not Didymus which I think is Thomas.
Troy Day not yet but I’ve seen it numerous times and was one praying in the background. Funny thing is that everytime I’ve seen it happen, it was never in a traditional church service. In fact, each time was at an outside event.
Ray Priest. Peter P. Macinta That is the standard teaching repeated over and over but a look at the Greek “ἐξουσία” meaning authority, ability , power, power of choice, power of authority, power of government is used in Mark 6:7 And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits;– It is not dynamis (δύναμις) It is also used in Matt 10:1 And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease. Mark 3:15 And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils:—Luke 9:1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.—Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. — It occurs 103 times in the TR and in the verses concerning our having authority/power over demons.. dynamis is used in such verses as acts 1:8 meaning power as in great works miracles. There is a major difference between power as authority and power as ability to do mighty works. This is why we must obey 2 Tim 2:15 My friends dynamis is used 120 times in the NT. Therefore, get a concordance and see the difference. Better still test all that you hear (1 Thess 5:21) and go and buy Machen’s new testament Greek for beginners and start to learn Greek. Troy Day should we all learn koine greek.
John Mushenhouse I was not replying to any teaching or theological line of thought. Only the fact that Didymus does not mean power.
Peter P. Macinta I understand – but we need to help others when they miss on a theological concept and not just on a meaning of a noun.
John Mushenhouse True, but I sort of thought I did not need to be tagged in your reply.
Peter P. Macinta well you wouldn’t if you shared with him the theological difference instead of the meaning of twin. We need to do the important things as Mary did. I hope you can see this. We need to obey 2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. A few words that we need to define are longsuffering and teaching. Our Brother was in need.
John Mushenhouse Sir, you are not my manager. Only God is. I have other things to do today before a line of thunder storms hit. If God wanted me to address the issue I certainly would.. The only reason why I even came to this thread was because everyone was tagged.
Peter P. Macinta well if you wanted to help him instead of correcting him and showing your great Greek knowledge you would have shared the difference.– We are to encourage one another and not just show our knowledge. Now may the Lord richly bless you.
John Mushenhouse Evidently you do understand English. You are not my manager. Correcting IS helping. I do not follow anyone’s agenda. Now, that is your correction. You are not my God, and what you think I should or should not do does not matter.
james 1:19-20
Leaving the group. I do not have time for this.
Peter P. Macinta it is easy to see that pride goes with you- Proverbs 16:18 Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.–
Yes. It happens regularly when God is permitted to rise up.
Troy Day figures? What is this about?
George Carrillo trying to find out myself – did you figure it out yet?
Troy Day are you implying something
Troy Day I thought this was about you teaching us something about deliverance or something. That’s why I joined.
Judith Smith really? – tell us all about it
really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day a demon manifesting in a service. Had to go because of the authority of Jesus.
Literally just did at an amazing revival service. 3 were cast out this past Friday at VA church of God camp meeting. God is on the move!
Lyndsey Dunn really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day these instances were not orchestrated, nothing complicated, people were set free.
Lyndsey Dunn can you post the URL in this thread so we can watch it – even better just the short clip where it is happening #forReal
really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day Three times actually.
First was at my first pastorate. Small church in a small community. Young lady came forward for prayer. As I approached her, her countenance changed and her voice became dark and deep. Her eyes rolled back and you immediately felt a demonic presence. I took authority in the name of Jesus, and commanded it to leave. She collapsed to the floor and got up free.
Second was about 10 years later. A woman in her 50’s visited on a Sunday evening. She also came forward for prayer. I immediately felt a demonic spirit. Her deliverance took some time- I’d say 30 minutes. I felt like she struggled with allowing us to get her the freedom she needed. She writhed a lot and the demon kept saying “No!” I found out later she was on drugs- possibly why there was the struggle.
Third one was about two months ago. I felt led to call for five people that needed freedom from something. Five came forward, and among them was a lady in her late 30’s to early 40’s. When I made eye contact with her, she began to heave, as if trying to vomit the demon spirit out. I was on the platform and she at floor level. I commanded the demon to leave, and she collapsed in the floor, still heaving. I had some Spirit filled ladies surround her and begin praying. Within a few minutes one of them looked at me and said, “she’s free!”
Michael Chauncey really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day I worked in ministry to people with addictions. A woman in our ministry began manifesting a demonic seizure lilies episode. I discerned it was not epilepsy but demonic. We commanded the spirit to go in Jesus name. Then she vomited. After a moment she became peaceful. She later told us she had never had seizures before. She went on to grow as a Christian free and strong in the Lord
really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day several times….Don’t really know what you are looking for…but the main thing is the person possessed is incredibly loved by the Lord!
Of a person or a place?
Yes. my friend Chris called me. He was desperate for deliverance. For a long time I knew he needed it, and could feel it whenever I was with him helping him through rehab or trying to find a place for him to stay. Then it physically attacked him and he called me to pray over him, and I told him I would not lead him in deliverance unless he was willing to surrender his life to Jesus. And he did in that moment surrender his life to Jesus, accepting Him as his Savior and Lord of his life. So I walked him through the deliverance, repenting and coming out of agreement, renouncing and releasing himself from the hold of the demons, and casting them out in Jesus’ Name, commanding them out. Then led him through prayer asking for Holy Spirit to fill him.
He’s been in rehab since and I’ll visit him when I’m able.
Brian Longoria how about that
No but I assisted.
Troy Day I have always belonged to a church that taught us how to bind up and cast out demonic spirits. That’s part of spiritual warfare.
Oh yeah Satan has to go in the name of Jesus!!!!!
Penelope Jane Hesler come on somebody
Brett Dobbs and why not
Troy Day none have manifested around me. If one does, I’ll command it to go.
Glen Henderson tell us all about it
I have not. I have tried.
Steve Miller tell us what exactly happened there
Troy Day My son became psychotic due to use of adderall. I do not know if it was a demon or a damaged mind from the drug. I tried for about 1/2 hr to cast out the demon in the name of Jesus, but nothing happened. I read verses to him and commanded the demon to leave in the name of Jesus.
we will ALL continue to pray with you here
oh honey tell US ALL bout it Philip Williams has tried too
you cannot be right here Sir!
is this it here Sir? Lyndsey Dunn
Troy Day that’s it.
Lyndsey Dunn tell us what happened – what minute about in the video we should direct out attention to?
Lyndsey Dunn
really? – tell us all about it
I was in Bible college and we are in a revival service one Sunday night and a woman came forward for prayer and when we went to pray with her, there was an instant manifestation of the demon within her. The woman began to speak profanity, and use Gods name in vain. I took authority over the demon and began to speak directly to the spirit. I bound the demonic spirit in the woman and began to speak to the woman. I told her the only way to deliverance was found in Jesus and I told her. SHE had to call upon Jesus. After a few moments of praying and binding Satan. The demon began to plead to stay, we cast the demon out in the name of Jesus and commanded him to go to a dry place. When the spirit left the woman, her entire countenance changed. She was completely changed and delivered.
Jose Salazar really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day I am under a deliverance ministry , people from California where we reside currently contact us for deliverance , they come to our church or we come to them and we minister to them and we see many being set free , it is a beautiful thing to see people getting set free !!
really? – tell us all about it
Joshua Chris Avor Agbey really? – tell us all about it
I have prayed and through the power of the Holy Spirit cast them out.
really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day, to many people get caught up in the confusion of the outward manifestation. First, as a child of God we have authority over demonic entities. We should tell them to be quiet and be in innsubjection. We should stand in our authority, then when the individual is ready to rescend Satan’s stronghold on them, pray and declare deliverance in Jesus name.
Yes, several times
William DeArteaga really? – tell us all about it
Troy Day One is in my book, “The Pubic Prayer Station'”
Interesting, this week I plan to meet with an old friend, one of the late Derek Prince’s chief lieutenants who served as Prince’s pastor near the end of his life. Percy has Derek Prince’s gift of deliverance.
Philip Williams since when is that a gift?
Tom Torbeyns good point Tom. I think it’s just having and using the authority of Jesus. The 7 sons of Sceva lacked this authority.
covenant loyalty to Jesus
I myself have never but been in several church services where it’s happened.
Been in a service or two where people tried and failed too
A threw a demonized man out of the church yesterday… does that count?
tell us what did you just say
Troy Day I gave him a cold drink of water and then he became agitated when I told him that he could not stay there when no one else was there he cursed me and left, our deacons and I prayed that he would be delivered from the bondage to meth
No, Troy Day. I’m afraid of demons. They scare me.
Yes … many
No, I was never in that type of situation.
Routinely,… If there’s a desire for Holiness and walking with Christ.
On occasion aa the Spirit leads if you don’t know a person has been battling it consciously, prior.
Five times already cast out in Jesus mighty name
I didn’t but my daughter did but we both saw it
During service one Sunday night in a small rural town in South Georgia, a man came in the door and started being rude and cussing. He had been drinking and so some of men started praying for him and he started acting really weird. We had the women and children leave and we continued to pray in the name of Jesus and the man’s face totally changed his eyes seemed to roll back in his head and he got sick . Started sweating and someone open the door and order the spirit out of the church in the name of Jesus. A cold chill was felt and then it was calm and the man was sober and had a totally different appearance. GOD did something in that man’s life from that point on. Nothing is impossible with GOD. BELIEVE THAT….
More than often not. I found it easier encouraging someone to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. Furthermore, encourage full emersion baptism.
You can’t do ministry in Africa without dealing with demons. Casting out demons is a routine part of our ministry
Anytime you rebuke satan in Jesus name you cast out demons in His name, so yes but not by my might but His. Amen
Does casting one out of a room count?
I was given authority by GOD himself to intercede and pray for my ex-father in-law who was dying the room and atmosphere was thick and heavy…I prayed Father and spoke his “NAME” Jesus and the atmosphere cleared up fast…I have plenty of demonic attacks more than I can count in my lifetime when I was returning back to GOD…before I actually received the Holy Ghost…in September 6 of 2020
David Graves makes a valid point: evil spirits need casting out of places sometimes, as well as people. Defilements and curses can come to patches of land as a result of things done there. Deuteronomy 7:26 is helpful here. The Holy Spirit can help us to discern the cause and deal with it in Jesus’ authority. I have been involved in this a good many times.
Yessir – a true testimony to the genuine goods!
Yes thank you Jesus ! But watch out many hide in a church that has compromised the blood ! They will be stirred up when the presence of Jesus shows up in the worship ! False worship never enables the atmosphere of power of the real Holy Ghost !
False Doctrine never enables the conviction power to operate and convict !
Pentecost is not just Being Charismatic, true Pentecost is Missions with Christ like Character!
We Keep Marching !
Yes sir
Quite a few.
I have learned that not all demons have horns.
Some have fake eyelashes.
so sad – Post a scripture on how great Jesus is and few, if any comments. Ask about how spiritual we are and look. We must go beyond the man centered religion and look to Jesus – the author and finisher of our faith @everybody.
Not by myself. But I have while with others on a few occasions. But a demon has never manifested itself in a person in my presence when I was the only other person there.
Just had a deliverance yesterday through FaceTime . A poor young girl of 12 years old was possessed by an evil spirit
Yeah just last week.It was a chaotic scene such that most members ran for their lives