The people in this picture are not refugees, but illegal immigrants
The people that came to America in the 1600s came to a different type of America than now.
They paid their passage to come.
The land did have natives but they had no borders or fences.
Our government has a fence in its southern border that means no trespassing
If our government cannot have a border with security to protect its interests.
Then we the American citizens should remove our fences and walls from around our own property and allow anyone to squat and live where they choose without regard for the law
But if,we are going to bring refugees, the organizations should be responsible for the livelihood of these individuals, if the government the government should be responsible if a church that church should be responsible
Not other organizations or assistance
Pneuma 33 (2011) 79-93 Recommendations for the Future of Pneumatology John R. (Jack) Levison Professor of New Testament, Seattle Pacific University Abstract Filled…
Varnel Watson
good thing to remember we were fugees in this country once upon a time Street Preacherz
Street Preacherz
We’re still refugees.
Scotty Searan
The people in this picture are not refugees, but illegal immigrants
The people that came to America in the 1600s came to a different type of America than now.
They paid their passage to come.
The land did have natives but they had no borders or fences.
Our government has a fence in its southern border that means no trespassing
If our government cannot have a border with security to protect its interests.
Then we the American citizens should remove our fences and walls from around our own property and allow anyone to squat and live where they choose without regard for the law
But if,we are going to bring refugees, the organizations should be responsible for the livelihood of these individuals, if the government the government should be responsible if a church that church should be responsible
Not other organizations or assistance
Scotty Searan
If Harvard Divinity School wants to help refugees, but they should be responsible for the refugees welfare if they are brought to America
Varnel Watson
and many of their graduates probably are