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Paul Hughes |

God’s Laws: Sin, Law, Grace, and Obligation is now available in a Kindle eBook format edition. Note that unlike the print edition, the eBook edition does not print out all the scriptures (which are many). You will have to look them up.
Randy H Johnson [10/03/2014 9:58 PM]
Romans 14.
Isaiah White Theologian [11/03/2014 10:15 AM]
Do we pentecostals believe in the ten commandments including the Sabbath?
Paul Hughes [11/03/2014 8:08 PM]
In the book, I explain the difference between “sanctifying the Sabbath” and “keeping the Sabbath.” Christians are no longer bound to the strictures of Moses’ Law in regard to the Sabbath. However, honoring God’s creative acts, devotionally, by recognizing a sabbath, or every day as if it were the sabbath, is quite appropriate.
Other than the insertion applying Moses’ Law to the Sabbath (in regard to refraining from work), the Ten Commandments is a formulation not of Moses’ Law but of elements of God’s Eternal Law, as I deem them to be, which were valid before Moses and remain valid to the Christian today.
Varnel Watson
right on Mike Albright Sure am glad I have been set free from the law. It couldn’t save them and it can never save me. Tom
Tom Steele
Correct, nobody is saved through the Law. Saved people obey the Law because they are saved. Hence, those who push against the Law are probably just following another dead religion… not because keeping the Law saves you, but because being saved makes you fall so in love with God that you can’t help but study and obey His Law.
Mike Albright
While having a radical encounter with grace certainly impresses a desire on my heart to fulfill the moral law, this does not include the ceremonial law that applied to the Jewish nation. There is nothing “holy” about celebrating the Jewish festival of Pentecost. Can I learn something about God’s heart by studying and understanding this festival? Yes! Does it make me a better disciple (or more obedient) by participating in this festival? No.
Varnel Watson
Mike Albright I dont think anyone goes for random or hyper grace nowadays, but certainly not by law either. Grace is sufficient enough. No other law except the law of love was preached by Jesus
Tom Steele
Nobody goes by hyper-grace? Apparently you have not seen Joseph Prince’s Church… one of the biggest congregations in the world I think. The guy sure does have a following though.
Varnel Watson
Varnel Watson
Answers what was wrong with the law Tom
Tom Steele
Those arguments out of dispensationalism work well in Pentecostal Churches… until they get to tithing, then they teach the exact opposite.
Varnel Watson
well the explanation is why the law is over with
Tom Steele
In his opinion
Tom Steele
The words of Jesus Himself: Matthew 5:17-20 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Torah or the Prophets! I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill. Amen, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or serif shall ever pass away from the Torah until all things come to pass. Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven. But whoever keeps and teaches them, this one shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees and Torah scholars, you shall never enter the kingdom of heaven!”
Varnel Watson
Word says the Law was a baby sitter – time to grow up
Varnel Watson
Dan Irving I wrote to Tom Steele that the law is a baby sitter and it is time to grow up. But isnt returning to the law also extreme legalism ?
Dan Irving
I believe there are two distinct principles we call The Law. Mr. Steele is exercised upon the Hebrew/Levitical rituals and observances. But I don’t believe that is what Paul is talking about, generally, when he uses the term, spiritually-speaking. In Romans (and to an extent, in Galatians) Paul speaks of the Law and a spiritual principle innate to every human being; ie. the conscience. The moral compass is a guide and there are spiritual consequences for neglecting it. The Law (as in the Torah) is something else entirely. To go back to the Law as any refuge, once we have experienced judgment and grace, would be apostasy. But, it seems most Christians have not entered that far into the experiential to be a true backslider. I have seen believers whom I thought had been burnt in judgment. It is very said to see them shrink into keeping the feast days and observing the Sabbath; with a fearful expression when they talk about how wonderful it all is.