God’s Law does not put you in bondage

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Tom Steele | PentecostalTheology.com


God’s Law does not put you in bondage to arbitrary rules and regulations. God has no need to prove His authority over you, He is God.

God gave His Law out of His LOVE for you, to set you free from the curse of sickness, the curse of poverty, and every curse associated with sin.

Sin is the transgression of the Law. We are not under the curse of the Law if we are truly saved from our sin.


  • Reply May 24, 2016


    Great theologians like Gordon C. Olson showed that God wants to bring us to intelligence, to a proper reasoning and from that reasoning, to submission under Him. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Reply May 24, 2016

    Mary Ellen Nissley

    There’s a great difference between license and liberty. Too often, we just want license, when what we need is liberty.

  • Reply May 24, 2016


    Liberty FROM sin, not in sin! ๐Ÿ™‚ (matthew 1:21)

  • Reply May 24, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    The Law reveals what sin is that puts you in bondage. Grace or love because God is Love. Sets us free from bondage. He broke all the chains of bondage that I could go free. That’s God. That’s Love.

  • Reply September 1, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    The law tells what sins is. Sin brings bondage. But if you live and do what Jesus said. You are not under bondage. But no one could live the law perfectly. That’s why Jesus came. The only One that Kept every law perfectly.

  • Reply September 1, 2016

    Louise Cummings

    Gods Word never brings bondage. He broke all the chains of bondage. That I could go free.

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