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Should a fat preacher wear skinny designer jeans?
Should a fat preacher wear skinny designer jeans?
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Should a fat preacher wear skinny designer jeans?
this should fall under the you should weigh less than the animal print that you are wearing category.
Troy, you are one busy Facebook poster.
Why would a man much less a minister of tge gospel have a desire to were tight fitting jeans/pants, etc ?
Should I say any more ?
Did I post on this topic in the past? I remember thinking it. I visited a church when I took a trip this summer, and the man preacher looked like Joyce Meyer from the waste down in his skinny jeans. His message was good, as I recall. But he couldn’t pull the skinny jeans off– metaphorically of course.
Does any man really need to wear skinny jeans?
This question sounds like a t.v. sitcom show, and no!!!! Fat big boy preacher’s should not wear tight Jordache jeans.
But should a phat preacher wear skinny jeans?
Jordache jeans the same as skinny jeans.
First of all a preacher should be fat! It means he is glutinous and that is a sin!
its not a dress its a thobe !
Why are we taking the time to bother ourselves with young men’s choice of pants? Seems petty.
No guy should wear skinny jeans
Why not ask the question….should a preacher be fat?
What is the opinion here? “We got a good dressing preacher here!
He’s a lousy preacher but the women say he shore is a good dresser!
I’ll take the opposite, any day of the week!
Find something productive with you life!
you must not realize how skinny jeans infested young preachers have gotten
The Bible tell women to dress in modest appeal. I think me should do the same.
Dennis Lear
Robert Erwine
A figure flattering skirt can go much farther
Varnel Watson
and where would you be seen wearing one?
Charles Page
general assembly?
Robert Erwine
Louise Cummings
In my opion, no.
Louise Cummings
Well I was going to tell you women’s style. But I decided I’m not the Judge.
Tyler A Blake
forming an educated opinion like you did is not judging. you didnt pass a penalty on anyone with your opinion.
Louise Cummings
Tyler A Blake what does that mean ? Am I being graded on questions. I was just giving an answer.
Tyler A Blake
Louise Cummings the term judging someone is very loosely used.
Louise Cummings
I was just going to say , their Style is wearing their skirts up just about as high as you can get them then punting on hose , on their legs. I think they call them tights. See I could have kept that critical answer to myself.
Louise Cummings
Tyler A Blake what do you call it then? What is your answer for judging ?
Tyler A Blake
Louise Cummings judging is an action word…
What I was saying is you weren’t judging them. You didnt pass a sentence on them for anything.
Louise Cummings
If that thing , gift came up with me. I didn’t put that on there.
Varnel Watson
among other non important and long solved issues on oneness LETS not forget to hear your take on this postmodern issue Philip Williams
Varnel Watson
I feel Jimmy Humphrey may have a long blogger podcast series about this soon Link Hudson pls note where FB cut the title @ jea… with no linx or strings attached
Link Hudson
Says jeans on my screen.
Varnel Watson
you must have a really WIDE Screen – does the song Lay my heavy burden refer to weight loss?
Link Hudson
Troy Day got a cell phone screen.
That a funny ‘private interpretation’.
Daniel J Hesse
Perish the thought!
Joe Absher
1 Corinthians 7:20 KJV — Let every man abide in the same calling wherein he was called.
Louise Cummings
Joe Absher agreed.
Alan Smith
No fat preacher should wear skinny Jeans ?
Louise Cummings
I answered that.I thought they was saying I was wrong.
Louise Cummings
Oneness I thought was finished. Where are the questions I didn’t answer ?
Varnel Watson
James Harvey Flowers
Maybe I’m wrong…All my life, preachers were dressed very conservative behind the pulpit. Nowadays, On youtube, I see mostly these younger men in jeans with shirt tails out. Usually I associate that with youth oriented music, which sounds like rock music to me, which is a big turn off. Also, it seems to me that these kind of churches are more into the world. It’s just very hard for me to accept this new stuff, but I wonder sometimes if I’m wrong.
Jeremy Watts
Nope and he or she also shouldn’t be talking about self control or discipline!
Chris Westerman
No man should wear skinny jeans. They look ridiculous.
Varnel Watson
do you have yourself a pair?
Chris Westerman
Troy Day No, hell has not frozen over.
Varnel Watson
Chris Westerman you didnt answer the question
Chris Westerman
Troy Day You cannot see the first word in my reply?
Varnel Watson
AMEN Jeremy Watts Chris Westerman do yall?
Jeremy Watts
Troy Day no way. I wouldn’t be caught dead in skinny jeans lol
Varnel Watson
Jeremy Watts you know you have them in your closet – when are they finally gonna come out
Jeremy Watts
Troy Day never owned a pair. I wouldn’t buy them and my wife sure wouldn’t be seen with me wearing them if I did.
Varnel Watson
Jeremy Watts you probably borrow from a friend
Jeremy Watts
Troy Day is that what you do? Or do you have your own?
Varnel Watson
sure Jeremy Watts IF you wanna come up to my level butt remember in my time wearing jeans in the pulpit was one of the 7 deadly sins
Michael Ellis Carter Jr.
William DeArteaga
I am somewhat confused by the text.
Ray E Horton
The enemy hates Holy Spirit anointing writing that reaches many people. My experience is that every time I come under attack as I prepare to share something from the Lord, God has shown me to stop everything and walk around the apartment loudly praising the Lord and praying in the Spirit. The heaviness lifts every time within a few minutes.
Bill Stockham
What ever preacher, fat or skinny, should do is seek the Lord for what is needed for his church and submit himself to the Holy Spirit…
Im not sure any man much less a fat preacher should be wearing skinny jeans
Candice N Jesse Nix how so?
well the bible speaks that the Lord doesn’t look at the exterior, but the Gospels show Jesus doing things on the Sabbath so there is cause. Here is what I think. Philippians 4:5 – Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. — if you are fat and it is not from anything but over eating, than you are far from showing any moderation. It is interesting to see we are not to cause any to stumble. Would wearing skinny jeans do that. My personal opinion is that no preacher should wear such pants. Mark 5:15 And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. – To me that means modest clothing if you are in your right mind. Why would any wear such revealing clothing if they were having the mind of Christ. It smacks of following the world’s fashion and look at me pride.
Why gross out the people in your church?
Be especially concerned if he is reading restaurant reviews instead of the bible and if he has holes in his jeans anywhere except his knees where he has been praying.
To be precise to be fat or obese is a sin and he should not be a preacher if he is in sin,so no fat preachers.
What a pathetic question. Go somewhere else and ask your stupid questions.
oh wow really? where else would you recommend /
Troy Day I looked at her home page. is it a coincidence that if is full of recipes. Some looked rather delicious though.
Robert Cox Why is it that ppl want to get on pages that they don’t agree with and start arguing? Especially church pages. Do they think they are going to change someone’s opinion about something? Doesn’t the Bible say that God hates those that sow division among the brethren? I don’t go join catholic pages or Mormon pages just so I can argue! Nor do I comment on some politician’s page expressly bc I oppose him/her. What is the point other than to be contentious?
So dumb, really. Sigh.
No, under no circumstances; besides the fact he probably cannot find a pair to “slip” into.
how so?
Absolutely Not.
This scripture comes to mind:
I Kings 20:11
So the king of Israel answered and said, “Tell him, ‘Let not the one who puts on his armor boast like the one who takes it off. ‘ ”
This scriopture comes to mind
I Kings 20:11
So the king of Israel answered and said, “Tell him, ‘Let not the one who puts on his armor boast like the one who takes it off. ‘ ” (NKJV)
He may have difficulty removing the jeans.
Link Hudson I see that mostly in all those ads for people’s miracle revival meetings and sporting events.
If he wants to know how a can of biscuits feels then go ahead. Otherwise wear man pants.
Michael Chauncey tell us how do they feel then
Troy Day Like a fat man in skinny jeans.
The first 50 years the church branded most of Hollywood’s productions as worldly and even evil and we were strongly warned to stay out of movie houses.
Then along came television and hollywood moved into our homes. Little by little we developed a taste for news and their views and then entertainment, including killing and sexual licenses until such a time that we are spending big money every month on cable TV that let’s in all kinds of options from the good and important to the base and the wicked. What has Hollywood done to us? For us? Against us?
Should a fat woman, or any women, were tight pants? That will answer your question for fat men or any man.
Actually, I think that’s a dumb question. Apparently, our consciences are dull to the basics of what is proper and common sense morality
what are you talking about Trump again? Nelson Banuchi
his pants were just fine – dont be hatin
study the passage as Duane L Burgess advised you
we come to 2 things in life
there are NO dumb questions
and there are fat preachers in skinny jeans in church
I;ve seen them along with the Jerome Herrick Weymouth and Melvin Harter
now Link Hudson may not have seen many fats preachers in India or Vietnam but this is a gross overestimate
the dumb thing here is to ignore it act like it is not happening and wait for it to resolve itself
RT John Mushenhouse I am troubled by one thing I noticed looking at a photo from GA. So many of the bishops today when they stand behind a pulpit praying to the Lord, preaching God’s word, ministering to the hurting worshipping the Lord or teaching the word, take pride and defend their wearing of the latest clothing fad. That would be skinny jeans, untucked shirts and often hats. Yet when they meet with their cronies to conduct business, they are wearing suits. It just seems like a game. I wonder are they as free as they claim when they defend their fad? Or is impressing man more important than God. We must be careful of double mindedness. I am not for strict dress codes, but if we wear our best or the accepted traditional uniform for our buddies, what about our attitude to the most holy God.
Troy Day That is just one of the many games I believe are being played.— Here is it all rolled up into one evaluation of their ministry.—For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ. Gal 1:10
John Mushenhouse true for preachers with spikey girly hair too
Should a preacher be Fat?
sure – why not?
Troy Day isn’t Glouttny a sin? There are alot of scriptures which speak of it..And yes other things besides food can be taken in excess , but there are scripture which mention food…..Proverbs 23:20-21
20 Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat,
21 for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.Titus 1:12
12 One of Crete’s own prophets has said it: “Cretans are always liars, evil brutes, lazy gluttons.”Romans 13:14
14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.Philippians 3:19
19 Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.Proverbs 23:2
2 and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.
Dress modestly, to honor God, not draw attention to self.
Duane L Burgess how can I preacher NOT draw attention / pls elaborate
should anyone? Of course God does look at the heart, but if it is a look at me heart, what can be said. I think . And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God. Luke 16:15–
John Mushenhouse TRUTH Roger Throckmorton
Are you attacking Win Worley?
Isara Mo Why would you jump to Win W and do the angry face?
…and the angry face
is an avatar for another member of the group.
Jeffrey Snyder Win never wore no skinny jeans Isara Mo that would be you in the club friend
Troy Day
Demons arent afraid of the size of the jeans but the dynamite you
Isara Mo shouldnt be too sure about that Philip Williams may know The whole idea of exposure and nudity could very much be demonic tightness around the neck for masons means a lot – what about the legs?
Troy Day
By the way do demons wear denim jeans.
No preacher should wear skinny jeans!
Roger Throckmorton No ONE should wear skinny jeans!
Yes, absolutely go for it
Brett Dobbs you do and show us pictures later
Troy Day
nope not happening. I don’t have the physique for it. And even if I did I still wouldn’t.