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[For those in many denominations that follow a liturgical calendar, the season of Advent has begun, leading up to Christmas and the remembrance of Christ’s coming into the world. While many of us don’t follow such a calendar, this is a great article- Ray E Horton]
“Dear Ones, longing for the Lord’s appearing,
By Pastor Bob Yarbrough
“You who have awakened by faith in Jesus to the True Light of Christmas –the Tree of Life – shining from God’s Throne where He now ‘sits at the Majesty on High’ [cf. Hebrews 8:1], I invite to come, enter the place prepared for you in the Father’s House as He comes now to take you there in the Holy Spirit. In this busy season of commerce, many will, in a superficial way, mark Our Savior’s Advent only as a ‘coming in history’ on a day that changed the calendars of the world from B.C. [Before Christ] to A.D. [Anno Domini – ‘year of the Lord’]. But for our Lord’s chosen ones, remembering and discerning the Lord’s Body in the Spirit as we gather around the Lord’s Table in the symbolic ‘breaking of the Bread,’ we anticipate inwardly, in hope, another Advent, His ‘coming in Majesty.’ Then will we ‘appear with Him’ as His Glory is revealed and the final ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ is sung, by men and angels joining in the great Song Moses and of the Lamb.
Our Lord’s Present Advent
In the Spirit, let us seek to become participants with a ‘multitude that no man can number’ who in rapturous joy are now realizing our Lord’s Present Advent, His ‘coming in Mystery,’ appearing to all believing hearts that ‘hear His Voice and open the door’ to a Spiritual Reality
“Now, in the Spirit, let us seek to become participants with a ‘multitude that no man can number’ who in rapturous joy are now realizing our Lord’s Present Advent, His ‘coming in Mystery,’ appearing to all believing hearts that ‘hear His Voice and open the door’ to a Spiritual Reality, one that transcends the blindness of unbelief. ‘Wherever the sun does its successive journeys run’ there are those who are now realizing, as the true Israel of God, that ‘surely the Lord is in this place.’ If today we hear His Call to ‘come out from among those still dead in trespasses and sin to be a separate people’ unto the Lord, be gathered ‘above’ in Jesus’ Name to worship at His feet in the True Sanctuary ‘not made with hands.’
“I sense an anointing to invite you today, in Jesus’ Name, to enjoy the pleasure of His company. If you hear His voice,’ do not turn away in hard hearted unbelief, but joyfully ‘enter your closet’ and in your ‘secret place of prayer before the Most High’ fix your thoughts upon Jesus. As you, wait in the Spirit, contemplating His Glory, the Veil will be rent, a Door will be opened. Behold, He comes! Enraptured, ‘caught up to meet the Lord in the air,’ commune with Him now on your Way Home to Father’s House!
“Early in this, my latest ‘today,’ as earth’s night gave way to the Light of the ‘Lord’s day’ I was ‘in the Spirit’ worshiping at the Throne of Grace where Jesus is now revealed among us by the Holy Spirit. I am moved by that Spirit of revelation to encourage you to set aside a time and a place in your ‘todays’ of this ‘Advent’ season for ‘Maranatha Moments’- times when ‘each heart waits as one for the appearing of our Lord.’ God assures us that all who seek Him with their whole heart ‘in spirit and in truth’ will find Him, for He wills to be found of us. ‘Holiday people’ are too busy with ‘the season,’ and will not come to the secret stable beyond the busy ‘Inn’ to ‘see this thing which has come to pass that the Lord has made known unto us.’ But we may joyfully turn aside from the busy throngs, and as ‘Holy Day people,’ take time to enter His Holy Presence with Thanksgiving and into His joyful courts with praise. May this be for us a ‘heart season’ for many such ‘secret meetings’ in which our names are recorded in the registry of those who are gathered as the Lord’s people in His House to honor the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ.
“Whoever Has Will Be Given More”
We may joyfully turn aside from the busy throngs, and as ‘Holy Day people,’ take time to enter His Holy Presence with Thanksgiving and into His joyful courts with praise
“I have taken great liberty in sharing these ‘mystical musings’ with you, confident that you have received the ‘gift’ Jesus gives to all those He calls ‘Friends’: ‘the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you… Whoever has, will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him’ [Matt. 13:11]. In cherishing what we have, living up to the level we have attained, He delights to lead us on and grant us more.
“Philip Brooks surely pondered these secrets in his heart on a Christmas Eve when the higher meaning of our lord’s appearing in the ‘Little town of Bethlehem’, came to him. He perceived: ‘No ear may hear His coming, but in this world of sin, where meek souls will receive Him, still, the dear Christ enters in.’
“May every longing heart find the ‘rest of a heavenly peace’ in the Light of a ‘Silent, Holy Night,’ and have ears that can ‘hear His coming.’ For transcending the nightmare of this age, Jesus has a place prepared above in God’s Heavenly Dream for those who love Him. And He promised to come and take us there to be with Him, where He is – forever with the Lord. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus.”
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