Troy Day
Evangelist John has a 21 character list of Jezebel which to my opinion is very short: the total sum of evil by Jezebel or through Jezebel if listed could cover a 200 page book….
The Bible says God gave all authority to Jesus in Heaven and on earth ..
Satan likes to imitate God, to play God ..
He also delegated his authority and power as this scripture show…..
//……. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
Revelation 13:2 //
Satan has given his power and authority to someone….
//People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
Revelation 13:2, 4 NIV//
People worship the dragon knowingly and unknowingly through Jezebel….considering that she can teach and prophesy(she is a prophetess….) and isnt she named as a “Goddess” in many myths and folklores?
A quick survey of globa spritual map
will give an overview of who rules over the affairs of men…
//The name written on her forehead was a mystery: babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.
Revelation 17:5 NIV//
John Ramirez is for real for he served in the Kingdom of darkness and therefore knows the stuff he is talking about …not mere head knowledge.
My wife was watching a sermon from this man several weeks ago, but I think he may have been in a number venue. He said something about having experience with the spirit of Jezebel before conversion, but did not give any details and was not clear about what he meant by ‘Jezebel spirit.’ I do not care to watch this whole video. Do you have a minute marker for the most pertinent portion of his preaching?
We should also be careful not to base doctrine on pre-conversion experience with demons. Rebecca brown books tell many supposed facts about the occult and the spirit realm that are based on the claims of a woman’s supernatural experiences with demons. Since demons can lie, they can lie to us about the spirit-realm as well.
I just point out again that the Bible says nothing about a ‘Jezebel spirit.’ Presumably the human queen Jezebel had a spirit. Presumably the individual who was leading people into error who Christ called ‘that woman Jezebel’ had a spirit. Either of these could have been empowered by demonic spirits or fellowshiped with demonic spirits, but the passages about them do not elaborate on this.
If someone claims to have a revelation or ‘discernment of spirits’ about a ‘Jezebel spirit’, this needs to be weighed like a prophecy. The idea that there is a demon or principality called ‘the Jezebel spirit’ is not actually Biblical doctrine. I think it is helpful to keep that in mind. Doctrine– especially in the Charismatic movement– can be based on what other preachers are saying without a solid anchor in the word of God. It is helpful to keep in mind what is actually taught in scripture and what is not.
It seems to me that there are preachers who quite confidently repeat what they hear from other preachers whether or not these preachers can back up what they teach with scripture. Repeating a revelation that someone somewhere got about some kind of spirit and what it is like and what it does, without knowing who supposedly got the revelation about this spirit is problematic.
It takes courage to call out the devil, no doubt about that. Interesting point the evangelist says, men and women both, can have this deceitful and destructive “spirit”
Joe Absher
Yah, the spirit indwells men and women alike unfortunately when we see controlling men and intimidating men we assume them to be the ”” types
There are many shades of evil and deception. And several analogies could be used for devilish masks and wiles. To explain, I heard a different teaching on this years ago. the “Lucifer spirit.” It works inside the organization or church structure until it rises in influence and then rebels and divides.
But let’s not forget Ahab or Eli or Haman or some of the other bad characters in the good book. Mostly men with no fear of God. While you’re discussing these things examine your heart. The pride the rebellion the evil. Do you fear God. Are you at ease in Zion
Those are the right questions here is some information to help answer those questions mostly likely if you are reading blogs like this you have been in a battle or two I will also include a link from two other preachers, as the mistake I made was when first began to deal with this where I did not come in Love and Grace when dealing with the people who where being controlled by it, also from what I have experienced it is a spirit but it works closely with witchcraft and other spirits, so it is more likely a battle strategy hope this helps, here some links but remember perfect love cast out all fear .
I know that it is not very clear from what’s out there but this helped me to get a better understanding as well as how stand against such attacks in my experience it is a series of very well planned attacks from the enemy to in short derail us from following Jesus so basically what it says in John 10:10.
But my suggestion to you is keep praying for The Holy Spirit to make it clear.
Would consider re-indexing their articles? Many titles from periodicals are not indexed properly. Most missed articles are the ones on bottom right of…
Joe Absher
Are we waiting on a live stream?
Varnel Watson
spirit of Jezebel! Evangelist John Ramirez for real or just saying things again Isara Mo Joe Absher Link Hudson
Isara Mo
Troy Day
Evangelist John has a 21 character list of Jezebel which to my opinion is very short: the total sum of evil by Jezebel or through Jezebel if listed could cover a 200 page book….
The Bible says God gave all authority to Jesus in Heaven and on earth ..
Satan likes to imitate God, to play God ..
He also delegated his authority and power as this scripture show…..
//……. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
Revelation 13:2 //
Satan has given his power and authority to someone….
//People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, “Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?”
Revelation 13:2, 4 NIV//
People worship the dragon knowingly and unknowingly through Jezebel….considering that she can teach and prophesy(she is a prophetess….) and isnt she named as a “Goddess” in many myths and folklores?
A quick survey of globa spritual map
will give an overview of who rules over the affairs of men…
//The name written on her forehead was a mystery: babylon the great the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.
Revelation 17:5 NIV//
John Ramirez is for real for he served in the Kingdom of darkness and therefore knows the stuff he is talking about …not mere head knowledge.
Isara Mo
Troy Day
I just expressed my personal interpretation of scripture might not be scriptural as the knowers would want it?
Link Hudson
My wife was watching a sermon from this man several weeks ago, but I think he may have been in a number venue. He said something about having experience with the spirit of Jezebel before conversion, but did not give any details and was not clear about what he meant by ‘Jezebel spirit.’ I do not care to watch this whole video. Do you have a minute marker for the most pertinent portion of his preaching?
We should also be careful not to base doctrine on pre-conversion experience with demons. Rebecca brown books tell many supposed facts about the occult and the spirit realm that are based on the claims of a woman’s supernatural experiences with demons. Since demons can lie, they can lie to us about the spirit-realm as well.
Link Hudson
I just point out again that the Bible says nothing about a ‘Jezebel spirit.’ Presumably the human queen Jezebel had a spirit. Presumably the individual who was leading people into error who Christ called ‘that woman Jezebel’ had a spirit. Either of these could have been empowered by demonic spirits or fellowshiped with demonic spirits, but the passages about them do not elaborate on this.
If someone claims to have a revelation or ‘discernment of spirits’ about a ‘Jezebel spirit’, this needs to be weighed like a prophecy. The idea that there is a demon or principality called ‘the Jezebel spirit’ is not actually Biblical doctrine. I think it is helpful to keep that in mind. Doctrine– especially in the Charismatic movement– can be based on what other preachers are saying without a solid anchor in the word of God. It is helpful to keep in mind what is actually taught in scripture and what is not.
It seems to me that there are preachers who quite confidently repeat what they hear from other preachers whether or not these preachers can back up what they teach with scripture. Repeating a revelation that someone somewhere got about some kind of spirit and what it is like and what it does, without knowing who supposedly got the revelation about this spirit is problematic.
Joe Absher
It takes courage to call out the devil, no doubt about that. Interesting point the evangelist says, men and women both, can have this deceitful and destructive “spirit”
Isara Mo
Joe Absher
Yah, the spirit indwells men and women alike unfortunately when we see controlling men and intimidating men we assume them to be the ”” types
Joe Absher
There are many shades of evil and deception. And several analogies could be used for devilish masks and wiles. To explain, I heard a different teaching on this years ago. the “Lucifer spirit.” It works inside the organization or church structure until it rises in influence and then rebels and divides.
But let’s not forget Ahab or Eli or Haman or some of the other bad characters in the good book. Mostly men with no fear of God. While you’re discussing these things examine your heart. The pride the rebellion the evil. Do you fear God. Are you at ease in Zion
Varnel Watson
is it the devils lie that there is no jezebel spirit ?
Link Hudson
What is the Jezebel spirit supposed to be? A mindset? A set of characteristics? A type of demon spirit? A type of principality?
Hello Hudson, Hope you are are well.
Those are the right questions here is some information to help answer those questions mostly likely if you are reading blogs like this you have been in a battle or two I will also include a link from two other preachers, as the mistake I made was when first began to deal with this where I did not come in Love and Grace when dealing with the people who where being controlled by it, also from what I have experienced it is a spirit but it works closely with witchcraft and other spirits, so it is more likely a battle strategy hope this helps, here some links but remember perfect love cast out all fear .
John Paul Jackson unmasking the jezebel spirit
Bob Goff Show the love of Jesus it will blow you away!
Also please google Jospeh Prince he has a lot of teaching on Grace !
What is the jezebel spirit bible verses:
I know that it is not very clear from what’s out there but this helped me to get a better understanding as well as how stand against such attacks in my experience it is a series of very well planned attacks from the enemy to in short derail us from following Jesus so basically what it says in John 10:10.
But my suggestion to you is keep praying for The Holy Spirit to make it clear.
Be blessed
Varnel Watson
speaker gives you 21 characteristics – need more?
Joe Absher
I think you the know the R.W. Shambach deliverance story. The devil said “We’re all gone”
Robert Erwine
me eyes rolled so far back into my head