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Luchen Bailey |

Here is something to spark your thinking.
James Trefil, Smithsonian Magazine April 2000. (picture of the Magazine cover) Mr. Trefil starts his paper by quoting from the Genesis account,
followed by the following statement. “Scholars have known for a long time that the Bible isn’t the only place this story is found – in fact, the biblical story is similar to a much older Mesopotamian flood story in the epic of Gilgamesh. “ Trelif goes to great length to explain his theory of how the water covered the earth. Two geologists William Ryan and Walter Pitman, of the Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, explains it this way “ as the world warmed, glaciers retreated and melt water from the European
Varnel Watson
right down your ally? Philip Williams
Philip Williams
Well, my work is most unique. I have discovered clear and powerful evidence of the Flood of the Bible including the graves of those who died and the migrations from Noah’s Ark, actually to the Ark itself. Nothing like this has ever been done, why Norm Geisler never backed any other claims, but has become my disciple.
Varnel Watson
now you need 11 more and you are done
Philip Williams
Troy Day no problem if they are sufficiently erudite to read my book. A problem is the declining education of our current universities. And Christian colleges and seminaries also rushing to replace history and the humanities with scientific (STEM) and vocational degrees.
Philip Williams
Troy Day Norm read every line of my book in 4 days, comprehending every chapter. Suppose you can do that in 4 weeks?
You might especially benefit from the German roots of higher criticism whose deep assumptions you do not seem to question?
Varnel Watson
not really my area of studies BUT it will be great if you publish some of your findings and methodology
Philip Williams
Troy Day my methodology was to search the evidence from the ancient world in the light of the Scriptures. Very different from interpreting the Bible in the light of some or another scientific theory as others have done whether YEC or OEC. I didn’t start by assuming that anything was true. I didn’t know whether the Flood happened, but I found it to be just as the Bible plainly tells us. Then I traced the new migrations from the Ancient Near East to every continent. I discovered that the new migration started at Mount Ararat.
Why has no one ever before done this? Perhaps, God’s timing.
I published my findings in 2011.
Varnel Watson
Charles Page has seen Noah in AR
Charles Page
Philip Williams The logical assumption is that the migration started from Ararat. The problem is stating the fact that the ark settled there.
You could be getting the ark atop the wrong mountain “cart before the horse”
Philip Williams
Charles Page
That is the only spot on our large earth’s surface matching what the Bible says about where the Ark landed.
Varnel Watson
I was under the impression the BIBLE says Noah went out of the ark-n-saw Dont know what this modernistic liberal scholars are talking about besides the BIBLE Alan Smith Genesis 8:13 By the first day of the first month of Noah’s six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth. Noah then removed the covering from the ark-n-saw
Philip Williams
Troy Day here is what the Scriptures tell us:
“and on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. The waters continued to recede until the tenth month, and on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible.”
Genesis 8:4-5
There is only one place on the earth’s surface matching those parameters and just where I visited what appears Noah’s Ark.