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[Following a recent article in Christianity Today, and others here, supporting President Donald Trump’s impeachment, and in light of his upcoming February 4 State of the Union message, being a Trump supporter, I was asked to write a pro-Trump article. Not having written much on political issues, I asked a much more qualified Trump supporter and friend to write the article. Lenny gladly obliged. We decided rather than stoop to a “he said – they said” piece, to look at the Big Picture of the Christian worldview and consider Evangelical support for the President in light of that. ~ Ray E. Horton]
President Donald J. Trump and his policies to reverse America’s downfall are generally supported by Evangelical Christians. Why? To understand, it is necessary to first look in the context of the “big picture,” and to review the Christian world view.
The hateful Pharisees caught a woman in the act of adultery and threw her at the feet of Jesus. They were trying to trap Him between a rock and a hard place. The Just and Holy Law required stoning her. But Jesus came to demonstrate Grace and Truth, Love and mercy. He didn’t ask the obvious question: “Where is the man?” (Maybe they didn’t bring him because he was one of them.) Instead, Jesus did what He always did, consulted His Father who sent Him to fulfill the just Law by Love and forgiveness then nail it to His Cross of shame, Colossians 2:14. (Actually, we Gentiles were never given the Mosaic Law by God.)
With His Father’s characteristic wisdom, He applied the Law of the Spirit of Life to her, rather than the Mosaic Law of “sin and death” in anticipation of Romans 8:2 under the New Covenant. He did that first by enforcing the letter of the Law’s requirement of perfection by exhorting the Jewish, Law-focused crowd with “He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone.” Fortunately, they had enough integrity to leave the scene. Jesus then ministered the love and forgiveness of the coming New Covenant, the Gospel of Grace and Mercy, that Jesus revealed exclusively to Paul after Calvary, as he insists in Galatians’ first chapter.
The Cornerstone of Jesus’ Gospel to Paul
And what is the cornerstone of Jesus’ Gospel to Paul? First, Jesus revealed to Paul in 2 Cor 5:16-21 that
- We are no longer regard anyone – including Jesus Christ – according to mere human judgment, but see Him and all others as God sees them, according to what Jesus did for all mankind , which is …
- God, in Christ, was reconciling the whole world to Himself (from His viewpoint), NOT counting man’s sins against them and
- He has entrusted that message of reconciliation (of the whole world to Himself – from His viewpoint) to us (the reborn) as Ambassadors for Christ. Why?
- So that those still in Adam (not yet saved) will choose to be reconciled to God (by rebirth) by believing and receiving Christ Jesus.
- This was all made possible when, for all mankind’s sake, Jesus, the Last Adam, was made sin who knew no sin, so that we (who choose to be reconciled to God through rebirth) might become the righteousness of God in Christ. This is the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer to Father-God in John 17:21, making believers one with (married to) Jesus.
These New Covenant realities that Jesus achieved for believers on Calvary totally accomplished and replaced the Mosaic Law’s requirements of “perfect justice and holiness” that are typically used to judge others by – according to some set of prescribed behavior. One New Covenant revelation from Jesus is that all who are reborn are no longer “sinners in Adam” but saints in Christ Jesus, even though they/we sometimes still commit sin, (Romans 5:19). We died to our former sin nature (Romans 6:11) and are now New Creations, making us forever compatible with Jesus and God and heaven. So now, the really Good News is that our identity is NOT determined by our imperfect behavior (like it was for Jews under Moses and those still under this world’s system) but by faith in Jesus’ perfect behavior and sacrifice – that we are now included into by His gift of grace through faith, according to Ephesians 2:8-9, not according to our level of morality.
If you need more proof that Christianity is not to be mixed with the demands of the Mosaic Law, look at Adam’s Fall. The Tree of Good and Evil was good because God created it – but it was NOT good for Adam. He walked in daily relationship with God in a perfect garden, in a perfect world, until he ate of the Law/Morality Tree instead of the Life Tree – Jesus. The moral Law kills but the Spirit gives life. The Law is not of faith (but “of sight.”) Whatever is not of faith is sin. So, focusing on the Law (behavioral standards) actually arouses sin and causes death – and is the ministry of condemnation, according to 2 Corinthians 3:7-11.
Morality Not the Focus of Christianity but a By-Product
This means that “morality” per se is not the focus of Christianity – like it is for Judaism and all other religions. Rather it is an abiding, personal relationship with the living God through a spiritual rebirth – from being lost in Adam to being a totally New Creation Spirit being in Christ – where God comes to live inside each and every believer.
“But they don’t teach that revelation of total forgiveness of all mankind for all time in my church!” Too bad! And with that religious mind-set of Law-based Christianity still stomping around – which is not Christianity at all – we are still judging each other like the Pharisees did rather than viewing believers through Father-God’s New Covenant eyes.
So are Christians now “lawless” – a false dichotomy that legalists like to automatically assume? No! Jesus revelation to Paul was that the Mosaic Law was replaced by a “higher” Law for Christians, the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus that set us (in context, Jews) free from the (Mosaic) Law of sin and death, according to Romans 8:2. That is why there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus because, where there is a focus on the Law of the Spirit of Life (not a focus on “moral law”), there is true Christianity. As Jesus made clear to Paul in Galatians 5:4, Christians living under (moral) Law have fallen from Grace. Why? Because if you are Law-focused, you will be sin-minded and, therefore, self-conscious (or other-conscious, monitoring their sin) instead of Jesus-conscious.
Does that mean that the good Mosaic Law no longer has a purpose? No, but it not for those in Christ, the righteousness ones by nature (despite behavior), but for those still in Adam (1Timothy 1:8-10) that they may see their fallen condition and their need for a Savior.
Behavior Matters Since We Reap What We Sow
Does this mean that behavior in the Seen Realm does not matter. It does matter because what we sow in this realm we tend to reap in this realm because of civil and behavioral laws. given to promote “safety and civility” as a desirable norm – rather than chaos. Sinning can also open the door to the devil’s lies and condemnation. But, again, morality, per se, while it is the essence of religion, is only a by-product (not the essence) of Christianity. So when we Christians play god by judging (meaning “condemn” in this context) our self or other people in general, and Christians in particular, we run the risk of disagreeing with God who looks at the heart (in Adam or in Christ) as His criteria, not on behavior. (Stated bibically, do you have the right to judge (condemn) another man’s servant?) And, from God’s view, there is now no condemnation for those who are born again, and who, therefore, are in Christ Jesus. Father-God regards all those In Christ as He does Jesus. (When is the last time you heard that in your church?)
Why? Because He, through Jesus, has forgiven all past, present and future sin of ALL mankind and chooses not to be mindful of our sin (Hebrews 8:12 and 10:17) – a revelation rarely taught in Law-focused, sin-conscious churches today. (Why would a perfect God want to junk up His Holy mind with all the sins of this fallen world?) They need to “repent” ie. renew their mind to agree with God about the “sin issue,” based on His view of the efficacy of Calvary that changed everything for mankind.
We mistakenly think that if we (or the government) enact a “law” it will fix a sin problem. But laws don’t automatically fix sin any more that a red traffic light stops my car. Laws preventing gun ownership don’t automatically stop crime – but a gun in the hands of a law-abiding citizen can stop a crime in progress. The Law does not help you keep it but just tells you “You are wrong!” when you break it. It offers no love or mercy – just judgment for “falling short” of perfection. (How many times has a policeman pulled you over to give you a certificate for “good driving?”)
Civil government has the God-given authority to bring “law and order” to the Seen Realm – like when a Sheriff was hired in the “Wild West” to hopefully bring public safety and peace. But rules are no satisfying substitute for relationship in, with and through Jesus. We saints were re-created for the Tree of Life – Jesus – not for the Tree of Law!
Democrat Deceptive Ways
That all being said, have you noticed that historically, the Democrat Party habitually accuses the opposition of many of the “wrongs” that they themselves are already doing. It is their deceptive way to deflect attention from their evil practices and go on the offensive. That has been a very effective strategy to neuter the Republican Party – which has historically cared much more about maintaining high moral standards in general. (If you doubt that contrast, which Party has consistently championed and defended the God-given rights of Blacks and unborn Babies (and now, born Babies who survive an abortion) in America? Republicans!
They are two of the most fundamentally “moral” issues in America – not to mention the Constitutional guarantee of “innocent until proven guilty,” – now reversed by Democrats to “guilty by accusation”. So effective has been thist evil strategy that all the Democrats have to do is accuse a republican of something, have the complicit media report it as “true” and then, by repetition, establish it as a fact in every reader’s minds – even if it was totally false. Manufacturing false narratives – fake news – has become an art form that has replaced true, objective journalism and thorough vetting of candidates, aimed to replace or even destroy people who are far more moral, on the whole, than they are. Need examples? FDR’s mistress, JFK’s exploits even while in office, Bill Clinton’s escapades in the White House and his more recent twenty four plane rides with under-age girls.
If you are unaware of – or if you justify – the blatant double standard of “justice” that exists today in this bureaucratic nightmare, then you are also blind to the treachery of the Deep State, the Trojan Horse that has hijacked the Democratic Party. You are, then, part of the problem – and a victim – rather than the solution. The Left-leaning socialistic politicians and media present a united, convincing front of anti-American propaganda, posing as upright patriots, all the while attempting to eliminate all opposition by eradicating the Constitution and Bill of Rights to make way for a One World Order. If you don’t know the Big Picture of what this second civil war is really about – the “fundamental Change” of America that President Barack Obama announced in 2008 – then you will NOT understand and appreciate the pivotal role Donald J. Trump’s presidency and policies have in reversing America’s downfall, intentionally devised by Obama, Hillary and their anti-American network.
Citizen Donald J. Trump got tired of promises made by politicians but rarely kept. (Go watch the YouTube video of Obama petitioning Congress for a border wall to curb illegal immigration in 2014 – which was denied). Trump was also very aware (from being on the “inside”) of the level of corruption in Hollywood, the government and the media. So, he decided to take on the Deep State Establishment rather than escape to his peaceful, private island home in St. Martin with his family – and let this God-inspired, Great Experiment of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” – under God – be brought to total ruin.
Taking On the Deep State Establishment
Melania Trump told him he was the only one who had the skill, know-how and temperament to win this fight for the soul of America. Grateful for all the opportunities that America made possible for both his poor immigrant father – and for him – to succeed and prosper, he has now devoted the rest of his life, energy and resources to put America back on a winning track for our sake and the sake of any other people in the world who hunger for the benefits of religious, economic, social and political freedom that we Americans all too often take for granted. All that is still in great jeopardy – and November’s election will further our continued rise or spell our ruin.
If you doubt the seriousness of this “war to the death” that we are facing, then look through the eyes of a former Hindu immigrant, born in 1961. He came to America from India as a foreign exchange student, was saved in college and went on to discover and document what is so special about America – much like Alexis de Tocqueville discovered on his visit in 1831. While the latter went back to France to share his findings, Dinesh D’Souza – a true patriot and journalist – has investigated and documented, in print and on film, the insidious tentacles of the Deep State in general and the true motives and corruption of the Clintons and Obama – and the machine behind them – through award-winning documentary movies shown in theaters across America.
But of course, these exposes’ were not welcomed by the mainstream media, which is bent on advancing the Leftist agenda. Consequently, you may not even know about this wonderful naturalized American citizen and brother in Christ who appreciates America far more that we often do because he suffered under an oppressive government and religion for his first twenty-one years. His books, movies and Tweets will provide documentation of the uncivil war we are in. The outcome of this war will decide the quality of life for our grandchildren – if not immediately for our children.
Two diametrically Opposed World Views have been Clashing
You don’t have to like Trump’s rhetoric or flamboyant style. Most Englanders did not like Winston Churchill for many of the same reasons. But like Churchill – who understood the external threat Hitler posed – what other contemporary American has the insight, willingness, courage and the anointing to bring to light and defeat the growing menace of mandatory Socialism that started with Woodrow Wilson’s League of Nations and FDR’s Socialistic New Deal, Bush One’s “One World Government,” Bush Two’s” North American Union” that would have united three countries – and trash our Constitutional freedoms. All this heightened racial, gender and political turmoil and division is because of the clash of two diametrically opposed World Views – Christian versus anti-Christian – intentionally orchestrated as a pre-cursor to establishing a dictatorial, One World Government out of social, economic and political chaos. The question is, saints in Christ, do you see the Big Picture from God’s view and what would He have you do in response?
It’s jarring to hear leftist Democrats refer to the founders again, and again, and again. If the founders were evil white male racists, sexists and colonizers, as the Left routinely portrays them, why do these people care what they thought?
Lincoln united his party and saved America from the pro-slavery Democrats the first time. Can Trump—and we—come together and save America for the second time? Again, the real question is, saints in Christ: are you going to quibble over whether our president is as perfect as you demand OR will you see the Big Picture from God’s view and what would He have you do in response?
Leonard John Ransil has authored many books – in print and in Kindle format on Amazon (Find them here) – and CD’s of his scripture-based songs, also on Amazon. He was born in 1944 and raised a devout Roman Catholic in Pittsburgh, PA, was reborn and baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1972 and was part of a Catholic Charismatic Community, Light of the World Community, while teaching in then the principal of Word of God Academy in Erie, PA. He was ordained in 1992 by Prophet Dr. Bill Hamon. He serves the Lord as worship leader and teacher in various ministries in Erie. He and his wife of 51 years have four children and eight godly grandchildren. You can contact him at:
His worldview book uses big picture thinking. Here is a Summary:
“God’s Solution For A Frac / tur \ ed America: Returning To Our Founder’s Original Dependence On God,” by Leonard John Ransil (Find it here)
The bedrock of Christian principles that made us a leader among nations is now routinely belittled, attacked and debunked by secularists as unscientific, outdated and irrelevant.
First, this book exposes the beliefs and strategies behind these attacks and documents why true Christianity is objectively superior to any other belief system in the world.
Second, in this book, I compare and contrast this miracle of Christianity * with the other seven main belief systems of the world. Furthermore, I present the three main strategies secularists are using to undermine America’s Christian worldview. We are in a cultural and spiritual war of conflicting and contradictory belief systems and values and attitudes. Unfortunately, most Americans don’t have a clue what is at stake for themselves and for future generations.
Third, I close the book with a revolutionary overview chart that updates our current, out of date political spectrum of “left wing versus right-wing” thinking. This unique graphic of a Jet plane categorizes the underlying commonality of these many diverse, conflicting beliefs, as opposed to Christianity. A picture is worth a thousand words.
Christian, these are the most exciting times in history. The light is getting brighter and the darkness is getting darker. This is no time to hide your light under a basket. The world desperately needs to personally know who Jesus really is – and what He actually accomplished – in order to be set free in this life and graduate into His Kingdom in the next. He is the truth who came here to set all captives free from the bondage of their Adamic nature and wrong believing and thinking. This book will greatly help equip you to be an Ambassador of His whole Gospel of lavish Grace. Right believing produces the fruit of right living.
*For a much fuller and surprising explanation of what is Jesus’ Grace-based Gospel that He revealed directly to Paul – and what it is not, – you can read his Kindle book “Is There An Elephant In YOUR Church?”
Varnel Watson
finally a good article James P Bowers William DeArteaga Jerome Herrick Weymouth Thank you Ray E Horton @Leonard J. Ransil for the hard work to produce it before SOTU
For starters I aint too sure if the article is IN support of Trump or not Such clarification would have helped the reader to figure out what follows At the same time the balance is well kept and rises several questions for discussion
1 passing the theological part on Paul we arrive @
Morality Not the Focus of Christianity but a By-Product
OK right there – are we voting for a moral pastor OR commander in chief WE can all agree Trump’s morality is beyond question at this point more than ever before even from when he was just a playboy son of a millionaire
2. Behavior Matters Since We Reap What We Sow which is another bullet point in the article has MANY negatives for Trump When you exclude the positives in his political behavior his personal behavior is again beyond questioning
3. Democrat Deceptive Ways is a great point But so are GOP’s Deceptive Ways and have always been Like Both Bush presidents starting war in order to win second term #justsaying
4. Taking On the Deep State Establishment is a HOAX Christians should not remain deceptive with but this just MHO
5. Two diametrically Opposed World Views have been Clashing is where I expected the heart of the matter for evangelicals The socialism point here could be much discussed and NO socialism did not start with Woodrow Wilson Well I will leave this one open for more discussion because the theology of SCARED evangelicals won sure and secure the election for Trump
Jerome Herrick Weymouth
Allen Gersherous is a Democrat, who worked to impeach Nixon, defended Clinton in his impeachment, and voted for Hillary said this impeachment of President Trump was UNCONSTITUTIONALLY WRONG And that’s why he was defending the President… To me he’s a hero! A life long Democrat defending President Trump and telling the American people this impeachment was a political fiasco!
Ray E Horton
To me, that “the article is IN support of Trump” is obvious right from the first sentence: “President Donald J. Trump and his policies to reverse America’s downfall are generally supported by Evangelical Christians.” Leonard J. Ransil, here is your article on the PT FB group, if you would like to respond to any comments.
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Now that would be a nightmare. But, no problem, since Pres. Trump will be reelected.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton its all over the news this week
William DeArteaga
I did not find this article profound, rather partisan in extreme and an argument for an antinomian Christianity. i.e one free of any moral demands.
Ray E Horton
William DeArteaga Seems to me you are missing what he is saying, not at all that we are free of moral demands, but that morality isn’t our focus – Jesus is, and our morality is a by-product if our relationship with Him. The more we grow in the understanding of who we are now in Christ, the more we will overcome sin and immorality. The flesh is weak, the law is powerless to change our hearts. That’s why we look to Him for victory in putting the flesh under. He provides the motivation and power to overcome.
Ray E Horton
William DeArteaga It’s a matter of methods. Grace doesn’t free us from the moral law, it is the only truly successful way to keep it.
William DeArteaga
But the autor is saying morality is not part of the Christian life, i.e. antinominaism – awful.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton actually for RichardAnna Boyce free grace does exactly that Hence free grace evangelicals support Trump
RichardAnna Boyce
wrong again Troy Day, as Free Grace says obedience to Jesus as Lord is compulsory for a BELIEVER to earn rewards in the Millennium and blessings in this life. Free Grace prays for Trump to believe that Jesus is the only Son of God and that God loves him so much that He will promise him eternal life if he will believe Jesus for it.
Varnel Watson
RichardAnna Boyce still somewhat unclear to me Joe Absher
Doyle Rogers
I feel no responsibility to judge the status of the president before God. We are instructed to PRAY FOR HIM. …………………………………..( NOT PREY UPON HIM ) …………………..1Ti 2:1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
1Ti 2:2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
1Ti 2:3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; ………………. I ATTRUBUTE HIS SUCCESS to his supporting Israel …………. God’s word…to Abraham was/is…………..Gen_12:3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
Leonard J. Ransil
William DeArteaga I’d like to start our discussion with 2 easy questions: 1) Which of the five (5) Gospels in the Bible was written down first and by whom? 2) What “Moral demands” did Abraham live under as one “accounted righteous by faith” and “a a friend of God?” (I will also post this on the main web site if you prefer that venue. Grace and Peace, Lenny
Varnel Watson
partisan is right for me too but it was neither nor I appreciate the author bringing a good effort to touch all points but theologically it just wasnt there for me Wish he would come into the discussion so we can perfect otherwise a great idea Ray E Horton
Ray E Horton
Troy Day He doesn’t get on FB as much as some of us. But yes, hope he will comment.
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton it will be good discussion – lots of grassroots material for evangelicals SOTU tomorrow
Ray E Horton
Troy Day Yes!
Varnel Watson
Ray E Horton still somewhat unclear to me Joe Absher may have some more inside where he could explain
Joe Absher
Exodus 20:4 KJV — Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:
I haven’t forgotten your self serving and vain image of Christ . you never repented of it .
Joe Absher
Leonard J. Ransil
to Joe Absher … How does Johnny’s concept of God fit in with Jesus’ revelation to Paul in John 3:16-17 and 2 Corinthians 5 18-20?
Leonard Ransil
On the website below is a rebuttal by Carol Swain entitled Mark Galli’s Unchristian Attack on President Trump from an Evangelical Perspective, offered as a follow up to my lead article. I have also included a listing of her credentials below. Though published on December 23, 2019, I think it constructively contributes to this most important and relevant discussion facing our nation.
In her article she also makes mention of rebuttals by other believers such as historian Jim Garlow, Franklin Graham, Pastor Jentezen Franklin, Everett Piper, Edward Bauer, and Dr. James Dobson – which I list again here for your convenience. Obviously, this is an ongoing debate that will continue to at least the election in November. Leonard J. Ransil
Professor Swain earned a magna cum laude B.A. in criminal justice from Roanoke College and a master’s degree in political science from Virginia Tech. While an undergraduate at Roanoke College, she organized a scholarship fund for black students that by 2002 had an endowment of $350,000. She finished a Ph.D. in political science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1989. In 2000, she earned a Master of Legal Studies from Yale Law School. She received tenure as an associate professor of politics and public policy at Princeton University. From 1999 to 2017, she taught political science and law at Vanderbilt University. She retired from her post at Vanderbilt in 2017.
Her first academic book, Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of African Americans in Congress, was published by Harvard University Press in 1993. The book was cited by Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O’Connor, two Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. It was the recipient of the D.B. Hardeman Prize as well as the American Political Science Association’s Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award.
Ray E Horton
That is a powerful rebuttal from a well-qualified individual
Jim Price
I read the long article by Ransil and found that he missed the point. Living near Chicago for years I met many who were good at building bridges and highways and yet were vain, vulgar and loose in their morals. Trump was good at beauty pageants, wrestling matches and reality shows remember that reality shows are just the opposite ( of reality ) Ransil alluded to Trump’s great success but Bloomberg who has watched Trump up close for years says that his success is fake. He walked away with billions while going bankrupt four times and leaving others in the lurch! I have nothing against Trump and have always tried to support whoever the president is but Trump is just incompetent and should be retired to his life of luxury.
Troy Day
I believe @lenny missed the point too Ray E Horton
Ray E Horton
Matter of opinion.
Louise Cummings
How are you going to prove Bloomberg was telling the truth.
Trump: Satan’s Manchurian Candidate?
This Article was mentioned on
good one by Lenny William DeArteaga from way back in the day
Troy Day
Leonard J. Ransil why are you not posting under your article and William DeArteaga but using this misguided and narcistic belittling approach? Quite surprising to see you are still in this group silent and quite WHILE we’ve posted dozens if not hundreds pro-trump posts with theological perspectives
Troy Day
Leonard J. Ransil why are you not posting under your article and William DeArteaga but using this misguided and narcistic belittling approach? Quite surprising to see you are still in this group silent and quite WHILE we’ve posted dozens if not hundreds pro-trump posts with theological perspectives
Leonard Ransil
Troy, To answer your above question: this page from 2020 popped up out of the blue on my FB page and I responded – without seeing any other later posts and entries these last 5+ years SO where are the dozens (100’s) of pro-trump posts to be found on this site?
Troy Day
THANK YOU for you answer Leonard Ransil
Thie link of all posts was provided to you and here it is again
also William DeArteaga has been waiting to discuss with you in the group where you are already a member and we tagged you a dozen of times in the discussion since yesterday here
we;ve been wondering why you run from the discussion and hid in the last 3-4 years while Biden was ruling and believed you to be just plain scared
ANYhow all are waiting for your divine inspirations
BUT pls dont spam with your personal webs which is useless
Troy Day
This article is just a long-winded defense of Trump. It ignores the real issues and seems to twist biblical teachings to justify his actions. It’s disappointing to see such blind support for someone who has caused so much division.
Jack Bowers
The article purports to provide a theological underpinning for Evangelical support of Donald Trump’s presidency, but its approach is fundamentally flawed and laden with bias. Ransil’s argument is predicated on a selective interpretation of scripture that seeks to align the character and actions of Trump with the purported ideals of Christianity. This creates a disturbing conflation between political allegiance and spiritual truth, an issue that theologians such as Hauerwas have warned against, positing that the Church’s primary witness is compromised when it allies itself too closely with political entities. Furthermore, Ransil’s assertion that morality is merely a by-product of Christian faith disregards centuries of theological discourse which recognizes ethical behavior as intrinsic to the Christian life, as expounded by figures like Augustine who emphasized the importance of moral law in shaping human character. The notion that Evangelicals can dismiss societal ethics in favor of an abstract ‘relationship’ with God undermines the collective responsibility Christians have towards justice and morality in society. The attempt to frame Trump’s presidency as part of a divine plan further trivializes both the complexities of governance and the multifaceted nature of faith. Indeed, scholars such as Niebuhr would argue that when faith becomes overly politicized, it risks becoming a tool for oppression rather than liberation. Lastly, Ransil’s reference to historical events selectively ignores numerous instances where moral failings within leadership have dire consequences for society at large, thus raising profound questions about what constitutes true Christian leadership in contemporary America.
Jeff Co.
Not answering comments under your posts can come across as rude, irresponsible, and ignorant for several reasons:
1. Lack of Engagement Shows Disrespect
When people take the time to comment, they expect some form of acknowledgment. Ignoring them can make them feel unappreciated.
2. Damages Your Reputation
Whether you’re an individual, influencer, or business, failing to respond can make you seem unapproachable, uninterested, or even arrogant.
3. Missed Opportunities for Connection
Engaging with comments builds relationships. By not responding, you miss out on valuable networking, friendships, or business opportunities.
4. Reduces Engagement & Visibility
Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn prioritize content with high engagement. Ignoring comments can lower your reach and impact.
5. Appears as a One-Way Communication
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6. Misses Out on Meaningful Discussions
Many great conversations start in the comments. By not engaging, you shut down the chance for deeper discussions and insights.
Would you agree with these? Or do you have a specific angle you’re thinking about?
fake article
The URL you provided does not correspond to an accessible or existing article. However, based on the related web results I have access to regarding the topic of evangelical support for Donald Trump, I will address the main points that are commonly discussed in such articles and argue why some claims might be considered misleading or “fake news”:
Trump as a Prophetic Figure:
Claim: Some articles suggest that evangelical leaders see Donald Trump as a prophetic figure or even a modern-day Cyrus, anointed by God to lead America.
Evidence of Misleading Information: This narrative often relies on selective quotes from a minority of evangelical leaders. The broader evangelical community is diverse, with many leaders and followers critical of Trump’s personal conduct and policies. The portrayal of widespread belief in Trump’s divine anointment is exaggerated and does not reflect the varied opinions within the evangelical community.
Unconditional Evangelical Support:
Claim: Trump enjoys unconditional support from evangelicals due to his alignment with their values.
Evidence of Misleading Information: While many white evangelicals supported Trump, this support has been more nuanced than often portrayed. Surveys and polls, like those from the Public Religion Research Institute, show that while there is significant support, there are also evangelicals who are divided or opposed to Trump on issues like character, policy, and the implications of his actions for Christian witness. The narrative of unanimous support simplifies and distorts the complex reality of evangelical political engagement.
Evangelical Voters’ Motivations:
Claim: Evangelicals voted for Trump solely because of his stance on issues like abortion and religious liberty.
Evidence of Misleading Information: While these issues are significant, they do not singularly define evangelical voting behavior. Economic concerns, national security, and immigration have also been pivotal in their decision-making. Moreover, some evangelicals have expressed discomfort with Trump’s personal life and rhetoric, indicating that their support might be more about political pragmatism than ideological alignment on all fronts.
Trump’s Impact on Evangelical Identity:
Claim: Trump has reshaped evangelical identity, making it more politically focused.
Evidence of Misleading Information: This claim often ignores historical context where evangelical political engagement has had peaks and troughs long before Trump’s presidency. The political orientation of evangelicals has been shaped by various factors over decades, not just Trump. Suggesting that Trump alone has dramatically shifted evangelical identity oversimplifies a multifaceted religious demographic’s engagement with politics.
Remember, these points are constructed based on patterns in coverage from the web results provided rather than from the specific URL you mentioned, which does not yield an article. The characterization of news as “fake” should be approached cautiously, acknowledging that often, the issue is more about oversimplification, exaggeration, or selective reporting rather than outright fabrication.
Misleading Use of Polls
The claim that evangelical support for Trump is declining is based on a poll, but polls vary based on sample size, methodology, and framing of questions.
If the poll referenced lacks transparency (e.g., cherry-picked results, biased respondents), then the claim is misleading.
Check: Who conducted the poll? Is it from a reputable polling agency like Pew Research or Gallup? Was the sample size statistically significant?
Omission of Key Context
The article states that some Pentecostal leaders are dissatisfied with Trump, but does not quantify how many or how representative they are.
By focusing on criticisms while downplaying continued strong evangelical support, the article may be shaping a narrative rather than presenting balanced reporting.
Check: Are there studies showing evangelical support remains strong? If so, omitting this would suggest bias.
Loaded Language and Framing
Words like “calling on him to repent” can suggest a moral judgment rather than an objective political analysis.
If the article selectively quotes religious leaders critical of Trump while ignoring his prominent evangelical supporters, this suggests an agenda.
Check: Does the article include perspectives from pro-Trump evangelical leaders for balance?
To label this article as “fake news,” we would need evidence that it is deliberately misleading, misrepresents data, or omits key facts to push a biased narrative. If legitimate sources or statistics contradict its claims, or if it lacks transparency in sourcing, it could be considered misleading rather than strictly “fake.” Verifying these points would require checking primary sources such as official poll data, statements from evangelical leaders, and broader reporting on the topic.