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Do you believe there were people born before Adam and Eve? (Finis J. Dake)
Do you believe there were people born before Adam and Eve? (Finis J. Dake)
Pentecostal Theologian
Been waiting for this post for a very long time Ricky Grimsley This is the truth right there. No other reasonable explanation
Ricky Grimsley
Yes I do
Isara Mo
Ricky Grimsley proof?
Isara Mo
Do you believe the universe is 13 ,8 billion years and that the planet earth is 4, 5 billion years?
Histoy has it that human civilization is about 6000 years old…
Archaelogusts say human fossils range from 1: 5 million years to 3:6 million years..
The Bible says God created the heavens and earth is ” six days”
Confusing isnt it?..
Pre Adamic ” creatures”?
Dont know i was not there
Ricky Grimsley
It’s called the gap theory. We believe in a literal 6 day creation about 6000 years ago starting in genesis 1:2. Genesis 1:1 however was way earlier perhaps millions or billions of years ago. There is much biblical proof. Look up “gap theory”. Or I will post later when I have time.
Varnel Watson
Good point Ricky Grimsley I am pretty convinced in the pre-Adamic theory but Pete Fiske seems to be making strong advance against your argument with evolution theory and so on
Varnel Watson
@Gary Micheal Epping Joseph Kidwell One way to determine the dating argument of @Peter Fiske is by how out dated his argument is. If his argument is offset by 5,000 years so must be his proof. Seems logical to him
Varnel Watson
pre-Adamic earth explains all things here and now
Varnel Watson
YES tell us YES pls do
Larry Koester
no. I don’t.
Michael B Reimann
Yes. Adam and Eve were not the first people. They were the first two to know God, and it was apponted unto Adam to redeem the earth.
Think of it this way.God told Adam and Eve to REPLENISH the earth, not populate it. What does replenish mean? Refill, replace, restock…..
Stephen Bredehoeft
Michael B Reimann where do get your information? Where in the Bible does it say anything about these other people?
Michael B Reimann
Stephen Bredehoeft
You have to translate the original Hebrew to understand.
If you are not willing to look at every word in Genesis and then read the Original against it it will never make sense.
Michael B Reimann
Explain this translation of the word host.
Michael B Reimann
Dustin Gabriel
Michael B Reimann dinosaurs are not people
Michael B Reimann
Dustin Gabriel
Let him that has eyes see. And him that has ears hear.
I have my stance. You have yours. One of us is wrong but that fact does not disqualify either of us for salvation through Christ.
Namely, it doesn’t matter which camp you are in on this subject.
Stephen Bredehoeft
Michael B Reimann the Hebrew word for replenish could also mean fill. This isn’t worth discussing. Like you said it’s not a salvation issue.
Dustin Gabriel
Michael B Reimann
Michael B Reimann
Dustin Gabriel
Please give this a read with an open mind.
Dustin Gabriel
Michael B Reimann before reading the link. I understand carbon dating etc, and believe it to be true, I believe the earth has existed and many creations have lived on it prior to God creating MAN… a neanderthal is not MAN. God created MAN in His image and likeness, I thoroughly believe prior creations were destroyed just as our creation will eventually be, as prophesy claims this world will burn. The earth was void in the beginning because it had been wiped of all life. Replenish/restore would suggest, it was now time to begin again
Dustin Gabriel
Michael B Reimann I also believe there are many other creations in the universe/space, because to know God’s limitless power would be to know He is capable of having many beings throughout the galaxy/universe/space. BUT none of those creations are as highly esteemed as us, being that we are in His image and likeness
Michael B Reimann
replenish[ ri-plen-ish ]SHOW IPA
verb (used with object)
to make full or complete again, as by supplying what is lacking, used up, etc.:
to replenish one’s stock of food.
Michael B Reimann
God gave Adam and Noah the same commands.
To REFILL the earth with people.
Look at the original word for darkness in the very beginning of Genesis.
It means death, destruction, chaos.
So. There was death on the earth pre Adam.
And there were also people
Nikki Sheppick
No. The Word does not support it, but states that God began with Adam, then created Eve from his rib. Before the fall, they were perfect, eternal, but with the disobedience came corruption and death, and so then after being cast out of Garden of Eden, they Adam knew his wife, and Cain, then the whom Cain killed were born, and after Cain did this evil and refused to repent of it, he became the first reprobate/cast away/apostate …. like unto an anti-Christ, being against (anti-) God. After that, then Adam and Eve had another son, Seth, and the lineage of the sons of God continued on from there, and the sons of the world were of the lineage of Cain till the Great Flood.
Varnel Watson
#REplenishRE #plenishRE
Joe A Smith
Not according to scripture Adam and Eve are the first
Don Filkins
Andrew Coiner
Thanks for handling my light work!
JoAnne Harris
No, if it isn’t in the Bible, didn’t happen..
Gary Micheal Epping
Verse 2 clearly states that the earth was already there. it was here where the Spirit moved on the waters to begin restoration.
Jay Zeke Malakai
Uh, no. Verse 2 comes after verse 1, in which God created the heavens and the Earth.
Gary Micheal Epping
Jay Zeke Malakai uh, but verse 2 is before day 1 which begins in verse 3.
Jay Zeke Malakai
So Moses lied when He said God made the heavens, the earth, and everything in them in 6 days (Exodus 20:11), as described in Genesis 1? Good to know. Day 1 begins in verse 1.
Gary Micheal Epping
All of the 6 days of creation begin with, ‘and God said.’ The first mention of this phrase is in verse 3, which is day 1.
Daz Gordon
1 Corinthians 15 verse 45
And so it is written , “THE FIRST MAN ADAM” was made a living soul, the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.
Genesis 5 verse 1
This is the book of the generation of Adam, IN THE DAY THAT GOD CREATED MAN , in the likeness of God made he him.
Just “STOP” and think, if people existed before Adam and “DIED” how could death have possibly entered by Adam.
Basing an idea that flies in the face of the “WHOLE” Bible on one word is a sad indication of people being unwilling to just stop and sit down and think things through sensibly .
Varnel Watson
Ojedotun Olayinka
If the bible is the final abiter on this subject matter then Adam is the 1st human
David Buyna
Do “I” believe that? NO!
Drew Osborne
no. The word of God proves Adam and Eve were the first two inhabitants of earth.
Sheila Anne
Gosh, how old is that picture? lol
Sheila Anne
The Bible tells us clearly. God made Adam and God made Eve. Which began the fall of man. I could not understand that man speaking on the video.
Varnel Watson
Gary Micheal Epping you ARE correct I would argue these 10 Things in the BIBLE that cannot be explained without the PRE-ADAMIC RACE GAP THEORY any given Sunday
Greg Will