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Biblical eLearning ( presents: Dr. Robert Newman on Synoptic Gospels
Robert C. Newman is Emeritus Professor of New Testament at Biblical Theological Seminary, and Director of the Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute. His doctorate is in theoretical astrophysics from Cornell University, and he has a M.Div. from Faith Theological Seminary, and an S.T.M. in Old Testament from Biblical Theological Seminary. He is a past President of the Evangelical Theological Society. He has done scientific research for the U.S. Weather Bureau and the Franklin Institute. He is a fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation and a member of the editorial board of its journal Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, and was formerly Chairman of its Commission on Creation. He is coauthor of Genesis One and the Origin of the Earth (Intervarsity Press, 1977, 2007), editor of The Evidence of Prophecy (IBRI, 1988), and a contributor to Youngblood, The Genesis Debate (Nelson, 1986); Kantzer and Henry, Evangelical
Affirmations (Zondervan, 1990); Montgomery, Evidence for Faith (Probe/Word, 1991); Bauman, Hall, and Newman, Evangelical Apologetics (Christian Publications, 1996); Habermas and Geivett, In Defense of Miracles (InterVarsity Press, 1997); van Gemeren, New International Dictionary of Old Testament Theology and Exegesis (Zondervan, 1997); Dembski, Mere Creation: Faith, Science and Intelligent Design (InterVarsity Press, 1998); Evans and Porter, Dictionary of New Testament Background (InterVarsity
Press, 2000); Newman, Wiester, Moneymaker and Moneymaker, What’s Darwin Got to Do with It? (InterVarsity Press, 2000); and Brasher, Encyclopedia of Fundamentalism (Routledge, 2001). He is also author of articles in The Astrophysical Journal, Planetary
and Space Science, Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, The Westminster Theological Journal, Grace Theological Journal, Concordia Journal, Presbyterion, The Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society, and Philosophia Christi. This video was made provided by Ted Hildebrandt and
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