Terry Wiles Too much water and too little sleep isn’t good for reading.
But actually, they started killing babies in Jesus’ birthplace after he was born, not before, in order to kill him. So, it really should be stated as: God sent a deliverer and then (afterwards) they started killing babies.
I don’t think there’s a Christian doesnt long for that day. I’m trying not to cry but the scripture says blessed are those that believe and haven’t seen. But it sure will be grand. Seeing Jesus is on my bucket list ?
About the only thing to do when we are raptured onto the clouds with Jesus, is to pray for the congregational members that were left behind because they lost their faith when the pretrib rapture didn’t happened.
Three days ago I got into an argument with my Atheist friend, who said that God orders that infants be dashed to pieces and that every women with child shall be ripped open, does God order this to happen as punishment or is this a prophecy…
Tim Dalton
From what I have seen for many churches, it is business as usual so keep coming back next Sunday.
Daniel J Hesse
Invite a Friend Sunday?
Varnel Watson
you either do or dont Terry Wiles
Daniel J Hesse
Be kind to Terry, he is not the least bit anxious!
Varnel Watson
I think his church will operate in the Amazon post rapture and Link Hudson will be their supreme leader
Daniel J Hesse
Gen Sup..I believe they can tell the forest from the trees there for sure.
Varnel Watson
need a new res17 navigation system for that
Terry Wiles
Troy Day. Whoever is left behind can have the building.
Varnel Watson
Link Hudson wanted your office
Terry Wiles
Troy Day it’s his. And my house, car, ,money
Varnel Watson
and the Cadillac ?
Terry Wiles
Troy Day jaja.
Varnel Watson
and what about your jet stream for missions
Terry Wiles
Those are your other friends
Nelson Banuchi
Actually, in Jesus day they started killing the babies because God sent a deliverer.
In any case, “Come, Lord Jesus! Come!”
Terry Wiles
Nelson Banuchi yes. That’s what the original post says.
Nelson Banuchi
Terry Wiles Too much water and too little sleep isn’t good for reading.
But actually, they started killing babies in Jesus’ birthplace after he was born, not before, in order to kill him. So, it really should be stated as: God sent a deliverer and then (afterwards) they started killing babies.
Terry Wiles
Nelson Banuchi lol. You are right.
Jeanette Elizondo
Daniel J Hesse
Joe Absher will be right behind the white horse.
Daniel J Hesse
I think I can see him standing right next to da hoss boss, da hoss!
Varnel Watson
carrying his cross? Joe Absher
Daniel J Hesse
On da hoss de boss carries da cross with no loss after the toss!
Joe Absher
One of the crazy street preachers I know lol
Daniel J Hesse
Joe Absher I told you all.
Daniel J Hesse
Joe Absher you keep us on track!
Joe Absher
I don’t think there’s a Christian doesnt long for that day. I’m trying not to cry but the scripture says blessed are those that believe and haven’t seen. But it sure will be grand. Seeing Jesus is on my bucket list ?
Daniel J Hesse
Joe Absher he is my bucket.
Joe Absher
…and the fountain thereof
Nelson Banuchi
How about a contingency plan if the rapture doesn’t occur?
Varnel Watson
oh we have that one already – its called NAR take over the government Angel Ruiz
Nelson Banuchi
Troy Day Sure you didn’t mean the NRA or same difference?
Varnel Watson
I think Terry Wiles rather leave his church to Trump than to Link Hudson at this time
Terry Wiles
Troy Day Doesn’t matter who takes over. “The Church” has left the building.
Daniel J Hesse
A guess we settle on counting our blessings and singing we got that mansion just over the hilltops in that bright land where we’ll never grow old…
Gary Micheal Epping
About the only thing to do when we are raptured onto the clouds with Jesus, is to pray for the congregational members that were left behind because they lost their faith when the pretrib rapture didn’t happened.
Varnel Watson
Terry Wiles is training people to run into the Amazon